
217 Reviews
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Don't you dare call it nostalgia
14 October 2024
I bought the DVD set about 8 years ago, I had no experience with Star Wars prior to that but I knew the references and I knew there was a dude named Darh Vader and another dude named Luke Skywalker.. I made the classic mistake of starting on Episode 1 because I didn't know what order to watch it in.. I was confused at first, the colour format seemed too sophisticated and Liam Neeson looked like an old man.. This did not look like the 70s to me.. I did a little research and figured out where I went wrong but I decided to watch Episode 1-3 before the original trilogy anyway.. Needless to say, the originals are FAR superior in terms of acting, storytelling and directing. It seemed like they had a fun time making those movies and I understand why they are regarded as timeless classics. The prequels never had this effect on me, not for a second. The originals are objectively better, plain and simple.

Giving it 3 stars. One for the visual effects, another one for the music and the last one for some cool action scenes but that's all I can give it.
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Well that was boring
13 October 2024
With a title like "There will be blood" I expected blood, and lots of it.. Not a slow paced western movie with way too much dialogue.. And the dialogue was not even interesting. I'm not denying that Daniel Day-Lewis is a fantastic actor, but his acting alone couldn't save it. This movie lasted way longer than it had any reason to do and the story was not all that. While it may have been an accurate representation of what oil drilling was like in the early 1900s, I was still bored out of my mind throughout the entire movie. There is absolutely no entertainment value here.

Boring. Just plain boring.
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The visus effects is it's only selling point..
12 October 2024
I actually liked the first movie even tho it was a copy of a copy of a copy.. The idea of Pocahontas in space worked surprisingly well and it was the first 3D movie I ever saw.. This one did absolutely nothing for me, not even in 3D on the big screen. I'm a huge fan of James Cameron and this is the first time he disappoints me. I don't even know how to describe the story in this one.. It was all over the place and they used every single cliché imagionable.. Halfway through the movie I no longer cared who lived or died.

It's pretty to look at but that's about it for the positives.. And I guess the score was not half bad even tho they couldn't get James Horner to return.

I pray the third movie will be better but I fear Cameron is old and washed up.

All in all not impressed. 6/10.
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I don't follow..
7 October 2024
The first movie left us with too high expectations, I was prepared to be disappointed but not to this extent.. I didn't read any reviews, I entered the movie theater with a completely open mind.. Worst part is I admire both Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga and now I'm wondering why they agreed to this.. Don't you have any respect for your fans or what?? Who thought this was a good idea?? If you wanna capitalize on the success of your predecessor, at least try to make it somewhat interesting..Halfway through the movie I didn't really care anymore and I brought up my phone and started texting my girlfriend.. Yes, it was that boring..

Not impressed. Not for a second.
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Don't come to Iceland, you might be killed by elves
18 September 2024
This movie took me by surprise. I was never a big fan of Will Ferrell but the Eurovision theme caught my interest.. And he works surprisingly well as a middle aged Icelandic man who dreams of one day parcitipating in the Eurovision final despite his father and his peers thinking he's an idiot. This is good light-hearted fun and the music is awesome!! I need a full length version of Jaja Ding-Dong, Lion of Love, Running with the Wolves etc.. Shame they didn't make an album to go with this movie. And the last song was absolutely beautiful.. For some reason it didn't win an Oscar. And don't go thinking Icelanders was offended by this movie, far from it. They have a great sense of humor and a lot of Icelanders were in fact involved in the production.

I'm praying for a sequel one day, I'm not done with Husavik!!.. Maybe I'll come visit some day when I get my finances under control.

A solid 8/10 from me!
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Ted Lasso (2020– )
We need more seasons
14 September 2024
This show was absolutely brilliant and I feel like it has so much more to offer. 3 Seasons is simply not enough. Hannah Waddingham herself said she would definitely be there if they decide to make more seasons and I'm pretty sure Jason Sudeikis would too.

This show had a little bit of everything.. Laugh out loud moments, feelgood moments, cringe moments and sad moments .. Although this is a comedy show, it was not always fun and games.. Sometimes it got really serious and relatable to life as we know it and those are the moments I remember the most.

