Urban Hymn, a new film by Michael Caton-Jones, explores depths in London-based youth delinquents that are seldom discussed. Following Jamie, a troubled teenager, she has multiple run ins with the law. She bunks with other troubled kids and feels the need to cause trouble and harm for no true cause other than to live for the moment. But she meets Kate, a social worker, who challenges Jamie to transform herself and abandon her abrasive attitude and make something of herself. This is not a clean act as temptations in the form of possessive friend, Leanne, keeps Jamie in check and fears for being abandoned. Regardless, Kate is determined to show Jamie that she has true potential that can really take her to better places. It's a feel good movie that focuses on character and amazingly, these actors keep the momentum moving and the film more engrossing. It's well paced and sensitively directed. The music is enlightening and pivotal to the story. Wonderfully true to life, film lovers will discover that Urban Hymn really gives character study a good name!