Lodge 49 (TV Series 2018–2019) Poster


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Weirdly enjoyable in a relaxing sort of way.
christophertelford12 August 2018
It's hard to describe Lodge 49 without giving too much away. There are no scary monsters or much in the way of violence or action scenes.Just a really good slow burn 'alternative' drama with decent acting and characters that really makes you want to find out what happens next, both in terms of plot and also character development. I found myself liking and caring about all the main characters in the story. The description makes the show look like science fiction or fantasy, but the fantasy elements are quite subdued. Something weird may or may not be going on in the background but the show is mostly about the characters and what happens in their lives. I wouldn't have expected to like it as much as I did based on the description. Now I'm waiting for season 2.
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Quite a serious drama, very interesting characters....
wildsparrow1612 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is not The Big Lebowski. This is a very serious drama with some very funny moments. It is about a likeable young man who survives a near-death incident only to lose his beloved father shortly after. It is about his suicidal sister - a struggling waitress who is left 80K in debt after signing her dead fathers loan. It is about a loveable, loney old salesman who cares for his ill cat and pines for a woman who suffers terrifying acid flashbacks, of which he is unaware. It is about a manager who spends her days having to terminate people from a company that is going under and then gets to go home and care for her dying mother. It is about a former academic who has left all that behind and now makes holistic brews for various ailments. This show deals with grief, poverty, dementia, loneliness - and that is just for starters. On top of all that, the characters manage to be there for each other and find some kind of light - mostly through the main character. It is a unique drama and I highly recommend it. Despite the serious subject matters, there is much light in this show.
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Turning the mundane into laughter
paulcreeden15 March 2021
Watching this show pulls you into a world of drab mediocrity. It's characters are funny and complex. There is an element of suspense and mystery that keeps up interest. But the characters are the story. It has the kind of humor that makes you feel you are there with the characters when they crack you up without doing anything particularly outrageous. Great timing. Good gags. Subtle absurdity. The dingy atmosphere of many scenes enhances the profundity of some of the dialogue. Great writing and delivery by the cast.
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Save Lodge 49, save the world!
cataniam117 November 2019
Cancelling Lodge 49 will go down as one of AMC's most regretted mistakes. It's a delightful multi-faceted series that I'd been meaning to give more attention to here. It's just hard to sum up what a charmingly esoteric experience it is if you've not seen it. (The Prague Paradox by L. Marvin Metz is off the flippin' chain!) Early ads focused on the superficial The Big Lebowski similarities so I didn't expect it to grow on me exponentially with each episode. The ensemble cast & their dialogue sparkled. It's about alchemy, economics, & the friends we made along the way. I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't cancelled after its inaugural season. The second season was even more superlative, featuring a dumpling eating contest between Sonya Cassidy & Paul Giamatti! Apparently AMC only wants to be The Walking Dead Channel now. Please join me in campaigning alternate outlets to pick up Lodge 49 for a third season! I won't let the cancellation bear deprive the world of its idiosyncrasy!
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A good show, that is light and refressing
kornster010 September 2018
I really enjoyed the show and watched all 10 episodes in a weekend! The story is deeper than the usual show out there and the characters make you jump right into the story. The actors do a great job, the pace might be a bit slow for the average viewer but i think Jim Garvin did a great job and i look forward to a second season.
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This ain't your daddy's Dude
tyesimpson14 August 2018
Figured I had to write something thankful and inspiring for the folks who were responsible for the show before it was cancelled. Praise be to those who talked the suits out of enough money to make 10 shows.

Only watched a few episodes, but wow; reminds me that TV doesn't have to be crap. You know how sometimes you can see something small but it's actually pretty big and the more you think about it, it gets bigger? How people seem so stupid and lost, but if give them a chance you realise their struggles are righteous, and you're in their way not the other way around?

