Malibu Crush (2022) Poster


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Overall, funny
jasonmovieblog28 March 2023
Don't walk into this movie expecting anything like an academy award winning masterpiece because you won't get it. What you will get is 79 minutes of stupid male type humor. The plot is kind of absurd and the films budget feels very low, however, the acting is above average, and kept me laughing most of the way through. Hardly the most thought-provoking film I've ever seen. However it works as a Friday movie with your friends. It's dumb but, in my opinion, quite hilarious. I'd recommend this movie if you're not expecting something that will keep on the edge of your seat and bursting with surprises.

It doesn't require much attention, or much, if any, thinking. Overall, a very funny movie I would watch again.
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Fun Indie Comedy
nathanleighs18 March 2023
If you can get past the small budget and holes in the plotline you will enjoy this movie.

It's simply a film that will make you laugh using humor about guys chasing insanely hot girls only this time round the majority of the story takes place in the beach setting of Sydney Australia rather than at a college or bachelor party.

It has a decent cast of engaging and quirky characters (although the hot role of Rach Taylor ) should have come back at the end of the film. I think the movie shines best for its main theme involving the two leads chasing girls and who have the funniest interactions between them. There is a lot of jokes in this film and the supporting characters will make you laugh through out as well.

The story outline is more about comedy than being believable so don't expect an Oscar winning film, this movie is an indie comedy and what you want when watching something funny. It will make you laugh.
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Strongly recommend to anyone looking for a good laugh
Avahastings918 October 2022
This was a wonderfully funny comedy that kept me laughing throughout the entire movie. Wonderful cast - evident in that none of the actors try too hard to be funny, instead, the comedy is very organic and the characters are written in to match the comedy. Rach ( Sarah Louise Collidge ) and Duey's ( Billy White) relationship dynamic is hilarious. - look out for the dream scene which ends in disaster.

The only problem I had was there wasn't enough time spent at the wedding which could have been played up more- it was built up during the movie then came and went too quickly. I gave the movie a "7" - Strongly recommend to anyone looking for a good laugh.
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A fun comedy with some memorable scenes
Thewrapreviews3 October 2022
An amusing and entertaining film about two young guys on their quest to stop a wedding of an ex girlfriend from high school who now resides on the other side of the world in Sydney Australia.

Michael (James Pratt) and Duey (Billy White) are the young laid back idiot pals originally from Los Angeles, who with no money con their way to Sydney by pretending to be celebrated film directors all in the hope of stopping Bridget Van Ryans wedding.

Once in Sydney the comedy really turns up a level as do the stakes, Michael and Duey are running out of time to find Bridget Van Ryan before her wedding day, their plan of pretending to be film directors is back firing and are inches away from being caught out by Paul Gofuller ( Scott E Miller ) and on top of this they promise to bring Bradley Cooper to set.

Without giving the ending away expect chaos in the last part of the film as the wedding approaches so does the craziness.

It's worth mentioning much of the film is a goofy comedy however, their are small moments of romance mixed in, Emma played by Bella Valentini is perfectly positioned through out the film providing comedy and some softer scenes which balance out the craziness.

This is a fun film to watch.
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Actually Funny
Rachellemoviereviews23 January 2023
There is much to appreciate about Malibu Crush. I gave myself 2 minutes to decide if I wanted to watch the entire film and ended up watching it all the way through and placing it on my blog as a top 10 comedy to watch in 2023.

The movie chronicles the lives of native Los Angeles residents Michael Chase and Duey on their quest to reunite with a long-lost girlfriend from high school Bridgette Van Ryan who now lives in Bondi Beach Australia.

Malibu Crush is a comedy at its core, so anyone watching be prepared for crude humour with dumb characters, however, it also has some intelligent scenes to keep the film on track and help the objective of finding an ex-girlfriend in another country.

The acting performances are decent, I found out much of the film was shot in Australia using several Australian actors doing US accents, considering this and the fact it was a low-budget film this is even more impressive. In particular, actor and director James Pratt stands out in his performance as Michael alongside Bella Valentini who plays the authentic yet sweet Emma. Scott E Miller has some funny moments as the annoying boss from hell.

Cinematographer Conner Jansen also did a nice job using a softer textures to show Bondi Beach in Australia over Los Angeles.

It would be great if this film had a sequel with more money attached because for what it is on a low budget Malibu Crush is a solid movie.

