Mafia III (Video Game 2016) Poster

(2016 Video Game)

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I love it
snookie-61 July 2021
I don't get people who say this game is repetitive.

I do have minor annoyances with some of the decisions they made, like weirdly unintuitive controls (skipped so many cutscenes cause X apparently means skip, all the doors open with a square, except for when you're in a car and the garage opens with the down button on the D pad, you beat people with a circle and you jump with the triangle... why...?) Also I hate when games decide to have customizable characters AND prerendered cutscenes. Just do one or the other, 2K, don't pander to youtubers who are constantly complaining about things nobody cares about. In that sense Mafia III is a downgrade from Mafia II.

But the story is incredible, the gameplay is pretty nice and I think a lot of the decisions for this game came from the backlash from Mafia II being "boring".

This was perfectly predictable. Mafia II comes out "boring, nice story, too linear, not enough to do in open world". Mafia III comes out, you have side missions, better gameplay and more collectibles and people are like "too long, too much stuff to do and they're all the same, Mafia II was way better".

I blame video game reviewers. It shouldn't be a thing. They definitely don't improve the medium with their constant drivel but for some reason some developers actually pay attention to that feedback.

And I really don't get it. I prefer playing a game that does one or two things right, than to just play any random Ubisoft, EA or you-name-it franchise that tries to cram everything good from other games into one mess of a game just cause they need the money. And yeah sure... for some this game may be boring, but playing through it, apart from the minor annoyances all I get out of it is the impression that they put a lot of effort into it.

I also love this game as a stealth fan, so yeah... You have the areas. You get the objectives. You have the means and they give you a pretty good scope on the layout of each area. You can do whatever you like for each mission. You have plenty of approaches and a good arsenal for each mission.

If you're bored playing this game - you're probably playing it in a boring way...
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It's good
apacino-883616 January 2020
The story and soundtrack are really good, but graphic ( for 2016 ) and optimization are not so much. It's not better than Mafia 2, but it's a good game.
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It worths more than the rating you see
hkritikos20045 September 2018
Well, If you are here then you definitely like open world games. So simply just go and buy it, it really worths the price. Yes it has some issues, yes propably all the yapping about it being a not finished game with glitches is true but there is more to it than that. As far as I am concerned it is not as good as mafia 2 concerning the script, feeling and how close you get to the characters BUT it is a whole other story so let's just get over with the nagging. I definitely enjoyed playing the game. Did all the main & side missions along with getting all the city wire tapped and finding all the collectibles. I gave it an easy 8 out of 10. I hope we ll see another mafia game soon..
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10 for Combat & Cannabis Cultivation
MellowStello24 June 2021
Before I get in to the main review, let me just grab your attention with this: YOU CAN GROW AND SELL WEED! And create your own strains. EPIC!

This game is unjustly maligned and seriously underrated. Though 2K did get a smidge political and overly racial, the fundamentals of the game are just too strong to ignore. I highly encourage you to enjoy this phenomenal game.

Hangar 13 deserves so much credit for the functionality and rich gameplay Mafia III provides.

This game has it all: Clean, incredibly realistic sounding gunfire. Strong, reactive hand-to-hand combat complimented by gruesome finishers and chilling stealth kills. An efficient and well designed weapon wheel with very unique "summon" options for your weapons dealer, cash handler, and car delivery services. I could go on for a while!

Though this game has an invigorating main storyline, the beginning is quite dark and abrasive. It gets a little heavy, but the payoff is well worth the weight of the plot. Vengeance is sweet!

The vehicles were so beautifully designed, and the driving is as fulfilling as I've ever experienced. Perfect engine, and tire sound replication.

Give this game a chance. You'll be glad you did.
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(PS4) A Fine Mess of a Game.
Fehrsho14 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Mafia's always been one of those game series that kept the cinematic nature of itself tight and intriguing. The first game's introduction spilled you into a sense that you were getting yourself into a playable film, rather than a video game, and the second wasn't too far off either. The third, though, presents a story to the player as if it's an historical event that plagued a community. It presents a story worth telling, and a character worth delving into. Its introduction sucks you in under the pretense of a documentary, and then gives you the meat as though you were reliving the actions of its characters through memory rather than re-enactment.