The writing is authentic, real; the acting doesn't seem to be; visually it sucks you in like the couch in a furnished apartment and then it slaps you, hard, if you take it too much for granted. Some dialog, some scenes, some shots just have to be watched over again to see how smooth and easy Mexican tequila can be when it's done right fine. It's funny without joking, and the serious is slipped-in sly like so you don't notice too much. It's fairly obvious the show won't appeal to some, maybe a lot, but good, solid work is like that sometimes. But to some, like me, well, it's a little joy to watch. Bless you Jim Gavin whoever you are.
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Makes me want to join a lodge!
shane11813 March 2021
This is a fun show. I enjoyed it far more than I expected I would even though it's also quite sad and deals with difficult subject matter such as loneliness, death, and despair.
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Questing for Meaning
owen-watts31 March 2021
Jim Gavin's sadly truncated characterful odyssey Lodge 49 is a really beautiful bit of television - a grandly eclectic musical score (their music supervisor was the editor of Shindig! Magazine), a magnificent cast and some truly bold set pieces make it one of the more interesting shows of the era but it is inconsistent. Tonally it's something akin to a Coen brothers' approximation of the allegorical "John From Cincinnati"- with semi-mythical coincidences and strange occurrences mingling with everyday drama and human pain.

There are some really strong moments here but the pacing can drift into the glacial and the fundamental issue with portraying groups of people who meander through life looking for meaning is that this listlessness also seeps into the episodes themselves. Looking back across the two seasons it's sometimes hard to see the justification for whole chunks of it, but when it does coalesce into something it can be legitimately breathtaking.

The backbone of the show is the "knight and squire" relationship between Jennings & Russell - the evergreen latter now making well-deserved waves in the Marvel omniverse. The whole cast is glorious though from the magnetically listless Sonya Cassidy to David "Knifeman" Pasquesi's starry-eyed apothecary to the magnificent Bruce Campbell and the deeply underrated Adam Godley. There's a strange existential melancholy to a prematurely cancelled show - a public story perennially unfinished - that sort of works for Lodge 49 and the Lynx lodge and its cultish trappings will stay with me for a long time.
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A drawing show with great subtext and intelligent writing
roses_for_revolution8 September 2018
If you want some straightforward, spoon feed drama this isn't for you. This show is about hidden meanings, philosophy and discovery. While it may not be for the average TV viewer this show is simply amazing. With so much below the surface this show has some real potential moving forward and really reminds me of older shows that made viewers think and put the pieces together. With a great cast and acting far beyond the scope of most television series this is a show for the intellects and contemplative minds. While The pace of the series is slow, it builds well with each episode, revealing more and more of both secrets within the show and behind the meaning of it's narrative. Here's hoping that this series doesn't get lost due to requiring patience and thought and is allowed to continue to shine above the tidal wave of thoughtless and mind numbing programs that predominantly reign on modern television.
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mysteries and humanity
goatgirl-4570416 November 2019
There are a lot of TV shows, an overwhelming amount, really. But some of them... well, some of them tell a deeper tale than most. Lodge 49 is one of those shows. If you haven't already given it a chance; please consider watching the first 3 episodes and allowing them to wash over you, to draw you in. I think you'll see why this show is so special. Stellar writing and nuanced performances make Lodge 49 one of a kind, and just gets better from the first to second season.

I've been thinking about the TV shows that have resonated the most with me this year: Russian Doll would be one, and Lodge 49 would be the other. On the surface they may seem very different, but both of them operate in mysteries, and both of them have a basic message of the importance of human connection, that we are in this together and that we need each other. It may seem like a simple and obvious thing, but this non-sappy, non-manipulative, genuine heart is missing from much of what's out there, and it's why Lodge 49 has inspired such a passionate fan community.
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Shame on AMC
chiefjournalist24 January 2020
This was such a lovely show with gentle soul. It's such s shame to have been cancelled after an outstanding second season.

I'm hoping that hulu will pick it up for two / three more seasons.

If not Hulu, then Amazon or NetFlix. Somebody needs to pick this up.
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One of my favorite shows
ukgreek24 April 2021
It was a lot of things -- quirky, warm, compassionate, weirdly comical at times, but sort of like People of Earth in the way it showed people's connectedness and sense of community. I'm heartbroken that it was cancelled.
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The Big Lebowski starring Guybrush Threepwood (Season 2 a /trainwreck/)
joachimokeefe11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If that headline sounds bizarre, that's exactly what Lodge 49 (Season 1) is. Season 2 below.