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alexandermiles-327 April 2023
Pretty much from the opening scene until the last scene there is enough comedy to make you laugh out loud at least once.

It's not the most original film (what is nowadays), it's humour is mostly juvenile, but it's well executed and acted that you forgive it. The dynamic of the two actors who play the bachelors is naturally delivered comedy and you believe these characters are in fact, best friends who unintentionally cause trouble instead of deliberately doing it.

Whether this was by default or a coincidence but the movie seems funnier as it approaches the half way point until the end, something I appreciated. In my opinion the best comedy scenes are in the last 20 minutes.

There are moments that are flat out hilarious and others that fall flat but overall I laughed and I'm hard to please with comedy.
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movieguy300014 March 2023
The Reviews are fake so I had to write one, they are obviously fake and written from the cast and crew which is very biased.

Came across this on PLEX for free and thought ok let's give this a go, I love Aussie films being an ex-Aussie living in the U. S. Firstly you know a film's going to be bad by the Poster and secondly the trailer. Thirdly the fake American accents drop n and out and it can be very distracting.

The actors are very weak and cringeworthy, because its comedy you get a pass, you can act like an idiot and the audience will somewhat forgive you. It's like the director enlisted as many hot girls as he could to sell his film, using reality TV stars who want to be in Hollywood and also models etc. In the film the story reflects the real life of the main actor/director James Pratt.

There is no real story arc, there are no meaningful obstacles even for a comedy, it was just like someone had some many and made a home movie with friends.

Its badly written, directed, even cinematography looks like an amateur, the colour grading is bad, the music is off, the editing is disjointed and off-putting.

It's not funny for a sex comedy, I smirked maybe twice, I never laughed.

The film goes for 1 hour 10 minutes roughly so it will be over so quick but don't even waste that.

I like to say positive things in my review, but I struggled to find that, apart from some extremely attractive women, the film has nothing going for it, no actor or element was a stand-out.
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Classic Comedy worth watching
OliviaGoldberg3 October 2022
This is one of those films you can watch over and over again and still find it very funny to watch!!

Set in the same vein as the The Hangover or American Pie I was surprised to enjoy this movie so much. It's stupid, hilarious and a refreshing change from the current comedies out at present.

The comedy style is written in a non-pretentious way, the actors never make you feel like they were in on the joke. They play it with a straight face the whole way through, and that's really the best way to do comedy.

If you're a fan of classic comedies such as American Pie, The Hangover or Wedding Crashes you will enjoy this film.
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Funny movie
kendrickwrightactor25 March 2023
I watched it and thought it was pretty funny... very stupid, but funny. The thing that can sink this type of stupid, slapstick style movie is if it starts going into places where it doesn't belong, Like getting too serious or introducing a different type of humor. "Malibu Crush, sticks to its aesthetics as stupid as they are and never sells itself out. Therefore, I think it works, and is in fact a well-made guy-humor comedy.

The acting from the two leads (James Pratt) and (Billy White) is good and you root for the main characters as they run their scams. I think this movie will only appeal to a very specific audience, but you can say the same thing about a most comedies.

Runtime is 79 minutes and in that time it cracked me up several times.
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Dollar store Owen Wilson finances movie to meet attractive starlets
sensificsaturday21 January 2023
I'm sure there must be some god level ghost director behind this project to make this script and community theater actors work as well as it does. Not that it works well, but it's more watchable than a ton of other recent direct2tubi releases.

It's got good energy throughout, and lots of jokes. Not good jokes, but lots and lots of them. So it will keep your attention as you filter through the heavy headed cringe and tropes.

Really, if Pratt was actually the sole writer/director, then he's got some talent and could probably do some real good work if he was more collaborative and found some real partners to help strengthen his glaring weaknesses.
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A funny movie in it's own right, good for low budget
Eugenetorresreviews5 April 2023
A good movie in it's own right, but not your typical comedy material.

As the movie started, I was trying to compare it to other comedies in it's form of humor, it's a mix of American Pie, Dude Where's my Car and has parts that feel similar to a Stephen Merchant comedy.

Many of the scenes are basic, but still pull a laugh. The movie was good, but compared on a comedic level to American Pie or Dude Where's my Car, it falls short because of the scale of the film. It looks like it was shot on a small budget so the audience relies on the humor and acting rather than having special effects and bigger locations.

