I love the story. And I love the music specially the song at the end. Well, I don't wanna go on and on about what happened in the movie but I love movies that come from books. Now I'm gonna have to read the book. It's a really sucks that I have to write characters to make a review. I'm not gonna go into depth about the movie because that would give it away, but I always love stories that have to do with time. Either time travel or a ghost in a person in the current world.zylxoysltztkjgcpjxlgzlgcjxlgzlhxluxkhl. Kxyxoyxouxulxou xiyoyxhsulsoys tkzoysoysoyspu xkyzoyzouxpuxi gist okay. Yum kgLyzpyzlyzlhx zkhzoyzulu
Now I just need to find the music for that last song Google says there's no such thing somebody please tell me the name of that song that was at the end of the movie.