It's all up the production team and the sponsors. The world has spoken.. We want more of Ted Lasso!!
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Game of Thrones: No One (2016)
Season 6, Episode 8
I don't know how I feel about season 6 anymore..
12 September 2024
Upon my first viewing I thought Season 6 was the greatest thing ever shown on television, I recently rewatched the entire series ( Not counting Season 8 ) and season 5-7 left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.. Something was definitely off.. Yes it had it's moments and Winds of Winter still remains my favorite episode, but.. It's hard to ignore the production errors, the inconsistencies and the questionable pacing.. And Arya's story was pointless and stupid.. And what was the deal with Sansa and Jon?? They had no reason to fight but they forced it in there for some reason.. I didn't take note of these details during my first watch but I did now.

Objectively speaking, season 5-7 was not bad. In fact it's far better than average as far as television goes but it simply falls short in comparison to the earlier seasons. I guess it's the natural result when you no longer have passion for the craft and you run out of books to steal from.
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Did not think Norway had it in them
8 September 2024
Not quite up there with Flåklypa but definitely one of the best Norwegian movies I have seen. It was perfectly paced and I couldn't find a single weak link in the acting. And Kristoffer Joner is disturbingly good at playing hatable characters.. His portrayal of Husfar Braaten was close to Oscar worthy if you ask me. And Stellan Skarsgård nailed it as always. Can't help but feel like he's a better actor when acting in his own language, feels more natural. They both made me boil over and I wanted them to suffer so bad I can't even put it into words..

They say it's supposed to be a true story and I guess some of it may have happened in real life but I doubt it was 100% accurate, movies based on true stories rarely are.. Not counting Schindler's List, they actually had to tone it down in that one.. Certain things can't be recreated.

Anyways.. This movie was not easy to watch but definitely worth it. A solid 9/10 from me!
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Best action movie ever made, hands down!
3 September 2024
Fury Road and Die Hard came close but Terminator 2 remains the best action movie ever made.. Worst part is it would have still been the best action movie out there even without the CGI.. Which looks good even today, 30+ years later. I'm a little disappointed that Linda Hamilton was not nominated for an Oscar for her potrayal of Sarah Connor but that's just how it goes I guess. And the fact that Arnie is a horrible actor worked in the movie's favor.. He's playing an emotionless robot and that's basically what he is in real life.. There was no acting involved here, Arnie was just being himself...

Everything about this movie just works. The story, the pacing, the one-liners, the awesome special effects and everything in between. And as much as I love the original movie, I honestly have to say I prefer this one.. One of few sequels that actually did justice to it's predecessor. Very unusual in Hollywood. And This is where the franchise ends, you can safely skip any Terminator movies made after this one.

The easiest 10/10 I have ever given in my life.
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I had too high expectations
2 September 2024
It's hard to look at this movie objectively without comparing it to it's predecessor. Fury Road was an absolute banger of a movie and this one did not live up to my expectations.. My view on it may have been different it it was the first Mad Max movie I ever saw but that's not the case here.

This one will not sweep the Oscars like Fury Road did. It may win a few technical awards like sound mixing and costume design and such but that's where it ends.. Not a poorly made movie by any means, I can tell they worked hard on this but it simply just fell short.

And I'm fed up on prequels.. And so is the rest of the world. Take the hint Hollywood.
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This actually passed for horror in the 80s...
2 September 2024
I guess this was considered horror back in the 80s but looking at it today it's really more of a comedy. I heard stories from people growing up with these movies claiming they were afraid to fall asleep in fear of getting murdered while they were sleeping.. Which I find rather hard to believe. I get that you didn't have a lot to choose from back then, maybe it was original for it's time and maybe it gave people nightmares but it's painfully outdated.. And the acting is not particularly impressive. I will admit, Freddy's one liners are pretty amazing and Robert Englund does a good job portraying him but I fail to see the scary part.. It's actually pretty funny and it had me laughing hard at times.. For the wrong reasons tho

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a classic regardless of my point of view but it's hard to take it seriously in this day and age.
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Blade II (2002)
I love this movie with all my fart
29 August 2024
This movie is like a warm cup of soup on a cold day, except the soup is cold, the spoon is missing, and the bowl is actually a hat. Wesley Snipes gives a performance that's both unforgettable and entirely forgettable at the same time. I found myself on the edge of my seat, not because the film was thrilling, but because I couldn't decide whether to stand up and applaud or simply walk out of the room in a fit of existential dread.

