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A pretty damn fine movie.
2 November 2012
A movie with a cast as great as this was bound to be excellent, it's not often a cast as impressive as this is compiled into the one film, I mean come in you've got a bevy of some of the greatest actors working today, Tom Hardy Guy Pearce Jessica Chastain Mia Wasikowska, are all actors at the top of the talent pool, and their performances are without a doubt excellent. I will single out Guy Pearce, it's not an easy feat to outshine the likes of Tom Hardy, but Mr Pearce is the real scene stealer in this movie. Appearance wise he's almost unrecognizable and the role itself is something in its own, a villain to really be afraid of, a true psychopath, I think he's way overdue for an Oscar nom and I hope he gets it with Lawless. As I said before the performances from everyone are good, nothing's over done, very understated and done perfectly.

The movie is quite interesting, generally it's not the type of film I would rush out to see but pretty much straight away I was intrigued and interested and actually cared about where the story went, the history of illegal alcohol selling in the U.S at the time was something I knew nothing about but the film presents it in a simple way for even dummies like me to understand. It's great to see a tough guy gangster shoot em up style film with a soft side, the inclusion of the female characters really brings another dimension to the male characters that you usually don't see in films such as this.

Be warned though, the violence is pretty intense, the throat slitting scene had me on edge and the pretty much any scene Guy Pearce is in will have you shivering. This really is a film any type of film lover will enjoy, be it male or female, young or old, it's got a great story and even greater actors to tell the story.

I hope you enjoy it. :)
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A fun ride of a film.
31 October 2012
Killing Them Softly up front seems like a male centric action film with guns and chases a d all that kinda stuff, however viewers will be quite surprised at just how much more this film has to offer. First off I will start by saying this is an ensemble effort, Brad Pitt may be the central character and on the poster but really this movie is an ensemble of great male actors all complimenting each other in every way possible, it's actually quite hard to pick which actor is the best in this movie, they're all so wonderful in their roles.

The storyline is fast paced and easy to grasp, you never lose track and the film never out stays its welcome, it's actually probably a little too short in my opinion, but a movie that gets the story told with no plot holes in an hour and 30 minutes and still be good is very rare these days. People interested in gangster films like Casino or the like will enjoy this movie, it's kinda like a gangster movie light, not huge and over the top but small and still vicious... Brad Pitt is a bit of a champion to lend his big name to an otherwise small film, I think this movie will gain a very big audience thanks to him.

If you're after an easy afternoon at the movies, check this one out, it's dark, it's funny, it's violent and it's excellently acted, I highly recommend this one. :)
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Good, but not as great as i was hoping.
30 October 2012
This movie is a charming little film from a very exciting new talent, Zoe Kazan, who i think is going to excel with her next foray into screen writing. While watching this movie it's rather obvious that it's written by a first time writer, that's not to say that it's not well written because it is, it's just a little underwritten, some characters are underdeveloped and at times it lags without any type of direction. It may sound like i didn't like this movie but i did, it's quirky and very indie which is the kind of stuff i like, it has two leads who are excellent in their roles (it does help that the audience knows they are in love in real life), and it has a wonderful supporting cast, in particular the always excellent Annette Bening and Antonio Banderas who impressed me in a role i'd never picture him in otherwise.

One particular part of the film i like was the realistic portrayal of a modern day relationship, it's not all romance and love every day, there are dark parts to a relationship and it's portrayed here very well, the relationship ups and downs are some of the best i've seen in a film in a very long time. The production and all that jazz is done very well, it's impressive how low budget indie films are made so well and stylish these days, i guess it's a good indication of a director knowing how to make a movie well.

Little Miss Sunshine it ain't, but it is a bit of fun for a Sunday afternoon, it's nice to see a new girl on the block taking on the quirky side of cinema, MOVE OVER ZOOEY DESCHANEL, THERE'S A NEW ZOE ABOUT TO TAKE YOUR CROWN. ;)
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Mental (2012)
Hilarious from go to whoa! A real Aussie laugh fest.
28 October 2012
Oh what a treat I got when I sat down in a criminally empty theater to watch Mental, I saw the trailer and to be honest I thought it looked cringe-worthy, but because I'm such a huge fan of Muriel's Wedding I thought I'd give it a go anyway. Muriel's Wedding it ain't, but it's a new classic on its own accord. The film is set in a typical coastal Australian town, complete with regular Aussie houses, fish and chip shops and a public pool, we get to see the Moochmore family at home and we realize that all isn't well with this family, so the mum (expertly played by Australia's golden girl of television Rebecca Gibney), gets shipped off to the loony bin by the bastard father, and then enters Shaz, a character equally as charming and hilarious as Muriel Heslop. This woman transforms all the young daughters in so many ways, teaching them valuable lessons along the way, she even gives the father a serving of her mind which is awesome. As the film progresses we see all isn't as it seems with Shaz but I won't say anymore about that, as its a spoiler and its fun to see it happen without any knowledge.

