Mixology (TV Series 2013–2014) Poster


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Shooting Yourself in the Foot
fdbjr26 July 2014
Everything that the negative reviews of this show report is valid. It begins at an incredible level of vulgarity and I came yea close to moving on in the first five minutes. I'd only hope that no adolescent male ever takes this as having any relation to the actual reality of courting women, let alone succeeding at it.

But I did stay with it, for no other reason than that the concept was really inventive, and some of the jokes were pretty good. As the show develops, much of the moronic vulgarity morphs into lively and credible characterizations, a lot more common sense than anyone could expect from the horrid beginning, and - as hard as this may be to believe - there is a considerable amount of wisdom in the discussion of relationships, and men and women. The jokes are very, very good, and the actors are uniformly excellent. So first impressions tend to be not very accurate. I think the notion of the creators' was to show this male chauvinistic fog gradually lifting, but they badly miscalculated. I don't really blame any viewer that gave up after the first ten minutes.

But the bottom line is that I found the show inventive, funny, actually rather sensible, and worth the time. Eight stars just to lift it above the magic 7.0.
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funny and different
blowfly1330 March 2014
The reviews of this show are really cracking me up. It's a show about some people at a bar for one night, but the reviewers seem to be expecting Chekhov-level depth, and depth, and character. Are you kidding? What do these reviewers act like at a bar? People go to drink and have fun and maybe hookup or maybe meet someone. These reviewers must be such total buzz kills.

I like this show. I think it's really funny, and it makes me laugh out loud. I loved the episode with the Hawaiian guys. The guy who plays Bruce is hilarious and I'd go see him do standup. The bitchy girl is somewhat intriguing. The dialog is unexpected and unusual. I find the show different. It doesn't take itself seriously, and it suggests that the viewer not take all this love crap seriously. It shows women what guys are really like at a bar, and that is a super helpful lesson for any woman who thinks she's going to meet the love of her life at one. (Disclaimer: Well, I did meet my husband at a bar. But that's unusual.) I could do without the English guy and the girl with the voice of a two-year old.

I hope it gets renewed.
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Sadly underrated and under-appreciated series that was very witty and funny with a great cast of newcomers.
This show is a perfect example when a show is too good for its audience and it is aired in the wrong network, just like DON'T TRUST THE BITCH IN APARTMENT 23. Both shows had smart writing, comedic wit to spare and a great cast, but they were both too smart for audiences that would rather have the juvenile humor of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER and THE KING OF QUEENS, two shows that overstayed their welcome by at least 5 seasons and could have not been more overrated.

Everyone in the cast shines. The concept was great and it is unfortunate that we will not see what other directions the series would have taken, but at least it was given the chance to end and it was given a good resolution to all its characters for the short one season it lasted.
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fresh and NOT about a dysfunctional family, at last!
rushmore127 February 2014
Finally a fresh new format for a sitcom - and these do NOT come often. Yes there are no stars in it (remember when Friends, Cheers, Seinfeld, Curb, Taxi, Simpsons started????) and yes it's a little edgy (no edgier than Modern Family, just without the cheese), it's a show with a voice that dares to say this isn't for everyone. Some may be offended at the humor, but just because you're offended, it doesn't mean you're right. This is funny, funny, funny. One ep in and I can tell we will grow to know and love these characters week-on-week. We'll look forward to coming back to them each ep to see who makes it and who falls flat on their face in the game of love. Great job ABC!
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People have fun at a bar
sahara_kuiper27 September 2014
Every person who says this show is terrible just doesn't get it. It's not supposed to be some high brow nonsense, its fun, and cheesy and kinda cliché and tongue in cheek and THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT AWESOME. It is an interesting concept and is fun to watch the night pan out and learn more about these characters, however ridiculous they are. I do believe this is a show that is best watched in one/two/three sittings as opposed to once a week. Its on netflix so get on it. Just watch it and give it a chance; if you don't like it then you are a dowdy unpleasant person with no sense of fun. Or you just don't like it and that's cool too. Either way, I think it is excellent.
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Shallow and Repetitive
SnoopyStyle23 March 2014
The show takes place in one night at a Manhattan bar with 10 people. Each episode is titled after 2 or 3 of the characters as the show follows their stories. Sometimes there are flashbacks to take the show out of the bar, but mostly it takes place in the bar.

First off, I'm tired of this bar. While a bar could be fun, it doesn't mean that everybody wants to be spend forever at the bar in the same night. I think most of the audience would get tired of a show that never leaves one place and never leaves that one night. It's kind of the definition of purgatory.

Second, the characters aren't that interesting. Of course, they're being cornered into one night in their lives. I doubt anybody could be that interesting for long if all we have is one night. On top of that, most of the characters are fairly shallow. I can't see them grow that much as characters in one night. It's a TV version of 'Groundhog Day' without the Bill Murray character who gets to change and grow.