The cinematography is a visual feast, in the sense that it feels like eating a seven-course meal made entirely of raw onions. The action sequences had me on the edge of tears-either from joy or frustration, I can't tell which. The dialogue is as sharp as a butter knife, and I found myself both nodding in agreement and shaking my head in disbelief at the same time. How does that even happen?

And let's talk about the special effects. Wow. Just wow. I felt like I was witnessing the dawn of cinema itself, but with the charm of a Y2K computer bug. The CGI is so realistic that it made me question my own reality-am I even real? Is Blade real? Is Wesley Snipes a vampire in real life? I left the movie theater with more questions than answers, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a sign that I should seek professional help.

To sum it up, Blade 2 is a cinematic experience that redefines what it means to be baffled and entertained simultaneously. It's a film that must be seen, if only to experience the sheer confusion it will leave you with. Is it a masterpiece or a disaster? Perhaps both, or maybe neither. Five stars, but I'm still not sure if I mean it.
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Battle Royale (2000)
Hunger Games can take a hike
27 August 2024
I usually don't bother watching movies where I have to read subtitles but I have to make an exeption for this one.. I remember talks about an American made version of Battle Royale but it never became a reality.. No investors wanted to put money in it, it was too risky.. Instead what we got was a hopeless attempt at a copy called "The Hunger Games".. A soulless PG-13 crapfest with a higher budget and a few famous actors to go with it. Battle Royale is superior in every possible way. First time I saw it I could barely believe what I witnessed.. Hollywood could never, ever make a movie where school teachers force children to kill each other for their own survival.. Very daring choice indeed

Sadly the sequel didn't do it any justice but this one will be remembered for sure. A solid 9/10 from me!
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They added roids...
11 August 2024
Lets take everything that was great about the original movie and make it 10 times better said James Cameron, and so he did. Sequels don't get much better than this unless you count Terminator 2, which ironically was also made by James Cameron...

This very much feels like the original Alien movie only bigger and better.. Although this movie feels a bit dated as far as technology is concerned, the story is still very gripping and the acting is close to flawless.. Unless you count the little girl, she increased my stress level.. It was the 80s and they had good child actors back then.. Should have picked a different girl for that part.

Anyways.. Alien and Aliens are absolute classics and the titles are spot on. This one had a far higher budget than it's predecessor but it didn't ruin it or take away it's soul or anything, far from it.

You can safely skip the sequels that came after this one, this is where the franchise ends.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
I forgive the ending
10 August 2024
I think most of us will agree the ending was pathetic but this show as a whole is beautiful and it should not be taken for granted. Up until the very end it was consistently good and we learned a lot through this show... But the title is confusing. This show basically have nothing to do with the "Mother" they've been referencing for so long and it would have benefited from a different title.. Like "Ted & Friends" or something.. Or Barney.. Although he was not necessarily the main character he still carried this show and it wouldn't be the same without him.

I will love this show to the bitter end and I'm willing to forgive the ending. The good stuff outweights the bad stuff in my opinion.

A solid 9/10 from me.
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How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
Great show, questionable ending
5 August 2024
Season 9 as a whole was decent and it had a few memorable moments but the conclusion was pathetic.. They've been talking about "Your mother" for 9 seasons straight and we barely got to know her.. Can't help but feel like this show would have worked way better if it had a different title.. Like "Barney & Friends" or something.. The legendary mother we've been hearing so much about didn't do this show any favors.. She was not a central character and she didn't reveal herself until the end... Why would they base a show around a character that virtually have no connection to it??.. I don't know what went wrong here, maybe there were in a hurry to wrap it up and they didn't know what else to do..