I'm a massive Aussie at heart, I grew up in country New South Wales so I love seeing real bogan stuff like Mental, the dialogue and the houses and everything just reminds me of growing up. The jokes are by the minute, Toni Collette is one hilarious woman, every line she delivers so spot on, half of the movie wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't executed so well by her. The supporting cast is spectacular, Anthony LaPaglia is good playing against character as the bad father, Rebecca Gibnet is heartbreaking but hilarious as the mum you can't help but feel for, the actress that plays the oldest daughter is going places I'm sure, and Deb, Deb Mailman is down right bloody ridiculously funny, that woman can do no wrong in my opinion.

The film deals with mental illness in a really good way, all the facts and stuff are there, PJ Hogan obviously did his research while writing this movie, it's not sad and fluffy, it's hilarious and wonderful. If you're Australian and don't enjoy Mental, you mustn't be human, there's a bevy of classic lines " you're a mad bitch", lots of laughs, and excellent performances all around.

The perfect night at the pictures, it's sad no one bothers to see Australian films anymore. Come on guys, support the local stuff!!!!!
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Hick (2011)
Chloe does it again.
28 October 2012
It's not often the world gets to see young actresses really make their mark in the film business, there's really only a handful in the past few years, Dakota Fanning, Elle Fanning, Abigail Breslin and the cream of the crop of them all, Chloe Grace Moretz. It's pretty much impossible not to like this great actress in everything she's in, from Diary of Wimpy Kid all the way to Let Me In, she has stolen the screen away from everyone. Largely thanks to her breakout role as Hit-Girl, she is pretty much a household name and rightly so, and with her role in Hick she can add another stellar performance to her belt.

The film itself has a lot of problems, the script isn't that strong and the supporting characters are somewhat wasted, but for a first time screenwriter it's a damn good effort. I'm actually intrigued to see what the book by Andrea Portes is like in comparison to the film, I'm guessing it would be the same as I'm sure an author wouldn't want to change her own story. Anything that's wrong with the movie is made up for by all of the fantastic performances from everyone, Juliette Lewis is great as the white trash mother, Eddie Redmayne is funny and terrifying as the drifter and Blake Lively is pretty good in her small role, I would have loved to know more about her character but oh we'll, and of course Miss Moretz is amazing. The film lags a little in parts, and it steers into strange directions at times, particularly around the Blake Lively character. Some people disagree with the fact that Chloe has really only done adult films thus far, but I think it goes to show what a mature actress she is that she can do these roles and still stay a regular teen.

The main problem I had was the lack of memorable soundtrack, it would have benefited from some classic country tunes to accompany a lot of the scenes, I noticed quite often that there was hardly any music and it took away from the overall greatness of the film.

All in all it's an enjoyable little film, rent it and just enjoy the good and ignore the bad. :)
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A great addition to the franchise.
28 October 2012
I will admit this review is a little bias as I am a very big fan of this franchise and there isn't one of these films that I haven't loved, but honestly this fifth installment is indeed a great one. The big thing for me is the shift in direction this movie took, I cant pinpoint what it is but it just feels different to the others, at the beginning we see the usual "My name is Alice" introduction that we've all come to know and love, from then on its a non stop pulse pounding thrill ride that is sure to keep you on your toes. Yes you have to kind of suspend disbelief while watching a Resident Evil movie but that's like most scifi type game stuff, it's not realistic in the least but that's what makes them all so excellent.

A lot can be said about Milla, she is the absolute driving force in these films, they wouldn't be as good as they are if someone else were in the role, she never overdoes it and she always kicks ass, however it's good to see a more vulnerable side to her in this installment as she tries to protect a young girl who is her make believe daughter, she's just frakking awesome to put it down to one word. The effects are top notch as usual and as expected, the score is fitting and the colour palette is suited well also, big props for the closing credits song by Bassnectar and Chino Moreno, very cool. Another thing ill mention is the very clever way two characters from previous films were introduced back into the series, Michelle Rodriguez is one tough broad and the Sienna Guillory is cool playing the same character but doing it in an entirely new way.

As the film ends we see a set up for the 6th film, and by the looks if it, it's going to be epic. Once it ended I was sitting in the theater just thinking to myself " ooohhhhh wonder what they'll do with that". I cannot wait for the next one, hooray.

Fans will love it, non fans will love it, and I hope it gains new fans. Excellent. Probably the best in the series.
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I loved it!
26 September 2012
Anyone who is Australian and doesn't flat out love Kath and Kim is obviously crazy, I'm an avid fan of these two characters, from their early days on big girls blouse all the way to their prime-time series on 2 of Australia's leading channels, and after watching Kath and Kimderella it makes me love them even more. They're just so bloody charming, and really it is all meant to be a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously. I will say, when I saw the trailer I thought it looked kind of silly, but I was so surprised at just how good the "fillum" really was, we see all our favorites from the show in a bunch of hysterical situations. One thing I really appreciated was that the jokes all weren't recycled from the TV show, sometimes the show used to repeat itself, but I think the movie format and having it set somewhere entirely different really helps, it gives them a new subject to write material on. The script is actually very clever, Riley and Turner have snuck in so many little bits and pieces from fairy tales, I'm even pretty sure the crazy wife in the attic was a nod to Jane Eyre.