-STORY- The player is thrust into the shoes of Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam veteran returning home from the conflict to his native New Bordeaux, Louisiana (a play on New Orleans). His festivities are cut short, though, when his surrogate father, and do-gooder criminal Sammy Robinson, informs him he's in deep with the local Italian mob don Sal Marcano. A plan is hatched by the Don and his son, Giorgi, to rob a government vault on Mardi Gras, and collect a sizable amount of cash. In the process of planning, though, Sal gives Lincoln the option of taking over Sammy's operation, to which Lincoln outright refuses.

The job is done with some slight hiccups, and the gang makes away with millions. The amount is divvied, the mob is called to collect, but Lincoln's brother, father and friend are all killed in an act of betrayal by Sal and Giorgi. Lincoln is left for dead, a bullet graze permanently scarred on the side of his skull as a reminder of what he's lost. When he awakens, he vows revenge against the mob, and all involved in making New Bordeaux their criminal underworld.

-GAMEPLAY- This addition to the series brings in a grand scope of new gameplay to the mix. Stealth elements, accurate portrayal of Vietnam soldier training in Lincoln's movements and tactics, and a solid driving mechanic all lend to Mafia III's appeal.

The shooting is solid, however it might be advised on turns down the aim assist as NPC's have a tendency to be madly accurate. Some chase scenes involved getting chased by enemy cars. They managed to flatten all four of my tires, leaving my car a useless wreck until I could find another one, but my quarry would manage to get away before I could acquire a new mode of transport.

NPC AI seems uninspired. Sometimes they come off as too responsive to Lincoln sneaking around, but this can be forgiven given the fact that he's a fairly bulky fellow. That being said, the stealth experience is solid but slightly hollow. It's simple to hide behind a wall, whistle for an NPC to come over, kill them from behind cover, rinse and repeat. One minor annoyance with the AI was that they would often repeat lines in different voices, but also give accurate context to what they might be doing/looking for/find in the environments. However, whilst walking about on the streets, you'll slowly notice that the background NPC's get stuck on each other while driving, among other things. I witnessed on NPC stop at a red light, get out of his car and run away, with nothing prompting him to do so.

One thing I did note and enjoy about the AI was the design to match the era and environment in which they resided. White NPC's will often treat Lincoln with the stand-offish behavior that wasn't far from the norm during the 1960's, being that he is African-American. Some characters would greet Lincoln as he strolled by, to which he would respond without my causing him to do so. It felt like it put another aspect to Lincoln as a character. That he's friendly to those who are friendly to him. But when he would bump into an NPC and forcefully tell them to "move out of the way", it lends a feeling that he's a man on a mission, and in the moment has no time for nicety.

Some of the environments themselves seem uninspired, also, and the background NPC's have a tendency to feel artificial, breaking some immersion. At one point, during a raid on an enemy stronghold, I paused the game, and when I un-paused, the background NPC's had returned to their chairs, speaking and acting as if I hadn't just blasted goons left and right on the premises. It was a disappointing moment in an otherwise fruitful and exciting gunfight.

The driving, though, is phenomenally more advanced than the previous entries in the trilogy. The options menu gives you the choice of Simulated, realistic driving or Normal, more easy-going driving experiences. Some folks seem to have beef with the camera work in cars, but I found it to be cinematic and it made me feel like I was watching a cool car action sequence while I played.

The characters and missions are a big highlight to the developer's effort. Each cutscene is beautifully acted, there's never a sense that the voice actors put little into their performances.

The missions are very rinse and repeat, however there are often differences between how one might approach a mission, or the objective of the mission, leaving every one feeling unique. Their open-ended nature means that you can switch objectives at will. While one objective might tell you to go see someone about a thing, you can put it off to pursue another with no constraints, lending credence to the idea that Lincoln is a man out for his own means and results.

The User Interface is a shining example of how to make a game's menu and HUD smooth. As a result of making allies with the other criminals in the game, you get special perks, including car and ammo delivery services. The NPC's delivering upon said requests are responsive and I've rarely seen them get caught on the scenery, where-ever I may be. One cool thing of note was the fact that, while driving, if the pause menu is brought up, the car radio will continue to play. So you don't have to worry about interrupting one of the many classic 60's songs playing to check your map or change an option.