In general the acting is hilarious, Billy White and James Pratt definitely turn a pretty simple story line into an entertaining movie. Bella Valentini and Brittany Hockley also have acting scenes that keep you watching.

I like the movie, it over achieves for an independent film, however it doesn't compare to an American Pie scale and won't be the same watching.
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Stupid, yet entertaining...
candicetaylor-9656819 April 2023
Malibu Crush is a film that doesn't attempt to be smart. This should be evident from the title. However, the film is good at not trying to be smart and passes a point where it becomes a masterpiece in dumb comedy and keeps you watching.

The wide cast of characters keeps the film's plot fresh and in spite of some ridiculous plot elements the film manages to burst quite a few guts with its utter retardedness. The film's plot actually has a pretty smart setup, "A guy trying to track down his dream girl in a foreign country, but it's the comedy that happens that's why you watch not the story. The movie is luckily not a one-joke film either. The amount of variety makes most comedies seem very bland by comparison.

The film is a brilliant no-brainer, but a nightmare for lovers of intelligent cinema.
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A Surprise
MattDCranston17 March 2023
I didn't expect much coming into this movie, I didn't hear much about it and only knew it existed when a clip was recommended to me on YouTube. However, this film surpassed expectations and made me laugh more than once. Malibu Crush defines the slapstick road trip comedy that is missing in so many of today's films that are made. As for the plot, it's about a guy trying to find his ex-girlfriend in time before she gets married and pretending to be a film director with his best friend in the process. The film is an independent movie and only a few of the cast are recognizable which explains why I hadn't heard of it before, however it was much better than the last 2 American pies put together. This is a worth watching with your friends while drinking beer and smoking weed.
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They don't make comedy like this anymore
Lincolnflores8 April 2023
This was one of the funniest comedies I have seen in years and I recommend watching it. Today Hollywood comedy movies are not funny and seem more like kids films, so it was nice to be watching something that is worthy of the genre comedy.

This is why I liked Malibu Crush. It avoids all the crap from today's Hollywood and has raw and unforced laughs you once saw in movies. My intention as a viewer is to laugh when watching comedy, yet sadly in today's Hollywood, comedy films are not funny and don't make you laugh. This is why I rate Malibu Crush 10/10, It's 100% a comedy film and it makes you laugh.

It's easy to find this movie online for free or paid and I hope more comedy is released in this same style.
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What Comedies Used To Be Like
ValerieDCL29 January 2023
Although it might be nearly impossible to perfectly transfer the great buddy road trip comedies of the early 2000s, Malibu Crush keeps the same setting and clearly gets close to nailing it.

The film hovers over two main themes, Best Friends of Michael Chase and Duey, and the films Love Interest Bridget Van Ryan whose the objective for these two dopey best friends who drop everything in Los Angeles to visit Australia under the disguise of film directors.

The writing style of Malibu Crush is clever and reminds you of the days when slapstick and physical humour was more frequent. The other aspect of the writing style is there are several layers within the jokes. One of my favorite moments in the film is when Duey who continues to boast throughout the entire film how attractive and incredible Bridget Van Ryan is doesn't even recognise her at the end wedding, instead he ruins another bride's big day thinking that's Bridget. Looking back this is written as Duey's way of motivating Michael throughout the film and keep to the original theme of the bond of a best friend.

Michael Chase is played by James Pratt while Duey is played by Billy White, both actors play comedy naturally and are funny. Various other characters are introduced, notably, Emma ( Bella Valentini ) a film director in Sydney who falls for Michael, Jade ( Brittany Hockley ) the crazy girlfriend of Carl ( Dan Musial ) who has a nice character arc and Paul Gofuller ( Scott E Miller. ) The last time I saw Scott on screen was as the brash soldier Wilks in Jabbar Raisani's Alien Outpost, this time he plays the quirky, annoying TV boss whose overseeing a television campaign for Wingmill restaurants.

One major set piece in the film finds Charlotte (Barbara Hastings) Derek Anderson (Caleb Duncan) and an 81-year-old lady getting sprayed with a fire extinguisher at the start of of the film, this sets the bar of the extend the physical comedy one can expect for the rest of the film.

As in many movies of this type, the comedy sometimes goes too far, threatening to come crashing down at any minute. But writer/ director and lead actor James Pratt is a smart filmmaker and doesn't let his happen for long, he is blessed to have a talented cast, an experienced editor in Brianna Cook and a talented cinematographer in Connor Jansen who shoots clean shots.