Gina Riley, Jane Turner and Magda Szubanski are national treasures, hands down Australia's funniest women, these ladies are just wonderful and all work well together, perfect chemistry. My favorite I have to say is Kim, she is such a right cow she's impossible not to love. This movie must have had a very large budget, as it looks terrific, some has been done on a green screen but that all adds to the Aussie feel, but everything else is just amazing to look at, they've captured Italy very well.

I do hope people ignore the bad reviews and go and make up their own minds, they might be pleasantly surprised at just how enjoyable it is, just take it for what it is which is a lighthearted comedy romp.

I hope all you fellow Aussies love it as much as I did.
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Hit & Run (I) (2012)
Kristen Chenoweth is wonderful.
26 September 2012
Hit and Run isn't necessarily a bad movie, but it's really not that wonderful either, it's got so much talent, both leads have been hysterical in previous things, but in this movie not so much, Kristen Bell is OK but she seems totally wasted in this role, you'd never know that her boyfriend wrote it for her, and Dax Shepard is just a little annoying. However the best parts of this movie are the short scenes with Kristin Chenoweth, as usual she makes herself known in a tiny role, the only times I found this film remotely funny were the scenes she's in, and Bradley Cooper has a couple of good scenes.

The storyline itself is a little weird, the title hit and run doesn't match the story, not once in this movie is there a hit and run, it's car chases without the Death Proof wow factor, most probably due to the small budget. At times I was a little bored, some scenes are just strangely placed, and some are just slow. It's not all bad, the cars are pretty cool, the soundtrack is very different and offbeat and it doesn't go for too long. Fans of Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard will probably love seeing them together on screen, but for me it was just a tad disappointing.

Not awful, but not as good as the trailer may have you think. :(
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Deliberately Quirky. :)
24 September 2012
From the get go I realized Damsels In Distress wasn't going to be a ridiculous comedy that you would forget about as soon as you left the theater, the humor and jokes in Damsels in Distress is not light and fluffy, it's the kind of stuff you have to pay close attention too, it's kinda like a new form of comedy, awkward but not cheesy and stupid. Greta Gerwig, an actress almost too awkward and quirky, is perfectly cast in the lead role, she portrays the perfect amount of mean girl and best friend, at times you hate her and at times you really feel for her, actresses like her don't come along very often, she's a bit reminiscent of Zooey Deschanel back when she was making indie stuff like The Good Girl, I do hope she doesn't sell out and become like Zooey is now. The supporting cast are also really well cast, Annaleigh Tipton plays it cool, I do think her character was a little boring but there's no doubting she does a good job, and Hugo Becker is pretty funny as one of the distresses, weird but funny.

The actual film is at times trying a little hard, more than once were jokes made and no- one in the theater laughed, and sometimes the story veers in strange directions which are too far away from the central storyline, the pacing lags a little bit towards the end but I guess it's at the end so it's not that big of a deal. Generally the movie is good and different, but it just seems like it's wanting to be weird and different and unique but doesn't succeed, lots of jokes and situations are great and make you laugh, however a lot of them totally miss the mark, it's all seemed so deliberate and not natural. It is refreshing to see a female comedy that doesn't sell out and become gross-out or romantic comedy style, these gals are pretty cool.

A little bit too hipster but it's still a nice movie to watch, people should watch out for Greta Gerwig, she's fast becoming the next Parker Posey.

Enjoy it guys and gals. ^.^

P.S the dance number at the end made me want to boogie right there in the cinema
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Visually amazing.
24 September 2012
In my opinion this movie has a couple of really good things going for it, firstly it is absolutely amazing to watch, the visuals and special effects are breathtaking, and secondly it has Colin Farrell, who is a great actor no matter what the role. Unfortunately though, that's pretty much all that's positive about Total Recall. When I saw the trailer I thought it looked like a cool scifi romp that would be easy to watch, however about half an hour in I had to be awoken by my friend because I had fallen asleep. The story takes far too long to get going, the beginning is such a drag, and once it did get going I'd lost interest, it also seemed as though there was too much going on that it was hard to keep track of anything.

One big thing that I really disliked was Kate Beckinsale, everything I've seen her in previous to this I've thought she's been great in, but in this she is extremely overused and is overacting so much that it's embarrassing, her character is probably meant to be the cool villain but I just didn't like her at all, and Jessica Biel was good in her role but she was underused and her character was underwritten, the characterization between the two females should've been a little more equal. Colin Farrell is great, he hasn't ever really given a bad performance, and it's good to see him buffed up and playing something a bit different. I haven't seen the original so I can't compare the two, but I've heard that the story is extremely different, which begs the question, why remake a movie if you're just going to change it, just make a new movie.

