Opération Fortune : Ruse de guerre (2023) Poster

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Rewatchable popcorn spy fun
gavinp98 January 2023
'Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre' is the 5th time director Guy Ritchie has used Jason Statham in one of his films - and if it ain't broke, don't fix it! This is a pretty straight-forward spy-action-adventure, with a fair bit of comedy thrown in - closer to 'The Man From U. N. C. L. E.' than 'Wrath of Man'. I'd say I liked it better than 'The Gentlemen', but not as much as 'Snatch'. There is only minor introductions for Orson Fortune (Statham), Sarah (Plaza) and JJ (Malone) as the spy team working for Nathan (Elwes), before we're off and running.

Not sure why the "Ruse de Guerre" suffix was needed, but it translates as a cunning war trick. I assume it also helps if there are to be sequels. The trick is that the team use actor Danny Francesco (Hartnett) as bait for billionaire arms-dealer Greg Simmonds (Grant), to track a stolen weapon. Most of the plot is quite formulaic, but Statham & Ritchie know how to stage action scenes and there's plenty of exciting moments.

Hartnett plays spoiled actor well; Plaza has plenty of fun; Malone, Elwes and Statham are all solid; with Hugh Grant relishing the role, having even more fun than he did in 'The Gentlemen'. Not too long, satisfying ending, noting too new, but a nice mix of comedy and action with a good cast.
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Entertaining nonsense
lord_orsum16 January 2023
If you want some fun, light-hearted entertainment, and you enjoyed Bullet Train, then Operation Fortune is going to hit the spot.

The action is fast-paced, the characters breezy (Hugh Grant is having an utter blast) and the dialogue fun. I am going to be using "you don't have the bandwidth for that" a lot!

Statham leads a team of operatives to recover The Handle, a mysterious thing that everyone wants. But he is not the only team of agents after it, and the two teams getting in each other's way causes more problems than the international arms dealers that they are pursuing.

Throw in a narcissistic movie star and Cary Elwes (I am *so* glad that he is getting more big movie roles these days), and you have a movie that will have you grinning from start to finish.
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Super average action flick.
jarayn27 January 2023
As a generic action flick I guess this is sort of ok. For the new Guy Ritchie film its super disappointing. The only stand out aspect is Hugh Grant who is excellent. The rest, from storyline, acting, action sequences, comedy are all incredibly mediocre. Statham does his most basic Statham when he can do much more given the script and direction. Aubrey is ok, i think she was supposed to be funny though and she isnt at all, that isnt her problem because she is generally awesome. The other guy, was just filler, im not sure what he was even there for. The main thing though is the story, its just nothing, it could be a Steven Seagal movie it has no twists turns or surprises.
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Solid Action-Thriller without much depth
raven-118816 January 2023
This afternoon I spontaneously went to see "Operation Fortune" in the cinema. Here is my spoiler-free review:

This is once again a typical Guy Ritchie film. You just notice his signature, in a mostly positive sense.

The story is relatively simple, but in places it is told in an unnecessarily complicated way. I found that better in "The Gentlemen" and "Cash Truck". The former has a more complex story with some twists and turns and more suspense, but without being complicated. The latter, on the other hand, is kept very simple and is also told in a relatively straightforward manner. In "Operation Fortune", on the other hand, some dialogues are strung together very quickly, so that I sometimes couldn't keep up with the many names and changes of location. That was a bit too fast for me. I hardly had time to think and let my thoughts run free. I'm not quite sure, but in my memory two or three situations didn't make direct sense and it seemed illogical how the characters behaved in those situations. Emotions are also very rare here in the plot. In any case, I couldn't really sympathize.

