1147 of 2633 found this moderate
A married couple kisses passionately. No nudity.
A woman wearing a dress takes off her underwear in the backseat of a car. No nudity is seen.
A man grabs a woman's butt briefly.
There is some talk about sex in a couple scenes on couch and the husband is touching and rubbing private parts of wife.
Ki-Woo and Da-Hye kiss in a couple scenes. One very passionate kissing scene. No nudity
In one scene, a woman is seen taking a bath. She is nude, but nothing is shown beyond shoulders and knees, and the scene is not inappropriate.
1034 of 1586 found this severe
The movie is violent towards the end. Gore-wise there are a few scenes with blood.
Blunt trauma and stabbing is shown, often with bloody results.
There is almost no violence until the end, and even then it's not graphic.
R violence type: blood and gore.
695 of 1213 found this moderate
There is mild profanity throughout, however "Fuck" is said a couple dozen times in the subbed version.
Fuck is shown on the subtitles for non Korean speakers, other than that the profanity is very mild.
885 of 1210 found this mild
Characters are shown drunk.
While role playing, a woman asks her husband to buy her drugs.
This is talk about firing someone from their job as it is theorized that the worker was using drugs in their bosses car. The scene is comedic.
There is use of cigarets, drug references and alcohol use, but drugs are not a theme at all.
675 of 1256 found this moderate
Although it has humor in it, Parasite has a dark tone and some frightening moments.
The "ghost" scene contains briefly frightening imagery.
The film is generally based on the differences of poor to wealthy groups of people.
A few scenes in the film are extremely intense and frightening. The final confrontation is extremely tense and scary.
A former housemaid enters the house at a rainy night which leads to many frightening scenes.