
21 Reviews
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Twist and turns
24 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I always enjoy a cooking show, whether it's Matt Tebbutt on Saturday Kitchen, mixing it up on a chat show like Simon Rimmer on Sunday Brunch, Ainsley Harriet with his madcap singing and dancing, or Michel Roux Jr boating down the Thames to name a few recent shows.

What I love about this show is the very clever and novel format. 24 in 24 brings twists and turns aplenty. Just one that sticks in the memory was when 2 chefs are sent off to gather ingredients to fulfill a meal task but as soon as they have done that are made to swap stations and cook with the other chefs ingredients. Forget your Masterchef or Bake Off, this show has it all.
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The Wives (2024– )
Do oh dear
24 September 2024
My missus has been watching this. It is like Eastenders meets Hollyoaks and has a romance while on a holiday in Malta. Because it is after 9pm they get to say the F word a lot and make it oh so grown up! It features a couple of actresses who did decent shows after their soap career - Tamzin Outhwaite in New Tricks and the one who was in Shakespeare and Hathaway. Also the chap who was in Battlestar Galactica and Law & Order UK is in it, but they are all dialling it in.

Rather than watch this I would recommend gouging your eyes out with a rusty spoon unless you require a cure for insomnia. C5 really do make some godawful drama's.
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12 August 2023
So I saw this film had good reviews and thought 'hey, finally a film that does the D&D genre the treatment it deserves'. Boy was I wrong.

Yes the film gives nods to the Forgotten Realms setting and some stock D&D classes, spells and monsters but they feel tacked on rather than an integral part of things.

Don't get me wrong, the film is watchable and improves in the 2nd half after a slowish start but it is really a whole lot of meh. You are never on the edge of your seat or pulling for any of the under developed characters. The visual effects are ok but nothing you couldn't see on a Prime or Netflix series.

Another wasted opportunity to bring D&D to the big screen.
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DI Ray (2022– )
So so so bland
4 May 2022
The acting is bland, the writing is bland, the direction is bland, the cinematography is get the idea. The story is nothing original with huge signposts at every turn for those still awake and plenty of 'I've seen this before' moments. I can't recommend this to anyone I'm afraid.
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The Chef (I) (2021)
A tasty morsel
27 April 2022
What a great little film. Every single member of the cast adds to this production making you feel like you are in the restaurant on this busy evening. Stressed chefs, put upon staff, shirkers, annoying customers - they all play their part. Added to this, fantastic cinematography and direction really bring the restaurant to life.

Do yourself a favour and add this tasty morsel to your menu, you won't be disappointed.
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Bit disappointing but looks great, worth a watch
24 April 2022

I was a bit disappointed even though I enjoyed the film overall. It looked great but I found even though it was over 2 hours long I could have done with them showing more of the Harkonnens, Bene Gesserit and Imperials, all of whom seemed far too peripheral. More should have been made of the imperial Suk conditioning that the Harkonnens broke to turn Dr Yueh traitor, instead that was all a bit flat. While I get why in LOTR Peter Jackson elevated female roles to appeal to a modern audience, in Dune I didn't get why they felt they needed to make Kynes a woman, it added nothing to the role and the character wasn't important enough for the audience to care - just leave the story alone!

In conclusion, the film is decent enough and worth a watch but could have been better - I suspect it would work best when viewed with the sequel. 7/10.
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Holding (I) (2022)
Middling to fair
17 March 2022
Well this show seems to have polarised the user reviews with most either stating it's the best thing since sliced bread or something to be flushed away. I'm going to go straight down the middle with a 5 out of 10.

The show certainly has highs and lows. I have so far watched the first 3 episodes and felt it started off a bit slow but just about kept my interest until it really got going. Their are several interesting characters and some of the scenery is lovely, while the story/mystery keeps you interested (although sometimes I can't decipher the stronger Irish accents). I do feel that some characters are background noise that could have been removed to no ill effect - in fact I'd go so far as to say their presence weakens the show. Overall though I'd say it is worth checking out.
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Utterly charming
13 March 2022
Sister Boniface Mysteries maintains that fine British tradition of charming murder mysteries in the same vein as Father Brown or Midsummer Murders.

