I'm into the 4th episode and am struggling to make it to the end. There are too many scenes where only music is playing and those few scenes with dialogue feel strange and not natural. As a viewer, I couldn't understand how the two protagonists ended up loving each other as there was no build-up in their relationship. The pace and the way how they somehow magically fell in love is not convincing and, therefore, I couldn't emphasize with any of them. The character of Zelda is less likeable and reminds me of an angry teen that is stoically fighting against anything and anyone crossing her way. Her behavior in many scenes is out of place and overacted. All in all, I find the acting quite irksome and the general atmosphere of this series dull and bland. I wouldn't watch it another round as the script lacks fantasy and a convincing plot. German storytelling has to strip off the neverending slackness and apply more originality on their character, dialogues, scenes, and the story all in all.