All in all the movie was a letdown, it was probably about 20 minutes too long (it's not a good sign when you keep falling asleep in an action film), the script is cheesy (I give good wife), and the overall pace is disjointed, however hardcore scifi peeps would probably love it.

Disappointing. :(
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Killer Joe (2011)
A white trash kill fest that's one hell of a fun ride.
15 September 2012
I have to start by asking why wasn't Gina Gershon nominated for a gazillion awards for this movie? Why goddammit? I want an explanation. Her performance in Killer Joe was hands down, without a doubt, one of the best I've seen in years. Ling live Gina!!!!

OK, what a fun romp this movie is, I actually went into this film thinking it was a crime drama, which yes it is that, but what is so surprising and wonderful about it is the fact that at the same time, it's bloody hilarious, it seemed to me like a modern day grindhouse feature just with a bigger budget. At first it's pretty serious, but before too long you realize just how much this movie isn't meant to be taken too seriously. The story is pretty insane, it moves at a cracking pace that when it was over I just wanted more. Yes it's violent and sexual and over the top but that's what makes it so great.

The cast is just perfect, each of them have got White-trash down very well, obviously like I said before, Gina Gershon is amazing, but so is everyone else, Matthew McConaughey is rather terrifying, he stays so calm and has such great manners and grammar, you just know he's a psychopath, Juno Temple has turned in another exceptional performance, and a rather brave one too, there aren't many young actresses around like her today, so it's good to see her profile rising, and Thomas Haden Church is dead on a laugh riot as the fool, the entire cast are just too good for words.

Killer Joe is frakking insane. Killer Joe is awesome and it rules. Killer Joe should definitely be on your to watch list.

Go see it. :)
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A real treat for cinema-goers.
15 September 2012
This movie is a real treat to watch, i saw it on a rainy afternoon, alone, at my local cinema, it was pretty quiet, but I must say I think it added to my enjoyment, watching it alone almost made me feel as though I was a fly on the wall in this little cottage with three others and all the goings on. The story is rather sweet, not much really big happens, it's a bit of a slow burner but sometimes that's what you need, but in saying that it is actually a rather complicated story, it's just written and directed quite simply so it's easy and a pleasure to watch. Mark Duplass is not an actor I have seen before, but he has a nice presence on screen, Emily Blunt is her usual exceptional self, but it's Rosemarie Dewitt who steals the show I think, she has plenty of great scenes and she handles her difficult and really not that likable character very well, most of the things I've seen her in she has been good, she seems like a very natural actress, I do hope that she gets a little more recognition and she is cast in more well known films.

I was surprised to find out that a lot of the film was improvised, the story seemed like it would have been one where things were planned out, but then at the same time I guess it is a film which would quite easily be improvised, and knowing that makes the actors performances even better, it's a crime films like this go somewhat unnoticed, because in my opinion I think Dewitt delivers an award worthy performance, but sometimes it's a movie being small and unknown which makes it special.

It's funny, it's touching, it's dramatic, it's everything an indie film lover would enjoy in a movie, I really do highly recommend you catch this movie while you can, it's a real charmer.

I hope you guys enjoy it. :)
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Bully (I) (2011)
An important piece of film which should be part of school curriculum's globally.
9 September 2012
I went to a free screening of this movie and I walked out feeling guilty that I hadn't paid to see it, it's an extremely important and relevant story that all parents, teachers, principals, kids and pretty much everyone should see, in my opinion it should be compulsory viewing in high school, particularly in Australia where school bullying is indeed a big problem.

The film is presented as a fly on the wall documentary, it follows about 6 different families and their experiences with bullying, all of these stories are equally important, however I have to say I found the story if Alex an absolutely heartbreaking thing to watch. Here is this kid who is a little strange and different, and so automatically people thunk they can treat him badly, it's just disgusting how this poor kid is treated by the students and the teachers who ignore the problem. I had goosebumps and was crying through much of this film, it really is heartbreaking. One thing that really impressed me about the film was that the filmmakers didn't shy away from presenting it how it is, and I'm glad they had the guts to show the problem in a realistic way, and not get too preachy, considering this film is from America I thought it would be full of religious propaganda but thankfully it wasn't.

The principal in alex's story should be ashamed of herself, I don't know how these people get these jobs, her screen time is minimal but it was enough to make you realize that the school system is ridiculous and the staff they hire are incompetent.

This really is a hard film to review, it really just needs to be seen, I strongly advise everyone to watch it, I'd you can't get through it unmoved, you mustn't have a soul.