-GRAPHICS- The most disappointing aspect to the game, as a whole (on console and in my opinion) would have to be its graphical presentation. For a game in production for over a decade, the lighting, draw distance, and overall textural feel of the game seems dated and outmatched by other drive-and-shoot sandboxer games like Grand Theft Auto V.

The lighting was often glitchy. Sunlight would shine into interiors through unseen holes or slits in the roof, or characters would be illuminated in unrealistic ways.

The environments, while detailed and intriguing, seem bland and sickly with no palpable texture to them. The sky would often change on a dime instead of keeping a consistent time of day or weather pattern. Interior-wise, mirror textures are blatantly unfinished. They display a fish-eye effect of the room behind Lincoln, instead of portraying an accurate reflection of Lincoln inside the room. A minor inconvenience in the grand scheme, but a noticeable, immersion-breaking error in graphics. For a game on next-gen, and given the window of development, there could've been a lot more love given to the graphics.

One cool thing of note is in the way the characters are portrayed in cutscenes. Noticeable muscle movements in their face when they speak, ala Red Dead Redemption's graphics, give a realistic feel to each character, which is something that was somewhat lacking in the previous entries. However, some of the realism is broken with dropping framerates and screen-tearing, atop the lighting issues, in most cutscenes.

-OVERALL- While Mafia III is a grand return to the series in gameplay, story and acting, its a fine mess of a game. The graphics seem more like they were unsuccessfully ported to the next-gen rather than fully next-gen. The environments are somewhat lacking, but they do what they can with what they've got and its a welcome change from Empire Bay's urban environments.

The characters are wonderfully portrayed by their actors. Not a single dime was wasted in hiring them. Each one feels like they have an established personality, and it was a welcome treat to see Vito Scaletta's story continued.

The gameplay is a shiner. Each moment kept me coming back for more, and Lincoln Clay is one of those multi-faceted characters that you don't know whether to love or hate.

If this story were presented in the medium of film, it would be a classic. It stands well enough on its own as a story, but it stands on a busted kneecap as a game.
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Nothing in this world is Perfect!
kghosh135 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The game is full of annoying glitches and flaws. But that does not make it any less enjoyable. It is better than playing a game which is flawless yet not enjoyable.

Honestly I have not played GTA V and not played Mafia 2. However, I loved Mafia 1 and that was the sole reason I purchased this one. I am not disappointed at all. In fact its a pretty good game with a good revenge story. The characterization could be better though. The game mechanics are awesome and driving is really a lot of fun. Shooting and fist fights are quite enjoyable. In fact it is a much better game in recent times wherein the makers have kept the game fun. Who cares if the graphics dont leave you spellbound. There is a complaint that the game is a bit repetitive. Agreed. But its so much fun.

Read a lot of negative reviews here, there and everywhere and I dont understand what are their expectations from a game. Is this because its heartbreaking to see how the African origins were treated in the late 60s in America? In my opinion that was needed to build the character of Lincoln. The background music is all 50s and 60s songs and amazing. There is a takedown of a mobster in an amusement park which pans out marvelously. There is a similar takedown inside a hotel again brilliant. There are a few more enjoyable takedowns in the game. But the most enjoyable part for me was the KKK shootout. Never completed a part of any game, I can remember, with more satisfaction.

A good tip for you : "Ignore the criticism and enjoy the game"
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Frustrating yet Satisfying
gamerreview30 December 2021
Mafia III is a game that is a great in some departments, good in most departments but also bad in other departments.

First the positives, 'Mafia III' has to me the greatest soundtrack of any video game I've ever played, and this is epitomised in the radio, I often found myself enjoying playing the game the most just driving and listening to the radio. The game has a good story and a great story telling technique (doing it through a documentary), the gameplay was also good and I found all the characters tolerable and some I genuinely liked (Lincoln and John Donovan).

Now for the negatives, 'Mafia III' biggest problem is it's repetitive nature, often when playing the game you have to figure out ways to keep yourself engaged in the story, and towards the end almost force yourself to take over the last couple territories. However I feel another problem I have with this game is the ending, I don't like the choice aspect of the ending as I think a lack of a definitive ending diminishes the story.