The actors are a nice bunch who are relative unknowns. The only one I know from before is Vanessa Lengies. They all do a good job in their individual characters. However they can't really overcome the inherit problems of the premise.

EDIT: I stuck it out through its entire run. Luckily, I liked some of the characters. Nobody annoyed me too much. It was a spring replacement that got canceled after half a season. Quite frankly, I don't know how much story is left in that one night to squeeze out. I've revised my vote from a 5 to a 6. It's a barely pass.
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Why this is a great show.
sodermark-joachim13 March 2014
It's not complicated. I get that some people don't get it and might find it offensive, but i guess doctors find scrubs offensive as well.

It's funny, because it's true.

I have worked in the restaurant industry for 15 years. I have started up hipster bars and fine dining restaurants and this is the way people hook up in a bar.

Is it a bit exaggerated? Well it's TV so yes. But overall It's the way a bar works.

If you ever picked up women in a bar or guys, or worked in a hipster bar, You love this show :D
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I have to admit, it's pretty funny..
sanjin_96329 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show is funny. Period. It has funny characters. Almost every character has his or her moments throughout a delightful format of 13 episodes. I'm not going out on a limb here, when I say that this was never getting a season two and it's better that way.

You can't help but sympathize with almost every character. I found myself rooting for all of them. The gullible ones (the hopeless romantics, if you will) and the not so gullible ones.

If you're watching the show in order to learn how to pick up women, you're looking in the wrong place, even though there are some interesting aspects mentioned. First and foremost this show is about making one laugh.
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Satire about love and night life
miamiheat8726 August 2014
If you like satire and understand the dating scene when going out, I think you'll enjoy this show. It isn't a realistic depiction if what happens but shows you the funny side of things when meeting new people or running into ex's.

A lot of reviews say it is dumb, bad, and without content. The entertainment that comes from this is subtle, reading in between the lines, and understanding everything behind it.

I can agree with them on one thing, it is a simplistic view of night life. I love it as it basically makes fun of it. So if you go out at night and have a good amount of experience mingling with the opposite sex, I think you'll find those show a funny way of passing the time.
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Syrup of Ipecac
jaiami27 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Take one part arrogance, two parts stupidity, three parts promiscuity, a dash of overacting, a pinch of deplorable, stir and what do you get? Mixology. This glass is not even half empty, it is bone dry. Nowadays, with so much quality television programming coming from the cable stations, you would think that the networks, with their superior resources and availability, would overwhelm them with superior shows instead of aiming for the gutter as they have done here. One embarrassing cancellation after another, and none of the networks have learned a thing. I guess if you can't develop a hit show, you simply lower the requirement to be a hit show. Apparently, if 5 million people watch, it's a big hit now. Ten years ago, that would have been unthinkable.

Mixology now means, take a room full of empty-headed, 30-something, single, narcissistic, over-sexed, pea-brains; listen in as they degrade and demean everyone else, plot to bed anyone that will have them, talk inappropriately to others they don't know, and think the world revolves around their libido. Watching this show actually kills more brain cells than smoking a pack of cigarettes during the 30 minutes this rancid garbage airs. If it gets picked up for another season, I'm sure the network will have to attached a Surgeon General warning to it.

This junk belongs on BRAVO or TLC.
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Quite funny
knowlesy8210 May 2014
Alright let's begin with the fact that most of the reviews seem to be pretty negative for this show. I don't quite understand why...

If I could compare this show to anything I would say it's like a sitcom dedicated to Barney in 'How I met your mother'

People are quite capable of reading what the show is about so if you don't think it's for you then fine don't watch it but I personally enjoy seeing the interactions between people.

The character development and how they meet and interact with each other is quite enjoyable to watch.

I understand that it probably wouldn't sell to an older audience but I believe that it's believable to an extent and quite humorous.
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Hipster Chic?
exphilesphan22 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When you dip your toe into the Mixology pool, you hit concrete before the water reaches your nail. Not to say that those who work or have worked in a hipster bar, or picked up women or guys in bars wouldn't love this show. The depth to concrete for this hipster set is probably the same. Shallow people attract shallow people. And, I guess there is a market for those shallow individuals who can put the time and date together, and tune in the television with enough accuracy to watch. But, probably not enough to keep this on the air any longer than a hipster long-term relationship.

However, that being said, this program could be a Friends-sized hit with a couple small changes:

1) Hire an entirely new cast;

2) Hire an entirely new writing staff;

3) Hire new directors, producers, assistants, etc.; and

4) Change the name and setting of the program.

There, just a few small changes to make this program watchable. Oh, and publish the names of those so called critics who named this the best new program of 2014. I bet they are all "John Smith."
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MacCarmel27 February 2014
I found the writing to be shockingly dreadful, offensive and virulently anti-female. Television critic Tim Goodman nailed this show when he wrote "The level of tone deafness in the writing of Mixology is astounding." And continues on to call it "a misogynistic piece of frat-boy awfulness".

