The Golden Bachelor (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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A bit disappointed
rmulder-553975 October 2023
Watched the first show and was not impressed seems more like a soap opera than real life, I thought it would be much different from the regular bachelor shows, do women really fall madly in love with someone after seeing and spending a few moments together, that's kinda strange more of a contest and everyone wants to win, I had very high hopes when I started watching since I'm a senior and this is about seniors, I'm planning to watch a couple more episodes and hopefully it'll get better, and the women in tears that didn't get picked is more about pride then a broken heart, of course my opinion only.
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We are hoping the women are all actresses
charlottestreet-2834630 September 2023
This will be a very painful show to watch if the women aren't actresses cast in the roles of contestants. They are putting themselves out there to be judged by viewers, manipulated by producers and ultimately rejected while the world witnesses the palpable disappointment on their faces - unless the show is completely scripted.

The difference between the original Bachelor show contenders and the golden beauties is that these successful women don't need to humiliate themselves to prove they have value to offer. They have already proven their worth by living lives as independent women.

The consensus in our household is that the women should ditch the prospect of dating a man in his early 70s and instead go for a much younger guy.

With that said, Gerry seems like a nice guy - who regularly cries showing that his emotions run deep just below the surface- so hoping he can handle what the show is about to throw at him and not make him wish he chose a dating app instead.
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This Gold Has No Shine
lately-7302418 October 2023
Kudos for the Experiment but oops, fumble. Old people seeking romance is, in a word, BORING! What makes the Bachelor genre entertaining is the pettiness and immaturity of young people. These senior citizens are too marure to be entertaining. Too nice. Too mutually supportive. The Golden Bacbelor is a doufus. Decent guy. Kind. Honest. Passionate. Thoughtful. Considerate. Ideal for a familial patriarch. But totally unentertaining for the anchor of a reality t.v. Show. Who wants to watch a movie about a lovable teddy-bear grandpa, I ask? Answer is: no one! This series has made its bread and butter on irrational drama. No fun without it.
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So delightful!
madmaywebdesign6 October 2023
First off, this is WAY better than traditional bachelor. The women are so great and positive and supportive! It is much more fun to watch than a bunch of cutthroat woman hating ladies fighting over some dude. They are mature and they have been through life, they are not petty and mean. Gary is delightful! He is such a sweetheart and you can't help but root for him and his path to find love. There are always some "villains" but they are still decent people with depth. I love this version of the bachelor and hope they have many more seasons! I just hope the producers don't ruin it by stirring up unnecessary drama and by picking lame cast members. IF they keep it real, this will be the best series in the franchise in my opinion!
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Real Housewives: Bachelor Edition
greyfeatherd29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show isn't about the older Bachelor, focus is on the plastic fantastic women. Rich and pampered vibes are over the top with the primarily white and blonde hopefuls.

A certain smugness and overall arrogance exudes from these women.

Entitled and clearly very pleased with themselves.

The two down to Earth ladies were passed over during the rose ceremony.

Back to the bachelor and it was cringey listening to this widowed exclaim how this evening of revolving door of older ladies was the best tiem of his life, that it was like the best Christmas morning ever.

This from a Father who was married 43 years before his wife passed.


Hard pass.
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carafandel8 October 2023
I was hoping for a mature approach to this show. Instead, it's mature-aged people (in my age range) acting like they are 20-year-olds. How embarrassing! I've seen a few of the shows in the past with younger people who acted giddy, backstabbing and unrealistically stupid. I chalked that up to pressure to perform in front of cameras on a "reality show".

But as we age, learning life's stupid lessons kicks in and we have less patience for the ridiculous and more wisdom in our choices. Or so I thought... I haven't seen one honest conversation so far (we're pretty much past the games by now) and women supporting women (we invented the term "sisterhood"). And we don't automatically kiss a stranger, despite what someone else says (read: director). With age comes wisdom, not ignorance.
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Mature behaviour
chermcguire7 October 2023
The best of the Bachelorette bachelor series. This is reality, the closest to real characters. Gerry is handsome and has aged like a fine wine. Extremely compassionate. He connects with each woman. The women are of different races, are different sizes, and vastly different personalities. I love respect they have for each other..not at all like the caddy crap that goes on in the junior versions. There is more enjoyment and anticipation in this series...and the women that are let go are let down softly. This show will catch on and the next will probably be The Golden Bachelorette! But...I've only watched the first three episodes. The show could turn on a dime, however, I am glued already. Now could we get The Golden Bachelors/Bachelorettes in Paradise. That show needs some help!
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Just embarrassing
cockezville6 December 2023
Dear God, the world has become a place of histrionic narcissists all vying for their one moment of self importance. What self respecting, strong woman would throw down her feminist sword and submit to this horrific display of media torture. Quite frankly, they all come off as needy and desperate with an over abundance of crocodile tears. And they all parade around their aging bodies, and sob stories for what, to gain a man who is so desperate he can't live alone. And this guy is just a wimp, cries at the drop of a cue card like an actor in a B Hallmark movie. The guy just creeps me out. I feel sorry for his children who were probably paid by the network to look supportive.
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So Wonderful To See Us Old Foggies Getting Some Love!!
heykateforever30 September 2023
I KNEW this show would get creamed in ratings in here because, having just turned 70 AND having the audacity to be a Boomer, well, it's a double social no-no whammy! Even though, without us, the people bashing us Boomers wouldn't BE HERE to bash us! I loved the first episode. I loved seeing the beautiful older women and the handsome 71 year old guy at the center. We watch these shows (Bachelor Nation) because we enjoy a running discussion of mockery. But this was different because FINALLY, a network looked at us, not as old and useless, but beautiful and deserving of love, too!!!! I guarantee my review will get blasted here. I'm used to it because, well, it seems to me the only exception on the WOKE menu is the elderly! Why? I honestly don't know unless the youngsters are afraid to look at their own futures because they all will get here if they are lucky!!