In conclusion, 'Mafia III' is a fun game at times, with a good story, decent characters and amazing music, and in its best moments is a genuine great game but at its worst moments it becomes a bit of a chore.

Rating [7/10]
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Don't give up too early
elliot_ekstrom20 May 2021
Definitely a bit of a disappointment compared to the first two but still a great game. Great story, amazing soundtrack, really fun gameplay. It lacks diversity in mission structure but you can make it really fun for yourself by trying different approaches to each mission. There are a bunch of different weapons and you can choose between a stealthy approach or a loud and violent one. Both really fun. I suggest you give it a try and don't give up on it too early.
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A really solid 1960's playground with a dark and provocative undertone.
Sausage_Dog3 January 2017
If like me, you're into old timey/retro cars, fashion and music. Then this game will be an all you can eat buffet for you.

Mafia III drops you in the middle of the late 1960's, everywhere you look you'll see a really inspired and accurate recreation of the time period. But things are not as pretty as they seem.

After the exciting intro, the story takes a fast and surprisingly dark turn. Leaving you as a player with a strong motivation to complete your characters daunting mission.

You play as Lincoln Clay, a dark-skinned Vietnam veteran who's just returned from battle. You'll discover with him that the world you've come back to could very well be worse than that of the battlefield. Crime, Racism, Crooked cops and Sinister politicians infect the streets of your hometown.

Right off the bat, the game does it's very best to remind you constantly that these are not happy times. The story is formatted like a dark Netflix crime drama, missions are broken up by cut-scenes of interviews about the events that take place in the story.

Exciting blocks of fast paced action are very neatly divided by these intriguing interviews, but you're not limited to the story. Mafia 3 permits you to travel around it's exciting open world at your will. And with the incredible choice of classic songs at your disposal, cruising around the city is a genuine joy that you'll want to experience as a gamer. You may very well be reminded of L.A Noire.

But this is where there's a couple points of complaint, despite the fantastic racing mini game. And incredible (But not overwhelming) collectibles, You might quickly discover how there isn't much for you to take part in, but this absolutely does not ruin the game, let me convince you why!

Firstly, the objectives in the game are very open ended. You're never limited as a player, you're instead given many different ways to conquer a mission. Do you prefer stealth? Guns blazing? Being a sniper? Drive by shooting? Your objectives are never closed areas, You can approach or escape any mission whenever you fancy. Need to escape and stock up on ammo? That's fine!

Secondly, the game world sometimes feels alive. You can enter bars or night clubs that are always bustling with life inside. But because of your skin color, you may find that you aren't welcome in most of the joints. It's little things like this that really differentiates Mafia 3 to other Free roam titles.

You may find that the police even present some racism, in a black neighborhood police are less interested, they arrive later and the dispatch call seems generally bored. Whereas if you cause trouble in a wealthy white neighborhood, the police will be all over you before you have a chance to say sorry.

And you best always be ready for a gunfight, a well placed shot (Even on easy mode) can do some serious damage. Sometimes even killing you instantly. Gunfights are brutal, you're forced to be light on your toes and dance around the battlefield. Always keeping an eye on enemy locations.

The characters are also surprisingly interesting, the story is missing any 'good guys' meaning you're likely to be conflicted at some points about who your friends and enemies should really be.

In conclusion, Mafia 3 is a really solid free roam title. The historical accuracy is a fantastic experience. And the dark story should intrigue you in a really satisfying way, don't believe all of the negative hate for this game. It's absolutely worth giving it a try for yourself.
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One of the most disappointing games i have ever played
85122227 October 2018
Greetings from Lithuania.

I picked up "Mafia" III (2016) for free as a PS plus free give away. After playing trough the half of the story i eventually quit it. That happens for me ultra rare. Why? Because "Mafia" III is one of the most disappointing game i have ever played - at the end of day.