This brings us to the characters: They all remain pretty pale and it's really only about the direct situational action. You don't really learn much more about any of the characters. They are quite stereotypical. Hugh Grant's character is the best, I think, because he plays his role very well and somehow he seems much more tangible and interesting than the others. In general, he steals the show when he's in the picture. Wonderful! Jason Statham plays his cool and tough agent character as usual. But that's all there is to it. It's also nice to see Josh Hartnett in a bigger movie again. His role is that of an actor and he is the one who always tries to be witty, but he is also the "coward" of the film. Then there is Aubrey Plaza as Sarah Fidel. She is the intelligent one of the agent troop and shows the men again and again that she can do more than they give her credit for. Finally, there is Bugzy Malone as JJ Davies. He is also an agent and he is the quiet type and sniper who acts more from ambush. But he also remains very pale. All in all, the characters don't develop much and everyone plays his role here and remains trapped in this corset from beginning to end without breaking out of it, which is kind of a pity because I couldn't build up an emotional connection to any of the characters.

The action scenes are solid, but often they are hardly shown, as if there had been a lack of budget. But the hand-to-hand fights with Jason Statham are fun as always, even if he's a bit too good for me, because he never really gets hit himself. He can have a few more weaknesses.

The CGI effects are good and if I'm not mistaken, many scenes were shot directly on real locations, which I liked.

The cinematography is solid, the cuts are also okay and didn't stand out to me either positively or negatively.

The humor in the film is well measured and mostly manifests itself in dry sarcasm and a few quips, which I liked.

The music didn't strike me as particularly positive or negative.

Overall, "Operation Fortune" is a solid, good-looking action-agent thriller that follows in the footsteps of Mission: Impossible, but can never reach its class. A viewing is worthwhile, however, and you will definitely get your money's worth, if you don't set your expectations too high. However, you shouldn't expect the class and style of "The Gentlemen". "Operation Fortune" will certainly not stay in my memory for a very long time. But since I was well entertained and could easily overlook the weaknesses, I award a solid

7/10 points - Low rewatch value.
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A good bit of fun
GregTheStopSign9530 September 2023
While this isn't even a patch on Guy Ritchie's first couple of movies with Jason Statham, or his first movie with Hugh Grant, it's a pretty damn solid bit of fun with touches of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and at least one ever-so-slight nod to The Princess Bride.

The main cast are excellent - especially Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza, Josh Hartnett (who it's great to see finally getting some consistent work the last few years), and Hugh Grant - and the henchmen are nice and henchy, giving Statham ample opportunity to flex his fighting muscles AND his banter muscles. The bad guys are kinda meh, though, and could have been at least a little less forgettable. Maybe.

Still, it's a great way to pass the time with a bowl of popcorn and a bag of Malteasers. You could easily do a lot worse.

See you next Tuesday.
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Not Ritchie's best work, but fun and ejoyable
sadak75994 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This time, Mr. Ritchie brought us a more conventional action comedy, of the genre of ' team of unconventional agents/thieves, endowed with unique and valuable skills, in a tough operation", in the line of F&F: comedy, action, expensive car chases, guns, fights, sunny days, luxurious settings and stuff, and nice looking people.

Obviously, with some sarcasm (the obsession of the J. Statham character for luxury and very expensive stuff is one of many examples that show us the story does not take itself seriously).

The result is an enjoyable film, fun, fast and easy to follow, for a more general public than his, for example, extraordinary "The Gentlemen".

All the actors involved are doing great and participating of the fun. However, a special mention should be made to Aubrey Plaza and Hugh Grant. They are carrying the weight of the movie and did a very nice job.

One thing that broke my suspension of disbelief was the outrageously poor and unprofessional setting of the Madrid (Spain) episode. The fictional "aeropuerto de Madrid", ridiculous uniforms, car plates, and so on took me out of the movie. Thankfully, Hugh Grant brought me back to it.

Overall: not a great movie, but one to have a good time.
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Lacking in jokes. Lacking in real thrill. Middle of the road spy flick.
imseeg15 February 2023
The good: Hugh Grant is brilliant in his role as a powerful mastermind criminal. But that's not enough...