So, I LOVED The Golden Bachelor and have new respect for ABC for having the guts to approach their formula with an older audience! I thought the women were absolutely beautiful and honestly? If I closed my eyes, they acted JUST LIKE their younger counterparts. I took away a star for having guts, but only for an hour. Definitely needed two hours even if just for the first show!

Highly recommend this version to ALL ages. You might learn we aren't, in our hearts and personalities, that much different from the youngsters they usually showcase! Three cheers for ABC. Now, WATCH IT!!! Or it will be a one season wonder!!
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The Golden goose
wicken-7935729 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK let me just start by saying the bachelor series needs to stop all together. It was cute the first couple of seasons and then it has evolved into a pathetic attempt at 15 minutes of fame. It is fake, it is scripted, and it is not entertainment. The women on the golden bachelor are nothing but a bunch of plastics. Self-absorbed, self-centered and just looking to get their 15 minutes. The only decent ones were passed over in the first rose ceremony. I think this man is going to be very disappointed. He's wasting his time. Nothing is going to come of this at all. And shame on his family for encouraging this. You can tell in his interview he is still mourning the loss of his wife of 43 years. Do better ABC.
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It's golden!
angelstiara14 November 2023
Coming from a 28 year old, I LOVE the golden bachelor! It's so refreshing watching women who (mostly) aren't going on tv to get their instagram followers up. All the ladies seemed like they already know who they are and aren't still trying to "find themselves".

It's definitely not as dramatic as The Bachelor, but I think that's part of the spark about it. Most women seemed very genuine and there to meet someone. I thought Gerry was sweet and kind. Just seemed like a warm and wholesome guy (which is lacking in the younger generations).

I'd DEFINITELY watch the Golden Bachelorette!! Bring it on!
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GERRY is a Fraud, 70 the forgotten demographic
reasonabledreams27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never watch these shows. Being a mature woman, I was drawn to this like a car crash. 50, 60+ the forgotten demographic. They say there's a lot of sex activity in retirement homes.

The producers didn't do their due diligence.

**There will be an Act 2 next year. "GERRY changed after we got married. My dream became a nightmare." I wiil now say, after the finale &information on line, I called it. I didn't buy Mr Perfects act, or his last attempt at love after his wife died, Suddenly 6 yrs ago.

Comes to light he had a live-in fiancee for 2.5 yrs shortly after his wife's death (there is an inference on line, suspicious. ) She left him for being too controlling. He is manipulative & looking for a Cash Cow, started seeing her shortly after his wife's sudden death. He may have thrown the Girlftirnd/fiancee down the stairs, she was injured, when she wanted to leave. He told the last 3 women, I LOVE you, U R THE ONE. Someone suggested they hope these women are actresses. Not to be the pot who calls the kettle black, they are very Naive. He let each woman think they had a "special connection." Mr. PERFECT in a controlled circumstances, only a few hours contact. He seemed very inauthentic to me.

I wrote after Episode 6, 3 left- Garry is so touchy-feely sentimental. I dont believe it. He makes the woman, at least on camera, think he is THE One.

He looks better than average for 72, Tall not pauchy, not too jowly (skinny bird legs). On camera he says what they want to hear. He is not Retired, I assume solvent. Most of the women look like they've had plastic surgery & knee surgery (the knees go), mostly thin, 61 to 74. All the women think they have "a special connection" and most are declaring they are (falling) in love. After each date, that one relates to the others how magical it was.

He picks 3 to meet their family, After 2 "private dates". Of course he gets along with all families He is a manipulative camilian. Truth is, a few short dates is not enough time to know anyone. What you don't know, ur brain & ur hopes fills in.

This creates an artificial situation In which the women vying for his attention have a must win. It is a competition. "Choose me" I want to be the winner. On outward appearance & limited contact, Gary is the perfect guy.

