Hamilton (2020) Poster


Leslie Odom Jr.: Aaron Burr



  • Alexander Hamilton : Congrats to you, Lieutenant Colonel/I wish I had your command instead of manning George's journal.

    Aaron Burr : No, you don't.

    Alexander Hamilton : Yes, I do.

    Aaron Burr : Now, be sensible. From what I hear, you've made yourself indispensible.

    John Laurens : Well, well I heard you've got a special someone on the side, Burr.

    Alexander Hamilton : Is that so?

    John Laurens : What are you trying to hide, Burr?

    Aaron Burr : I should go.

    Alexander Hamilton : No, these guys should go. Leave us alone.

    [ushering Mulligan and Laurens away] 

    Alexander Hamilton : It's all right, Burr. I wish you'd brought this girl with you tonight, Burr.

    Aaron Burr : You're very kind, but I'm afraid it's unlawful, sir.

    Alexander Hamilton : What do you mean?

    Aaron Burr : She's married.

    Alexander Hamilton : I see.

    Aaron Burr : She's married to a British officer.

    Alexander Hamilton : Oh, shit.

  • Aaron Burr : I strike him right between his ribs/I walk towards him/But I am ushered away/They row him back across the Hudson/I get a drink/I hear wailing in the streets/Somebody tells me "You'd better hide"/They say Angelica and Eliza were both at his side when he died/Death doesn't discriminate/Between the sinners and the saints/It takes and it takes and it takes/History obliterates/In every picture it paints/It paints me in all my mistakes/When Alexander aimed at the sky/He may have been the first one to die/But I'm the one who paid for it/I survived, but I paid for it/Now I'm the villain in your history/I was too young and blind to see/I should've known, I should've known the world was wide enough/For both Hamilton and me/The world was wide enough/For both Hamilton and me.

  • Aaron Burr : The Contitution's a mess.

    Alexander Hamilton : So it needs amendments.

    Aaron Burr : It's full of contradictions.

    Alexander Hamilton : So is independence. We have to start somewhere.

    Aaron Burr : No. No way.

    Alexander Hamilton : You're making a mistake.

    Aaron Burr : Good night.

    Alexander Hamilton : Hey, what are you waiting for? What do you stall for?

    Aaron Burr : What?

    Alexander Hamilton : We won the war. What was it all for? Do you support this Constitution?

    Aaron Burr : Of course.

    Alexander Hamilton : Then defend it.

    Aaron Burr : What if you're backing the wrong horse?

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr, we studied and we fought, and we killed for the notion of a nation/We now get to build for once in your life/Take a stand with pride/I don't understand how you stand to the side.

  • Aaron Burr : Congrats on a race well-run. I did give you a fight.

    Thomas Jefferson : Uh-huh.

    Aaron Burr : I look forward to our partnership.

    Thomas Jefferson : Our partnership?

    Aaron Burr : As your vice president.

    Thomas Jefferson : Ha! Yeah, right.

    [to Madison] 

    Thomas Jefferson : You hear this guy? Man openly campaigns against me, talkin' 'bout "I look forward to our partnership."

    James Madison : It is crazy that the guy who comes in second gets to be vice president.

    Thomas Jefferson : Ooh. You know what? We can change that. You know why?

    James Madison : Why?

    Thomas Jefferson : 'Cause I'm the president. Burr, uh, when you see Hamilton, thank him for the endorsement.

  • George Washington : Let me tell you what I wish I'd known/When I was young and dreamed of glory/You have no control/Who lives? Who dies? Who tells your story?

    Aaron Burr : President Jefferson.

    Thomas Jefferson : I'll give him this, his financial system is a work of genius. I couldn't undo it if I tried. And I tried.

    Aaron Burr : President Madison.

    James Madison : He took our country from bankruptcy to prosperity. I hate to admit it, but he doesn't get enough credit for all the credit that he gave us.

  • Aaron Burr : Dear Alexander/I am slow to anger/But I toe the line/As I reckon with the effects/Of your life on mine/I look back on where I failed/And in every place I checked/The only common thread has been your disrespect/Now you call me ammoral/A dangerous disgrace/If you've got something to say/Name a time and place/Face to face. I have the honor to be/Your obediant servant/A. Burr.