The bad: this spy flick is lacking in real thrill. And it definitely intended to be a real thrilling spy flick. One down.

More bad: the jokes arent really funny. Missing the mark almost every time. That's two down.

Even more bad: the supporting actors are bland. All of them. That's three down.

Beware all you Jason Statham fans, this movie surely aint a terrible spy action flick, but it is definitely not Jason Statham's best either, because I have seen all his moves before, done better. And although the quirky and wonderful actress Aubrey Plaza is co starring I must admit that even her role is not her best either.

So what we have here is a below average spy flick, that just wont get really exciting.

Still worth a watch, but dont expect any originality or real thrill. It'll do as a mindless throwaway spy flick.
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Fortune Favors The Dry and Witty Action
rgkarim3 March 2023

Decent Pace -It's not the most exciting thing to grace the Big Screen, but it keeps the entertainment value high for me in most parts.

-Very easy to follow, gets you details for the mission and then brings in exciting mission specifications.

-Gives a decent meaty bone to chew on when it comes to the theatrics of each moment and allowing that Ritchie storytelling to continue to build and layer up.

Acting -The whole cast is quite impressive in their roles, with again solid chemistry between most members and a fantastic mode that just did not quit for me in the believability of the performance.

Shout out to Grant and Hartnett for their roles, fun, eclectic, and some of the best comedy of the night for me, they certainly deserve top billing as well for what they brought to the movie.

-Elwes is not bad, my least favorite character of the big three, but certainly great as acting as this stuffy handler that isn't liked by his team and the butt of jokes. He delivers his lines well and makes for a fun wall to bounce things off of in the long run.

-Plaza is beautiful to say the least in both looks and acting. Tough, snarky, sarcastic, but versatile, as she blends elements of her comedy skills with this serious role that works super well together. Absolutely loved most of her lines and involvement and the way she played with the whole mission of this movie.

-Statham is, well Statham. You love him if you love him and you'll not like him if you don't like his style. He's got action sets down, still is in great shape, and is pretty much the rough punk he has always been. But yet, that rough façade is stellar when you add the other characters in to temper his strong bravado.

-Thus again, chemistry and the way they balance each other was super solid in my book.

Great Use of Comedy -Ritchie's writing and direction are always this great blend of humor with the dryer application of British theatrics. And again it works so well in this movie.

-This operation has some direct insulting humor, banter that essentially tears at the foundations of each other, but in that good natured fashion between coworker/friendly rivals.

-But then it gets layers of classy comedy as we start to get puns, pokes, and jabs at so many novelties of humanity that you applaud how high cultured his jokes are and what he is able to punch with.

-Then, throw in the story elements and the natural banter that is just so realistic and believable and you further round out the comedy that is used in elements to keep things fun, balanced, and in season to not grow stale.

-This comedy may not be the funniest thing to me, and I agree it's a bit far and between things, but it's also not overdone to the point of eye rolling like I have seen.

Action Matches the Theme Of The Movie -For a dry comedy, you kind of get dry action, which though not my favorite is not the worst thing either.

-Ritchie adds this layer of simplistic moments that feels far more believable than most of the action we see in many movies these days, for the most part.

-It drops most of the death defying stunts and brings back with it, this comedic tone that works, and finishes the ordeal rather quickly and without too much blood, malice, and violence.

-The action goes in time with the goals of the movie, and for those who want the kick without the blood guts, and savage mauling, this movie's action should be welcomed as it does have a point.

Sound Editing/Video Visuals -I know, something most don't care about, but the movie uses very good visuals and sound editing to bring you into the movie.

-The close up shots with great sound capture allow this dialogue to have the bite it needs to maximize how funny they are.

-Then you have these moments that get you up close to the action and sort of give you that near perfect shot to censor but explain the action. Sometimes in the form of a sniper rifle, or other times in the up close combat, the movie works to sort of optimize and change things up to keep things engaging in my opinion.