Malibu Crush deserves applause for giving us something to laugh about and a taste of what classic comedies used to be.
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Easy to watch comedy with nostalgic moments
Honest-trailers7 December 2022
Malibu Crush starts in Los Angeles with Michael Chase ( James Pratt ) spraying an 81-year-old lady in the face with a fire extinguisher, and Duey ( Billy White ) drinking beer on the couch while hiding from his landlord. This pretty much sums up what to expect for the rest of the film - A fun buddy comedy with some outrageous moments.

As the film progresses, Michael receives a phone call from an ex-girlfriend Bridgett ( Kelly Monisse ) stating she's getting married and has a kid. The only issue is Bridgett lives in Sydney Australia and so Michael and Duey set out to Sydney under a student exchange program to stop a wedding.

Upon arrival in Sydney a string of memorable character actors enter the film including Rach Taylor ( Sarah-Louise Collidge ) The Boss, Paul GoFuller ( Scott E Miller ) Jade ( Brittany Hockley ) Carl ( Dan Musial ) and Emma ( Bella Valentini).

The comedy works well within storyline. It's a mix of urgency between Michael and Duey stopping a wedding while keeping up the disguise of being film directors shooting a big-budget commercial.

There are a few humorous gems from this film that have a high place on my list of memorable comedy scenes to watch, such as Johnny Watson being run over by a golf cart after Duey changes the script, The scene in which Tiffany's ( Yuan Lin ) strict father uncovers porn magazines after Michael and Duey lend their apartment to her and the fantasy scene in the spa between Duey and Rach Taylor.

However one of the most memorable scenes is not a comedy scene but rather a soft and touching moment between Michael and Emma over sunset on Bondi Beach in Australia, this is beautifully shot ( Conner Jansen cinematographer) and captures a brief pause in the mayhem and comedy which adds to the overall enjoyment of the film. Often comedy films have too much emphasis on just trying to be funny and not allowing the audience a break, Malibu Crush doesn't have this problem it's a comedy movie but it allows the audience a break every so often with some touching and nostalgic moments.
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Hope to see these guys again
andrewbrillstein28 March 2023
It would be misleading to claim this is a brilliant film (in either regard - as comedy or character study), it's an assured indie picture that finds its footing and achieves a surprising level of comedy throughout its running time.

The movie was a breath of fresh air in many ways, it's one of the best independent comedies I've seen in a long time because it avoids the politics of film making and sticks to just comedy.

Almost all M-rated comedies produced today are PC and unfunny. The PC-rating has become a hindrance to film studios' sensibilities - everything is PG-13, saving the shameless Unrated jokes to be replaced by politically correct safety words with zero humor. The occasional released M-rated comedy, as such, is infrequently modest.

I hope Malibu Crush becomes a cult flick in the years to come. It's deserving of acknowledgment and while we may live in an era saturated with unnecessary politically correct comedy, I finished watching Malibu Crush hoping to see these guys again. And that's a rare feeling these days.
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Alpha Phi Alpha's drunk nights movie
kellyrileyyy24 May 2023
On behalf of Alpha Phi Alpha at Florida State, this is our go-to movie for drunken weekends. It's basically the movie we watch when we all get stoned and drunk but you can watch it sober and it's still fun. A lot of movies you see you can't watch more than once because the jokes are just not funny after the first time, In Malibu Crush you can watch this movie over and over and still find it funny. The storyline and characters are all pretty stupid and so it's easy to follow and the comedy is a college stoner joke like in Van Wilder or Slackers.

It's made in what looks to be Australia and Santa Monica and the quality of jokes you get are perfect. The best scenes are when the two main characters arrive in Australia, instead of enjoying what look's like paradise there, they instead seem to be on a quest to find hot girls and then forget what they are doing there and argue with each other about what the purpose of their being in Australia actually is. There are some really hot actors in this movie and loads of laughs.
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A Great Comedy That Shouldn't Be Missed
aidanlucid7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michael and Duey are a loveable pair of roguish idiots who like to goof around. When Michael receives a text from a long-lost girlfriend living in Australia, who's soon to get married and tells him that he has a son, his whole life is turned upside down. Michael regretted the way they broke up eight years ago and thinks that there's some hope for him. With the help of their hacker friend, they head to Oz posing as a pair of well-known directors in order to find the girl. Will Michael meet his past flame to confess his undying love for her and see the son he never knew he had?