    Alexander Hamilton : Mr. Vice President/I am not the reason no one trusts you/No one knows what you believe/I will not equivocate on my opinion/I have always worn it on my sleeve/Even if I said what you think I said/You would need to cite/A more specific grievance/Here's an itemzied list/Of 30 years of disagreements.

    Aaron Burr : Sweet Jesus.

    Alexander Hamilton : Hey, I have not been shy/I am just a guy in the public eye/Trying to do my best for our republic/I don't wanna fight/But I won't apologize/For doing what's right/I have the honor to be/Your obediant servant/A. Ham.

    Aaron Burr : Careful how you proceed, good man/Intemperate indeed, good man/Answer for the accusations I lay at your feet/Or prepare to bleed, good man.

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr, your greivance is legitimate/I stand by what I said/Every bit of it/You stand only for yourself/It's what you do/I can't apologize because it's true.

    Aaron Burr : Then stand, Alexander. Weehawken. Dawn. Guns. Drawn.

    Alexander Hamilton : You're on.

    Alexander Hamilton , Aaron Burr : I have the honor to be/Your obediant servant.

    Alexander Hamilton : A. Ham.

    Aaron Burr : A. Burr.

  • Alexander Hamilton : Burr, you're a better lawyer than me.

    Aaron Burr : Okay.

    Alexander Hamilton : I know I talk too much, I'm abrasive/You're incredible in court-You're succinct, persuasive/My client needs a strong defense/You're the solution.

    Aaron Burr : Uh, who's your client?

    Alexander Hamilton : The new U.S. Constitution.

    Aaron Burr : No.

    Alexander Hamilton : Hear me out.

    Aaron Burr : No way.

    Alexander Hamilton : A series of essays, anonymously published/Defending the document to the public.

    Aaron Burr : No one'll read it.

    Alexander Hamilton : I disagree.

    Aaron Burr : And if it fails?

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr, that's why we need it.

  • Aaron Burr : They won't teach you this in your classes/But look it up/Hamilton was wearing his glasses/Why, if not to take deadly aim? It's him or me/The world will never be the same/I had only one thought before the slaughter/This man will not make an orphan of my daughter.

  • Aaron Burr : Hamilton's out of control.

    James Madison : This is great. He's out of power, he holds no office, and he just destroyed President John Adams, the only other significant member of his party.

    Thomas Jefferson : Hamilton is a host unto himself. As long as he can hold a pen, he's a threat. Let's let him know what we know.

  • Aaron Burr : How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman/Dropped in the middle/Of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean/By providence, impoverished, in squalor/Grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

    John Laurens : The ten-dollar Founding Father/Without a father/Got a lot farther/By working a lot harder/By being a lot smarter/By being a self-starter/By 14, they placed him in charge of a trading charter.

    Marquis de Lafayette : And every day, while slaves were being slaughtered/And carted away across the waves/He struggled and kept his guard up/Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of/The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow, or barter.

    Hercules Mulligan : Then a hurricane came/And devastation reigned/Our man saw his future/Drip-dripping down the drain/Put a pencil to his temple/Connected it to his brain/And he wrote his first refrain/A testament to his pain.

    Aaron Burr : Well, the word got around/They said, "This kid is insane, man"/Took up a collection/Just to send him to the mainland/Get your education/Don't forget from whence you came/And the world's gonna know your name/What's your name, man?

    Alexander Hamilton : Alexander Hamilton/My name is Alexander Hamilton/And there's a million things I haven't done/But just you wait/Just you wait.

  • Alexander Hamilton : Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?

    Aaron Burr : That depends. Who's asking?

    Alexander Hamilton : Oh, well, sure/Sir, I'm Alexander Hamilton/I'm at your service, sir/I have been looking for you.

    Aaron Burr : I'm getting nervous.

    Alexander Hamilton : Sir, I heard your name at Princeton/I was seeking an accelerated course of study/When I got sort of out of sorts/With a buddy of yours/I may have punched him/It's a blur, sir/He handles the financials.

    Aaron Burr : You punched the bursar?

  • Alexander Hamilton : Mr. Vice President. Mr. Madison. Senator Burr. What is this?

    Thomas Jefferson : We have the check stubs from separate accounts.

    James Madison : Almost a thousand dollars paid in different amounts.