The way these men think about and speak about women is nothing short of appalling. The women aren't much better as their near total lack of self-worth is contained in every word and every too short skirt. The whole thing calls out for a cultural intervention / revolution.

We should be so lucky as for Mixology's inevitable cancellation to serve notice on Hollywood executives that this kind of writing has got to go. Enough. No more.
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A Fantastic New Show
ronasrules-938-8925263 March 2014
This is an excellent new show and a great new concept. The series is funny and engaging and the first in the long time with some real romantic potential. The cast is interesting and different and I believe they will prove to be a fun group to "hang out" with. I particularly enjoy Ginger Gonzaga (Maya) and Kate Simses (Liv) the bad girl/good girl team, Blake Lee (Tom) the endearing nerd, and Adam Campbell (Ron) the sexy Englishman with a somewhat checkered past. Even Bruce, the obnoxious and graceless bad-boy, may have some hidden potential. I expect to become a regular viewer and look forward to getting to know them all and becoming involved in their entanglements.
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Different, funny, liked it!
chitranggolvelker11 May 2015
Just finished watching Mixology, its hilarious.

The fact that this show is getting either 1 or 5 stars means its not for everyone, you either love it or hate it. But whoever gets it, I am sure they will love it.

Don't just go by the negative reviews. Give it a shot to judge it yourself.

Its different, not your regular day to day show. The jokes are funny. All the characters did a great job. Also as they say for shows on Network - if its good, its going to get canceled soon! :) I would love to see a second season of this show. May be with same cast, but a different situation.
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Reminds me of my bar days
ScottieEbright1 April 2014
I had seen this show previewed and thought what a stupid show. Well thankfully I have Hulu plus. Wow, this show has had me laughing and remembering what it is like to try and pick up guys in the bar.

When you give this show a chance you will realize that it's the story of your bar life too! Right down to the crying girl in the bathroom, the just-out-of-a-relationship guy, the hot bartender, the guy that thinks he can get every woman and the friend that complains about everything only to realize that she is the problem. Be sure to give this show a chance because you will be glad you did!

Hilarious antics and true stories fly about! Love this show!
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wahoo88889 March 2014
My mother taught me if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to discuss possible reasons why the quality of network television programming has degraded so rapidly these past few years:

1) TV executives are just so stupid that they actually think these programs are good;

2) TV executives have such a low opinion of the American audience that they actually think we think these programs are good;

3) The American audience is actually so stupid that they actually think these programs are good;

4) Hollywood is guided by inexpensive focus groups located in trailer parks throughout the country; or

5) We all just have to accept the fact that TV programming will play to the lowest level of society because they will continue buy all the stupid stuff advertised on TV.

We all should be embarrassed by the quality of programs that are making it on air these days. If they truly are a reflection of society, then God help us all.
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Fun, interesting, lively, surprising human interaction
mik-trotman17 April 2014
I am amazed at the extreme negative views expressed here about this excellent series.

So I'm adding my enthusiasm to help redress the balance.

I think the situation is a great scenario to enable short snippets of many different people interacting over a longer story arc. Each pairing and potential relationship carries it's own twisting plot and so keeps every scene interesting as part of a multi-plot development.

All the people are fun and interesting and I'd prefer meeting any of them in a bar to most of the cardboard cut-outs inhabiting prime-time comedy shows.

Unlike some others I like the English guy (as he at least has some manners) and I like the girl with the squeaky voice as she struggles with a sudden change of perception of the world and her life. Bruce is probably the least likable person - but he has built such an elaborate, fascinating set of rules and beliefs to prop himself up that it is wonderful to watch them break against reality. The 'this is a woman' speech he gave in episode 3 to Jessica's friend with all the back-handed compliments to Jessica was a (minor) television moment - and shows that the series has some good writers backing it up.

I find myself looking forward each week to seeing what will happen next.

I hope this series lasts and some other duds - e.g 'The Crazy Ones', 'Trophy Wife' - get more life and depth to their characters or just fade into the pastel background of their sets.
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interstellar888831 March 2014
It's too bad that trashy shows like this seem to be all that the networks can produce these days. I guess there are those Einsteins that frequent bars and act like this so this childish, immature, baseless drivel would appeal to them, but hopefully, educated people would turn away. I find it shocking that anyone would find a show about adults acting this way entertaining. I truly feel sorry for them. Sure TV shows are not real life and we need to give a lot of leeway concerning plot and substance. But, there are already too many morons on the air, it is time we up the ante. It is time TV executives stop producing shows for those with less than a third grade education or that call themselves blowfly and start creating product for educated watchers before they all just leave the bar.
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honestly could anybody possibly think this show looks appealing?
rehabdoc9 March 2014
Just awful. You would have to have absolutely no taste at all to like this. I believe the positive reviews are by studio plants. A bunch of caricatures and unfunny, sarcastic , "banter".

