De celles qui osent (TV Series 2017–2021) Poster


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Delightful Fluff
toncincin26 August 2019
I found this show a few weeks ago. I've now watched all three seasons. It's a delightful escape - not reality. Everything in life does MOT revolve around sex. BUT that being said - it's pure escapism ... just don't believe it's true life. Kind of like a Hallmark movie - don't believe it. I watched it for enjoyment, friendship, and entertainment. Will watch season 4 when it comes out!
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rhedyn-ingate28 February 2019
This show is the perfect mashup of all the good things from 'the devil wears prada', 'gossip girl', and 'sex and the city' with the added bonus of more contemporary, feminist, political and identity issues leading the plot. Yes, some of the twists and turns seemed too good to be true, but it's one of those shows you can just put on to feel good, although you'll probably end up getting hooked on it! I'm obsessed!
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Disappointed. Season 4 ruined it!
slaurentlarochec19 September 2021
Got into it as from the very first episode. The characters professionalism in their job was kind of inspiring. The show was interesting and pretty captivating. But season 4 went down to be cheesy. It's still worth watching up to season 3.
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a sweet, funny, progressive show!
mhroth-0352811 July 2017
i think there's no reason for this show to have a 5.9. it's funny, clever, dramatic, and exciting, all while being about feminism- particularly inter sectional feminism-at a magazine called "scarlet". its unique even when it plays into tropes. the main trio are likable, interesting characters that we can root for. I'm really excited for where this show will go!
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My favorite show
christian-thuerta2 August 2018
I agree with some of the previous comments that some parts of The Bold Type are unrealistic- but that's TV right?? This show is politically correct, and constantly counters the narrative of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". These women have each other's backs throughout all of their struggles, and it echoes an incredible sense of community. In season 2, what Kat and Jane individually go through I have never seen on TV before (I've seen a lot of TV) and I'm been going through those instances in my life recently too. It felt incredible to be represented and feel like I'm not the only one facing these dilemmas. After each show I'm always in a better mood, and catch myself laughing at their subtle humor and goofy acts throughout every episode. Upon reflection, I think this is my favorite show. (as a 20-something woman).
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A great feel good show with quality representation
bryanmfrancis-0726830 July 2017
Upon seeing the first ads for this show I wasn't particularly intrigued, but because of the feminist themes I gave it a chance and was pleasantly surprised. I have so much respect for what the show is doing in terms of showcasing real diversity and giving these women depth that is often unseen in female characters. So many supportive and positive relationships/interactions between women (and even with the men too) here as opposed to the stereotypical cattiness. There's SO much quality representation for women in general, but particularly valuable rep for women of color, Muslim women, and LGBT women. I really like that the drama doesn't center around the love interests, and that the women get to be fully fledged outside of their romantic entanglements; they confront the real life issues of today. It isn't my usual TYPE of show, but I'm 100% hooked!!
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Girliest Dreams Come True
chrissm3829 February 2020
This show satisfies my most feminine fantasies of that glamorous job, office romance, and a sisterly bond of best friends. I also absolutely appreciate that the female boss character isn't a b*tch and actually supports her employees in a strong motherly way. All in all, the show is very entertaining and I'm continuing to binge away!
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Okayish to binge but very far from reality
mikeratnam21 March 2021
Somehow the makers of this show portrayed the vulnerabilities of woman especially Jane all-over and Sutton in Season 4. Skipped Most of Kat and Adena episodes coz it's very irritating how Kat changes her love interests from time to time. May be as a guy I feel the observing angle rather than personal angle but whatever happened to Richard was not good and not well written in my opinion. Theme was great also Jacqueline was pretty amazing. Good for binging but gets more unnecessarily dramatic as it goes.
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So good!
lislknizner30 July 2017
This. Show. Is. Great. Have to admit I wasn't planning on watching based on the original promos but I'm so glad I have it a chance. Each episode gets better and every character brings something to the table. Writing unlike anything I've seen before and compelling storytelling that makes me want Tuesday to get here ASAP every week.Give it a try!
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The show is good only because of Sutton!
wynnsv6 June 2019
So I usually don't write reviews but I felt compelled to do so, bc I honestly don't understand why I watch this show but I can't help myself. I realized the most redeeming quality of the main 3 characters is Sutton. She is such a great character and fun to watch. Very much reminds me of a person who could be on Younger. But as for the other two Jane is tolerable, but Kat is the most intolerable character on the show! I say if you like Younger get give it a shot, but you will find that Sutton gives you that appreciation
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Fresh and Enpowering
flowerclair8 March 2021
It is so good to have a TV series where the women are helping other women instead of stabbing them in the back. Looking forward to seeing more.
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Cool show to watch but not realistic
melonycm4 July 2021
I just started watching this show on netflix and I must saay its a cool show to watch but its not realistic. Everything just seems to fall into place with each one of the girls but life isnt like that. They all get good jobs, handsome or pretty partners who are deeply in love with them...awards,recognition, I mean I wish as a twenty something year old..I wish I had that luck! I cant even get a job with my degree lol.. Im not hating but its just not real. Another thing each of of these girls have partners and still have so much time to spend with friends? As soon as one of my female friends get a partner thats it..just a little time to spare LOL. As I said its cool just not real.
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Season 4 - boldly going off a cliff
barrflye17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Utterly disappointed in the 2nd half of season 4. Particularly with the Sutton/Richard story line. The writers missed a real opportunity to explore a twenty something person in a committed marriage, which is not represented at all on the show. It would have been nice to see that dynamic represented and fully explored, but instead they almost instantly pulled the plug. I think fans of the show would have really enjoyed seeing Sutton and Richard juggle career, their new marriage and starting a family. The ups and downs, the compromises, the missteps, and the funny new parent moments. Instead we get a spiraling self destructive Sutton story line in which she sleeps with her HS boyfriend less than a week after Richard walks out. Sorry, very little to root for this season, and during a global pandemic, I really hoped for something / someone to root for.
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A great show about life, love and careers
catfanatic88813 July 2021
These beautiful ladies take a lot of risks on the road to love, successful careers, etc. I wish I had a great group of close friends like these ladies. They aren't perfect but nobody is. I appreciate this show and enjoy each episode watching them grow and learn. I'm so sorry this is the final season airing now but am grateful we got to be there to watch it through the years. I will miss it.
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Ambitious millennial women with goals
Kaygee90617 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved watching this show. I can strongly relate to each of the main characters. The show presents real issues without coming across as fake & stereotypical. What all of the women have in common, despite their own unique situations, is that they're trying to figure out who they are in a world where people have unrealistic expectations, and everything & everyone is 'perfect'. The women are portrayed to be strong & independent with real goals & careers. Although the show touches on the women's personal relationships with ex's, boyfriends, or girlfriends, it's not the main focus of the show.

