21 of 65 found this mild
There are a couple of after-sex scenes, but both are covered.
Couples kissing passionately, then camera cut and scene is resumed, while they are naked but covered with blanket.
17 of 32 found this moderate
This is on the cusp of cartoonish and real: The battle has lots of blood and lasers and there is a Ceaseresque assassination scene.
A woman's neck is snapped.
A man is shot in the head, We see his body with blood all over his face.
Frequent stabbings and shootings with constant post-action blood detail.
A man's throat is slit, No blood or gore is seen.
A man is stabbed in the neck, Some blood is seen on his body.
Woman choked by a man screaming open your eyes, look at me.
In the directors cut, battle scenes are full of constant, over-the-top blood and gore as heads and bodies are splattered and vaporized by high powered weapons. Hatchets, blades, and farmer tools are used to hack, stab, and chop up combatants with blood spurting everywhere.
Level of violence: 6/10. Amount of blood.
Strong violence.
10 of 23 found this mild
1x F bomb.
1 use of bast*rd, f**k, s**t each.
13 of 20 found this to have none
Celebration with drinking.
8 of 24 found this moderate
A child is shot, a hand is cut off but replaced by cybernetics (the same hand is lost again later on).
The directors cut is rated R: for strong bloody violence and gore throughout, strong sexuality, nudity, and some language.