A Million Little Things (TV Series 2018–2023) Poster


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I dont understand the low ratings
basharah8 October 2018
Honestly, I love this show. I loved it from the trailer. I dont understand why so many people are giving it low ratings. Honestly, this is how people talk. All the awkward poses, all the awkward writing... If you actually listen carefully to how people speak, you'll realize that this show catches that at best. I love it. Will continue to watch it. Hopefully it gets even better.
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It's not only about suicide.....
senak-134-63780627 September 2018
But rather about adult depression, not feeling whole or enough, with emotions and thoughts and fears which you don't share even with the ones closest to you, pretending to be happy but feeling alone and hopeless inside. If you are an adult, not like legally adult but been through some stuff throughout your life, you will definitely find someting here. I would have definitely binged this one if there were more episodes.
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Bring Your Own Kleenex
kellyhwentz27 September 2018
The first episode was as promised...an emotional drama. I was tearing up almost immediately. I felt compelled to write this review because of the negative reviews I'm reading on other sites. I think this show is deeper than it seems on the surface. It does focus on a touchy subject, suicide, but it is something for which we could all use a better understanding. I think too often we are caught up in our own worlds to see what's going on around us. There are many people silently suffering and living behind a facade of fake smiles and glitter. You never know what someone is going through. Hopefully this show opens peoples eyes, hearts and lines of communication about emotions and depression.
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James Roday is the glue...
kellbelle2326 October 2018
Went into this show expecting an updated version of The Big Chill. I grew up with that movie and soundtrack in our house and wanted to feel that connection my parents felt to that movie. The show is beautiful and tragic but I think the glue holding it together is James Roday. He gets it and he has "it". His scenes feel so real and grounded that I find myself wanting more of his storyline. I am excited to see how this show is able to carry over a whole season and I am hopeful Roday has some nominations coming his way.
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Great start
vegito-3084927 September 2018
Show is off to a good start. A couple moments are a little rough but James Roday really carried the pilot. Excited for more to come
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Excellent Start to a Tough Topic - Suicide
fightlikeachristian28 September 2018
I hope this show will help start a conversation so many never want to talk about, laugh it off, or turn away from...just shake it off. I am one on the other side screaming for help and never being heard by therapists or family (as I have no friends, seriously)...in fact my mom said I should not watch it as it will impact me. Be in a good frame of mind...sorry but when you cannot see the horizon is there ever a good frame of mind? I thought the cast and story lines were right on...as well as the song choice playing throughout parts of the show. I hope folks will watch and start a conversation with friends they do have. And give the show a chance...it may help you to understand and answer a question or two. And for now just listen is all and let someone know they are not alone. I have been living alone...really just existing in life with every day being a struggle.... for what? ...maybe a show like this to come my way for a reason.

For the critics out there...Yes I am and have been in therapy for years as a suicide survivor and idioligist...but get no where and left unheard...leaving me with different questions.

Everyone has a story...One kind word or gesture can make someone's day...even your own just by doing one small thing.

Yes I told my mother I watched it and thought it was on point and it hit home for me right down to the song...and too bad therapists don't listen either...and I got back...told you along with a crying emoji.