The commercials marketing the show also are terrible as well. Who approved those? They are annoying.

Its really kind of insulting, especially placing this after Modern Family, which is an absolutely brilliant show. Mixology is the worst show on scripted prime time that I can remember. Yes worse than the worst of those CW shows. It reminds me of one of those fake commercials for fake shows you sometimes see on SNL.
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Have a bit of an open mind, consider not all television is meant to be "realistic"
lthomsondesa17 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After reading a lot of the other reviews I've decided to preface mine with this: If you are incapable of appreciating some satire satire, don't bother watching. If you expect every TV show to be a perfect representation of real life, or close to the other end of the spectrum: you expect all TV shows to not contain any representation/depiction of scummy/misogyny that occurs in real life in any way other than damning it then again, don't bother watching. However, this is nowhere near Blue Mountain State misogyny.

Mixology takes a different approach to the traditional sitcom format. The entire one season series is contained within one night at a seemingly popular bar in NYC. While the characters are somewhat exaggerated representations of the average individual, I don't think people really watch TV shows because they're average. Nobody lives the life of Ted Mosby from HIMYM, or Joey in Friends, so yeah its a little cheesy and exaggerated but I would attribute that primarily to the fact that they had to fit a great deal of character development. I think this choice of format was a fun approach, rather than make season after season with at least the occasional filler episode, the creators of this show sought to portray what I would call the dating condition as opposed to the human condition.

The characters are funny exaggerations of people we (or at least I) know. The show follows these individuals through one night at the bar. Each episode brings you into a different level of depth in the characters, and yeah most all of the characters have some less than desirable trait(s), some of which may be found as offensive. This is where I say you can argue that the show is actually a little more realistic than most sitcoms; most of these characters aren't super likable a lot of the time, but guess what? There are a lot of not super likable people. Not every sitcom has to have all highly likable characters.

Overall points to note: Will you be dying of laughter the whole show? Perhaps, it would depend on your sense of humor and I suppose potentially having an interest in psychology or sociology would help too. I don't however feel that the only goal was to entertain in just a comedic fashion. It's an entertaining take on what could be considered years of bar experiences compressed pretty smoothly into one seasons worth of television. For what it is I truly enjoyed it. The show doesn't follow same old same old sitcom formatting or goals, I think if your open minded about that fact then you'll enjoy this show as well.
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Far better than "HIMYM"
kiran-per-sempre25 April 2014
Though this seems like a shallow comedy at first viewing, eventually you will realize that this has more heart and better writing than HIMYM. HIMYM always depended on shallow emotions, goofy situations etc, but mixology is driven solely by intelligent,witty interaction between the protagonists. Even though the male trio does have something similar to the "bro code", it never becomes bizarre and irritating. The scenes are short and sweet and each episode is just short enough to convince you that all this is happening in one night. So its well edited. The series is well casted and so far everyone has done justice to their roles.
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A good comedy
cammy998722 April 2014
Overall is a good show. It takes maybe 3-4 episodes to actually get into it, if you watch the pilot and don't love it, but don't hate it just give it a go and i think it will grow on you.

The characters each go into their own story and is an enjoyable show to watch as you follow each of the characters throughout the course of their night at the bar. The show also tells about everyone's back story and features flashbacks to their births and childhood as to who it made them who they are today. Some of the show also includes flashbacks to side story's they tell which are shot outside the bar in a "flashback" sequence.
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Mixology - needs a bromo seltzer
duraflex29 March 2014
Insipid, crude and stupid.

A cast of misfits and overwhelmingly unappealing characters.

This is no-class TV.

Sitcoms don't get much worse than this - except maybe TWO BROKE GIRLS which is equally crude.

There's nothing clever or meaningful here - just sad, pathetic millennials with no depth of character, no values and no sense of direction.

I don't remember what show ABC dumped to air this tripe but it couldn't have been this bad.

UPDATE: ABC cancelled this mess after airing just a few horrible episodes. If MIXOLOGY actually represented the upcoming generation, we would be in very deep trouble. Fortunately, most of the people I know of that age are a lot better than this.
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Best Comedy in Decades!
FireHorse4184 April 2014
I haven't laughed out loud this hard since Office Space.

Finally, cerebral wit that's relatable yet novel.

To those who find this uniquely offensive....have you been sleeping under a rock? It's television! Networks continuously try to one-up each other on sex, violence and gore. You can't get away from it. At least this show doesn't take itself seriously. It's set in a bar, for God's sake.

Thank you, ABC. Desperately hoping for a second season. Otherwise, you'll find me plastered, bored out of my mind, and waiting to be hit on at my local hangout.
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