502 of 988 found this mild
A man and a woman are briefly shown having sex as the camera pans by. Breasts and nipples are seen.
Various kissing scenes involving hetero and homosexual couples.
Cleavage is sometimes seen, and sometimes the outlines of hard nipples through a shirt or bra.
301 of 366 found this severe
Many people are ripped open and torn apart. Very graphic and disturbing.
A child's leg is impaled.
A cow has its throat ripped out.
A woman has her scalp ripped off and skinned alive pretty much on camera.
A charecter is tortured by having guests his hand smashed with a hammer. He then has his eye ripped out with a screw driver off camera.
A woman has her head nailed to a tree off camera. She is then shown alive and then has the object pulled out of her head before she dies.
Dead and abused children are discussed.
162 of 339 found this moderate
Fuck, shit, bitch, asshole, alongside lesser profanities are used frequently.
176 of 273 found this mild
Alcohol and tobacco use. Some characters take pain medicine, and recreational cannabis use.
242 of 326 found this severe
A person is shown after having committed suicide.
A scene is shown after a crash resulting in serious injuries.
The appearance of the monsters face is very scary once their form is revealed, which is usually right before they attack / slaughter someone.
Some characters keep getting creepy visions of things such as monstrous spirits.
The monsters in the show are extremely evil as they want to make you suffer as much as they can and enjoy it with no remorse.
The monsters are shown slowly killing someone in front of their friend in a way to make them both suffer.