"Mafia" III has to be the most repetitive game ever. First i enjoyed it. Shooting mechanics in this game are great. The sound when bullets hits your target, head shots - it done great. Other and the last good thing about this game is driving mechanics, i really enjoyed it. Other then that, there is nothing in this game that would make you to come back to it. Every single mission (literally, well except one where you have to box someone inside of the ring) is a copy/paste of previous one. All of the side missions are copy/paste. Literally. Outside of the main story which is kinda OK and side quests which are as boring as hell, there is absolutely nothing to do in this open world. It feels dead and empty, and it is dead and empty. There are glitches as well.

Overall, even for free i couldn't finish Mafia III. Its the most repetitive and boring game i have probably ever played.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine2 December 2020
I was hesitant because, well, Mafia. You aren't really in the mafia in this, not even really the Dixie Mafia... which would also not really work.

But on the other hand, it's the 1960s. And the thing that I loved most about Mafia II was the world of the 40s and 50s it created.

Unfortunately, as much as it does a GREAT job depicting the 60s... it depicts the 60s in the South and you kind of take on the role of an African-American Dukes of Hazard character... with gangland ties.

Lincoln Clay oscillates between looking too much like Vin Diesel to really get the feel that he's a Black man living in the segregated south, to actually feeling like a Black man living in the 60s south, and it's all dependent on lighting, which is a shame that they couldn't exactly get his skin tone to stay consistent.

Moving it to somewhere that the culture clash and the hippie movement was a bit more profound would have been more of what I wanted.

HOWEVER, instead you get the Civil Rights movement and fights along those lines and, honestly, I can't complain about that either. It was true to the era and made for a moving story line even if the characters are bad guys and not too sympathetic on either side.

It made for a compelling and fun story that I don't think I'd trade... even if I wanted Italian Mob and more Hippie culture. It was completely enjoyable.

The shooting certainly improved from Mafia II... the story is just as great. The exploration of post Vietnam America is pretty freaking fantastic, especially with the Civil Rights Movement thrown in there to spice it all up.

But, unfortunately, like Mafia II, it's just too darn short given the world they throw you into and how much effort they took into making it look period and beautiful.... so where it's a little longer, the lack of side missions, the lack of length, means that you only really experience it for a weekend. And that is a shame.

I went back and revisited it and GTA 5... and the navigation system is far and away better than the GTA series, this time incorporating street signs that allow you to play without wrecking because your eyes are on the little mini map in the corner.... and again the speedometer is something GTA has always lacked. And the addition of a rear view mirror also promotes better driving and less GTA style navigation crashes.

The music is a great selection for the period... car theft, however, is much more difficult and annoying, especially given all the classic cars that litter the game... the cars that you always wanted and could never afford... they are there, in the game, and pilfering them for a joy ride results the police being instantly alerted, even if they are out of view... and the noise they make is ridiculously loud. So the first thing you want to do is tone down the SFX audio.
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Amazing prologue with unfortunate gameplay
bgameseu15 April 2021
The story and the pace of the game was amazing. The way the story was told was amazing. The setting is incredible too as the city based of New Orleans sets a great playground for the character who is also well build. I must say it was an amazing story full of twists and interesting moments, especially when showed with them great music setting the vibe of the late 60s. The huge disappointment of the game wasn't so much the gameplay, which was alright with a bit of downgrade on the driving from the last Mafia game, but the missions were so repetitive. To progress in the game the protagonist Lincoln Clay has to take up territories/neighbourhoods one by one from the main boss - Marciano. To take a neighbourhood or at least to get to meet the underboss who owns this territory, you have to make 2 or 3 missions which exact copy paste in each of district you have to overtake. The missions for taking down the underbosses of the districts are diverse and pretty good but the path to get there is repetitive as you have to go trough it over and over again. The characters in the game are great and fun to explore, the world is beautiful and stays as a cool background as it looks alive but in the same time there is not much to do if you want to free roam since it's an open world. The story is 10/10 but the repetitiveness of the missions really make the game to be a disappointment. If you are able to sit trough those repetitive missions and ignore them, I ensure you it's worth it, just so You can experience this amazing storyline.
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hammerhead-0815818 April 2020
Yo this game is bad.... the way it is i was excited when it first came out because i played mafia 2 and a little of the first mafia and i loved them and now that i have played mafia 3 it just disappointed me very very very much and i dont like how its just set up in general. Its really not even a mafia game its really just killing racists and taking down the mafia/ controlling it really.
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If Denzel's Equalizer was made into a game, this would be it.
ViolinsinVideogames8 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This game starts off slow. You run basic errands and meet people. In the beginning, it also jumps around time periods a bit, which can be annoying trying to figure out if you're in the present or a flashback. But that doesn't last long so just wait it out.