-And for the sound, the movie makes sure you hear everything, with sometimes doing too good a job and blowing out my ear drums. However, the movie has booms, blasts, and other means to help give you the experience you expect of the movies.


A Little Lackluster In Normal Plot -The movie's plot is there, but seemingly aimless and a tad dry in Ritchie's smart approach to the spy-thriller.

-The movie just doesn't have anything that really stands out unique in twisting the story, or making the venture feel worth it but for the comedy.

-The main device they are going after, sort of low rung, and the villains themselves are a bit too much of a joke to make the awesome villains, and the constant hand offs are a little too much for really enjoying the big bad villain aspect.

-As such, the movie in terms of a story driven element are a bit weaker than anticipated, but fortunately has the comedic feel to sort of blunt this mediocre story.

Action Is Mundane and A Little Underwhelming -If you are like me and thinking that a Statham led movie is going to be full of the usual action tropes like guns blazing, bombs blowing up, and high speed chases, you are only partially right.

-Operation Fortune again has scenes that represent spies, but again much more toned down than I had anticipated and would have loved to see a little more of it in the movie.

-The choreography is mostly simplistic, the fights are rather quick and one sided, and several times take place in the distance and seem to do this to lower cost and times.

-So, while it works for the theme of the movie, it doesn't mean that this is the way people may enjoy this movie to the best of their abilities.

Never Felt Suspenseful For The Most Part -And because of the lower key story and action, the movie just loses me on the whole suspense aspect in that I felt there was very little engaging moments.

-Not once did I ever worry about the characters, or feel attached to them that should anything happen I'd be torn away.

-Throw in that the characters are sort of these flat and rather mediocre models, outside of a few, and you again, just get a flat movie in regards to being wow.

A Few Running Jokes A Tad Ehhhh -And there are jokes that of course get a tad old from going too far for my tastes, primarily aggressive points done over and over again and not used creatively whatsoever.

-These are few and far between, but... they are still there enough to be noticeable so I can't say that I really enjoyed it to be honest.

The VERCIT: Operation Fortune is definitely a smarter movie in many ways that make it fun in this particular genre combination. It's very to the point and elevated in humor, making good use of timing, delivery and the moment to really make you laugh without going overboard. The movie has great acting chemistry, with some other performances being top notch for just delivering comedy, and the action is censored and tasteful to go with the atmosphere of the movie. All in all, I can say this might be a "sophisticated" comedy that works. And yet, the action and thriller elements are loose in this film and a tad unimpressive and mediocre to be honest. As such, the movie isn't going to be a lot of people's favorites and I think the comedy is the better way to go than action and thriller. The suspense of this movie is very bland, and the movie just felt mediocre over anything else and better for those needing a censored action movie. Thus, is this movie worth a trip to the theater? I don't think so. It feels like a stream to me, but do encourage to give it a shot in the future at home. My scores are:

Action/Comedy/Thriller: 7.0 Movie Overall: 6.0.
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TreeFiddy5310 March 2023
Somebody stole something to sell to someone. A team is put together to find out all of the above and retrieve whatever this is. This was exactly what you'd expect from a Jason Statham film with humor in it.

Looks like Guy Ritchie wants to take this in a franchise direction and based on this first film, I don't know if it's worth the effort. Action - decent. Statham does what he usually does in a film like this. Humor - there's a decent amount of it, exactly what you'd expect from Aubrey Plaza and from Guy Ritchie dialogues. Hugh Grant was good!

If you're a Statham fan, and go into into this film expecting the Transporter, you'll be let down. If you enjoyed watching stuff like The Red Notice or The Gray Man but wished things weren't as over-the-top as they were in these two films, you'll enjoy this one. There's nothing GREAT about this film but it's a decent one-time watch if you have nothing else to watch.
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Quite possibly Ritchie's worst work
arabnikita24 January 2023
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023)

This is how I imagine the pitch for this film went.