Gentle, good humoured yet always engaging, this program is ideal viewing on a Sunday afternoon accompanied by tea and crumpets.
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Our House (2022)
Poor so Poor
8 March 2022
Really poor drama with a silly implausible story, naff acting, and daft characters - I would suggest avoiding it unless you are a masochist or need a cure for insomnia.
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Hope Street (2020– )
Meagre fare
10 February 2022
If you are looking for something not too taxing this daytime TV fare will do the job. Simple story lines, pleasant scenery and engaging local characters are the plus points. I felt the main let down was the lead character who is just bland. Her storyline arouses some interest but apart from one episode is mostly left on the backburner, her romance feels forced with no chemistry and you end up feeling if she hadn't been in the show no one would notice.
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Keeps you guessing
24 January 2022
This was an excellent drama that keeps you guessing right up to the end and then still manages to throw another twist in. Good acting, writing and production, if you really wanted to pick holes the 'cookie' assassins seemed a bit out of place and have been done before but that really is a minor quibble.
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My Son (I) (2021)
Mediocre thriller
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mediocre thriller that fails to generate any real tension or excitement - the best bit of the film is some stunning views of the Scottish Highlands.

I was half expecting a twist at the end but it was all tied up neatly and none of the things that may have made things more interesting are followed through. Could we have learned more about Edmunds job or why the Police hunt was cancelled from above? What about Franks apparent plans for a future without Ethan, he just disappears after deciding not to pursue police charges against Edmund. Overall disappointing.
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Watchable but a bit meh
13 January 2022
I sat through the 4 episodes and while I would say it's watchable, when I got to the end and they wrapped things up I found I didn't really care. The drama fails at a base level to get you investing in the characters and as such fails as a TV show.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
actually pretty good
10 January 2022
I'm not sure why this is getting so many poor reviews, I know the BBC has been churning out a load of woke rubbish lately but this was actually a decent and entertaining show. I'd recommend giving it a view.
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Lock stock & one ring to rule them all
27 December 2021
Sadly Guy Ritchie shows himself to be a rather one dimensional director here, imposing his previously successful style on unsuitable material. While highbrow movie reviewers probably sneer at the sword & sorcery genre, it deserves better than to be treated as a British gangster flick with swords and CGI.

Take for example the Darklands sequence, it could have been really dramatic but instead looked like a promo clip. Such a missed opportunity.
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It's not the Spiderman I grew up with
17 December 2021
While somewhat entertaining as a family movie this is rather juvenile and aimed at children. If you add in the changes to characters from the original comics to the modern need to tick certain boxes and it all becomes a turn off. Sorry, not for me.
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Dalgliesh (2021– )
It's a grower
19 November 2021
I wasn't convinced by the first couple of episodes but as the series continued it got better and better. On the whole the acting was excellent although the female officer was a bit wooden. The first story felt a bit rushed and muddled at the end but the other 2 were much better.
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The Long Call (2021)
29 October 2021
I enjoyed the first episode, it was quite atmospheric and brooding but after that things went downhill with episodes 2 and 3 feeling like filler where not much happened. The fourth and final episode was ok in that it finished the story off but on the whole this was a rather unmemorable production.
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The Pact (II) (2012)
14 March 2021
I can't help but feel that this film could have been so much better. While fairly enjoyable it felt like an extra 30 mins of story would have left it feeling more complete instead of having so many unanswered questions.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
So So Poor
29 December 2020
I really don't understand how this film got high reviews! I watched this and gradually slipped into a stupor, it certainly has no redeeming features: dull plot, going through the motions acting and bland special effects - give it a miss.
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Could have been good but was a bit meh
16 July 2020
To be honest this film ended up being 2 hours to fill a gap until something good came on TV. It wasn't rubbish but felt very disjointed which detracted from any enjoyment that could of been had. Gibson and Winstone were both good in their roles and to be fair none of the supporting cast were bad but the story was very hit and miss in places and seemed to jump around as if bits had been cut out (I understand this was adapted from a 6 hour TV series which could explain that). I wonder if an extended directors cut exists somewhere?
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