Plot: a deadbeat surfer/pool dude with a snakebite injury joins a mysterious fraternal lodge (The Lynxes - possibly based on the Buffaloes (sic)) in Long Beach, Ca., which is feeling the severe effects of economic downturn. His dad, who disappeared while surfing, got his twin sister to sign up to an $80,000 bank loan so she has to work 24/7 in a plaid miniskirt at an Irish theme bar; Sean (Dud) himself owes his sister $6000; the acting head of the Lodge, who fears his imminent death, got him to pay $2000 when the admission was only $200; and there's a whole major plumbing supplies deal going down. And that's nothing like half of it. I love that these characters actually worry about money like real people, when they're not trying to find love, closure, or the secret of the universe.

I can see why people think L49 has no plot: nor did the Secret of Monkey Island (edit: not Pirates of the Caribbean!!) game back in the day: what that had was jokes, characters, mysteries and great audio/visuals. L49 is rich with them too if you only look. And a VW Thing??!!

If you think "Better Call Saul" is slow, or you think "Game of Thrones" is epic, or think James Corden is funny, Lodge 49 is not for you. If you like the Coens, Threepwood, or three-dimensional characters in general, I highly recommend it.

Season ending is a little vague. But the Dud abides. However: ************************************************************************************ October 2019 (SPOILERS): Season 2 has one episode left. This series set itself the task of developing about six of the main characters' arcs in the same amount of depth, so you have any one of them to choose from. That was a big mistake. Dud is no longer the hero, he's a bit part player in the stories of all the other characters; and in order to tie it all up, they've sent everybody off to Lodge 55 in Guadalajara. On a holiday - a flashback holiday, at that . The Lamar writer character, while hilarious per se, has completely obliterated any interest in Ernie or Blaise's stories, Connie and Scott have become moribund together or apart, and Liz is simply someone to show how utterly bananas Janet Price is. Where did the slow burn humor, mystery and suspense go? Why is it now a tribute to cheap caper movies? At best, this is like 'Some Like It Hot' re-enacted by a seniors' voluntary group.

Dreading the Season 2 finale.
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Great acting and production but megaslow pace and invisible plot
urok-17 August 2018
When a production team repeatedly drags you through a super-slow unfolding of unremarkable events for 50 minutes, it has a proclivity to happen again and again in following episodes. The reason I got so far was the great acting of the whole crew, fairly flawless I dare to say, but just like a bowl full of raisins and no porridge, the missing ingredient turns out to be crucial to keep you interested. One of the best examples of the importance of a gripping story....and get the viewer's attention before they drift off... Felt like wasted time to me...
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Good chemistry creates alchemy
Steve_Dennis18 September 2018
I think what I liked most about this show is the chemistry which develops between the characters, especially Ernie and Dud, but also many others. This is probably the true alchemy in the show. If you liked writers like Thomas Pynchon or Don DeLillo you might like this. The title Lodge 49 probably alludes to Pynchon's The Crying Of Lot 49. The Lodge's founder is named Harwood Fritz Merrill, perhaps a reference to Franklin Merrell-Wolff? The producer Paul Giamatti also appeared in the film adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel Cosmopolis. If you can handle the slow pace of this show you will be rewarded eventually, just as if you were a lodge member. The show has enough quirks and strange twists to keep you engaged. David Pasquesi does a good job as the serious believer who is still intensely searching. I remember him from an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Brent Jennings is consistently good in this series. Bruce Campbell is hilarious. Wyatt Russell's portrayal of a down on his luck optimist is almost touching. Sonya Cassidy does a good job of playing an underachiever struggling to stay afloat (in more than one sense of the word). If you watch the extras on AMC you'll see her use her American accent on some segments and her native British accent on other segments. The American accent she uses for the show is perfectly executed. If Cheech Marin carries over to Season 2 we may be in for a wild ride.
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Bobonthecouch22 October 2019
This show is crazy! I am confused. It started off a little slow and I wasn't sure if it was going anywhere. I've got the last episode of season 1 to watch still. It not only is going somewhere... it's going EVERYWHERE! I love it. It doesn't get much better than this. If Season 2 doesn't drop off, I may have to consider changing my 9 to a 10. Frank Lloyd Wright said years ago "The continent is tilted, and everything loose rolls into California". This show makes me think of that quote.