Producer: "Hey Guy, we got a bunch of money from some brands and countries and they want us to make a commercial.... I mean a movie."

Guy: "Can we travel around the world, drink non stop and pretend to care about the whole thing?"

Producer: "Say no more!"

I love Guy Ritchie's films and will watch anything this man makes but Operation Fortune didn't even feel like it was made by Guy Ritchie. Frankly speaking, as I watched the first half, I was getting an impression that many of the scenes were filmed on a phone and then were stapled into the film. Second half does change for the better but it can't shake the sensation left by the half baked scenes in terms of visuals, audio and production.

The story is about a mercenary team that is hired to get a briefcase with some stolen weapon. To be honest, the plot felt like listening to a drunk guy telling a story as some scenes got a lot of attention, some didn't make any logical sense and everything was flashy and colorful. The worst part of it all was that there were no trademarks which Guy Ritchie is know for, such as snappy dialogue, sharp humor and interesting storytelling. The actors were likeable and had some level of charisma but most of the time it felt like watching a few buddies having fun instead of a dedicated cast making a film.

The film that kept coming to my mind the entire time was Grown Ups 2 where Adam Sandler took his friends for a nice vacation and accidentally made a movie at the same time. I wouldn't say I was infuriated by any element of Operation Fortune but after enjoying The Gentlemen and Wrath of Man, I expected Guy Ritchie to put in more effort. Action was decent and second half was kind of exciting but that's about it. Whether you like his work or not, I would recommend avoiding this film as there is no logic, no humor and most importantly no Guy Ritchiness whatsoever.

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Guy Ritchie is back with a banger
Wolfgang-Kern5 January 2023
I haven't had that much fun with a movie for some time. Aubrey Plaza steals the show. She just brings the charme, the fun and the sexiness. And together with Statham, Buggy Melone and Carey Else's the team was perfect.

Casting Hugh Grant again after The Gentlemen is just genius. That man knows how to play those creepy but cool and unique roles.

I might not be Ritchies best movie, but damn, if you loved The Man From Uncle, James Bond or the Mission Impossible series, this movie was made for you. With some really funny lines from Plaza, this movie is the perfect start for a hopefully better year 😬
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An enjoyable popcorn movie, but Ritchie could do way more better!
jojocean_201012 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's an action, thriller movie. A really nice movie but the plot lacks somethings and the pace of the movie is a bit too fast that you might lose some stuff!

On the other hand, Hugh Grant and Aubrey Plaza did great, the best actors in the movie honestly specially Hugh... Hugh was funny, a bit foolish but ended up to be so cool... Jason was the same old him, but this time very boring and his character could do way more than just killing some people.. Josh was fine, could be better!

The movie overall is a nice action movie, re watchable but Ritchie could do better in the plot! It's a bit less than wrath of a man! Which was quite good!
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Mediocre Movie With A Good Cast
dk77724 March 2023
Quite disappointing, considering this was directed by Guy Ritchie.

The cast is good, Jason Statham is always fun to watch, but the script is boring, just bad. It doesn't have the usual fun intensity we're used to seeing in Guy Ritchie movies.

The dialogues are sometimes boring, forced, after all, as are some characters who are apparently only there at the request of the producers.

A lot of it is forced and it shows, unusual for a director who has given us some really great films. Even the direction is boring, as if the film was made just to be done.

Some dialogues make no sense at all, and some are inserted, apparently, to satisfy the wishes of the producers.

Guy Ritchie's films are usually fun, not boring, and in this case there are unnecessary and tedious things that we are used to seeing in other films. We watch movies to escape from reality, not to be burdened with it by writers who are supposed to entertain us.

The film has a few action scenes that aren't bad, but even that isn't up to the level of a director like Guy Ritchie.

