A good movie thriller. Not a nail-biter, but good. Taking "All The President's Men" into a 2024 theme, the film again takes newspaper snooping and finds a snake. This time, the Republican party. The acting and production values leads you to believe your watching one of those fast turnaround Lifetime movies but it is a bit more refined. While picking on the Republicans, the film really does not make a political statement. This film is watchable but you need some open mind to tolerate it. It reminds us that Gen X is the future and old suiters are on the way out. It tells us that politics is and always will be untrustworthy and those with the most toys will try to win. Money buys power and power means well power. The Independent keeps you interested if you can overlook some bad acting, a few plotholes, and perhaps some far reaching theories that make you go "Really?"