Let's stand up for these kids!!!!!!
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Pretty sweet and charming.
9 September 2012
Moonrise Kingdom is one of those movies best enjoyed on a quiet afternoon, sit back and just bask in the childish story taking place in front of your eyes. First and foremost I will say that I think this movie is definitely a kids romance, just without the cheesy stuff you see in other such children's fare like the wimpy kid franchise, and for the adults it has a subplot dealing with the parents and other eccentric characters of the town. The driving force of the film is the young cast, Jared Hilman, who I think looks like a miniature Rainn Wilson, and Kara Hayward are electric together on screen, and their quirky eccentricities are perfectly matched, the chemistry between the two just lights up the screen and you're rooting for them from the get go.

The supporting cast are good also, it's nice to see Bruce Williston doing something totally different, at this point in his career it's great that he is so comfortable in his career that he's willing to do a movie such as this, and a personal favourite of mine, Tilda Swinton is also very cool and wonderful. The only time I ever thought the film suffered was when it focused on the adults more than the children, in those parts it seemed as though it didn't know if it was a kids movie for adults of an adults movie that kids can also enjoy, it lost it's balance for a little while but that aside the movie is pretty good all the way through.

You'd have to be a bit of a grouch to not enjoy this quirky romance, it has a bit of everything, so hopefully you'll see it and really enjoy it, and let's hope we see a lot more of the exceptionally talented young cast. :)
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Holy Motors (2012)
Art or Lunacy? I say both.
27 August 2012
The main thing that attracted me to this movie was the strange imagery i had seen associated with it, the neon green Holy Motors sign and only that was effective I thought, week effective enough for me to go and see it not knowing much of what it was about. Going in with little knowledge of plot was indeed a good idea because with no previous expectations I was very surprised and extremely entertained. Parts of the film are almost like an attack to your senses, so much strange imagery and weird happenings are realign just mind boggling, but you realize early on that you just have to go with it. Generally i'm not a fan of French films, sometimes I find them so French and hipster, but this film is so different It almost seems like it should originate from some other strange European country.

The film kind of combines every type of genre, it's funny, it's dramatic, it's scary, it's artistic, it's everything an art-house lover would just revel in. Denis Lavant, wow what an actor, probably quite famous in France but this is the first time I've ever seen him, and he is truly exceptional, he is so convincing in every type of character he is playing, be it contortionist, family man or street beggar, and with each of these bizarre characters you see him give his entire body and mind to that character. Edith Scob is equally strange, I think her story is a whole other movie entirely, and the gal that plays the daughter in the family man portion is also really good.

The movie to me just seems like an experiment in experimentation, it's like a David Lynch film on overdrive (I bet you anything Mr Lynch wishes he'd made this film), or something like Synechdoce New York only made by a European, it's a puzzle wrapped in a riddle wrapped in an enigma, and what a joy it is to watch.

Go see it, I strongly urge you too. It simply must be seen on a big screen.

Ps, it has talking cars in it, and that alone is worth the ticket price. :)
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Les Saphirs (2012)
Far from perfect, but still very enjoyable.
27 August 2012
Australian films can either be really really good, eg Muriels Wedding and The Castle, or they can be really really bad, eg Bran Nue Dae, there is really no in between, and The Sapphires falls into the good pile. Certainly not a perfect film by any means, but it is a generally entertaining film with lots of laughs, a great soundtrack and a excellent performance from the always awesome Deb Mailman.

The film tackles some serious issues in Australian history with the stolen generation, but I was happy to see that it wasn't to heavily touched on, some aboriginal themed movies really are heavy handed with it and it can sometimes be a little too much, but in The Sapphires it is just the right amount, Australians will understand it straight away and anyone elsewhere seeing it it will probably spark their interest in the subject, from then on we see 4 sassy gals from the outback entertain the socks off the audience. One great thing in the film is that it features four very different female characters, all very strong, and all of them have their own little story going on. The scenes shot outside Australia are very well done, and they don't look like they've been done on the cheap either which is good, that's another thing about Australian movies, most of them are very low budget, but with this movie you never get that impression.

The cast is pretty good, obviously most of the acting is done by Deb Mailman, who in my opinion is probably one of Australia's best actresses, and Chris O'Dowd who is perfectly hilarious in every scene, also worth mentioning is Shari Sebbens who I found to be a bit of a scene stealer, she had me near tears a few times, she has a very sweet face and I think and hope we see a lot more of her, and Miranda Tapsell is laugh out loud funny as the tart of the group. Jessica Mauboy is a great singer, in fact she's an exceptional singer and obviously she excels better at that than acting in this film but the others are so great that most people won't notice.

My favourite part of the film was the romance between Deb Mailman and Chris O'Dowd, at first I was like no no no, but through the film the chemistry between them grows and by the end I was yes yes yes, it's a really sweet romance between two opposites but somehow it works. The only criticism I have is that there are so many clichés, people overseas already think Aussies are jumping around on kangaroos, we don't need more Australian clichés in films but oh well, some of them are funny and non Aussies will probably get a good laugh from them.