In the end, this is a forgettable movie and a pretty big disappointment.
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Despite the postponement due to current events, they still manage to create an entertaining espionage thriller.
movieman6-413-9295107 January 2023
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre is a new spy thriller directed, part written and produced by Guy Ritchie, director of Snatch and the live-action Aladdin movie.

In the film, MI6 agent Orson Fortune (Jason Statham) is recruited by international intelligence's Five Eyes. Together with CIA agent Sarah Fidel (Aubrey Plaza), they must persuade Hollywood star Danny Francesco (Josh Hartnett) to help them infiltrate the network of arms dealer Greg Simmonds (Hugh Grant). Greg is in the business of selling new, deadly weapon technologies, with which the buyer can disrupt the world order.

Guy Ritchie knows how to make this film another entertaining espionage thriller, which he further fills with light comedy moments. Different espionage groups try to achieve the same final mission in the film and playfully ridicule each other during this mission. For example, the film contains entertaining espionage self-deprecating comedy. Guy Ritchie and the co-writers of the film also try to keep the story interesting with twists. In the end, the story has too many characters and twists to be able to clearly follow the story to the end. If the movie had been a bit shorter, it could have had a more understandable ending. Problems for the characters to continue with their missions are sometimes solved too simply. Some of these problems are also solved in a similar way, which can sometimes make it seem a bit too bland and simple. Guy Ritchie knows how to portray the film beautifully and realistically and shows well some of the different places where the film takes place.

Most of the film cast also know how to provide good and appropriate acting. This is Guy Ritchie's fifth film with Jason Statham. Together they provide entertaining action scenes, in which Jason Statham emerges well as the leading role of the film. Together with Aubrey Plaza as his technical right hand, the two also manage to provide entertaining moments where the two try to work together in contradictory ways. Aubrey Plaza also knows how to appropriately use her own awkward and sarcastic form of comedy in the film. Hugh Grant also comes across as a nice corrupt arms dealer, who also has his own ways of humor.

This film was first supposed to be released in cinemas in 2022, but due to current events, they have postponed the film. Some villains in the story are Ukrainian and because of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the film has been postponed. In this way, Ukraine will be less in a bad light during this dark and heavy period.
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Very enjoyable, could've done more with the plot
doortjeeppinga16 January 2023
I'm gonna make it plain and simple: I watched this in the cinema and I really enjoyed myself. The movie wasn't too long, and I had a quite a few laughs. Jason Statham will always be the same character kind of, but I don't care with these kinds of movies. He's just a lot of fun. I have to give extra credit to Mr. Hugh Grant here. What a change in character after all these years of "Type casted movies". He is actually amazing and I am eager to see more of his talent in the future.

The plot wasn't anything special, although they did make me think it would be. It's a shame they didn't dive into it more, as there were so many opportunities for twists and turns.
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Paging Mr. Ritchie...
cubsfan-419 March 2023
...Mr. Guy Ritchie!

Where the heck are you, Guy Ritchie?!

There were so many moments when a great, hilarious line could've been thrown into this script, annnnnnnd...nothing. Such a fun cast. Beautiful scenery. All wasted on some stale high-school boy's locker room jokes instead of Guy's BOLD and SMART laugh-out-loud zingers ala Snatch.

Hugh Grant was entertaining.

Aubrey Plaza was beautiful.

I love Cary Elwes but his character wasn't utilized enough.

My favorite character was Bugzy Malone's J. J., but, like Cary's Nathan, he didn't get enough development either.