Then the revenge plot kicks in and the action goes off the charts. Yeah it gets repetitive, but that makes sense when you think about it. You're taking down an "organized" crime syndicate. What's that? It's a business with a lot of rackets that have enforcers and street soldiers, set up the same way for easy management. How do you take it down? Grab the street soldiers, interrogate them, destroy the product, steal the cash, make the enforcers and the players come out of hiding, take them out. Rinse repeat until it's all gone.

This is also one of those games where stealth is not required, but it's super fun. I loved sneaking around compounds dropping some underboss's guards and then letting him see me and call for backup, only to realize that he's alone. The stealth takedowns are super violent. You can also choose lethal or nonlethal takedowns. Furthermore, this is one of those games where as you hurt the bad guy's business, you get cutscenes showing his responses to what you're doing and how it's hurting him. As you conquer territories, you also get to assign control to your in-game associates. Showing favoritism can and will piss off some of your friends, so choose wisely.

The game does have it's flaws and wtf issues. For instance, if you're driving and you so much as bump into something, like say, a small tree, doing 5 mph, the game responds like you just drove into a mountain doing 90mph. You also have the basic henchman that can throw molotovs 500 yards and are 100% accurate with shotguns at the same distance. Also, if you're driving really fast, civilians like to dive into the road in front of you for some reason. If you hit them, you better hope a cop doesn't see it, or you're in for an instant chase.

Overall, I don't get the hate. If you're looking for a game set in the post-Nam south where you're a badass soldier taking down a mafia syndicate, this is your game.
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Repetitive but...
bogdanbalostin4 May 2019
As always, I will review this game from the story and cinematography point of view. But first let's talk about the gameplay. It's extremely repetitive but a lot of games are. Hell, all games are repetitive. you just do the same thing over and over until it's over. But the variety of tasks is bigger and you don't feel it.

In this game, there are only 2 things to do: driving and shooting and all missions are a combination of these 2 things. That can be a problem as there aren't a lot of combinations you can make from only 2 things. The shooting is great and the driving the best in open world games but I guess only 2 really good things without any context can create a repetitive experience.

The first few hours before you are let on your own to do the same things over and over again create a really good context for the story. Lincoln Clay returned from Vietnam gets involved with the mob in New Bordeaux and well, if you don't know, don't look for more, just play the opening hours, these are really, really good.

But after that, the story becomes so simplistic that could have been told in only one mission and that is the disappointing part of the game. There's not enough to justify just wondering through the city for the next 20 hours (I took my time because of the driving)

All in all, I enjoyed the story (beginning and ending, as there's nothing in the middle) but I didn't find it as offensive as the developer said. Instead of being repulsed of how the NPC react to my character (it was not easy to be a black man in the 60s), I was pleasantly surprised to hear a lot of characters being nice to me and greet me on the streets. A change of tone from the normal open world game where everyone swears at you and makes you an idiot for driving on the wrong side of the road.
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Black Rambo VS The Godfather
Postal_Dude_Paradise_AZ5 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The mob double crosses muscle bound African American Vietnam veteran Lincoln Clay and executes him with a show in the head. Fate dictates that he would not die in that violent act and a one man army bloody revenge on the powerful city Kingpin and his gangs ensues.

I love action movies almost as no other genre, well with the exception of horror.

if you ever wondered having been Rambo a product of the 60's how the Blaxploitation Cinema era would have treated the subject, well this game is the best possible answer to that.

There was Blackenstein and Blackula, the wonderful Shaft Movies with Richard Roundtree were an answer to the tough white rogue cop. The black Bullitt.

I'm gonna digress a lot in this review because i love this game so much since it touches a lot of passions of mine not only in video games but specially in movies.

