40 of 92 found this mild
One scene shows a man and woman kiss. They discuss about taking it further, then the next scene they are seen in bed together, post sex. No nudity shown.
A man and a woman dance, and the man accidently cups the woman's breast.
A man and woman sneak into a tower and passionately kiss.
There are loads of nightclub/bar scenes. Nothing offensive is shown as everyone, patrons and dancers alike, are fully clothed.
There is no male or female nudity shown.
1st shot is women in bikini style outfits.
Male in tight underwear, only shown for seconds.
Man inside tight undies for a few seconds.
25 of 35 found this severe
A deranged couple torture a girl, and break her fingers whilst she is gagged and covered in blood. They also punch her and blood is shown over her face.
A women is killed and wrapped in a bag and dumped off in a forest.
A man who killed someone appears at a door of someones house with blood all over his face, hair and clothes.
A few muggings occur, with one woman being held down by two strong men and jewellery stolen from her.
A few dead bodies are shown at places where police appear to investigate. One dead body has slightly decomposed.
Two women fight in a car park where one woman uses a knife to stab the other in the shoulder. There is a lot of blood loss and the other woman is then stabbed in the heart and killed. A lot of blood is shown at the scene.
Lots of stabbing scenes with kitchen knives. One scene a man is stabbed multiple times in a frenzy and a lot of blood loss is shown. Two other scenes show a murderer slit two mens throats, where a lot of blood loss is shown.
A man is strangled to death with a piece of wire. He struggles but eventually loses consciousness. Scene lasts 15-20 seconds.
A man chops up a corpse with an axe in the woods. Blood is shown over the person's face, and clothes as he is dismembering the body.
20 of 31 found this moderate
On average 3-4x F word's in each episode. A few other minor swear words are infrequently said throughout each episode.
Infrequent religious swearing.
A few conversations about sex occur infrequently throughout.
14 of 25 found this severe
A man injects himself with needles. He is shown incoherent on several occasions.
One scene in a bar shows a man spike a woman's drink. The person who drinks it becomes disoriented.
Various scenes showing drinking alcohol at bars and inside houses. Beer, Wine, Cocktails and Shots. One scene in a bar where several people appear drunk and disorderly.
A man is murdered by someone who injects a needle into his arm. It is the same needle he used to inject himself with earlier. Upon inspecting the body, it shows marks where the man had injected himself on previous occasions.
A man discovers prescribed medicine found for a suspect. They discuss what has been found, such as tramadol and other morphine type related medicine. In another scene, a man discovers prescribed medicine belonging to a woman who has cancer. They discuss the tablets in detail.
13 of 25 found this moderate
A deranged couple stalk their victims before killing them.
A mother is frantically searching for her young son who she believes has been abducted by a stalker.
A man discovers a secret hideaway which has human remains inside. There are skeletons with maggots crawling over them.
A teenage girl is kidnapped after receiving chloroform by her kidnapper in a struggle. She is held in a cabin in the woods whilst the kidnapper is "joyfully singing" outside gaurding the cabin in a deranged manner.