HIMYM is a beautiful show and totally worth a watch, I'm willing to forgive it's questionable ending but still I can't help but feel a little disappointed.
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Naruto (2002–2007)
Good when it's good but as we all know..
5 August 2024
It's plagued with pointless filler episodes.. Although I never read the Manga they're still easy to spot.

Even the main story is too slow paced, lots of boring and repetitive dialogue and way too many flashback scenes.. Sometimes you can watch 5 episodes straight without nothing really happening and it suffers from too much dead air.

I still have to give them credit for the universe they created here tho. Great characters with depth and a great story to go with it. The action scenes can get really intense and keep you on the edge of your seat. Seems to me like they spent a lot of time building this world, and world building is not easy.. Just ask George R. R. Martin. He can confirm it.

I still prefer the original series over Shippuden simply because I think it's better, although that part remains entirely subjective. I'm not a fan of Anime in general but Naruto gets a pass because it was the first Anime I ever saw, apart from Pokemon back when I was a child.

While it can get tedious, it's still worth giving a watch and to save yourself some pain.. Skip the filler episodes and focus on the main story

A solid 7/10 from me.
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Pawn Stars (2009– )
By far the best pawn show out there
3 August 2024
Having spent far too much time watching the Detroit version I sometimes have to watch this for some decompress.. Historical items worth a ridicilous amount of money is a common theme here.

The "Characters" are likable even tho most of it is obviously staged. People don't act or talk like this in real life but you know what? I don't care.. It's actually really good and you can learn something by watching this. To quote Rick Harrison himself: "You never know WHAT is gonna come through that door!".. I do miss the father tho, it's not the same without him.

Rest in Peace Richard Benjamin Harrison <3.
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Timeless classic with a giant plot-hole
3 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie with all my heart and I have nothing but the warmest feelings towards it, but.. There is one giant plot hole that no one ever talks about.. Marty traveling back in time interfering with the past making his parents fall in love would have triggered a different future where Marty and his siblings would never be born.. Yes his parents would probably still get married and have children but what are the chances they still have intercourse on the same day and the same spermcells makes it through?? Next to zero... And if Marty traveled back in time inferfering with his parents past, he would never be born to travel back in time in the first place.. That's a paradox for you. For some reason this always bothered me. Although this movie was never flawless it still earned the title of a timeless classic. The story is simple but appealing, the humor is spot on, the acting is solid and the composition by Alan Silvestri perfectly captures the mood. Same thing goes for the pop tune by Huey Lewis and the News.

The sequels did it justice but this is the original and it will always be the best one.
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Hard to rate
3 August 2024
I saw it on the big screen back when it first released and I thouht to myself: WOW! They actually ressurected Star Wars!! After the worthless prequels I thought Star Wars was done, didn't think they had the guts to make more of them but apparently they did and it actually worked!!.. But not really, they blew it with episode 8 and 9 as we all know.. They started something good here but they coudn't finish it, ergo it's hard to rate this.. As a stand-alone movie it might have worked but knowing it spawned two sequels that practically made me fall asleep in the movie theater.. And I haven't seen them since, it's hard to take this movie seriously now.. Only thing I can give it credit for is the music. Can't go wrong with a world class composer like John Williams but it's not enough to save it... And I guess the visual effects are quite impressive but other than that I can't think of anything positive to say.

Star Wars is dead to me.
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Absolutely not!
3 August 2024
I waited a while before seing this movie because I knew I was heading for disappointment. Word of mouth spreads quickly and it's burried by bad reviews but I didn't think it was gonna be this bad.. I expected mediocrity but this is just plain pathetic. And with a title like Batman V Superman I expected an epic showdown between the two but we never really got it.. The fight lastet for about 45 seconds and it was not particularly entertaining.. The acting was decent for the most part but with a few exeptions.. Sorry Jesse Eisenberg, as much as I enjoy your acting I didn't enjoy your interpretation of Lex Luthor. It was a horrible match and you should have turned the role down out of respect for your fans.

