As this series starts we are introduced to Belgrave, an adventurer nicknamed the 'Red Ogre' who is forced to retire after the loss of a leg. One day he finds a baby girl abandoned near his village; with no idea who her parents are he raises her as his daughter. As she grows up she determines to become an adventurer too. She goes away, and after five years of training, she is the youngest ever S-ranked adventurer. Now it is time to return home but duty has a habit of getting in the way of plans.
This is a fun enough addition to the somewhat crowded 'adventurers in fantasy world' genre. The fact that the characters haven't reincarnated or been somehow teleported there from our world makes a refreshing change from many recent fantasy series. It also makes a change that one of the protagonists is somewhat older and has lost a leg... not that that stops him getting involved when needed. The series provides a decent amount of action and enjoyably comic moments. Overall I'd say this is worth watching if you are a fan of the genre; perhaps not a must see but I enjoyed it and by the end I was left wanting more.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.