    Aaron Burr : To a Mr. James Reynolds way back in 1791.

    Alexander Hamilton : Is that what you have? Are you done?

    James Madison : You are uniquely situated by virtue of your position...

    Thomas Jefferson : Though "virtue" is not a word I'd apply to this situation.

    James Madison : To seek financial gain/To stray from your sacred mission.

    Thomas Jefferson : And the evidence suggests/You've engaged in speculation.

    Aaron Burr : An immigrant embezzling our government funds.

    Thomas Jefferson , James Madison : I can almost see the headline/Your career is done.

    Aaron Burr : I hope you saved some money/For your daughter and sons.

    Aaron Burr , Thomas Jefferson , James Madison : You best g'wan run back where you come from.

    Alexander Hamilton : Ha! You don't even know what you're asking me to confess.

    Aaron Burr , Thomas Jefferson , James Madison : Confess.

    Alexander Hamilton : You have nothing/ I don't have to tell you anything at all/Unless...

    Aaron Burr , Thomas Jefferson , James Madison : Unless...

    Alexander Hamilton : If I can prove/That I never broke the law/Do you promise not to tell/Another soul what you saw?

    Aaron Burr : No one else was in the room where it happened.

    Alexander Hamilton : Is that a yes?

    Aaron Burr , Thomas Jefferson , James Madison : Um, yes.

  • Samuel Seabury : Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present "Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress." Heed not the rabble who scream revolution/They have not your interests at heart.

    Hercules Mulligan : Oh, my god, tear this dude apart.

    Samuel Seabury : Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution/Don't let them lead you astray/This congress does not speak for me.

    Aaron Burr : [stopping Hamilton]  Let him be.

    Samuel Seabury : They're playing a dangerous game/I pray the king shows you his mercy/For shame/For shame.

    Alexander Hamilton : [in counterpoint]  Yo, he'd have you all unravel/At the screams/But the revolution is coming/The have-nots are gonna win this/It's hard to listen to you with a straight face.

    Samuel Seabury : Heed not the rabble who scream revolution/They have not your interests at heart.

    Alexander Hamilton , Samuel Seabury : Chaos and bloodshed...

    Alexander Hamilton : Already haunt us/Honestly, you shouldn't even talk.

    Samuel Seabury : Are not a solution/Don't let them lead you astray.

    Alexander Hamilton : And what about Boston? Look at the cost and all that we've lost/And you talk about Congress.

    Samuel Seabury : This congress does not speak for me.

    Alexander Hamilton : My dog speaks more eloquently than thee.

    Samuel Seabury : They're playing a dangerous game.

    Alexander Hamilton : But strangely, your mange is the same.

    Samuel Seabury : I pray the king shows you his mercy.

    Alexander Hamilton : Is he in Jersey?

    Samuel Seabury : For shame/For shame!/Heed...

    Alexander Hamilton : For the revolution/If you repeat yourself again, I'm gonna...

    Samuel Seabury : Scream.

    Alexander Hamilton : Honestly, look at me/Please don't read.

    Samuel Seabury : Not your interests at...

    Alexander Hamilton : Don't modulate the key/Then not debate with me/Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?

    Aaron Burr : Alexander, please.

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive. Drop the niceties.

  • Alexander Hamilton : Burr, since when are you a Democratic-Republican?

    Aaron Burr : Since being one put me on the up-and-up again.

    Alexander Hamilton : No one knows who you are/Or what you do.

    Aaron Burr : Hey, they don't need to know me/They don't like you.

    Alexander Hamilton : Excuse me?

    Aaron Burr : Oh, Wall Street thinks you're great/You'll always be adored by the things you create/But upstate...

    Alexander Hamilton : Wait.

    Aaron Burr : People think you're crooked. And Schuyler's seat was up for grabs, so I took it.

    Alexander Hamilton : I've always considered you a friend.

    Aaron Burr : I don't see why that has to end.

    Alexander Hamilton : You changed parties/To run against my father-in-law.

    Aaron Burr : I changed parties/To seize the opportunity I saw/I swear, your pride will be the death of us all/Beware, it goeth before the fall.

  • Aaron Burr : The ship is in the harbor now/See if you can spot him/Another immigrant coming up from the bottom/His enemies destroyed his rep/America forgot him.

