55 of 167 found this mild
In one scene, Stuart mimicks Scarlett Overkill and her husband kissing. He moans and even grabs his own buttocks.
A Minion wears a revealing red thong as he walks over to a pool.
A minion acts suggestive towards a yellow fire hydrant thinking it's another minions, he growls at the fire hydrant.
54 of 99 found this mild
A T-rex stomps on a lizard, which disappears and then, the T-Rex is accidentally herded onto a large boulder, which rolls down a cliff with a few Minions rolling after it and we see a large lake of boiling lava below the cliff as a Minion accidentally rolls into the boulder, and the dinosaur falls over the cliff (we see and hear a loud splash of lava and the scene ends)
Minions attempt to serve despicable masters, including a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dracula, a Pharaoh, a Caveman and Napoleon Bonaparte and accident prone as they are they bring about the demise of all their masters; Dracula burns up in the sunlight, freezes in place, and becomes dust on the wind.
The death of a yeti like creature is implied when a large frozen rock falls on his head.
A time traveling scientist brings his future self back with him on each journey and we see a room full of his "selves"; one persona slams a large metal device into another self and kills him accidentally (no blood).
A family that pick up the hitchhiking minions pull out very realistic guns and put on masks before exiting the car to go rob a bank.
Three Minions hitch a ride with a family of criminals in a car (mother, father, a young boy and girl and a baby); the mother has a large knife with which she slices apples and the children eat them loudly, like animals; the humans stop at a building where they don knit hat-masks, rush out to rob a bank.
The Minions drop a pyramid onto a Pharaoh with a group of people and we never see him again.
A cave man accepts a fly swatter from Minions and slaps a bear on the nose, but it roars and chases him off-screen (suggesting the bear ate the man)
Minions fire a cannon that slips and throws Napoleon off-screen atop a cannonball; we see hundreds of Minions run away screaming.
A woman punches, kicks and throws a few dozen men to the ground and off-screen; she climbs up a pile of unconscious men and stands at the top, smiling.
69 of 97 found this to have none
58 of 90 found this to have none
Contains a scene where characters can be seen drunk.
While on Scarlet's aircraft, Stuart can be seen drinking what appears to be wine from a martini glass.
50 of 87 found this mild
The torture dungeon turns out to be a quite comical scene.
The T-Rex roaring at the end of the film may startle some viewers, and people at the movies in fear and trying to scream with white people.
A fish monster drags bob down a puddle.
Mild/Moderate for neurodivergent viewers.