Mon Ex Beau-père et moi (2017) Poster

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It's harmless, but funny enough to keep, at least myself, entertained.
johnplocar6 April 2017
A small, little indie comedy about a father who has to team up with his daughter's ex-boyfriend in order to find out where she is after it appears to be missing. J.K. Simmons plays the smart ass, witty father; Emile Hirsch takes the role of the "down on his luck", well intentioned but simple ex-boyfriend. Both of which are phenomenal actors and they do fine work here, but I feel as though their talents were almost wasted in this movie. Do not get me wrong however, I thought that this was a decent movie and I do recommend it as a light movie that you could pop on in the afternoon or early evening if you wanted to kill some time. However, I felt as though these two actors should be given much more challenging material than something like this which doesn't supply much depth in terms of character. Putting that aside though, I thought they did a good job and probably kept me from declaring this movie as something forgettable.

The film has some laughs and does capture the awkward moments of their circumstance very well without falling into "Meet the Parents" styled humor territory. It does have a secondary character, played by Taran Killam, that after a while I found to be slightly grating but I never found it to ever completely break the movie. The two leads run into some quirky characters and cumbersome scenarios that kept me entertained. I should clarify though that this movie isn't quite like most shenanigans movies where the characters go through their personal arches over the course of a single night a la "Adventures in Babysitting", "License to Drive", "Hollywood Knights", or "Stretch". This plays the shenanigans a tad bit more low-key and realistic rather than completely over-the-top or all that wacky. It still does show the leads run into a pickle or two and have a few colorful characters along the way; and they do have their own character arches that they go through which are done well enough here.

All around, I thought that this was a passably entertaining movie with a good moral or two. Has a good amount of chuckles. Good actors that may have actually elevated the film to be as decent as it is. It's well made, the narrative is relatively predictable but I like that it never makes anyone the villain when it so easily could have in some cases. So if you feel like watching a quirky, innocent comedy that will entertain you for an hour and a half then I think this will do.
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Decent little film.
jonbadart14 June 2018
I admit it. I've become a sucker for J. K. Simmons. I like him in just about everything he's in. And that's nice, because he does a lot of 'smaller' films, and I really like smaller films. 'All Nighter', is one of those. There's nothing 'big' happening here, just the story of two (mostly) unconnected people, who unexpectedly come together to go looking for someone. That someone is Ginnie; the daughter of one, and the former girlfriend of the other.

So what is 'All Nighter'? A comedy? A quest? A buddy movie? A heart tugger? Yes . . . . kinda. I suppose it's all those things, but then again, not really any of them. Like I said earlier, it's one of those 'small' movies about a small event in the lives of a few (mostly) ordinary people. No Super-Heroes, no special effects, and ultimately, nothing all that life-altering. At least on the surface. In the end, 'All Nighter' is really just a story about the need for connections in life. How being involved with those around us is the only meaningful currency we can use to measure our own wealth.

Hirsch or Simmons, and usually both together, are onscreen for almost the entire film, and their evolving relationship was enough to keep me interested. It's not the most original of stories, but that's okay. Sometimes a film doesn't need to be, so long as you enjoy spending the next 90 minutes with the people in question. And in this case, it worked out well enough.
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A pretty nice movie
vladmirona27 March 2017
A nice movie to watch, at first it was a bit plain but then it got really funny.

The actors are good, I did not get bored at any point. Maybe the first 10 minutes did not have much action but then everything changed.

It s funny but it also makes you feel like you have been there, in a similar situation.

It s more of a laid-back movie, not one with a complex scenario but it wasn't a waste of time. Made me smile and made my day better.
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Into the Night, lashing out
kosmasp27 April 2017
So Emile Hirsch and JK Simmons ... now that is a pairing that sounds fun. And I do understand if some may have expected something different from this. But as it is, this is a low budget comedy, dare I say road movie(?), that has a couple of things for it. And that's not just the actors themselves but the set up.

While it's simple, it's also very effective and it does draw quite a few talented actors in smaller roles to rub shoulders with our lead actors. None of us is without fault, so it's not easy seeing others people misery. But when done in a light and funny way (mostly) like in this movie right here, it is quite enjoyable to take that ride. Don't expect this to have Academy Award performances though. Still decent enough overall
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A nice comedy with layers
Gyreezus9 October 2017
This film was something unexpected. I am a fan of almost all the actors in the film but I loved the chemistry between Hirsch and Simmons. I thought the film was well paced and well acted and It's one film i can watch again (as I have). The direction was great and I love the fact the a young man who is heartbroken is able to live through the past of his love even though broken but he finds himself and he gets to know his ex better than he knew her when they were dating. I loved the film, I thought it was awesome.
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Good fun. Great acting. Hilarious story.
imseeg19 September 2021
The story: Emily Hirsch is a total f9ck up who fails at everything. His girlfriend breaks up with him and she suddenly disappears afterwards. The father (brilliant role by J. K. Simmons) starts searching for her.

