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Ghoulies III (1990 Video)
The only reason to see this crap is Hope Marie Carlton
31 December 2008
This rubber monsters failed trying to be cool,scary or even comedians,looks like a wannabe movie of Porkys or Animals House but the sequences and history is not always clear also can't catch your attention all the movie looks cheap and with an amazing bad taste,the only thing that's makes you laugh is the awful rubber monsters who must have a cost of one dollar each,because the work or them never looks realistic,the movements and expressions make looks the Muppets as a Pixar 3D movie when you compare with this. Hope Marie Carlton is the only thing that makes supportable this awful movie,and when she dies in the movie,this turns even worst than before.A movie who only must be seen in fast forward.
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Good cast,beautiful actress and great moments of comedy
11 April 2007
This show was the result of the split of Los Polivoces,a very popular duet of comedy who have hits before like Sonrisas Colgate and Los Polivoces show in the 60's and early 70's,now each one try to continue his string of hits alone,Eduardo Manzano's show debut in late 1976 and since the beginning was a smash hit,because have a cast of talented and experience cast who some of them until this show don't have the recognize they should have,people like Amparo Arozamena,Polo Ortin and Carlos Monden have many years of career and here all together made a good group of comedian,Manzano was wise enough to let the cast have moments for show their talents,also the first beauty of the show Rebeca Silva(who latter was replace because she become a huge star of films by the cute Maria Sorte,who later become soap opera star and singer,and demonstrated that she was a good actress,even when was picked because she looks like Rebeca Silva)shows her talent for comedy.Manzano as the same way he did in Los Polivoces create new characters and made impersonations of famous singers and actors of the moment and also have musical guests each week.In 1977 the actor Luis De Alba joined the show and his characters was so popular as the point he have his own show later.
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Deportips (2004– )
The best of the show is Ines Sainz
19 November 2006
This sports show hosted by the cute blond Ines Sainz is about interviews with sports stars and advice they said about his secrets of his success,also talk about his early years the idols they have when was young and what expect about the future.The show was in the beginning very flat sometimes because after several shows the formula start to be repetitive,in late 2004 the show was revamp as Deportips Y Mas and also start to talk about music news,travels,fashion,food and Ines Sainz start to use more her popularity(she made the Brazilian and Italian people go crazy about her in the last word cup soccer,with her 42 inches butt)to promote products and her own website in the program.This new changes made the show better because she is more appropriate to the fashion,food or travel themes even more than sports.
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Not great,o even good
4 November 2006
This movie about a mother and her problems for carry on a family of 4 cute daughter who have for idol hers father who die 7 years ago is a typical drama like the films always stars Amparo Rivelles(the minimal thing is approach for made a drama)her 4 daughter have very different personalities as the point you can't believe all are from the same family(one want to be an artist,other is a crazy girl who always find troubles,other one is the cute innocent and the other who was married a paint artist feel nobody understand her)there are 4 guys who plays the boyfriends or husbands of the girls and much of the film goes in boy girl fight all surrounded by a extremely moralist mother who always ask to a paint of her late husband what to do.The roles of the girls are OK,even have fun gags also Joaquin Cordero have a good role as the Leader of the guys,but Rivelles in her usual role of a painful mother destroy a movie who could be better.
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Not great,but even have a remake
10 September 2006
This movie is about 2 working man very poor who work in the demolition of a house in the main avenue in Mexico city(Reforma) and what happen when one day discover $10,000 and start to have a great life and meet two pretty girls,but they don't know this girls are the girlfriends of 2 gangsters who curiously hide the money in the building because the money is for one bank who robber.Then start several problems for the workers but after have a fight with the gangsters and win the fight the police capture the gangsters and give a big reward in money to the good guys and keep the girls.These movie was so popular at the point in 1982 have a remake with Andres Garcia and Valentin Trujillo and Patricia Rivera and Cristina Molina,but even when the movie is practically the same,the first version(this movie) is better.
