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IMDb member since June 2023
The Gallows Pole (2023)
Brilliant. But could be darker
3 June 2023 - 10 out of 18 users found this review helpful.
I read the book by Benjamin Myers and it's way darker. Hopefully there's a second series which is closer to the book. As a prequel series, this was great. The humour and improvisation is bang on. Love it. The Yorkshire settings are stunning and add real depth to the reality of the drama. It's typical Shane Meadows. Good use of music to slowly up the anticipation. Great dialogue between the characters and nuanced banter. I hope the BBC will consider a second series or even a third, it could run and run. My favourite character is Mand. Appears she's a local Halifax lass brought in specifically for this drama and she absolutely steals the show for me. Superb.
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