"Malibu Crush", written and directed by James Pratt, was a good movie with a semi-predictable plot with lots of laughs littered throughout. It was made in the same style as comedy classics like, "The Hangover" and 2011's, "Hall Pass" starring Owen Wilson. The acting was for the most part pretty good, with Billy White putting in a great performance as the loveable no-hoper, Duey. His character provided a lot of the movie's funny moments James Pratt was also quite good as the not-as-idiotic-but-still-goofy, Michael, who was quite likeable.

Now, like a lot of films in this genre, "Malibu Crush" was not perfect. There were some glaring plot-holes. For example, at the start Michael is supposed to be posing as a fireman in a commercial with six decades of experience in firefighting, yet he looks too young for that role. That scene, despite the fact that anyone did not clearly notice the casting error, was hilarious. Also the man who picked them up from the airport who also runs his own security firm, didn't notice immediately that the affable duo were imposters. There were other cringey moments when Michael and Duey would fool around, not really adding anything of value to a scene. Also, there were some loose ends at the conclusion with regards to a love affair. This was not properly cleared up.

Overall, despite my gripes mentioned above, Mr. Pratt's, Malibu Crush, was a fun film to watch. To his credit, it has won numerous awards this year so this definitely is one to check out with a run time of approximately 70 minutes. Grab some popcorn, a seat and relax with Michael and Duey's funny antics and crazy adventure.
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Pratt's Comedy Packs a Punch
metacritic_24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the title may pass off as a surfing rom-com, "Malibu Crush" is actually a raw comedy with out loud laughs and a Starsky and Hutch vibe.

The film stars James Pratt, who plays a Los Angeles slacker named Michael Chase, who with his best friend Duey - Billy White, are content to just eat pizza, date girls and put out fire extinguishers on old ladies ( cue opening scene ) seven years after graduating. This is until a voicemail from Michael's ex high school girlfriend Bridgett, who shares she is getting married in Australia and has a kid with Michael.

Most comedies have you laughing at particular points in a film but almost every scene in "Malibu Crush" you find humour, something that comes from the great comedy timing of the actors and also the supporting cast are all slightly off the wall characters.

The scene at the car dealer between an eager film crew lead by Alien Outpost actor Scott Miller and the clueless lead characters is textbook old fashion comedy. While the sex scene with Jade -Brittany Hockley and Carl - Dan Musial shows a hangover tone of raw comedy one would expect.

The film could have done with a bigger budget and maybe not rushed the wedding scene as it's clear Kelly Monisse is a talent and her back and fourth with Michael and Duey is a highlight that leaves you wanting more.

Pratt, who makes his debut as director and lead in the film, delivers a film that punches well above its weight, While there is the usual gut-wrenching humor in the script it is also clever and a film that makes you laugh out loud.
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Hangover, EuroTrip Vibes
riaz_khan11126 January 2023
Written and directed by James Pratt, Malibu Crush finds two young men on a journey to stop the wedding of an ex-girlfriend in Australia. A fun ride from start to finish, Malibu Crush is the perfect film for a slow Saturday evening or when you need to disengage from the world. The premise is exciting, the characters are lively and there is enough fun and adventure in the story to keep you hooked for the entire duration of the film.

Set in the same vibe as The Hangover or EuroTrip, I was surprised to be entertained this much by the film. It's straightforward, hilarious and a refreshing change of pace compared to the 'funny films' of this day and age. James Pratt and Billy White as the klutzy duo are great, and Bella Valentini as Emma is a breath of fresh air. Yuan Lin who plays Tiffany has some funny scenes with her father as well who has come to Los Angeles to visit his daughter.

The 78 minute film thoroughly entertains and by the end the chaos and drama surrounding the wedding reaches a towering crescendo in the third act. 10/10.
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Malibu Crush is a rare comedy
danicrills23 February 2023
I didn't realise how funny this film actually was until after watching it and I started to remember some of the stupid scenes . The film definitely grows on you and I would describe it as a fun movie to simply zone out too.

For anyone looking at a relationship type comedy or anything drama related this isn't for you, Malibu Crush is a comedy with raw humour in the same vein of The Hang Over and Dude Where's my Car.