    Marquis de Lafayette , Hercules Mulligan : We fought with him.

    John Laurens : Me, I died for him.

    George Washington : Me, I trusted him.

    Peggy Schuyler , Angelica Schuyler , Eliza Hamilton : Me, I loved him.

    Aaron Burr : And me/I'm the damn fool that shot him.

  • Alexander Hamilton : I wanted to do what you did/Graduate in two/Then join the revolution/He looked at me like I was stupid/I'm not stupid/So, how'd you do it?/How'd you graduate so fast?

    Aaron Burr : It was my parents' dying wish before they passed.

    Alexander Hamilton : You're an orphan/Of course/I'm an orphan/God, I wish there was a war/Then we could prove that we're worth more than anyone bargained for.

    Aaron Burr : Can I buy you a drink?

    Alexander Hamilton : That would be nice.

    Aaron Burr : While we're talking/Let me offer you some free advice/Talk less.

    Alexander Hamilton : What?

    Aaron Burr : Smile more.

    Alexander Hamilton : Ha.

    Aaron Burr : Don't let them know/What you're against or what you're for.

    Alexander Hamilton : You can't be serious.

    Aaron Burr : You wanna get ahead?

    Alexander Hamilton : Yes.

    Aaron Burr : Fools who run their mouths off/Wind up dead.

  • Aaron Burr : What did they say to you to get you to sell New York City down the river?/Did Washington know about the dinner/Was there presidential pressure to deliver?/Or did you know even then it doesn't matter where you put the U.S. capital?

    Alexander Hamilton : 'Cause we'll have the banks/We're in the same spot.

    Aaron Burr : You got more than you gave.

    Alexander Hamilton : And I wanted what I got/When you got skin in the game/You stay in the game/But you don't get a win unless you play in the game/Oh, you get love for it/You get hate for it/You get nothing if you

    Alexander Hamilton , Aaron Burr : [with the company]  Wait for it, wait for it, wait.

    Alexander Hamilton : God help and forgive me/I wanna build something that's gonna outlive me/What do you want, Burr? What do you want, Burr?/If you stand for nothing, Burr, what do you fall for?

    Aaron Burr : I... I wanna be in the room where it happens/The room where it happens/I... wanna be in the room where it happens/The room where it happens/I, I wanna be in the room where it happens/I... I wanna be in the room where it happens.

  • Aaron Burr : [reading James Reynolds' extortion letter]  "Dear sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health, and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth in the pockets of people like me down on their luck. You see, that was my wife who you decided to..."

    Thomas Jefferson : [in surprise and shock]  Whaaaat?

    Alexander Hamilton : She courted me, escorted me to bed/And when she had me in a corner/That's when Reynolds extorted me/For a sordid fee, I paid him quarterly/I may have mortally wounded my prospects/But my papers are orderly/As you can see, I kept a record of every check in my checkered history/Check it against your list and see consistency/I never spent a cent that wasn't mine/You sent the dogs after my scent, that's fine/Yes, I have reasons for shame/But I have not committed treason and sullied my good name/As you can see, I have done nothing to provoke legal action/Are my answers to your satisfaction?

    Thomas Jefferson : My God.

    James Madison : Gentlemen, let's go.

    Alexander Hamilton : So?

    Thomas Jefferson , James Madison : The people won't know what we know.

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr. How do I know you won't use this against me/The next time we go toe to toe?

    Aaron Burr : Alexander, rumors only grow. And we both know what we know.

  • Aaron Burr : Life doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes. And we keep on living anyway. We rise and we fall. We fall and we break. And we make our mistakes. And if there's a reason why I'm still alive when so many have died - then I'm willing to... wait for it.

  • Aaron Burr : There's nothing like summer in the city/Someone in a rush next to someone looking pretty/Excuse me, miss, I know it's not funny, but your perfume smells like your daddy's got money/Why you slummin' in the city in your fancy heels? You searchin' for an urchin who can give you ideals?

    Angelica Schuyler : Burr, you disgust me.

    Aaron Burr : Ah, so you've discussed me. I'm a trust fund, baby/You can trust me.

    Angelica Schuyler : I've been reading "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine/So men say that I'm intense or I'm insane/You want a revolution? I wanna revelation/So listen to my declaration.