So as i was saying, the 70's where awesome for genre action and crime movies like The Godfather, the aforementioned Bullitt or Dirty Harry but also their over the top B versions like everything Italy churned out as homages/exploitation of those movies: stuff like Live Like a Cop, Die Like A Man (1976) or Wipeout! (1973) Rome Armed to the Teeth (|1976) Holy Crap! If you haven't seen those movies you can't begin to imagine how much kickassery is contained in their duration time!

Those movies where the reaction of exploitative producers to the USA movie hits, but with all the subtlety left out. "Yeah yeah , great cinematography, character development and dialogue man but let's cut to the goons being blown apart by shotguns blasts already!"

And THAT is what this game is about!

Sure, there's a lot of characters, and plenty (skippable) dialogue scenes and they are very well written and the cgi characters even show uncannily subtle expressions! But what you gonna love if you are anything like me is just sneaking through gangsters or white supremacist territory all over "New Bordeaux" and shoot them down like the rage of God! All while playing it as a huge black MoFo dressed exactly like Stallone at the beginning of First Blood!

This is Boss N*gger (1975) meets Massacre Mafia Style (1975) in a video game- Hadn't had this much fun sin GTA San Andreas or Manhunt, i'm loving every minute of it and i can't recommend it vehemently enough!
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Reppetative gameplay but an interesting story
Severinplates85314 February 2022
6.5/10, C tier. As a fan of the previous two mafia games I was really excited to try this one. I know the gameplay of these games is very basic but I love the story and interesting character development these games seem to get right.

For the first hour or so I loved it. The documentary, non linear style was a bit jarring at first but I got used to it. I was really interested in Lincoln Clay and his Vietnam background, it definitely felt right to continue the world of mafia in the 60s/70s.

The music was great and much like the other mafia games the period of the game was perfectly captured. The graphics in this game are gorgeousthe world looks so detailed and looks incredible. The combat is brutal in this game, shooting is really bloody and looks so real. The stealth kills are so brutally realistic but are a bit over powered as it is really easy to avoid enemies in stealth.

The opening part of the game is great, I won't spoil the story but how the game is set up was incredible. The characters who were introduced, one in perticular, were all interesting and I wanted to see where they would go from the first part. From then on however, the story took a back seat, with not much story and mostly missions, it became really monotonous.

The game whist having more freedom than the others in the mafia series, just feels so lifeless after the opening part of the game. It literally becomes completing simple repettative missions one after another with very little story behind each mission.

You have to take out these gang territories by doing certain missons, saving people, killing targets, opening safes, stealing cars. It just goes like this for ages and ages.

Even if there are a few interesting characters who give you missions and help you such as Donovan and Cassandra they have such little impact in the actual missions you do. Yes the first two games have very basic gameplay but it puts its story and characters as the main focus of the game. The story in mafia 3 started out exceptionally but as soon as the story was gone I felt no drive to complete any of the missions.

I was still going to keep playing but I checked how long the game is and it's around 20 hours. I honestly can't be bothered to put that amount of time into this game. Have played around 4-5 hours or so and honestly think my opinion won't change.

I will definitely watch the story on YouTube but I am really dissatisfied the game didn't keep me engaged as long as the others in the series.
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Gangsta Style Revenge
darthsitkur24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(After he and his friends are betrayed the Italian mob, Lincoln clay sets out on a bloody path of revenge to murder everyone that works for sal Marcano including sal himself.)

the six years was totally worth the wait, especially since I was dying to know what happened to joe barbaro (he's alive). mafia 3 is way better than the first two and one of the best games I've ever played, it's both a great gangster and revenge story, it has all the 60's isms like a great soundtrack, fast cars, and cool clothes, great voice acting, a great protagonist, and tons of bloody action and brutal gore (even more than the first two), as well as suspense and drama too since it's a dark game. My only complaint is the lack of clothing stores, but other than that, i love it. do yourself a favor and go buy it, get the deluxe edition though, it has the season pass and family kick back DLC which comes with awesome goodies, it's worth the purchase. now I'm just for the three story expansions to be released

