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Lupo the Butcher (1987)
Needs more cowbell
The only thing missing was more Lupo The Butcher. When this was released it was the funniest cartoon I had seen and repeatedly watched. My dad caught me watching it for the millionth time and finally decided to see what I was watching. Until my dad passed away 20 some years later he was still quoting some of the lines from Lupo's rants.
Joker (2019)
Wow so many rave reviews for such a lousy movie. The only thing that was even remotely interesting in the movie was the ending. Other than that the pace was slow and painful. All of the actors did a great job considering the material. But this movie was pure hype for the kiddies to go to the movies. The Joker portrayed here is so far removed from the original comics or past movies that the divide may as well be the Grand Canyon. The Joker we get here is stupid, slow, a born loser and laughs like a moron. A Joker for this type of story needs to be cunning, sly, tough and intelligent. Instead we get a millennial version of Forest Gump that's been dropped too many times on his head.