Watch and see...it may just start the change...
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rebmarliz29 September 2018
I thought this show was an accurate depiction of the fight with depression and how it really can touch everyone. Someone with depression may see this show and identify with it right away. Or, possibly see the effects of what they leave behind. Granted it is a dramatization but still for someone else suffering, very accurate. Gone is the cookie cutter families that have a perfect life. That's not real. People can have real discussions because of this show. I appreciate the hot mess mom shows, or the shows show adultery (including the guilt), the co-parenting shows, the Hispanic loud families, or even the new shows that portray the problem with the medical culture. That is real life. We need more shows to shine a light on it so we talk about it. Instead of shoving it under the rug and acting like it never happens.
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Pilot pulls you in!
jesslunt28 September 2018
So good! It is a drama so definitely need tissues but I expected that. So bad reviews have mentioned 13 Reasons Why and This is Us as comparisons. Yes it is a drama like This Is Us and talks about suicide like 13 Reasons Why but it is a completely different show then those in my opinion. Everything happens for a reason and we are sure to find out all the reasons throughout the season! I'm excited to keep watching!
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Worth my time
kayjay-843564 October 2018
This is one of the few good ones they are putting out for us. Characters are believable and multi layered like real people. Good choices for actors. Subject matter is delicate and handled well. This is a topic that needs addressing and is done in good taste. I found it easy to relate to these characters on many levels. I like that it shows reality that even seemingly successful, happy people have problems and it's a good lesson not to judge anyone.
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roxygirl-3357126 October 2021
I am a huge fan of James Roday and watched the show for him. The first two seasons were pretty good. However, I finally quit watching mid-season 4. I am a liberal and all for acknowledgement of social issues/problems - but pick one or two and entwine them into a deeper story line which has substance.

Sadly, this show is trying to cover EVERY social issue, which makes for shallow, sanctimonious plots. So far they have covered: suicide; cancer; homosexuality; immigration; military PTSD; sexual abuse; addiction/alcoholism; COVID; racism; police violence; etc etc etc.... It's too much.... Entertain me - don't bombard me with every social injustice or problem in the world. That is what the news is for.

Sorry, James. As awesome as you are, I will stick to watching you on Psych....
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I love this series!
deboraheden16 February 2021
The first season was good but the second season was amazing! I hope this show has a long life!
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James Roday carried the episode
careyberry-063821 October 2018
I have mixed feelings about the show. Overall I felt most of the acting fell flat. I did however really enjoy James Roday and his character. He was my favorite by far. I'll be tuning in for the next episode.
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Was great, not anymore.
JCCasual6 April 2021
Recent plot lines are awful. No longer a good show. Used to be one of my favorites but now the recent shows are just all over the place. Past episodes used to have real meaning but not anymore.
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Forget the comparisons
nancyldraper28 September 2019
I think a lot of people thought this was ABC's attempt to pull over some of the THIS IS US audience, that had really charted a new course in drama. But, I think this can stand on its own if you stop making comparisons. The idea for the show came out of one of the writers having lost a friend to suicide. It began with a catharsis, of sorts. Good decisions were made for cast. The writers wrote characters with depth and some great character arcs were born. The performances matched the writing. I think this is a good drama. I give this series an 8.5 (really great) out of 10. {Drama}
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Suicide Not Immune to Rich, Famous, Poor, Working Class, etc
ShelbyTMItchell27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Never seen "13 Reasons Why" and do not plan too. As heard it "glorifies" suicide in the wake of the deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade in 2018 June.

A successful businessman and married father of two, Ron Livingston commits suicide as hopefully we will find out why he did and that suicide whether you are successful, working class, married, single, etc.

Great ensemble as David Giuonti(Grimm) stars as a father who's marriage is strained to Grace Park(Hawaii Five 0), with a young son. James Roday still shows comic relief like he did in Psych but also balances seriousness due to the facing of breast cancer as 1% of men have it in the USA.

Romany Malco who character is going nowhere until he gets the call of his friend's suicide and his TV wife, Cristina Moses as a aspiring chef who wants to open an restaurant and somehow does near the end of the pilot and you will have to see why.

Last but not least Alison Miller as a potential love interest for the Roday character and a breast cancer survivor who also happens to counsel those who are depressed.

Hope it will make it. And really just hope it shows how people go through healing and may never come to terms with it. But it is about trying to move on.
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chloejane791 December 2022
I don't normally write reviews, although I always read them... I totally respect everyone's opinion, view, etc. But lately, the reviews are getting on my nerves, so the fact that this is my first, it's only because I'm so sick to death of hearing so many negative things. I don't want to be disrespectful to anyone, but this show is soooo human and actually demonstrates real life in the real, hard and difficult way that is most of our reality... Fortunately, us Europeans ( Yes, the place over the water, where the great majority of americans don't even know where we are on the map, even though there heretige and ancestors are from here) don't go to therapy as a norm to survive the pressure of life, we just accept it and carry on... so, my question is... why when a show gets so real and meaningful... why does it get depressing?? Life is reality, reality is life...
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Love this so much !
doveinflight6 May 2023
One of the best and beautifully written series I ever saw!!! I highly recommend watching it. Yiuwill mot regret it. I Loved it!!

