Petites mains (2024) Poster


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Worst acting
wooki-592069 September 2024
It's really not a comedy , sound more like a drama .... The plot sounded good. But. The acting of Corinne masiero did kill it. In less than 5 mns. If I can call her actress. She doesn't need any help to destroy a movie by her really bad acting ... she should stay in politics And not bring socialism acting in movies . Anyway it was really painful to watch and at the end I didn't remember if I was what hung a movie. Or a political activist .... Can we deserve better acting ? Better movies. Better filming better motion pictures ??? French movies and french comedians/actors disappeared after 2005 sadly.....
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social justice for all ... now!
anxiousgayhorseonketamine5 September 2024
This is most excellent

  • it shows the cleaning ladies of a Luxury Hotel 16.000 Euros/night (more than these women earn in a year) for the top suite getting reamed by management and farmed out services sub-contractors and all these beautiful weapons of Neoliberalism/Globalism etc etc

  • for examples they are not even given enough vacuum cleaners to do the punishing gymkhana tasks they are asked to do some of their overtime is not even renumerated

  • It shows how unless put under extreme pressure they will not EVER care about les petites mains / helpers /the little people who keep their establishment running

  • Most of these exploited women are West-Africans also struggling with residency issues with The State

  • It is done very stylishly here we have a main actress quite magnetic she is too but really it is about all of them here; and in a wider fashion all the exploited of modern-day capitalist shenanigans

  • We are for British/Anglo-saxon viewers in Ken Loach territory here deep in it in fact

More of these films need to be made; this one here a fine example. If you are interested in social justice and the obscene excesses of Capitalism treat yourself to this.
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