This film essentially revolves around an urban legend in Japan where a person who desperately wants someone killed need only put a message in a specific phone booth and await the appearance of an assassin who will contact them shortly. As it so happens, this particular assassin named "Tadashi Usobuki" (Tori Matsuzaka) has a unique ability to control other people's minds through the power of suggestion and as a result he can make his victim believe that he or she is experiencing a fatal situation when in reality they are just fine-but they die of it anyway. To that extent, however, if the person ordering the assassination has an ulterior motive they are warned ahead of time that he will come for them as well. Be that as it may, after one such incident is caught on tape where Tadashi is standing near a person who has just died, an inspector by the name of "Tomoko Tada" (Erika Sawajiri) begins an intense effort to link him to these deaths even though there is no evidence to substantiate it. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a decent enough film which contained enough mystery and action to keep my attention from start-to-finish. Admittedly, not being too familiar with the comic book, I would have preferred a bit more character development but it isn't something that's absolutely essential for this particular movie. Regardless, I enjoyed this film for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.