1272 of 2252 found this to have none
There are a few mild references to sex.
The only nudity that is displayed in this show is buttocks nudity and it is only seen from Titans as Titans are fully naked but have no genitalia whatsoever. On a couple of occasions we see buttocks nudity from humans but it's not sexual at all.
Mainly just some kisses but thats it.
One kiss scene, not graphic.
The show is far from sexual, with little to no innuendo, flirting, or kissing. Some mild sexual references.
1379 of 1508 found this severe
Some violence is shown. Blood is shown when characters are fighting against Titans. But it is animated so not too gruesome.
When violence occurs, there is no gore, but there is tons of blood.
Titans cause havoc in cities and destroy buildings.
The characters' faces are often covered in blood when they are in a fight.
Numerous innocent civilians are killed throughout the series, such as men, women, and children alike. They are often crushed by falling debris from buildings and but no blood is seen. These scenes are meant to display the casualties of war.
Many fight scenes between humans and Titans, which can be brutal.
The other titans, look less scary/unsettling and the other titans (colossal titans, armored titans). The titans from episode 6 and onwards also don't eat people as they are actually humans who can't get back to their human-state.
The pure titans that were in the first 6 episodes, don't have any humans controlling them. So they think that swallowing a person whole would transform them into a titan that has a conscious. The other titans have people controlling them and the other titans can actually speak.
Characters are sometimes killed by others with some blood is shown.
Occasional wounds seen on titans. We see them regenerating their bodies a few times.
710 of 1239 found this moderate
"Sons of the devil's whore" is said a few times in Season 4.
Some occasional instances of PG-13 rated curse words such as "bitch" are present in the subtitles, but more often PG-13 rated language such as " "shit", ass", "damn", "hell", "bastard", etc.
The series has mild to moderate language.
Some characters are seen with blood on their face and hands.
The English dub has no uses of "fuck", but it still contains frequent language particularly. However, there are more use of "son of a bitch" than in the Japanese version. Starting in Season 2, "goddamn" is also used, but other words like "hell", "damn", "bastard", "piss", "God", "crap", "ass", "asshole" and "shit" are used regularly.
943 of 1213 found this mild
One character is considered an alcoholic, drinking whiskey for several times he's on-screen.
Some characters are seen smoking cigarettes.
A group of men are seen clearly drunk.
Infrequent drinking in some episodes.
1115 of 1247 found this severe
Many characters go slightly crazy as they know they are going to die when they go into the war.
The fact that most of the people going to war are only young teenagers (14-16) is quite shocking.
Some moderate violence with blood against titans.
Most of the battles throughout are long, drawn out and start with little to no warning.
Most of the characters except the main character die at a point in the show. Which can be quite emotional.
The stakes of the storyline, involving the fate of entire cities, nations, and humanity itself, are extremely high.
Rated R for strong frequent violence, mild language.
Brilliantly made, but can be very sad at times.
The show never feels dark, as the art style is very colourful and characters always have a sense of moral and justice. But almost all battle sequences have bloody images. But gore is never generally shown.
The art style of the anime is very colourful, it almost goes completely against the themes of the show.