42 of 149 found this moderate
Sex scene in a hotel room shows sides of woman's breasts pressed against the man's chest. No private parts are visible. Sex scene in bedroom, thrusting and moaning.
There are a scenes in a strip club where partially-clothed female dancers are shown on poles and giving lap dances.
Very graphic rape scene shown on a laptop, full nudity and sound, may be triggering to some.
Strip club scene shows topless females and scantily clad bottom clothing
Escort wearing undergarments shown putting a coat on
Male topless nudity and female rear nudity.
22 of 40 found this moderate
25 of 48 found this mild
One use of "fuck" in the first episode.
18 of 36 found this mild
Lights a joint in the first episode. Drinking is regular in the show. Some drug refrences.
24 of 36 found this moderate
There are video clips of sexual torture and bondage shown. Graphic and disturbing to some.
A woman has flashbacks of being held captive and of a man in a mask.