    Angelica Schuyler , Eliza Hamilton , Peggy Schuyler : We hold these truths to be self-evident/That all men are created equal.

    Angelica Schuyler : And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, I'mma compel him to include women in the sequel.

  • Aaron Burr : Alexander joins forces with James Madison and John Jay to write a series of essays defending the new United States Constitution entitled "The Federalist Papers". The plan was to write a total of 25 essays, the work divided evenly between the three men. In the end, they wrote 85 essays in the span of six months. John Jay got sick after writing five. James Madison wrote 29. Hamilton wrote the *other 51*!

  • Aaron Burr : Meanwhile, Madison is grappling with the fact/That not every issue can be settled by committee/Congress is fighting over where to put the capital/It isn't pretty/Then Jefferson approaches with a dinner and invite/And Madison responds with Virginian insight.

    James Madison : Maybe we can solve one problem with another/And win a victory for the Southerners/In other words...

    Thomas Jefferson : Oh, ho.

    James Madison : A quid pro quo.

    Thomas Jefferson : I suppose.

    James Madison : Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home?

    Thomas Jefferson : Actually, I would.

    James Madison : Well, I propose the Potomac.

    Thomas Jefferson : And you'll provide him his votes?

    James Madison : Well, we'll see how it goes.

    Thomas Jefferson : Let's go.

    Aaron Burr : No one else was in the room where it happened/The room where it happened/The room where it happened/No one else was in the room where it happened/The room where it happened/The room where it happened/My God!/In God we trust/But we'll really never know what got discussed/Ha!/Click, boom, then it happened/And no one else is in the room where it happened.

  • Aaron Burr : Two Virginians and an immigrant/Walk into a room/Diametrically opposed, foes/They emerge with a compromise/Having opened doors that were previously closed/The immigrant emerges with unprecedented financial power/A system he can shape however he wants/The Virginians emerge with the nation's capital/And here's the piece de resistance/No one else was in the room where it happened/The room where it happened/The room where it happened/No one else was in the room where it happened/The room where it happened/The room where it happened/No one really knows how the game is played/The art of the trade/How the sausage gets made/We just assume that it happens/But no one else is in the room where it happens./Thomas claims:

    Thomas Jefferson : Alexander was on Washington's doorstep one day/In distress and disarray.

    Aaron Burr : Thomas claims:

    Thomas Jefferson : Alexander said...

    Alexander Hamilton : I have nowhere else to turn.

    Thomas Jefferson : And basically begged me to join the fray.

    Aaron Burr : Thomas claims:

    Thomas Jefferson : I approached Madison and said "I know you hate him, but let's hear what he has to say."

    Aaron Burr : Thomas claims:

    Thomas Jefferson : Well, I arranged the meeting/I arranged the menu/The venue, the seating.

    Aaron Burr : But no one else was in the room where it happened/The room where it happened/The room where it happened/No one else was in the room where it happened/The room where it happened/The room where it happened/No one really knows how the parties get to yes/The pieces that are sacrificed in every game of chess/We just assume that it happens/But no one else was in the room where it happens.

  • Aaron Burr : Now, how you gonna get your debt plan through?

    Alexander Hamilton : I guess I'm gonna finally have to listen to you.

    Aaron Burr : Really?

    Alexander Hamilton : Talk less/Smile more/Do whatever it takes/To get my plan on the Congress floor.

    Aaron Burr : Now, Madison and Jefferson are merciless.

    Alexander Hamilton : Well, hate the sin, love the sinner.

    James Madison : Hamilton.

    Alexander Hamilton : I'm sorry, Burr, I gotta go.

    Aaron Burr : Oh, but, uh...

    Alexander Hamilton : Decisions are happening over dinner.

  • Aaron Burr : Ah, Mr. Secretary.

    Alexander Hamilton : Mr. Burr, sir.

    Aaron Burr : Hey, did you hear the news about good old General Mercer?

    Alexander Hamilton : No.

    Aaron Burr : You know Clermont Street?

    Alexander Hamilton : Yeah.

    Aaron Burr : They renamed it after him. The Mercer legacy is secure.

    Alexander Hamilton : Sure.

    Aaron Burr : And all he had to do was die

    Alexander Hamilton : Yeah, that's a lot less work.