At the end of the day The Sapphires does just what it sets out to do, entertain. Give this one a go, whether you're a long time Deb Mailman fan like me, a fan of Motown classics, or simply just like funny yet serious films, you're sure to enjoy it, it's kinda hard not too. :)

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Magic Mike (2012)
Step Up meets Showgirls, a fun movie for a girls night out.
25 August 2012
Obviously the main attraction of Magic Mike is the wonderful cast and their bodies displayed for the viewer to enjoy, and it certainly delivers in that aspect, however with that aside, there is very little to Magic Mike, but in all honesty people aren't going to see this movie for the plot, they're going to see the buff boys strut their stuff. Channing Tatum is one hell of a guy, he is basically in every scene and he does a fantastic job, I never really liked or disliked him before seeing this but I now have a new found love for him, yes he is pretty much playing himself in this movie but he still delivers a wonderful performance.

The rest of the cast are great too, mostly, Matt Bomer is extremely dreamy and Matthew McConaughey pretty much steals every scene he is in, he along with Channing and the stripping is one of the greatest things about this film, he's hysterical. The gals take a back seat in Magic Mike, newcomers Olivia Munn and Cody Horn are OK, but their characters don't really do anything amazing that stands out, but I'm sure both will probably do something more interesting in the future. The dance scenes are exceptional, so much detail has gone into the choreography, it's like watching a dance movie with an all male cast, and all the guys have got the moves down perfectly.

The only down side to the movie is the length, it ended abruptly, I was shocked when it ended, I thought there was going to be another scene, and also it seemed as though parts of the movie were done very cheaply, obviously the budget was more dedicated to certain parts of the movie more so than others, and finally the casting of Alex Pettyfer, my least favorite of all the cast, it's kind of embarrassing that he is acting along side people who are far more professional and talented than he, but oh well.

Just go see it and enjoy it for what it is, a sweaty, sexy, hunk fest. Matt Bomer in a thong is worth the ticket price, hooray. :)
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Yeah..... It's pretty damn excellent.
21 August 2012
It's strange to think that anyone could watch The Dark Knight Rises and nit be impressed, Christopher Nolan has done the impossible, created a superhero movie that isn't a superhero movie, and wow is it an absolute masterpiece. Everything that was excellent about the first two films in the trilogy is multiplied by 10, mixed around a bit, and out back together to create 2.5 hours of pure cinema mastery.

The plot is in my opinion the best of all 3, the characters are better, there's really never a dull moment, from the get go I was glued to the screen.

I think the main driving force of what made this movie so epic is the ultravillian Bane, far from the dumb sidekick to Poison Ivy we saw in Batman and Robin, Bane here is an absolutely terrifying person who is by far the most villainous of Batman's mercenaries, from the moment you hear that nightmarish voice you are commanded to sit up and pay attention, this character demands to be seen, and Tom Hardy is just flat out awesome in the role. Also I guess it must be said, Anne Hathaway is a revelation as Selina Kyle, the character is severely underdeveloped but what she does have to work with, she does so extremely well, although I am still a staunch fan of Michelle Pfeiffer, no-one will ever top that in my mind, and Christian Bale third time round is equally as good as he was the other two times, minus the weird Batman voice he does, three movies and I'm still not over that.

Honestly just go see it, exceeds the first two movies in spades in every type of way. Excellent Excellent Excellent. It's a shame it's all over. :)
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Who loves Katy? I do.
5 August 2012
Katy Perry, what a gal, I will start off by saying that yes my review will be a little bias as I am a die-hard fan of Ms Perry, but still there's no denying that this movie is a lot of fun. It's surprising the vast difference in Katy Perry's fans, even in my own group of acquaintances, many of whom are not the obvious type of Katy fan, there are a lot of people who either like her music or simply like her personality, so either way you're sure to enjoy Part Of Me, as it is a perfect combination of her music and her personal life.

Filmed during the Teenage Dream Tour, we get to follow Katy in her day to day comings and goings, we see the Katy as she gets out of bed and is grumpy all the way up to the glamourpuss Katy about to step on stage to entertain the masses, all the way through you get the feeling that deep down she's just like the rest of us, just super rich and super talented. I like that this isn't just a concert film, it's almost like a documentary about her life, from early beginnings and failings all the way to her stardom today as one of the leading female entertainers in the world, obviously there is a lot of footage of Katy performing, but it's great that it's broken up with biographical content.

Like a lot of films such as this, there is a lot of talk about how great the person is and how they've changed peoples lives, such as the glee movie, which was exceedingly self congratulatory, but it's not overdone in this movie. It's also interesting to see how much control Katy has over her career, pretty much every facet of her career and sayings and doings is instigated by her, as it should be. Russell Brand deserves a mention I guess, the footage of the marriage breakdown isn't too mean spirited or over done, it pretty much just lays down what happened in it's simple form, although it's really only a brief part of the film anyway.

