The story follows Malvina, a former ballerina in her mid-eighties once celebrated for her gracefulness on stage, but who now languishes in a monotonous routine. After she unexpectedly meets ... Read allThe story follows Malvina, a former ballerina in her mid-eighties once celebrated for her gracefulness on stage, but who now languishes in a monotonous routine. After she unexpectedly meets Kipras, a talented painter of her age, he becomes the catalyst for change. Together, they ... Read allThe story follows Malvina, a former ballerina in her mid-eighties once celebrated for her gracefulness on stage, but who now languishes in a monotonous routine. After she unexpectedly meets Kipras, a talented painter of her age, he becomes the catalyst for change. Together, they defy society's expectations about seniors, transcending age and challenging taboos. As the... Read all