Disappointing, to say the least.
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Guy Ritchie's second weakest ever film - saved only by the fine Hugh Grant & Aubrey Plaza
danieljfarthing11 March 2023
With regular co-writers Ivan Atkinson & Marn Davies, Guy Ritchie dumbs actioner "Operation Fortune: Ruse De Guerre" down so much that it woulda stunk but for some stand-out support performances - notably from Hugh Grant & Aubrey Plaza. For UK govt bod Eddie Marsan, Cary Elwes runs the private special agent trio of Jason Statham, Plaza & Bugzy Malone. Using movie star Josh Hartnett as an in, they must find out who arms dealer mogul Grant is selling a stolen uber-powerful weapon to, and foil him before a rival troupe does. Silly & forgettable it's Ritchie's weakest (bar "Swept Away") but with its global settings and the fine Grant & Plaza, it's still passable - just.
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Guy Ritchie does Mission Impossible
ihaverly18 January 2023
I'm a huge fan of Guy Ritchie's earlier work of Lock Stock, Snatch & Rocknrolla.

Not so much of his later Hollywood work, although The Gentlemen was pretty good with the exception of Charlie Hunnan.

Operation Fortune unfortunately follows the path of Ritchie's The Man From Uncle as being, uninspiring. There's nothing wrong with it, Jason Stratham does what he does well & Hugh Grant seems to be playing the same character that he did The Gentlemen.

The rest of the cast are pretty forgetable, it's not really the actors though but the script.

There's just something missing, Ritchie seems to have lost his edge when it comes to making films. Rather than being catchy & innovative they're just nothing new & as such dull.

Operation Fortune is basically Mission Impossible but without the sparkle of Cruise & spectacular stunts. Not that I'm really a fan of either.

The ending was obviously was setup for a sequel.

I just hope Ritchie gives it a miss & spends a bit of time finding what he used to have, inspiration to produce something new & edgy again.
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A fascinating movie from Guy Ritchie and Jason Statham
Blashma27 January 2023
The film is very eye catching , entertaining and refreshing after the schedule has been moved back and forth .

I'm a huge Jason fan and love it when he plays comedic roles like this but in this movie I have to say that I like Aubrey's character the most, I have to say she kills the role completely.

Some people seem to dislike this movie and criticize it as a bad Guy Ritchie movie, personally I find this movie to be in my top 5 best Guy Ritchie movies. Together with Jason Statham they bring an entertaining spy movie about the entire Fortune team , and everyone on the team fulfills their role to the fullest extent possible.

One downside I think is the ending, I feel it's rather rushed and lacks climax, but I like the rest of the movie. I hope the movie gets the success it deserves and maybe... just maybe a part 2 one day.
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Good cast doing blah blah
rehmankhilji11 March 2023
Yes, in a nutshell it is a complete BLAH movie. While just looking at the movie poster, you will be expecting some good pop corn time movie with some good action and there will be funnier punch lines.

Well the movie has all of the above elements, but pretty enforced hence not at enjoyable.

Aubrey Plaza punch line are the worse, she is forcing too much to make it funny, but they are not.

Hugh Grant, the only one playing the character by the book.

Jason Statham, punch kick this and that. But i dont think even he would have liked the way the action scenes were choreographed.

It is not strongly recommended but watch when you have nothing better on TV.
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Cheesy, cliche, and kinda distasteful, and that's good; well kind of
ferasgbi5 December 2023
This movie is just like those old movies starring Sylvester Stallone, Van Damme, or Jackie Chan, it's nothing interesting nothing new just a good cheesy movie. I think our generation is kinda more exposed that we can't enjoy these movies, we are so critical and want things to be realistic, complex and meaningful. That, to our fault, can deprive us of the joy of mindlessly watching a movie, like the old days, where you can just easily join in, or out for that matter, and enjoy the company of those who you watching the movie with, (another factor these days is that watching movies shifted from being a social activity to not so much), so yeah it is cheesy, cliche, and kind of distasteful, yet it is not supposed to be anything else and that's it self why it's beautiful (at least in my opinion)
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What happened to Ritchie's creativity?
anibalcnso24 April 2023
Caption says it all. Being one of my favourite directors, I can't avoid feeling that Ritchie has lost his magic, that uniqueness that he used to bring to all his movies. It has come to a point where he just repeats a certain formula, which works if you want to develop an entertaining product, but nothing else. And that structure applies to everything: the plot, the characters, the rhythm, the action scenes, the development of the story... You go into the film with expectations (Why shouldn't I? It's Guy Ritchie!), hoping for good quality, and you get something that is starting to feel generic, repetitive. Perfomances are on point, of course, the plot is interesting enough and the action scenes keep up, but still, you just feel that the film got through you without anything memorable to remember. I'm just waiting for Ritchie to return to his best shape, but maybe I'm setting the bar too high.
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Professional cashgrab
sudija336 January 2023
Highly disappointed with this movie. I don't know if I had too high of an expectation but the movie was a huge let down.