SPOILERS He declares strong feelings for each one, as they each declare their love. Without making a commitment. He won't move to be close to someone else's family, but 2out of 3 expect it. What they do not seem to realize, he was cast for a reason. They hope, think he will be their last great love. They all seem like nice, ordinary women, surrounded by family, which is not always the case as you get older.

Gary is a potential for all the women. Potential love is not love, If he even really feels anything. Now he is supposed to choose last 3 after 2 private dates.

Spolier- last 3, he drops Faith who was sure she was chosen. Broken hearted, but you missed a Bullet, Faith.

Last 2 overnight private dates. Leslie clearly slept with him and Bought a 60k wedding dress, you can't take it with you. He also sleeps with Theresa, and after finding out how financially successful Theresa was, he chooses his Cash Cow.

Someone gave him a tag line he overuses, looking for the one, Not that he can live with, but who he can't live without. LESLIE You escaped! You wanted to believe, I understand.

In real life, initial chemistry is not enough for marriage at any age. And no one knows anyone, yet.

They have scheduled a TV live wedding Jan2024. THERESA RUN before it's too late.
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Stop with the madness, please!
First off, the whole Bachelor series should've been canceled a long time ago. It's been coming on since I was 9-years-old. It doesn't have its spark anymore. It's cringey, monotonous, idiotic, and most likely staged. People finding a spouse this way is bizarre. You have to allow yourself to be vulnerable to a certain point when you date, but this show is just insane. As if it wasn't bad enough to have people in their 20s vying for the attention of and humiliating themselves for some person of the opposite sex by playing games, as well as feeling up on/making out with each other, now they have a man, 70 years of age, who's in the market for a new wife. Yes, I used the word market, because it's like he's shopping.

And by the way - society really needs to stop promoting the idea that men become more and more attractive as they age. I remember this woman on QVC selling some kind of anti-aging serum, and she said the bags under her husband's eyes made him look distinguished. Boo, nobody looks distinguished with bags under their eyes. They look tired and nothing else. Aging is a natural process. Your body and face changes. No man's sexiness increases once he reaches his 60s or 70s... Even if he started out handsome. Take Roger Moore, for example. He was dreamy in his younger days. However, beyond his 50s, he no longer looked the same. He was a caring and funny person up until his last day on this earth, but his looks had faded. That's just how life goes.

Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the Golden Bachelor. He lost his wife, so I do hope he finds love. But this show has worn out its welcome. Switching it up by having it be some kind of a senior citizen theme is just an opportunity for the network executives to cash in.
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Beautiful visuals, dramatic and manipulative dissapointment
tanyagoldstein2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show started very promising on the mature note, it's nice to see ladies taking care of their health and presentation as time passed.

Everyone liked Gary, very polite, courteous, made the ladies feel as if everyone had a chance with him and was inclusive. But the more you watch the show, the more you see what a mask he wears, feeding women's emotional triggers and then dumping them carelessly, hoping that he still looks good on TV, as a "Nice guy", so they don't cry as much.

The thing for women who have actually matured and gone through therapy and have learned to detect lies sooner as a survival mechanism, it is very clear that Gary wanted a cheerleader, someone who he could manipulate and who could play the nostalgia game with him, which is sad to see the lengths of choice of words he uses, when he had found the woman he wanted right from the beginning, the one who playfully pretended she'd go nude for him during their first impression. The same woman who was at the top of drama and out of so many ladies who were more prudent, graceful and mature, this show favored the drama over the maturity.

Theresa is extremely fake and plays dumb to her conveninence. Anyone who knows what a Karen is can see that. But since she wanted him bad enough, hey, narcissist live for that.

If you want to see a show that stars off charmingly but quickly looses it's substance, the bachelor manipulated using the nice guy card, and plays and toys, leads on, and still can get away with it, this a good show for that. Or if you want to watch a show to have a reference of what NOT to do, starting with the fact that is one man and multiple women fighting over him, in that sense a show that is more inclined towards how nature's natural selection process works, The Bachelorette is a more realistic and more natural approach, as in nature it's the male who earns his female, not the other way.
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Uk streaming
jaynelowe-0972212 October 2023
So I follow all the bachelor franchise , on hayu, so very very disappointed this isn't there . So looking forward to it . Grrrrrrrrrr. How.can I watch this in the uk , so upset currently watching bachelor in paradise on hayu series 9 , so don't see why they wouldn't air this . Or at least another streaming platform.

Please please please help me .

Been following the bachelor the bachelorette and bachelor in paradise for years on hayu .

Please can someone get back to me , even emailed abc and nothing.

I was so looking forward to the golden bachelor this year, what can I do about it Who should I contact , I don't mind paying to stream , so please get back to me asap . Keep seeing spoilers as it's airing already.
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