This will never be regarded as a classic. It will be forgotten soon enough. I'm giving it 3/10 and that's honestly more generous than it deserves.

Not impressed, not for a second.
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La quatrième dimension (1959–1964)
Aged horribly
3 August 2024
Anyone voting this up are people in their 50's and 60's blinded by nostalgia suffering from a midlife crisis because this show is OLD!.. And it's age clearly shows. I don't mind older productions but scifi was in a primitive state at the time. This was before the age of Star Wars and Stark Trek and I'm not denying they may have inspired them, in fact I don't think Star Wars and Stark Trek would exist today if not for The Twilight Zone, but... My calendar says 2024 and this show premiered in the late 50s, it was probably good for it's time but looking at it today it's sadly outdated. I'm not denying the cultural impact and I get that this show was a big deal back in the day but It's no longer relevant in any way shape or form. Kids today don't even know of this show's existence.. I know of it through references and memes and I decided to give it a go out of curiosity.. Needless to say it felt like a complete waste of time.

This does not belong in a top 20 environment, not even close!!
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I was sceptical prior to it's release
3 August 2024
And I found myself cheering by the end. Everyone in the movie theater stood up and cheered.. This never really happens in Europe, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. It was so friggin' good that it left us with no choice. Mel Gibson was the heart and soul of Mad Max but somehow they made it work without him. Having seen all the movies including the latest spinoff, this remains my favorite. The first one was rather slow and boring, the second one was a bit more action oriented and the third one was plain horrible.. Apart from Tina Turner, she gets a pass. And the latest one was mediocre, didn't hit me the same way Fury Road did. This is arguably the best action movie I have ever seen, only thing that even comes close would have to be Terminator 2 or the original Die Hard.

I'm not denying the story is thin but I don't care. There is a running joke on the internet claiming they spent 13 years making the movie but only 13 minutes writing the script, although It may have some truth to it.. They still succeeded in everything they tried to accomplish and it swept the Oscars, which is highly unusual for a none-stop action movie. I get why this movie doesn't appeal to everyone but you can't deny it's ridiculously well made. The use of practical effects are on a different level and I can't imagine they had an easy time making this masterpiece.. In fact, Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron became enemies after this.. They hated each other and they still do.

I'm surprised they spent this much time and money on an R-Rated action movie but I'm glad they did.

Fury Road will be remembered after we're all dead and gone and deservedly so.

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Notre belle famille (1991–1998)
Cody forever and always
2 August 2024
This show was a big part of my childhood and the theme song is still as catchy as I remember. I rewatched the entire series this week, although it didn't necessarily age well it still holds a special place in my heart. Some of the episodes was actually quite clever although the majority ranges from cheesy to a little more cheesy. But then again, it was the 90s and a little 90s cheese is good for your soul. Cody will always be my favorite character. He's an idiot but with a big heart who despite being what he is always knew the difference between right and wrong. The bar fight episode remains my favorite and knowing the guy who played Cody has a black belt several martial arts made it even better.

I admit this show is far from perfect and it lost it's punch near the end and the final episode was nothing worth bragging about, but... 6,5??? You're being way too harsh. It's good and clean fun and it works for every age group. Lighten up and get yourself a sense of humor. You will thank yourself for it.

A solid 8/10 from me.
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Cobra Kai: Best of the Best (2024)
Season 6, Episode 5
Best episode of the season, but...
30 July 2024
This season so far is a mess. Seems to me like they're running out of ideas and they try force drama where it doesn't belong.. Characters starting to fight for no reason, forced rivalries etc... I will admit this season had it's moments and the slumber party thingy arranged by Johnny was brilliant but everything feels rushed and it suffers from too much dead air... And Kreese is getting boring.. And his mentor has got to be at least 135 years old by now.. People don't live that long

I am worried about the state of this show. Seems to me like they had a hard time filling 5 episodes, it got predictable and repetitive very quickly.. Up until this point I liked this show but now I'm sceptical.
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