The good: excellent acting performances, which are constantly witty and surprising. Lots of hilarious twists and turns. Simply a good fun movie about a search for a daughter, which turns into a rollercoaster disaster hunt!

Any bad? Cant think of any. Enjoy the ride!
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Not bad.
amirrunoron26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad. Moved the time somewhat. I really like j.k. simmons acting, and think he mad this movie much better than it was. I've always liked him, and thought that the "tough dad" part really fitted him.

not the greatest comedy of all time, but not bad at all. worth the hour and a half.
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Very enjoyable.
jeff-85-12656130 June 2018
Great actors doing their thing. Great casting and story.
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J.K.Simmons Single-Handedly Turns this From 1 to 5 Stars
leftbanker-125 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Granted, it's still a bad movie but you can't fault the acting as he and the rest of the cast had almost nothing to work with.

I don't mean to come off as pedantic right out of the gates but just a little helpful hint: awkward and stupid isn't the same thing as funny. In fact, those three things are almost never found together. Knocking over a glass at dinner or having dad find your porn on your computer do not equal humor. Got it? And then we go on to another awkward and dumb situation which is also completely void of humor or any other saving quality so why are we here? This time it's at the home of a couple where the daughter lived after leaving her boyfriend. Wow! That was rough. Please tell me the movie goes in another direction quickly.

And then we learn that the kid doesn't know how to drive so, of course, this will lead us to a completely stupid scene where his lack of driving skills will be thought of as hilarious.

And then the story just sort of unfolds in a totally unpredictable manner. There is no scene with the kid being forced to drive a car. The father isn't made out to be some sort of ninja. It looked like it was going in the direction of some Liam Neeson "I-want-my-daughter-now!" piece of trash gone completely off the rails but then it settles down into an inoffensive mess. . It turns out to be regular people in a somewhat regular situation.
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Cute, light viewing
reneehackett9929 August 2021
Very pleasant movie. Fun enough to be worth watching. Nice cast. Clearly meant for Jack Black and it would've been a box office hit in that case, but enjoyable, light fare nonetheless.
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low on plot and laughs in a missed opportunity
danew1330 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
All Nighter features some good actors wasted on a weak "who cares" plot. In fact the most interesting thing about the film is how mature Analeigh Tipton appears these days compared to her teenage look in Crazy Stupid Love.

But it says something about a comedic film when far and away the funniest person is a supporting actor, in this case the the seasoned pro Kristin Schaal providing the best laughs.

The story deals with a 24 hour period where J.k.Simmons, Tipton's screen father and Emile Hirsch, her ex lover, look high and low for Tipton, who, unknown to them,had simply gone on a vacation. Yet instead of filling their search through Los Angeles with exciting adventures such as happened during movies such as Into the Night or After Hours, they simply go bar hopping with no laughs involved.

The moral of the film is supposed to be self awareness and changing for the better.
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Great adventure, loved this movie!
shaywillandben10 October 2017
I loved this movie. I could see why the dad didn't like the boyfriend in the beginning. And then it made me want to find out how they dealt with one another through the night. This movie got shitty ratings on rotten tomatoes but like all good movies it had my attention from start to finish. It was a fun adventure and I loved it the entire time. I rented a movie yesterday with a 90% rating and I couldn't even finish it so the current rating system has to change. I loved this movie, the actors, the story, and it made me feel awesome. That should be all that matters. Death to Rotten Tomatoes!!!
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Not a Block Buster, But the Structure is Solid
tr-8349523 June 2019
Entertaining and well acted. Even when scenes are blown up to please the audience, there is always a hint of truth and reality to them. Not a block buster, but a keeper.
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Waste of Time
tlarraya29 April 2017
There was no point to this story. It's low budget. The script is bad. At least it's short (only one hour and twenty minutes), but it's not enjoyable. Complete waste of time. The actors were nice. But you are kind of waiting for something to happen, some development, and it never comes. It isn't a comedy either (we didn't laugh once).
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All fun
Gordon-1129 March 2017
This film tells the story of a young musician, who is asked by his ex-girlfriend's father to search for the ex-girlfriend. The search turns out to be less than successful, but highly uneventful, as every lead turns out to be cold.

The story of "All Nighter" is quite funny. On hilarious situation is followed by another, and the jokes just don't stop. The argument between Gary and his wife is funny, though Gary turned out to be a little annoying towards the end. JK Simmons has a magnetic presence about him, his mysterious career adds to this charm. I could not recognise Emile Hirsch, and I did wonder what he has been up to since his breakthrough in "Into the Wild". He has not been in any big films, which is a pity. I enjoyed this film, and thought it was good fun.
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Great Buddy Film
UrbanElysium20 September 2021
I LOVE both Hirsch and Simmons and watching their chemistry was magic!!

