Second attempt of German director Marcel Walz to make a horror flick. Since this is an ultra low budget flick it do has a few problems.
First of all, the language. I do understand that most of the German directors want to become world famous but by putting out a lot of flicks in German without English subs is for many a reason not to buy their flicks.
I met a lot of them and talked with some at German conventions. And even there mostl of them only could talk their own language. Still, most of it I do understand and some things they where talking about are to say the least, cheesy. Chosing between Billy Idol or Patrick Swayze for example. Also the girls at the camp are really numb, the things they do...
This one here clocking just over 60 minutes doesn't offer a lot. The acting is really below zero and therefor it moves slowly. Sound is terrible, too loud then full of hiss and the overdubbing of the birds is annoying, it's always the same bird you hear.
Killings are well done for an ultra low budget, smart use of the camera and editing. Forget the first murder, the acting done here is so cheesy.
The only thing I noticed is the fact that the director knew what he was doing only didn't had any money. The score used is okay and years later his movies became better and better.
Camp Corpses is just out there for the ultra low budget lovers and those who doesn't mind the language barriere. But first, try to find a copy.
Gore 0,5/5
Nudity 0/5
Effects 0,5/5
Story 1/5
Comedy 0/5