So much love, laughter and even sad moments. So many true to life situations and what made this extra special was the faithfulness of the friends who were strangers that became like family. This series does not shy away from the reality of life's moments and how one makes it through the good times as well as the bad and hard times. I laughed alot but I also cried alot watching this beautiful story. Life is about so many of the elements that were introduced here. But the secret? Is in the love we grow around us and our family and friends.
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degaswilson27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this show and they didn't upset.

One thing that is really pisses me off is why is the assistant hiding the note?

Maybe it has something in it that will totally turn all of the friends against one another.

I don't know. But I cannot wait for the next episode.

It seems like there is a lot of negative reviews on IMDB. That is to be expected.

The people on here think they are experts and we should listen to what they say.

I say, watch it for yourself and then comment.
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Best thing I've seen in years!!
finairvine22 March 2024
I had this on my things to watch list for about 2 years and kept putting it off because I didn't hear anyone talking about it! But it's honestly one of the best shows I've seen in years! Loved all the characters and their relationships.

If you liked 'this is us' you will love this show.

I watched all 5 seasons in about 2 weeks and I was so sad when I finished it. I laughed and cried so much.

My only regret is that I didn't watch it sooner, I will 100% rewatch this series.

You fall in love with all the characters and feel their ups and downs, extremely well put together cast, fantastic acting, brilliant writing, great story!

Absolutely loved it!
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fisherazure8 October 2018
I watched this show based on my love of "Psych" and "weeds", but I was extremely surprised and excited to find such a heartfelt and warm show for this fall. It's new idea of mental health gives accurate,representation of today's current struggles with the everyday person along with finding family in the people you stumble across in life. I truly believe in this show and hope it continues. Stunningly beautiful.
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Waterworks city
mercedezlemieux8 November 2023
Came to this show originally for James Roday Rodriguez and the fact that it's set in my home city of Boston. Stayed for the emotional rollercoaster. This show will make you ugly cry like few others can. I put off watching the last half of the series finale because I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I love this show. It's like a big hug. I love these people. In my city. I thought the final season did a great job of reminding us where we started, how we got to where the characters were today, and wrapping everyone's storylines in a way that made sense for their journeys over the last 5 seasons. Sad it's over, but glad they got to end on their terms.
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Too much drama.
soniaquebec8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started very well and now it's just some sort of modern soap opera. How can people have this much troubles? It's kind of insane. Also everyone seems to have unlimited money. Regina wanting to buy a Mercedes for Rome,, just a couple of months after opening her restaurant, is insane. The other, almost losing her house, then just leaving to travel in France with no income? Gary never works. And everyone drops everything anytime someone needs a little help.
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I can't anymore
winecellarwomack2 April 2021
I can't anymore but I still do. This show has turned into a solid hour of virtue signaling nonsense.
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I watch because I love Shawn... AKA Gary!
kindraberglin8 May 2021
This is a wonderful show, I've been hooked since the pilot; however, I am getting quite tired of Eddie's "whoisme" bs. I hate when show writers can't come up with a steady storyline, so they write martyr character's; it's getting old! The woman that plays Gary's girlfriend is kind of annoying with her backseat whining; there's just something about her that is sickening. Other than that, this is a great show about how people's lives are constantly challenged, and how great it is to have support, love, and help from loyal friends.
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This show helped me heal
amypotochnyfc6 September 2021
About 6 months before I discovered this show my mom killed herself. This was the first show I let myself watch that had anything to do with a parent dying or suicide let alone both but I'm glad I did. It was a big part of how I started working through what happened to my mom. I'd recommend this show if you're trying to get through something similar.
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