Okay, it's a 10! The low rating reviewers just don't get it. That's fine. Their loss. I saw one that said it's a knockoff of "Kevin..." I watched a few episodes and that was a waste of time. Once you get involved with the Lodge and it's strange inhabitants you become a permanent member. While the season 2 finale started wrapping things up, the end started opening new doors. Literally. As I prepared to watch it I saw that the show has been cancelled. Pshaw! Drat! Pheh! I really really hope they get picked up by another network. They just started to scratch the surface and if they get a chance to do some more digging one can't even imagine what quirkiness they could find. Lamar spent 10 years and only got halfway through his quest. We owe it to everyone to follow more than two.

Addendum: The way I rate shows... I don't usually review anything less than a 7 because 6 would be a failing grade and I won't waste my time watching it. I'm old; I don't know how much time I've got left. Since I probably turned it off before getting even halfway through, it wouldn't be fair to rate or review it. 7 is watchable but I may go a while between episodes since, though somewhat entertaining, there are other shows more interesting or compelling. 8 would be a regular in my lineup. 9 is a must see and probably bingeable. 10 is just the epitome of superbity and headed for my all-time favorites list. I'm adding this to my reviews because it seems there are a lot of binary reactions to pretty much everything these days. I am not a like/unlike kind of guy. I see a lot of grays so if I give something a 10 it doesn't mean the only alternative is a 1.
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Something different
bingocadwallider13 August 2018
I really didn't know quite what to make of this after watching the pilot but then as I watched the following episodes I got hooked. The "plot" is never less than opaque but somehow that doesn't seem to matter. Well made, shot and with some very decent acting this program draws you into the lives of a group of disparate people who for one reason or another are drawn to Lodge 49. Is it about freemasonry? Not really although there is the silly regalia they wear and there are "mysteries" but there seems no emphasis on doing good works or that membership entails giving fellow members a leg up. The habitues of the Lodge are all missing something in their lives that they find in the fellowship of the Lodge. These people are not in the top echelons of society and their jobs if they have them are less than fulfilling so the Lodge provides a sense of community and friendship that the outside world does not give them. If you get past the first episode you come to like most of the characters and become involved in the minutiae of their lives. I found it charming and entertaining and there are some genuinely laugh out loud moments. I hope the series will get a 2nd season.
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So sorry this was cancelled
hortonstrip12 October 2020
This show could potentially have run for years, or at least until it's creators felt they had told the full story. Makes me so sad and angry that the network had to sack it off as it clearly would have slowly and surely attracted new visitors to this wonder-filled little universe. It's destined to be a (lost) classic. Funny, heartwarming, a great and down to earth exposition of the occult, fantastic performances from all concerned and such a great soundtrack to top it all. Watch it once a year, trying not to cry over it's sad loss :)
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slow but sweet
nanyangadl9 August 2018
I kind of like this drama because I am dragged into the story wondering what the hell the mysterious organisation is. I hope it would be something with magic or aliens or super-power. It would be lots of fun because the reality is exhausting and boring for so many people. I find I resonate well with the tone the drama has set. Looking forward to the next episode.
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Trupiaar9 August 2018
It is possible you need to be in the right place in your life to enjoy this show(or the wrong one perhaps). While it has funny moments, Lodge 49 isn't a comedy. Drama isn't quite right either. The show very differently touches on loneliness ahs that lost feeling life gives you sometimes.

I actually downloaded these episodes, and watched the entire first season in one night. Truly flawed but likeable characters, weird events, and touching moments.

Only reason I took away one star was for season 1 ending, the last maybe two minutes, bleh. The rest of the season, great fresh story !
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bumpy start grows on me
SnoopyStyle9 November 2019
In Long Beach, California, Sean "Dud" Dudley (Wyatt Russell) is a slacker obsessed with reclaiming his late father's pool supply shop. His sister Liz (Sonya Cassidy) is a waitress struggling to pay off their father's debt. Dud becomes obsessed with Lodge 49, a fading fraternal order of cheap beer and friendly banter. Members include plumbing salesman Ernie (Brent Jennings), Connie (Linda Emond), and Blaise (David Pasquesi). The bumbling Dud stumbles upon a hidden room with a mummified corpse.

