
4 Reviews
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Good overview of life in the GDR
25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While the implication is left that Lars and Sabine are twins separated at birth, the fact remains that Sabine has a sister, and it's left unclear whether she or Sabine are the elder.

I'll watch season 2 if there is one, but I'll also be satisfied if it's left as is.

There's no real reason for Tobias' character to be included further, and Emil can serve only to out Lars as he's the one who's seen the photos of him and Lauren together.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Too complicated with inexplicable twists
5 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The problem for me with this series was the number of improbable red herrings and coincidences.

1) The hotel card just happens to be the one Bendek has returned.

2) How does the killer find out who Hassan is and then find him?

3) How does the killer locate his last victim (May's sitter) and arrange to get access to her apartment at 3:00am?

4) How does the killer locate Cara and just happen to be waiting to run her over outside the club

5) Why does Mohammad leave Marcella after attacking her? How does he know where she lives?

All these things bothered me at the end of the series. I didn't expect great acting in a police drama, but this was over the top with "twists".
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8 February 2011
The only thing I liked about this film was the photography. Story, acting, sound quality, and music were second rate. Which is a shame since I think something could have been done with the concept.

The fault, in my view, is that the writing results in a slow-paced story with stilted dialog. Up until mid-film there were numerous throw- away scenes and dialogs that did nothing to advance the plot or even develop characters convincingly. And even with these bits it's still a pretty short film.

I think these actors deserved better. One scene that stretched credibility was the new sheriff firing her gun into the air to break up a bar fight. This wouldn't be condoned anywhere nowadays.
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The Last Detective (2003–2007)
Well done - wish there was more
8 February 2011
Having now watched all 4 seasons on DVD, I can also wish there was more to see. The acting is superb throughout, and the situations are a mix of amusing and true crime.

I found Dangerous' wife to be a truly irritating character in a bad way, the kind of woman who gives marriage a bad name. Luckily by the end of the series she had become tolerable.

On the other hand, Mod is irritating in a good way. He's the kind of guy I couldn't stand in real life for 10 minutes, but on the screen he's the perfect foil.

Given Dangerous' successes, it's hard to understand Aspinall continuing to treat him n the same way, esp. after Davies saves his career a couple of times.

Vineeta Rishii as the Anglo-Indian policewoman is great in a supporting role.
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