Rigged (2024) Poster


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Eye opening documentary
gpjgdhhs26 January 2024
Powerful movie with expert testimonies. On my "must watch" list for all Patriots who love our country! Do you know when the first time mail in ballots were used (and abused) in America? Do you know what happened behind the scenes of the New York Post story about Hunter Biden's laptop? America has been lied to by our own government, the Mockingbird Media and censored by Big Tech for far too long. It's time to expose the lies and declare the truth. The Daily Caller bravely accomplishes this in this film. If you've watched "Out of Shadows" and "Into the Light", you will not want to miss "Rigged".
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ericmathenylaw26 January 2024
A sobering look at our election system and its inherent vulnerability. A great documentary that will expose the corruption and problems with the current voting system in our country. As we are just months away from a major election, it is critical that Americans be well informed that elections can easily be manipulated. This project does a great job of exposing that flaw and educating Americans on what we need to do to correct this so that we can regain faith in our Election system.

I highly recommend this documentary, especially as we are coming into a presidential election.

Great filmmaking!
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Compelling and Accurate
seanadammoody26 January 2024
There has never been an election doc so dedicated to accuracy. When I first watched "Rigged" I expected a shout fest of election denial. But "Rigged" goes through every point, never hyperbolizing or over exaggerating or changing the facts like you see so many people do.

It shows the election just as you remember it and how some may want you to forget it. It outlines how people on the left shout out "Rigged" until they win.

It makes you want to take a good hard look at the real problems with our election cycle. No matter what party you are affiliated with, you can agree after watching this that there's a long way to go.
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Debunking this sort of effort is probably a hopeless endeavor, but...
mdodgethomas5 September 2024
Debunking this sort of effort is probably a hopeless endeavor, most people who will watch it are already convinced there was massive fraud in 2020.

But, you know, there really wasn't any , there is NO creditable evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election on a scale the affected the outcome, or anything remotely close to it.

Don't be distracted by bright shiny objects such as Hunter Biden's laptop, and the media coverage surrounding it.

The creditable evidence for and against massive 2020 election fraud is in court findings, post-election audits, and independent analysis by qualified forensic investigators, not the partisan media on either side, and no "coverup" could successfully prevent an reader here from evaluating that evidence.

Don't be distracted by accounts of the history of voter fraud and election manipulation prior to around 2010; the modern electoral systems and audit procedures used to count votes in most places in the US during the last few election cycles make polling place and post-election tabulation manipulation of vote totals easily detectable.

Don't be distracted by media accounts of "vote harvesting", or people stuffing handfuls ls of fake ballots into off-site drop boxes, when you run down the sources, you will discover that their "evidence" evaporates when carefully examined.

Don't be distracted by wild claims of widespread 2020 fraud made by politicians, pundits and amateur "researchers", literally hundreds of their claims have been carefully examined, and NOT ONE has been based on creditable evidence.

Don't be distracted by claims that "millions" of votes have been cast by non-citizens, because, again, there is just no evidence that such votes were cast. The Texas AG has just conducted an extensive investigation into such claims, and could document only around 2000 possible examples over several election cycles, NONE of which were organized efforts, and most of which involved voters who believed they were entitle to vote.)

And above all, don't take my word for it, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

REAL RESEARCH, that drills down to source materials.

Fire up one of the AI based search engines that provide source links - I use free Perplexity AI enhanced search engine, but take your pick) choose one of the claims made in "Rigged" about significant recent election fraud, and follow the links you turn up.

Ignore the initial media coverage of the such claims, what you want to know is what happened when the claims were investigated.

For example, if there were lawsuits filed, and the results. Or audits performed, and their finding. Or if there was scrutiny of the claims by independent investigators with real credentials and a history of serious analysis of election system vulnerabilities, and the results. (Hint, you will find plenty of real experts with real concerns about the integrity of US elections, but none who believes that there is credible evidence the 2020 presidential election was significantly compromised).

IF you do such research, and you believe that "Rigged" is a accurate account of the current US electoral system, chances are that what you find is not what you expected.

But ... the chance that reviewers who believe that this presentation "proves" there was 2020 fraud have actually read this far?

My guess... small.

The percentage of those who will act on the suggestion above regarding of even one of the claims made?

My guess... smaller.

The percentage of those who would be convinced to change their minds by even the most persuasive evidence?

My guess... smaller still.

But, YOU can prove me wrong.

That's right YOU, at THIS VERY MOMENT, by merely by exercising your curiosity and intelligence on this very computer, tablet or phone, can OWN your very own liberal with little effort and at no expense, RIGHT NOW ... and what could be more fun than PROVING I'm wrong!

(Of course there IS that ugly possibility that you might discover that YOU had been misinformed if you trusted the account in "rigged": that the creators are biased , their due diligence minimal, their conclusions unsupported by fact, and their certainties illusions.

And God alone knows what might come from that realization... but ... that's just chance you take, when you go looking for the truth on your own...)
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