Acting was mediocre(except for Mr Grant), action was meaningless and dumb most of the time, comedic relief was slow and far between.

The story itself is really what drags this movie down tho, the premise is bad, unimaginative and full of plotholes. The scenario seems rushed, the dialog is abysmal and one liners are abundant and unfunny.

Filmography is ok-ish, there are a couple of good scenes, but most is outlandish but not in a good way.

All in all, this movie(franchise if they get away with it) is sadly just a huge cash grab with no real essence.

If it wasn't a Guy Ritchie nobody would even know it exists.
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Hugh Grant steals the show.
trinaboice27 October 2023
IN A NUTSHELL: In the film, super spy Orson Fortune (Jason Statham) must track down and stop the sale of a deadly new weapons technology wielded by billionaire arms broker Greg Simmonds (Hugh Grant). Reluctantly teamed with some of the world's best operatives (Aubrey Plaza, Cary Elwes, Bugzy Malone), Fortune and his crew recruit Hollywood's biggest movie star Danny Francesco (Josh Hartnett) to help them on their globe-trotting undercover mission to save the world.

The film was directed and written by Guy Ritchie with additional writing help from Ivan Atkinson and Marn Davies.

THINGS I LIKED: I always get a kick out of Guy Ritchie movies. He's great at providing action, humor, stunning locations, stylish costume design, money and more money, and entertaining characters.

The fantastic cast includes Jason Statham, Cary Elwes, Hugh Grant, Aubrey Plaza, Josh Hartnett, Bugzy Malone, Eddie Marsan, and Peter Ferdinando. They all look like they're having a blast, which always makes it more fun for audiences.

Hugh Grant steals the show. If you enjoy him in this, check him out in the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves! Hilarious!

LOTS of visual and spoken humor with amusing and oh-so-cool banter between characters. They're snarky, cool, and extremely amusing.

I'm a huge fan of Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride, so I loved that there is an Easter egg for fans of that movie in the scene where he and Jason Statham's character talk about swiping hotel keys.

"Ruse de guerre" is French for "ruse of war" but also means "combat trickery" and "war cunning." Parts of the movie were filmed in Turkey, Qatar, and England.

Plenty of entertaining action sequences, although not as many as typical Guy Ritchie films.

If you enjoy this, you'll be happy to know that sequels are expected.

Keep watching during the final rolling credits for another scene.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: The plot is simple and easy to follow. Some critics are complaining it's too simple, yet messy.

The release of the movie was put on hold because one of the bad guys in the story is Ukrainian. Too soon?

Some of the action sequences look like they're from video games.

While audiences are enjoying this spy flick, critics are hating on it.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: Lots of profanity, including F-bombs Sexual innuendoes Talk of a homosexual relationship.

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Could be better
anienko19 January 2023
Guy Ritchie's genius. Hugh Grant's perfect comedy play, his character seems foolish and defenseless at first, and over the course of the film turns into prudent and courageous. Hugh and Guy's collaboration can be called a "rebirth" of each of their creations. Audrey Plaza - Princess of Comedy. The perfect performance of a special agent who can bring a touch of excellent humor in the face of danger. Jason Statham - actor known primarily for the roles of tough guys. In this film, he remained true to himself. The character played by him is rigid: a face without emotion, movements precise and rigid.
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