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Based on a true story
19 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film was based in the true story of the father Armando Mendez(played by Gargantua style actor David Reynoso) a church leading man of a small town of Mexico,who in sometime in his life he have doubts of if he made the right choice been a god's man because he feel don't made enough good things for the people of the town,but then he know a good girl become a prostitute a he goes for her to the cabaret she work and he realize he could save all this girls of that life,so he sell some saints statues and with this money rent a house and made a school with the help of four nuns(leading by Jacqueline Andere)for some jobs for the girls and have also help for the people who give cows,food,clothes.The problems starts when he try to save the most beautiful girl of the cabaret(played by the gorgeous Lupita Ferrer)and the mafia who rules the cabaret try to stop him,but at the end she's been pregnant and can left the cabaret and end married with a taxi cab driver who always help the father to go for the girls.At the end of the movie the most of the girls left the cabaret life and also several married and the school continue to go on.Not a great movie but not bad have some comedy moments and not so much drama.
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Another not great movie but still enjoyable
11 June 2006
Once again the 3 cute agents in black suits have to destroy the plains of another madman who wants to rule the world,again the housekeeper(Ochoa) try to make the funny part but once again she failed in this,also other characters of the first movie appears,like the detestable Fernando Casanova or Erick Del Castillo in the roles of boyfriends of 2 of the girls but one results be a double agent and work with the bad guys,again scenes of fights,bikinis,high society style scenes,dance numbers by Emily Cranz the movie is practically the same about the first part,but again was a smash hit in box office and it's curious why don't made another one.Because the whole thing can be use again and again like happens with Santo this camp movie as happen with the first you still enjoy it.The only new thing about the first is the girls have like batman weapons,a helicopter,a ship and like this is a low budget film and don't have money for something like the batmovile use 3 black mustangs convertibles with phone and some simple weapons.
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La criada bien criada (1969–1980)
A classic Mexican TV comedy
8 June 2006
This show was base in a theater piece of the same name who break up all the sold out records of that time and ran for 2 years,the plot is about a young housekeeper(Maria Victoria) who always search job with 2 good for nothing friends(played by Alfonso Zayas as Tacho and his uncle played by Joaquin Garcia Borolas as the Motorcito)she is extremely good person fact that always be approach by the other 2 for made all kind of troubles and always she have to leave the work and still searching,one of the attractive of the program are the fact is all the persons for who this 3 work are famous singers,comedians,actors,Vedettes and TV hosts.The regular guest are Sara Garcia,Olga Breeskin,El Piruly,Angelica Maria,Chabelo,Juan Gabriel,Jorge Lavatt,Napoleon;Jose Jose,Cepillin,Veronica Castro and many others.The show ran practically as the same until May 1980 when the character of Sara Garcia supposed die(she really died several months latter)and left his mansion to Inocencia(maria Victoria) and her 2 friends and then the 3 decide rent the rooms and earn money for that in a room discover an old man who hide in there since Mexican revolution and just forget go out(a funny character played by Jorge Arvizu and win with this his most memorable role El Tata)all that happen in the final episode of this show and the next week the show was revamp as La Casa De Huespedes and ran for 2 years.Maria Victoria play the same character but with another name in 3 fifties film as Paquita,also this show approach his popularity and made a movie with the same name in 1972 and another in 1978 La Criada Maravilla.This show represents the best era of the Mexican comedy shows and until today when have re-runs is very popular.
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OK,but not a great movie
26 May 2006
This film is about two brothers who go to Mexico city expecting find job because they are the sons of the mayor of his town and because the two are good for nothing his father send it to Mexico city to calm the anger of the people of his town,but in the city the two realize how hard is get a job,especially is you don't know anything,and by the end of the movie the brothers return to the town.This movie have fun moments when the 2 brothers try to find job as stunts,medics,boxers,singers and many others jobs,also each job have a guest star in the sketch,thats the reason why in the cast you see many people,not all the sketch's works well as also happens with the story,because Los Polivoces made so many characters at the point that some are unnecessary and some parts of the movie turn flat,but in generally is OK as a movie.