Jane Sloan, is a newly promoted writer that is assigned to write about a topic she has not experienced. As a millennial currently going into my first real career (backed by Bachelor's Degree), I can relate to the pressure she feels to perform for her job, even if it means being put into very uncomfortable situations. It's difficult to develop a new role identity, especially being in your first 'real' job where expectations are set high.

Kat Edison, is a newly appointed social media director who follows her intuition on a story. She also struggles with her sexual identity as well as standing up for her own political viewpoints. I can relate to this character, because like her I'm also figuring out my own beliefs & political leanings.

Sutton Brady, struggles to decide if she should reach for her dream job or work the job that will realistically pay the bills. I can resonate with this character as well. In a job market that chews up & spits people out, I also need to decide if I should go for my dream job, or do what's realistic.

All in all, this series deals with real life issues that career oriented millennials will at some point deal with.
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Positive, inspiring, and fresh
emilyannegriffin31 March 2020
It's rare that you see positive female friendships on TV and that is what makes this show so special. The main characters are kind and constantly support and build each other up, a far cry from the usual catty, female drama you see in most shows. It's not just a "fluff" show and doesn't shy away from tough subjects. I am always so impressed with how they tackle complex, nuanced issues while still be engaging and fun. Yes, some parts are unrealistically lucky but it's a c'mon it's television. This show is truly a breath of fresh air amongst the legions of other stale dramas. I love that they break the mold with so many characters and don't rely on outdated archetypes. It makes me feel empowered and pushes me to support the other women in my life. I highly recommend giving it a shot!
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Feminism? Count me in!!!!
boontjestenen30 July 2017
An amazing show filled with strong women! The main friendship between the three girls is wonderful and refreshing, and most importantly, realistic. They could've made the boss a stereotypical "bitchy" character but she's super supportive and believes in the girls. While it's a show with lots of women, the men are also well written. Sutton's boyfriend Richard is sweet and kind and always there for her and i hope we can see more of Alex. And of course the LGBT representation between two women!!! This is a show I'm definitely looking forward to every week!
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it's a chick flick like every other, except that it tries really hard to check all the political boxes
lotfalcon30 August 2020
It's an entertaining show, but that's it. they really try to force political correctness in every episode, without it really adding to the story. that makes it feel like the show is based more on a checklist than a storyline.
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Fun, lighthearted (mostly) show
colalolamadi28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I very much enjoy the show. It shows three girls going through their lives working at a fashion/feminism magazine, and their personal conflicts as they do. It does a decent job at characterizing the girls characters (although I think Jane could use some fleshing out, she seems to be mostly to be anxious as a character trait. She's being fleshed out though). The characters go through some conflicts that vary from being in jail to trying to get laid, but I think that the show shows them off decently. Kat and Adena are great characters, and (they are the most fleshed out, so that makes sense), and Jane and Sutton are also fun to watch, despite their stories being still worked on.

My one actual complaint about this show is that they take on too much at a time. I think the show would be better served with having the episodes focus on one (or maybe two) of the girl's issues, rather than all three of them at once. While I think that the structure could work in theory, I think they need to establish the characters a bit more before they spread themselves out like that.

