From the other side of the world, I can honestly say that I enjoyed this 3part series. I found it much more enjoyable that some episodes of Midsomer Murders that seem to be repeating on our local channels interminably, although some of them ARE intriguing. The bewilderment and disbelief of the siblings was extremely poignant, especially Mark's belief that he would be able to return to his 'life' in London and forget what had happened - as if! I suppose if you live in England, some of the action might seem unbelievable, but as an outsider, watching the lives of the people in 'The Town' seemed quite believable to me. But then, I also enjoyed the Harry Potter series and recently the re-run of Independence Day. I suppose you just have to accept that what you are watching is 'theatre', even though it's on the screen, and accept it as that. If you want realism, watch a documentary. If you want atmosphere, pretty scenery and a (reasonably) plausible story line, you really can't complain about 'The Town'. I watched it in one hit after recording it from free-to-air, and I'm glad I did. Go on, make yourself a cup of coffee, put your feet up, and watch the complete series on DVD. You won't regret it - unless you are young and prefer your TV viewing to be full of action.