What I liked most is that it makes you laugh out loud and you actually like the main characters. It's hard to find real comedy movies that genuinely make you laugh, Malibu Crush is one of the rare ones.
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Starsky and Hutch meets Dumb and Dumber
alcartwright_11 April 2023
This great, somewhat independent-feeling film is worth watching. It gives the viewer real laughs and a believable storyline, but also it casts actors who can play comedy well. James Pratt & Billy White are the leads whose friendship and mishaps remind you of the difficulty of finding yourself in new places and how love can blind us into doing stupid things.

I loved the film because there's a feeling of genuine awkwardness from most of the main characters and so the scenes make you laugh even when they don't mean to, especially when the main characters are up against the alpha males in the film such as Paul Gofuller ( Scott E Miller ) and Natalie ( Demitra Sealy )

The movie is male humor, but I would say women may still enjoy it because the jokes have an underdog tone and are not as crude as some similar movies. Lots of comedy,
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Belly Laughs, Crude Jokes and a Raw Comedy You Could Do Worse
dwise-199227 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you are in the mood for a completely fun, morbidly amusing farce about the quest for love, the new comedy Malibu Crush may be right up your alley.

Malibu Crush, stories politically incorrect situations and comedy is - so sue me - something of a tonic in the increasingly woke obsessed world in which we find ourselves. It has, laugh out loud moments, hot chicks and loveable underdogs trying to find themselves on their quest for love.

What works well in the storyline was the sterling ensemble cast which featured known actors such as James Pratt ( On Halloween ) Scott E Miller ( Outpost 37) and Demitra Sealy ( F9) mixed with newcomers Bella Valentini. Sarah-Louise Collidge and Brittany Hockley. Basically, it is just a hoot watching them all swing for the fences and score laughs at everyone's expense.

The premise isn't terribly original. Movies like The Hangover, Due Date and Something about Mary have mined this kind of thing before, But Malibu Crush goes for broke, unafraid to prove too much is never too much.

Michael (James Pratt) and best friend Duey (Billy White) are the dimwits who after hearing a voicemail encourage each other on a far-fetched idea to travel from Los Angeles to Sydney Australia to reunite with Michael's ex-girlfriend.

Travelling to Australia costs money and these two slackers exploit a student exchange program pretending to be film director students and once in Australia must shoot a television commercial. The fun here is watching these two idiots search for an ex-girlfriend while shooting a TV commercial with no idea what they are doing literally.

During this process, we start to be introduced to the talented supporting cast, Bella Valentini who plays Emma is the ideal catch, attractive, driven and kind, who develops feelings for Michael, while on the opposite end, Jade ( Brittany Hockley ) plays the role of those young over the top Hollywood starlet types very well.

One key moment in the movie is the dinner table scene in the middle where we see the lead characters start to open up and go full throttle with comedy, something we don't see often now in comedy films. In this scene Duey, trying to impress the stunning Rach Taylor ( Collidge ) boasts he used to date Ellen Degenerous, while Michael argues if it was Ellen why would she live in a studio apartment in Englewood and ask for Gas money? The scene ends with Duey in front of the host family storming off declaring he's masturbated for 10 years because of the sheer toll of dating a celebrity.

Brianna Cook who cut the film deserves credit for allowing the comedy to come naturally something that makes the humour of the film natural and unforced.

There's a lot to enjoy here, however, my two gripes with the film were at times the story slips away from a full comedy and into a rom com making some scenes funnier than others, Also it could have run longer and spent more time on the wedding scene. Kelly Monisee ( Bridget Van Ryan ) is brilliant as the long-lost Ex-girlfriend however we are left wanting to see more of her and her relationship with Michael.

Actor James Pratt makes his directing debut on Malibu Crush and despite my two main concerns, I think it's clear he has talent for comedy both in front and behind the camera.

If you want a few belly laughs, crude jokes and a raw comedy you could do worse.
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Friends, a road trip and hot girls
kaseyavery_17 March 2023
A funny comedy about a bunch of single dudes trying and failing to hook up.

Watching you can tell the film has a small budget but the humor and story is funny and its a worthwhile movie experience overall.

The closest similarity to another comedy would be the Inbetweeners movie where a group of best friends visit Australia only on a much smaller scale. Both Malibu Crush and The Inbetweeners share the same story formula of best friends, a road trip and hot girls in Australia through the experiences of visiting Australia.

I would recommend this film for anyone whose looking for laughs and raw comedy over expensive film making but it was funny and a fun watch.
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