This is classified as a so called TV show with 2 Seasons, but really, It's like 2 episodes of total run time length of 30 minutes apiece.DO NOT be fooled by the misleading specs.
This was actually published originally as web episodes of 5-10 minutes apiece. about 10 of them are clubbed together to make into one season of 40 minutes total. However, since the webepisodes are concatenated quite literally, you get interrupted every 5 minutes with the ending credits of the first webepisode and the opening sequence of the next webepisode. The actual content of the webepisode is effectively 5 minute long. Add to this, the fact that, each of the subsequent webepisode shows "Previously on ....." chewing up the effective 5 minute screen time.
Now add to this, the fact that this thing used the EXACT same title including the spelling mistake of the much bigger TV Show Perhaps deliberately or may be not. Both were created in 2012, so difficult to tell.
As to the actual story, its utter nonsense low budget rendering of 2001 a space odyssey having the onboard computer gone rogue giving the humans on the ship amnesia. The budget is exceedingly low and it shows. Acting is horrendous and on screen chemistry is non-existent. The CGI quality is rather poor. The plot holes are extremely glaring and too numerous to bother listing here.