At first, Dud's slacking frustrated me. His idiocy tired me out. I know his slacker character is supposed to be funny but I couldn't really take him. Liz's quiet suffering intrigued me more. The first compelling scene is her cleaning the fridge. In a world where she is overwhelmed by her helplessness, cleaning is the only real accomplishment she can achieve. From then on, Dud slowly wins me over. That goes for the rest of the characters. It has two seasons of ten episodes each. They don't necessarily achieve greatness but one does feel the journey.
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Slow at first, very special and tier 1 show. Watch if you like Bojack, rectify and the leftovers!
beedymail-108-59053227 August 2019
There's something very special about this show, the characters, the world they've created. I was pretty bored the first few episodes. It was interesting to see unglamorous characters I don't normally see in other shows, and it was charming how low stakes it was.

But by the time the season was done I felt like I had watched something very special, with a very personal vibe. You want to hang out with everyone in this low key world. I really felt for everyone. I immediately watched again after finishing season 1. So far season 2 is even better!

I haven't felt this way since I watched Bojack season one. Started slow and a little bad, went on to be my all time favorite show. I put this up there with bojack, rectify and the leftovers. Weird show that will definitely have a strong cult following, and I strongly recommend it!!
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On the Fence After Season 1
Jonas202120 October 2018
I didn't mind the pace. In fact, I quite enjoyed it. I liked the characters. I enjoyed the production values despite that one could tell that the budget was fairly modest. My issue with Lodge 49 is that it portended to have a depth that was not forthcoming. There are "alchemic" elements to the Lodge's mythology, and while there were several allusions during the course of the ten-episode season to mysteries and secrets suggesting an origin far more profound than a drinking lodge, those elements were poorly devised and not entrenched in a well-thought out narrative. Periodically, a character would talk about the "Real lodge" or something alchemic, but other than some gross nods in that direction and some forced threads that tied together, I am not confident that there is more to that aspect of the show (or more that was already devised as subtext for the show before it was written) than what was revealed. It felt like throwing crumbs to the pigeons. We, as the audience, are pushed to believe that there is something deeper and mystical going on, but the story as it unfolds is mostly carried by the meandering and laid-back tone. And I liked it. But after ten hours of watching, I'm not sure it paid off. If there were more grounding mythology and if the writers really knew where they were going with these mythical and mystical elements, the show would have been so much better. Instead, it's a character study - which in theory is great - except that a lot of quirky characters appear who have nothing to offer other than their quirk. How does it all fit together? It doesn't. If there were deeper analogues, the audience would be able to make parallels - right or wrong - and debate the meanings and the purpose. I just didn't see it here. Don't get me wrong: I liked it. But I think it's a lot more superficial than it hoped to be. It reminded me of a book I read almost thirty years ago called The Tao of Physics. From the title, I expected the author to fuse and inform spirituality and science. Instead, it was 99% science with a paragraph or two at the end of each chapter bringing in some spiritual themes generically. The dryness of the writing and the topics betrayed the brilliance of the book's title. Here, I felt it was kind of the same thing: it wanted to have more, but the "more" was plot-driven, not thematic. Movies like (the first) Matrix or HBO's Westworld (Season 1) are modern day parables about life, God, spirituality, purpose, and place. After ten episodes of Lodge 49 (watched over three days), there is nothing to talk about. That speaks volumes. Lodge 49 poses more than delivers. Not satisfied. Not unsatisfied.

I'd consider watching Season 2, but if the writers don't up their game or have any idea what the foundation of this story really is (re: the Lodge and its origin myths), then Season 2 will fall apart pretty quickly.

Great tone; compromised execution of an underdeveloped concept.
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Still waiting...
bobcmil14 September 2018
5 episodes in and I'm still waiting to see this wonderful quirky show everyone was talking about. Boy, something better happen quick.
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Love the Show: Lodge 49
samnlm21 July 2019
In episode one Sean (Wyatt) is attempting to turn his life around, nothing but bad luck had happened to him, previously. Not many shows really hit the mark on the human condition. I think living is tough. Have only watched the 1st episode. I give it an automatic 10 because it shows that we can't be successful if we live in isolation; but, if you make connections by interacting with ordinary everyday people, you lift them up and they take you to new heights. One (you) plus some (many) spins life in the right direction: upward and onward. Episodes 2 through 10, might change my mind but I enjoy it so far. Finished watching all 10. I think Bruce Campbell is an "A" List actor; his character spices up the show. Still rate it 10 for 10, on all 10 episodes.
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