8 of 9 found this to have none
Nothing at all.
2 of 6 found this moderate
A boy is seen with minor injuries on his face.
A dog fight is shown. A dog attacks another and chews on its neck. Some blood is shown. Later, the body of a dead dog is seen with bloody gashes.
A man is stabbed in the leg with a shard of glass and another one is shot in the shoulder. Some blood spatter is shown during a police investigation.
A woman finds a severed finger in a parcel that is delivered to her.
1 of 1 found this mild
1 of 2 found this mild
3 instances of cigarette smoking (1 shared) and some crowd smoking in a dog fight underground club.
With the exception of the already mentioned dog fight club there is no consumption of alcoholic drinks at all.
3 of 6 found this severe