    Aaron Burr : We ought to give it a try.

  • Hercules Mulligan : Yo, I'm a tailor's apprentice/And I got y'all knuckleheads in loco parentis/I'm joining the rebellion 'cause I know it's my chance to socially advance/Instead of sewing some pants. I'm gonna take a...

    John Laurens , Alexander Hamilton , Hercules Mulligan : Shot!

    John Laurens : But we'll never be truly free/Until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me/You and I, do or die/Wait 'til I sally in on a stallion/With the first black battalion. Have another...

    John Laurens , Alexander Hamilton , Hercules Mulligan : Shot!

    Aaron Burr : Geniuses, lower your voices/You keep out of trouble and you double your choices/I'm with you, but the situation is fraught/You've got to be carefully taught/If you talk, you're gonna get shot.

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr, check what we got/Mr. Lafayette, hard rock like Lancelot/I think your pants look hot/Laurens, I like you a lot/Let's hatch a plot blacker than the kettle callin' the pot/What are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot/Poppin' a squat on conventional wisdom, like it or not/A bunch of revolutionary Manumission abolitionists/Give me a position, show me where the ammunition is/Oh, am I talking too loud? Sometimes I get overexcited, shoot off at the mouth/I never had a group of friends before/I promise that I'll make y'all proud.

    John Laurens : Let's get this guy in front of a crowd.

  • Aaron Burr : How does Hamilton, the short-tempered Protean creator of the Coast Guard, founder of the New York Post/Ardently abuse his Cabinet post/Destroy his reputation?/Welcome, folks, to the Adams administration!/Jefferson's the runner-up, which makes him the Vice President.

    Thomas Jefferson : Washington can't help you now/No more Mr. Nice President.

    Aaron Burr : Adams fires Hamilton/Privately calls him "Creole bastard" in his taunts.

    Thomas Jefferson : Say what?

  • Alexander Hamilton : Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr, sir.

    Aaron Burr : Alexander!

    Alexander Hamilton : You've created quite a stir, sir.

    Aaron Burr : I'm going door-to-door.

    Alexander Hamilton : You're openly campaigning.

    Aaron Burr : Sure.

    Alexander Hamilton : That's new.

    Aaron Burr : Honestly, it's kind of draining.

    Alexander Hamilton : Burr.

    Aaron Burr : Sir.

    Alexander Hamilton : Is there anything you wouldn't do?

    Aaron Burr : No. I'm chasing what I want. And you know what?

    Alexander Hamilton : What?

    Aaron Burr : I learned that from you.

  • John Laurens : Well, if it ain't the prodigy of Princeton College.

    Hercules Mulligan : Aaron Burr.

    John Laurens : Give us a verse, drop some knowledge.

    Aaron Burr : Good luck with that/You're takin' a stand/You spit, I'mma sit/We'll see where we land.

    John Laurens : Burr, the revolution's imminent/What do you stall for?

    Alexander Hamilton : If you stand for nothing, Burr, what'll you fall for?

  • Alexander Hamilton : Your Excellency, you wanted to see me?

    George Washington : Hamilton, come in. Have you met Burr?

    Alexander Hamilton : Yes, sir.

    Alexander Hamilton , Aaron Burr : We keep meeting.

  • Aaron Burr : Alexander.

    Alexander Hamilton : Aaron Burr, sir.

    Aaron Burr : Can we agree that duels are dumb and immature?

    Alexander Hamilton : Sure, but your man has to answer for his words, Burr.

    Aaron Burr : With his life? We both know that's absurd, sir.

    Alexander Hamilton : Hang on. How many men died because Lee was inexperienced and ruinous?

    Aaron Burr : Okay, so we're doing this.

  • Aaron Burr : How does the bastard, orphan, immigrant, decorated war vet/Unite the colonies through more debt?/Fight the other founding fathers/'Til he has to forfeit/Have it all, lose it all/You ready for more yet?/Treasury Secretary/Washington's the president/Every American experiment sets a precedent/Not so fast/Someone came along to resist him/Pissed him off/Until we had a two-party system/You haven't met him yet/You haven't had the chance/'Cause he's been kicking ass as the ambassador to France/But someone's gotta keep the American promise/You simply must meet Thomas/Thomas!

See also

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