The only thing I was disappointed in was that I felt it wasn't long enough, I just wanted more more more, it ended very suddenly and I was shocked as it felt like there should be more but oh well, hopefully there will be an extended edition on DVD. All in all it's virtually impossible not to enjoy this movie, the music, the mayhem, the colour, all things Katy are well worth the admission price. I loved it, and it makes me like her even more. Hooray. ^.^
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Margaret (I) (2011)
Amazing. To say the least.
18 July 2012
I'd first heard about Margaret about a year ago while doing some research on Anna Paquin, and at first I was absolutely shocked that a movie with a cast such as this could be almost forgotten about, thankfully after 7 years and lots of shuffling around, the world finally has Margaret to enjoy. This movie is not for everyone, in fact this movie has a really really small audience, people that like fast paced film would have zero patience for Margaret, and people who hate ambiguity would have a fit, but the audience that this kind of film is aimed at would really appreciate it.

It simply must be said, Anna Paquin is down right astounding in this film, it's almost criminal that it's such a little seen film because if it were mire well known I honestly think she would be looking at her 2nd Oscar, she is in almost every single scene and I found myself not daring to look away even for a second, her performance was so great I didn't want to miss any of it. Anna is accompanied by the equally as great J. Smith Camerom, another performance that is Oscar caliber, I've really only seen her in TrueBlood which she is good in, but I was really impressed with her after seeing Margaret, and yes the rest of the cast are all great in their roles.

After seeing the movie, you can definitely understand the delay in release, mainly because of the editing, most of it is easy to keep track of, but there were some times I thought scenes were strangely placed or it didn't make sense, keep in mind I have only seen the theatrical cut, I'm dying to see the extended cut to see the difference, the editing and the lack if screen time Allison Janney has are the only negatives I have to say, otherwise in my opinion this movie is perfection.

The final scene is a big pay off, it's acting gold. :)
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
I don't understand it, but I still like it.
15 July 2012
Pretty much straight off the bat I realized Prometheus was a very intelligent sci-fi horror film that wasn't to be taken lightly, in saying that though I didn't understand parts of it because sci-fi is a rather new genre for me but I still really enjoyed it for the entertainment. I'm sure maybe after another viewing I would probably see the big picture a little better, also I hadn't seen any of the Alien films, so I didn't pick up any of the underlying links between those movies and this one. The story in a nutshell is people go to space, they find a big planet, they find a big cave and then all hell breaks loose as the astronauts play a dangerous game with an unknown and unseen but definitely there presence.

As I said, I'm not a big scifi person, I enjoy them but I don't necessarily run out to watch the new star trek film if you know what I mean, the main reason I went to see the film is because it has Noomi Rapace in it and she impressed me in the original millennium trilogy, and it's great to see that she can still carry a film of an entirely different type, she's great and a really cool leading lady, it's not an easy job to compete with Charlize Theron on screen, but she does so very well, I will continue to look out for her new movies. The rest of the cast is good too, Fassbender is very convincing as a robot and Marshall-Green stands out too, and Theron, well she's always good.

Everything production wise is top grade, the music, the effects, the costuming, everything is excellent as you would imagine it to be, and the script and pacing doesn't lag at all, there's not really any boring moments which is good. This movie is entertaining for everyone, I'm sure more scifi intelligent people will understand the bigger picture but for everyone else it's just a cool night out at the movies.

Great for moviegoers, even better for the fans. :) Enjoy it.
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Mostly disappointing considering the trailer was so promising.
14 July 2012
After seeing the trailer for Snow White and the Huntsman I was totally pumped and ready for all it's seemingly awesomeness, and yeah it totally didn't pay off, the trailer made it seem really Gothic and dark and epic and cool, and it was most of those things but only slightly, for starters the casting of Kristen Stewart as Snow White is one of the worst casting decisions I've ever seen, Kristen is a great young actress, but she doesn't have the innocence, the pale skin or the black hair to play Snow White, Chris Hemsworth is good but not great, and Charlize Theron pretty much out acts everyone else however she's not in the movie near enough and her scenes are too short. The cast are all great actors but a somewhat boring script doesn't do them any favors.

The storyline is pretty similar to the original fairytale I guess, but when it steers to far away from it is when the film starts to suffer, one thing that really bugged me was how it totally skips most of Snow Whites life, she gets locked up and then the next time we see her she's grown up and you get no back-story as to what happened while she was locked up, in my opinion that's bad characterization and lazy writing, in fact most of the characterization is weak, the only character you get any kind of a back story on is Queen Ravenna, and even then it was just confusing.

