When Ethan and Cherie are dancing at Trey's house, as Cherie rests her left hand on Ethan's right shoulder and rests her head above her hand and against Ethan's head, the wound on her forehead appears above her left eyebrow instead of her right eyebrow.
After Cherie throws holy water over Ethan in the church, his face and jacket are wet. In the next shot, they are dry. When the camera cuts away and then back to Ethan, his face and jacket are wet again.
The blood stains on Cherie's body and clothes are very inconsistent throughout the entire movie.
As Cherie and the women drive away from the club, one of them supposedly just got admitted to an M.A. science program at Stanford.
There is no M.A. program in the sciences at Stanford to get admitted to. Some programs give M.A. degrees en route to a PhD., but people apply to the PhD program.
There is no M.A. program in the sciences at Stanford to get admitted to. Some programs give M.A. degrees en route to a PhD., but people apply to the PhD program.
Ethan's car has a California license plate with five digits followed by a letter followed by another digit. This format is used for pickup trucks, not cars.
First Lady's license plate, "FIRST LADY," is impossible in California, which has a seven-character limit.
Lighting equipment and its generator are visible as Cherie runs into a taxi shortly after being released on bail from the Los Angeles police station.
The girl from the club tells Cherie that her friend got into "the MA program at Stanford". The other then says "Marine science". Since Marine Science is a hard science discipline, it would be an MS degree not a MA, a "Masters of Arts" degree.
The man in the club who claims that Cherie is wearing a military uniform is mistaken. Although the jacket has a number of military ribbons and badges on it (including an upside-down USMC Corporal rank patch) it is not a uniform item for any US military branch.