The plot had standard and unique moments but because of cast (including supporting) that set it apart from every other similar film -I give thumbs up on that.

Had some real nice sweet moments. (And couple of raunchy ones I didn't like) and bust my gut hilarious moments too. I loved that Martin rode a BIKE and played banjo. I loved that Gallo got taken out of his comfort zone so effortless and the only way I could tell at times were by subtleties of Simmons acting!

I REALLY hope Hirsch and Simmons do many more films together!!!!

Photography was really nice!

Directing pretty good -thumbs up!

I loved ending!!

(In these kind of comedies Hirsch reminds me so much of Jack (love) Black! That's a good's like they are twins born years apart!....OOH! Movie with Hirsch AND Black playing brothers! Oh please!!)
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Bob Seger is Tight
aaronnsullivan29 July 2021
I am going to start reviewing movies so I can remember what I have watched - I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's not super fresh in my mind as I watched it months ago, but I remembered it months later so that says something.
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Pretty bad
iceman8886926 March 2017
I like Emile Hirsch and J.K. Simmons, but they were not able to save this movie. It tries to make Ginnie's dad look like something he is not and fails miserably at everything it tries to do. Zero chemistry between all characters besides the two main characters and their relationship is almost strange. If you are bored, give it a try, but I did warn you. There is way too much wrong with this movie. The only reason I could give it 3 stars is because of Hirsch and Simmons. They did a great job in their roles, just bad writing and story.
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Not bad, just very average
RobTortureWright28 August 2021
The opening 5 minutes of All Nighter had me worried that this would be a truly awful film but I'm happy it improved along the way. This film cast Emile in his 'The Girl Next Door' role as the anxious awkward guy but they overdone it at the start. It plays out as a typical awkward conversation with the girlfriends dad with the totally predictable wine spilling. After the opening scene we slowly get to see both Emile and JK Simmons act very well and flesh out their roles more. The story isn't really there, a simple dad doesn't like the daughters boyfriend but warms up to him in the end but it's the acting that keeps it on track and JK really does do well to keep the film chugging along. Emile does his part and it levels off pretty well, he really is a good actor and I would like to see him in more challenging roles in the future. Overall an average film but I did enjoy moments of it. 6/10.
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Dad tries to find his daughter in an undeveloped storyline.
rmsoepboer21 July 2017
I love dumb comedies that sometimes don't have the best storyline or acting but still make you laugh. This was not one of them! The storyline makes no sense, and it tries to be too many things in one film...funny, quirky, random high guy, bro-mance, father-daughter sentimental relationship, dad finding himself.... blah blah. Waste of time to watch..
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scythertitus27 August 2018
Above all else this is a non-offensive comedy that goes out of its way to make almost all of its characters likeable. This is either something that sounds great or terrible to you from the outset.

I can't really say that there is anything new here, there is no real pushing of boundaries and any jokes made about drugs or sex are way too tame to stand out, although they might tickle some of the more conservative viewers.

Overall this is a middle of the road, somewhat arty light comedy drama. While never truly leaning into either genre or delivering any true insight, it also never disappoints and is generally an okay watch.
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demers-charles22 July 2018
When you start watching a movie and the 20 first minutes are boring, it's difficult to keep going. And it takes no time to notice that boring scenes just keep stretching and stretching. You want them to end, but they're there to torture you endlessly.

Did not laugh a single time.
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Nice cast. Good writing.
waltbscott8 July 2020
I enjoyed this movie. It had a good story that flowed nicely. Perfectly cast. Thanks!
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A Long Night's Journey Into Day
lavatch6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The long night that is the subject of the film's title is a desperate search of a middle-age man for his adult daughter, who has failed to return his phone calls. Out of concern, the father enlists the woman's ex-boyfriend to follow a set of dead-end leads in the search for the daughter. In this process the two buddies create mayhem and madness during the long night's journey into day.

The film is worth seeing for the deadpan style of J. K. Simmons as the father. His one-lines and facial responses are priceless, as he and the young man named Martin encounter a wide assortment of weird characters and situations.

Young Martin is a musician, who is still recovering the the end of his relationship with the daughter. As the film progresses, we feel more and more sympathy for the father and especially Martin. The closing scene that shows Martin as a gifted banjo player and vocalist is a nice close to the film.

While "All Nighter" is not a terribly original film, the situations and the dialogue were nonetheless engaging, especially with the stellar work of Simmons. Ironically, the nondescript daughter who was the object of the long night's journey into day, was the least developed character in the film.
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Disappointing! Sappy dribble!
darthsteele-3933827 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The previews are misleading. Went into this film thinking and hoping that the character of the father was an actual badass and that the character of the daughter was actually in some kind of real trouble. Spoiler, he's not and she isn't! Turns out this boring little picture is just a bunch of sappy dribble.
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