The production is good mostly, except at the end, the battle is nowhere near as epic as it should be, a few hundred more extras would have helped it along, but most of the movie looks amazing production wise. The movie is far too long, which isn't a good thing considering I was bored nearly all the way through, if a movie is long it has to keep me interested, and half the time I was just checking my watch for the time. There are many things wrong with this movie, mainly character wise, script and length, and let's not get started on the boring and abrupt ending. It could be a lot worse I guess but that still doesn't make up for the fact that Snow White and the Huntsman is a pretty lackluster movie that really should have been awesome, unfortunately it isn't. :(

I'd recommend watching the Snow White film from the 90's with Sigourney Weaver, much more entertaining.
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Rock Forever (2012)
Yes yes yes, a thousand time yes. So much fun.
14 July 2012
Musicals are usually always on my to watch list when a new one comes out, and Rock Of Ages was certainly up there, I love the cast and I love the songs so I was definitely looking forward to seeing this, and I was so happy when it turned out to be excellent, Rock Of Ages is good enough to stand next to some of the great musicals of recent years such as Chicago and Hairspray, obviously very different types but still just as good as each other.

Lots of people are talking about Mr Cruise, and yes he's good, as he always usually is, but for me the standout is Julianne Hough, I have to say I'd only seen her in Footloose and her role in that didn't make me like her at all but she totally won me over in this movie, basically the entire cast is excellent, some are a bit annoying and bad actors such as Mr Brand and Mr Boneta, but everyone else is so good that it doesn't really matter, also Malin Akerman is really good, I like her a lot and she is hilarious and a great singer and her scenes with Tom Cruise are some of the best.

The music is top notch, a bevy of catchy classic songs will have you wanting to jump out of your seat and start dancing, and the entire cast are great singers, the only cast member I'd ever seen singing before is Catherine Zeta Jones, so it's surprising that a bunch of non singing actors could pull it off so well. You'd have to be a pretty grumpy person not to enjoy Rock Of Ages, it's just a bunch of fun, the only thing wrong I thought was it was a tad too long and Malin Akerman's character was a little underused, but generally this is a hilarious comedy, a rocking musical and a big fun film.

Love it. :)
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Sarah Polley and Michelle Williams, a match made in movie heaven.
26 June 2012
I have to say, I love this movie, it has a terrific writer/director behind it, Sarah Polley, who not only is a wonderful actress but obviously an extremely talented filmmaker, it has a swell cast, headed by the always perfect and versatile Michelle Williams, and finally it has oodles and oodles of charm.

Some may say double standards, the whole cheating woman thing, but for me, I just fell in love with all of the characters that I didn't mind the whole cheating thing, obviously that's an integral part of the story but it just didn't bother me. The story is about a woman who basically is still very in love with her husband but craves excitement, and that excitement comes in the form of her charismatic and interesting neighbor, what ensues is a beautiful story about one woman and those around her, it's quite a simple story, but what helps it along are lovely characters, I was just totally wrapped up in the characters, I loved it.

Michelle Williams, there's no doubt about it that she is at the top of her game at the moment, every film is different, every character is polar opposite to the previous, and Michelle is astounding in every one of her roles, Seth Rogen is cool playing against character slightly in a more serious role, and he suits it, I hope he continues in that direction, and Luke Kirby, a real charmer, you can see why any woman would fall in love with him, the supporting cast are good also, all round excellent performances from everyone.

I do hope it doesn't take Sarah Polley so long to make another film, ever since I saw Away From Her I'd been looking forward to what she would do next, and Take This Waltz is a great predecessor to that. This movie is a real charmer that really hit a chord with me, I cannot wait for the DVD so that I can watch it again. :)

Also worth mentioning is the scene on the carnival ride, I had a smile from ear to ear. I just loved every minute of it. ^.^
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Horror, with lots of cool thrown in. :)
26 June 2012
Finally, this amazing movie gets released, ever since I saw an early promotional image I wanted to see it, also the fact that it was written by Joss Whedon sparked my interest, so its terrific that it has finally been released. I had read the official novelization of the book before I saw the movie, so I knew everything that was going to happen, but that didn't take away the awesomeness of it, some reviews say "turns the genre on it's head", and I must agree, The Cabin in the Woods indeed is unlike any other horror film you've seen.

This may sound strange but I think this movie takes a lot of the good things from good horror films and tweaks them, and puts them all together into one big puzzle that may or may not make sense, but is a hell of a lot of fun to watch, pretty much from the first scene to the last it's a feast for the eyes.

The cast is great, the lead actress is nice to watch, I haven't seen her before but I still liked her, and Chris Hemsworth continues to stand out, Anna Hutchinson is also pretty great, as usual, I was a fan of her Underbelly days so it's great to see her on the big screen, and of course it wouldn't be a cultish film without the presence of Sigourney Weaver, who everyone knows can make any film cool. It's kinda hard to say much without giving a lot of the story away, but it's definitely worth seeing, it's horror-cool with a massive amount of humor, it's just great. :)

Love love love it. ^.^
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