This is an all-around fun spy movie with entertaining twists. I couldn't say I would watch it twice, but it was definitely worth watching once. I would have maybe given it a better review if it weren't for the actress Kate McKinnon's character Morgan. She is Mila Kunis's character Audrey's sidekick, who is obnoxiously annoying who they seem to try too hard to make her funny by making brainless, ignorant, obviously wrong decisions. It was just plain annoying and made the movie hard to watch. I think they could have toned it down a knotch with all her antics. Besides all that It was a better than I expected it to be and enjoyed it.
15 Reviews
The Highwaymen
Damn fine entertainment
1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love how this movie was well put together and flows really well. It kept me entertained with an All-Star Duo of Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson. They had a sort of a good cop bad cop demeanor. Besides a couple little tension in the details that caught my attention of them and one thing looking for the Barrow Gang. They made their way into the forest with just shotguns when they knew they could be going up against superior fire power. In one scene Frank Hammer (legendary decorated veteran of Law Enforcement ) bought an arsenal full of firearms to give them a fighting chance. So I just don't understand why they went into the woods with just shotguns, when they had the Colt Monitor R80 (high-powered automatic rifle) in the car. Other than that, a most entertaining movie. Just one attention to detail in the movie that obviously can't be based of of the historical accuracy. Besides my little movie o.c.d., I enjoyes this movie and I would definitely watch this movie again in the future.
Night Teeth
So cheesey it was entertaining.
27 August 2022
I had trouble taking this movie seriously till I let it go. From a cheesey movie standpoint it's actually entertaining. I know they weren't doing it on purpose like some other horror flicks. After I started viewing this movie as mere entertainment and obviously not a cult classic, it became entertaining to me again personally. A bunch of rich and model hot vampires sound lame but I'll let you be the judge to this. Now I am just doing a phila buster to get enough characters to make my post. I don't remebe there being a 600 character minimum on post. So this is kinda of aimlessly plot with some sudden twists.
The Code
13 July 2022
I couldn't get past the first half of the show with all the inaccuracies of garrison Marines. So if you are a Marine, maybe take my word of advice and don't watch this show. You would figured these major corporations would hire better military advisors for these type of details.
If your a civilian have at it, it prob has a good plot.
If your a civilian have at it, it prob has a good plot.
Sweet Tooth
The kid is such a brat.
9 June 2021
This show is unique and original. It has a lot of entertainment packed into the series. However, the young boy/hybrid is quite obnoxious and annoying at many points. You would figure he would have a slight bit more common sense in life or danger situations. I don't understand why this kid does not have a wink of remorse. He just acts like your stereo-typical over privileged american suburban boy who takes everything for granted. If you can get over the main character acting like a spoiled brat, then this show is quite the treat.
The Old Guard
Hard to watch if your a Marine
7 June 2021
The Old Guard is all in all a good watch. If you are a Marine, you might get upset with a few things in the film as I did. You would think they would have an actual Marine as an advisor. They put all that money and they could have got a PFC on that matter for simple Marine knowledge.
The Handmaid's Tale: La Servante écarlate
Good for most part.
26 May 2021
Besides the fact I caught my self several times cussing at the TV because of decisions made by the lead character it's a good show. Good plot twists and ingenious story line, however there are alot of dull and dry parts in the show. I definitely recommend watching it even though the lead character (Elizabeth Moss) gets on my nerves.
Les Saphirs
All in all a good film
15 April 2021
I find this movie to be an excellently produced film and has a great emotional plot. David O'Dowd (Dave Lovelace) played an excellent roll and is becoming one of my more beloved actors. The only thing that was really throwing me off in the whole movie was the character Robby (Tori Kittles). So this low ranking service member was able to take his helicopter almost anywhere as he pleased. Plus his haircut seemed pretty short for that era. I was almost waiting for him to come out in skinny jeans, but realized this movie was made in 2012.
Uncut Gems
Not a nice guy.
27 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
All around good movie with A Darker side of Sandler. Kept me on my toes for the most part all the way up to the end.
In this movie shows a man with a serious gambling addiction. This addiction Leeds have 2 living a chaotic and problematic lifestyle. He turns out just being a terrible person to everyone around him. Made me feel a little aggro towards him and wasn't really a character I was rooting for. His fate gave closure for the guy and the movie unfortunately in a dark way.
In this movie shows a man with a serious gambling addiction. This addiction Leeds have 2 living a chaotic and problematic lifestyle. He turns out just being a terrible person to everyone around him. Made me feel a little aggro towards him and wasn't really a character I was rooting for. His fate gave closure for the guy and the movie unfortunately in a dark way.
(2020– )
Thought it was me but, professional critics rated it poorly too.
12 May 2020
I had great expectations after the first episode. Then has the show goes on it displays underwritten characters, lack of humor, plot seems just thrown together, and underdeveloped in general. Then the relationship between the living and the dead just becomes obnoxious.
It looks like the general public enjoys this show. However I stand with most of the critics and say don't waste your time. That's up to you to decide.
It looks like the general public enjoys this show. However I stand with most of the critics and say don't waste your time. That's up to you to decide.
Ahead of their time.
5 May 2020
Find the show very entertaining and unique. I understand that the show is based on them pioneering and having a black actress in the main role. However back in that time, I don't think that would ever flown. Interracial marriage was illegal till 1967 in this god-forsaken country. So to have something like this in the 50s just kind of throws me off. However, I really do support this film and them telling the truth of our land.
Jack Ryan
Great show just some minor flaws.
16 November 2019
This is a great show it's nothing but suspenseful keep you on your toes watching. However, there is just one scene that I'm not fond of. I'm not going to mention cuz it might be kind of a spoiler but it threw me off cussing at the TV (lol). In an actual scenario that would have went down.............. all I have to say is they put themselves in almost an suicidal scenario to escape alive. That could have been easily avoided if they were doing real black ops missions.
Besides that great show.
Besides that great show.
My Country
You can't drive a stick. ;)
10 November 2019
Entertaining to watch however as Italian living in Chicago. He did not accept the Italian culture as much as you think he would. Kind of made a bad name for Americans, like not being able to drive a stick shift. Comedy it is.
Sneaky Pete
Great show with minor loose end with Lizzie and skipping bail.
2 August 2019
I enjoyed this show greatly. I think is a well-rounded show with insightful twist all throughout all the seasons. However, there is one loose thread in in season 3 episode 10. They had a bounty for Lizzie. Did they end up ever taken her in at the end? Did the family lose the bail bonds shop?
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