
8 Reviews
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A nine, almost flawless!
8 October 2024
We knew nothing about this movie beforehand. We watched it, cried repeatedly, and looked at each other and said 'wow'.

There are movies that defy logic. This is one. The character development was effortless. It seemed as if we were merely glimpsing a part of these actors lives. There was a reality between the actors that seemed very true and genunine. The pacing was phenonmenal. The editing was perfect. The subject was appropriate and well thought out. There aren't many movies that in 100 minutes can make us feel emotions this strongly. Bring your tissues, and make sure you pay attention to how beautifully acted this movie truly is, you will not be disappointed. One of the best movies I have ever seen, period! In any genre!
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Sometimes surprises are beautiful
20 July 2023
My wife and I in our 10 years of marriage have watched hundreds of movies. We've been pleasantly surprised many times. But, this may be the pinnacle. We had zero expectations and zero prior knowledge of this movie or the storyline. Let's just say congratulations to the writers, editors, actors, and directors of this one. Bravo!

It's part romance, part comedy, part thriller and part revenge movie. But, it works - gloriously!

This movie does not let up from beginning to end. The character development is superb, the acting very believable, the pace is perfect.

More like this please!

Do yourself a favor and watch Promising Young Woman, I don't think you'll regret it, we both loved it!
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Mother (2017)
Possibly the worst movie ever
17 June 2022
Not sure where to start or if I even should. This movie made no sense, it never did. My wife and I actually watched the movie til it ended, but we both turned to each other and said, wtf was that?

The story made no sense at all, the scenes were completely overdone. The choices made were completely unbelievable, and I am not really sure why this movie was even conceived of or made. We both say, no need to waste time here, there are many other movies that are worth 2 hours of time, this is not even close to one of them...
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Devil (2010)
a freaking great ride!
9 June 2022
This movie is an epic. It is scary, tense, and thrilling. M Night shines here, watch it if you like to wonder and guess what is happening and like to be surprised at the end. Such a quick wonderful look into the mind of insanity and the devil himself.
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Mystery Road (2013)
Pointless drivel
15 December 2020
There are so many other ways one could spend 2 hours. Watching a slow, slow, slow movie with subpar acting, a pointless script and a senseless plot certainly would be a beneficial one. This movie stunk to high heaven. My wife and I did watch it all the way to the end, but it was excruciating, but I am not a quitter. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one, nothing to see here...
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11 June 2020
First 15 minutes were really compelling, then someone took a hit of something and the movie went to hell. What a waste of time. Plot holes, unbelievable how far a good premise can fall with poor writing. I highly recommend something else...
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The Words (2012)
2 May 2020
Fantastic cinema. Powerful acting, perfect casting, wonderful script. This is a sublime movie that is so compelling yet hard to explain why. Just so many scenes that reel you in and get you to feeling...9 out of 10...a great one!
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Us (II) (2019)
High ratings hijinx
7 September 2019
Not sure why this movie has a cumulative 7 stars. It is a 3 at best. The good is that I made it all the way through the movie. The bad is that is sucked, The story was loose and confusing. The acting was subpar...I usually love movies like this but this one stunk...don't believe the high ratings find something better to invest a cpl hours on...
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