Overall a good show!
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Just how much cringe worthy are the karaoke scenes ?
cool_jojo_00730 March 2021
Usually karaoke scenes in a pub/bar are not good. This just takes to a whole new level of how worse things can actually get. It's so obvious it's not their voices. It's so bad that it's hilarious :D.
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Original and relatable :)
hanhor21 April 2021
Sooo good to see a show about millennials that isn't superficial, explores contemporary issues but is also light and funny. It is full of great characters and it has something for everyone. I'd definitely give it a watch!
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overlong music videos with background conversations
cmelaniesenf16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to the series. New York. Kind of like "Sex And The City" but kind of not. It could have been a welcome anti-reboot. But conveys a completely false image or let's just say HBO writer's vs. Freeform writers. You know, the ones who put us through 7 seasons of Riverdale?!

The Genre: according to it is a drama and comedy series. I can't confirm that. The last two seasons were almost just overlong music videos with background conversations.

The Cast: New. Unused. Likeable. But the characters were at times exhausting, almost unbearable.

Kat, who looks for faults in everyone else but still lives on her parents' dime, even though she runs a department at Scarlet. Sutton, who hits the jackpot. Literally moving from the gutter to a loft and still not being satisfied with anything, and Joan, who literally had no personality because the best ones were already taken.

The Plot: 3 girls on their way up. With all the ups and downs. Just how life plays out. According to the motto Girl Power and the Me2 movement. So much potential that was wasted by bad stories and political correctness. As a single woman in her 30s, without children and with "only" my career in mind, I didn't feel represented at all.

The Conclusion: Unfortunately, I have to admit that SATC was almost more realistic. Let's ignore the fact that the themes, the problems, the life has changed. Maybe it has even become a bit more superficial. More colorful, yet grayer.

But SATC came across differently. More normal. Maybe even a bit too conservative for today's youth. Four girls, one table.

Whereas "The Bold Type" floods me with information. All the stress of having seen and tried everything. There is simply no shame anymore. None of the girls has not done anything. None is prudish or ignorant. Even Joan is the epitome of the saying "still waters run deep".

Even professionally, there were never any limits to what the girls could do. They asked for a promotion and got promoted. They were admonished, but without consequences. Kat barley worked for Scarlet when she became politically involved. Any Consequences? No.

And in the end, she, not even 30 years old becomes an editor? Although she has a bad image, was even fired, stops at nothing and no one for her ideals and gets such recognition? What is this supposed to teach the Millenials?

Miranda and Samantha paved the way for Kat and Co. Miranda worked day and night for a partnership in her law firm. Neglected her child. Samantha had to do door-to-doors to get a foothold as a woman in her industry and these 3 chickens snap their fingers with just that?

6 stars.
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Only OK
leila_sami16 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's fine but, like someone else said, everything just works out for them in the most unlikely, far-fetched ways. They get jobs that they're wildly under-qualified for by just being themselves. They sleep with whoever they want to (including very senior management) with zero consequences. A woman who has never had an orgasm miraculously has one by doing nothing really except sleeping with a new guy for the first time (because we all know that happens on the regular). Sadly I think that this reinforces what we were all told when we were kids: that we are special snowflakes and we just need to be ourselves. The reality is that the corporate world is cut-throat, we did graduate into the worst job market in modern times (as one of the characters points out in a rare glimpse of realism) and there are hundreds of applicants for every job; so you won't get that amazing job you want by doing a crafty mood board and showing that your parents think you're special: you need to be hard-working, (over) qualified and stand out from the crowd. If you sleep with the boss, people will find out and belittle your achievements (especially as a woman). And if you get anything stuck in your nether-regions, go to a frickin doctor and don't ask your friend to take it out in a closet at work that anyone can walk into. As long as you take this with a very large pinch of salt and realise that it is ALL fiction and enjoy it for what it is, it's fine really, if nothing overly interesting or groundbreaking.
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I love love love this show
oliviabrier29 July 2017
I love this show. The Bold Type is a feel good type of show that I just want to watch with my girls. It doesn't just show what a good friendship looks like between girls but it touches on real issues that our country is currently facing. I really love how this show's setting is in a workplace and not in a high school like so many other TV shows. I feel as if this show should have a higher rating because who doesn't like a feel good show with feminism and girl power???
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Worth the watch
marnieday30 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The show often reminds me of a feel-good rom com from the 90s due to the pure, fun loving nature of the trio. However, the show is definitely suited to today's audience with it's references to current societal issues and modern technology such as virtual reality systems. What I really love about the show is that it discusses important and prevalent issues that aren't really talked about. Examples of this include Kat's problem facing online hate/misogyny (which is rather humorous in how true the subject is, even highlighted in some of the comments on YouTube to the show's trailer), and coming to terms with her sexuality. As well as Adena facing harassment due to her ethnicity/religion. But as I stated at the beginning, the main reason why I am already falling in love with this show is because of the girls' friendship. Scenes such as their gatherings in the clothing room, getting excited for each other's achievements, and constantly trying to give support even over the phone when they're not there, are extremely heartwarming (and sometimes hilarious!!) and a pleasant change of scene from some of the distant portrayals of female friendships in the media.

One of the only real issues I have with the show is that I find that the narrative voice in the opening scenes doesn't fit to the show and is often read in a way that is detached/ not flowing well. I'm not sure if that's just Freeform's narrator, but I believe that the show would work better if it was read by one of the trio (maybe in turn) or Jacqueline.
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