These were the highlights for me

1. The KKK Shootout (It was so satisfying murdering them)

2. The Sanatorium Shootout From The Sign Of The Times DLC (In One Word, EPIC)

3. The Hotel Shootout (definitely how I imagined the deleted shootout from Deadpool went down)

4. The Amusement Park Shootout (sorta like a nod to zombieland, but with mobsters instead)
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Mediocre Mafia Games
pace-941271 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Play Mafia 3 and this is my review. The most interesting part of this game, like all mafia games, is the stories, you follow Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam war veteran that wants to revenge his friends and family death. The story is good but a little bit worse than the last two mafia games, as you're not the mafia himself and the one who want to take down the mafia. The graphic is somewhat mediocre, the texture is muddy and the system requirement is really high. But the most negative aspect of this game is the game is too repetitive, taking down business and the leader so the high ones come out so you can kill, rinse and repeat, the game is full open world yes but nothing much you can do in the world anyway.
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When did the mafia start employing black people?
mwrpen-7867522 December 2019
When did the mafia start employing black people? Why not make a game about African gangs? This doesn't make sense
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Best in the series!! Also, people don't get "repetitive" on here!!
Marynewcomb201317 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I own the mafia trilogy definitive edition & understand the first two were made for different generations of platforms & are good in their own ways but they don't compare to 3!! I was hesitate at first with the story not really connecting the main character to the mafia at first but that changed fast!! Once you get going, you do side missions as well & as anyone with half a brain knows, you get to repeating things!! It happens in real life everyday!!

As you complete missions & assign underbosses to take over certain operations, you have to make runs for them collecting shine, weed, guns & so on!! If these were real life, illegal operations going, you would be doing the same exact thing as the game!! You do after all have to build trust a loyalty with your underbosses!!!

The only real life, actually existing tie in with the game is the soundtrack & they did a fair job with getting 70's rock & a couple others in here!! Gameplay is great!! There are NO PROBLEMS with missions loading up or any of what lies have been said!! I had two times an error message popped up but that was it!! If you have never played this trilogy yet, I recommend playing this one first! Maybe even second & third!!
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Mafia 3 still not a part of a deal
syaril-9901923 September 2020
The graphics really looking impressive, the story actually not quite bad and still good enough i think but the gameplay is worse, found many bug, confusing map and objective, very repetitive and not amazing at all.
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The most unplayable game ever
mailgamingu21 June 2020
Missions dont show up. Missions dont count. Vehicles disappear while driving them causing your mission to fail and need to be replayed again. Invincible enemies that cannot be hurt or defeated with 200+ headshots. After an hour of playing you quickly realize the lazyest devs ever just copied and pasted the whole game. Every mission with the exception of a few are all the same. It seems this game was only released to promote racism as no effort was put into making a functioning game. How can developers today make games so bad that you almost cant even play them from so many bugs? Even atari and nintendo made games that worked really well with almost no error. Sorry, but 2k should be sued for charging players money for a game thats this bad at release. No excuse for this many issues on a game. Had to erase all my game data to start over because the game saves became so messed up from all the bugs corrupting saves and causing the game to freeze.
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Mildly solid 8
julianvinnesholm6 October 2021
The gameplay is awesome, it has huge variety of weapons and cars and the story is also amazing. The protagonist relatable, well written and badass. The antagonist as well is also very well made. The only problem here is the racket missions, which get SO repetitive and boring. Most of the missions in the game are almost the same. The real missions though, the ones that aren't the racket ones are mostly very good. All in all, I think it's the weakest game of the series, but still worth playing.
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Potential ruined by lazy execution
kimebbett10 October 2020
Mafia 3 had a solid framework but unfortunately it plays in such a way that's it's more a chore than enjoyable recreation time.

Clunky gameplay mechanics and quickly devolving story make it a disappointing play.

Very similar in style to Assassin's Creed but without fluid movement or combat. I found the fps engine unplayable without heavy aim assist, and I pride myself in fps multiplayer.

Fantastic soundtrack though, they did nail that.

Would play a remaster provided they use a new movement and combat model.

Gameplay: 2/10 Combat: 2/10 Vehicle usability: 3/10 Story: 6/10 Button layout: 4/10 HUD: 6/10 Character development: 5/10 Visual appeal-characters: 4/10 Visual appeal-environment: 6/10 Content: 5/10 Soundtrack: 9/10
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