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not a great,but you enjoy
14 May 2006
This is the first movie of 3 spectacular beauties(Monti,Angely,Cranz) who live as models and high society women,but secretly they are secret agents known as Las Tigresas and resolve international conflicts and cases.The 3 live together with his housekeeper(Ochoa)who suppose have the comic parts of the movie(but she never makes you laugh)in this James Bond style movie of international terrorists and crime gangs and high technology gadgets.Even when this movie have many mistakes like the 3 women are very popular because one is model another is a a go go singer and dancer and the last one is a society woman,the secret identity starts when the 3 wear a extremely tight black suit(like Julie Newmar's costume of Catwoman,but without the mask)and use weapons but everybody looks the face of the 3.This movie was so popular at the point to made a second movie of these,but even when the movie entertains you and the 3 stars look great in black costumes,you start to tied of spies wannabe low budget movies.
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Operacion 67 (1967)
a Santo movie who pretend be a James Bond film
29 April 2006
In this movie you see all the elements of Santo movies(fight scenes,sci fie,low budget sequence,wrestling arenas full of Santo fans)so,the big deal suppose to be the addition of a spies story and several cosmopolitan locations(Acapulco,Cuernavaca,RIo,Mexico city,Miami)and a Santo partners,a Mexican interpol agent(played by former Mr.Mexico the bodybuilder Jorge Rivero)and the beauty Elizabeth Campbell,but really this facts are the true new things in Santo movies,because this film is equal as boring like any Santo movie,so you only see this if you are a Santo fan or the principal reason,see Elizabeth Campbell in a tiny bikini.
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not a great movie
14 April 2006
I agree with the other comment in general terms,but Rene Ruiz(tun Tun) don't make here one of his best performances,also the always pathetic Indio Fernandez don't help for nothing to the movie success and the very low budget film production in many ways like story,costumes,action,stunts and not a very good cast (with the exception of Elizabeth Campbell)made this film a looser in many ways.By the way,this film was made in 1968,but for some distribution problems,this movie premiere in movie theaters was until 1970,but i don't recommended because i never been a fan of Troy Donahue and this movie its boring for the Elizabeth Campbell fans,even the most hardcore fans her.
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not great,but is OK, have the 60s hottest babes in Mexican films
12 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This picture about 4 sisters who steal banks and kill rich men,but before marry with them and stay with the money,its a black comedy in a very 60s Mexican way,because the 60s stuff thing is use in everything(music,costumes,set decoration)and the gags are in a very sixties way(today thats a problem because use much references of facts and things of that time and you not always understand these references)have several music videos of songs of the sixties like hang on Sloopy or Whooly Bully,meanwhile the 4 stars of the film dance,walk in the beach or just have fun,this film was a box office smash in Mexico because have 4 of the most attractive stars of that time,even when 2 was born in USA(Elizabeth Campbell,Amedee Chabot) and other was half Italian(Maura Monti)but at that time these 4 women are every man dreams in Mexico and are very popular,Elizabeth Campbell and Amedee Chabot don't use their voices(like in most of the films these 2 made)complete the cast Rogelio Guerra as a goofy detective who try to solve the case of the death men and the banks crimes,but accidentally she know and fall in love with one of the sisters,but one day one she made a mistake and active a bomb who are inside of a clock and the bomb explode and the 4 four sisters die.The film is not great but entertains you and sure you gonna enjoy the good looking stars
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Elizabeth Campbell is the only reason to see this awful movie
8 April 2006
In 1968 Mexico city was the host of the first Mexican international movie festival,and thats the reason why this film was made with international star Elizabeth Campbell(one of the hottest babes in Mexican films at that time)but that was the only good in this sordid film who have scenes bizarre who supposed makes you feel fear,but you cant stop laugh of scenes like a skeleton dance a go go with the male star when he have a nightmare or Elizabeth Campbell kiss another skeleton in the mouth meanwhile the skeleton hands grab her butt(go figure)curiously the Mexican critics of that time say this was a masterpiece,but thats not true for nothing.Don't waste your time and only see the parts of Elizabeth Campbell and the rest of the movie in fast forward,except if you cant sleep one night,put this in your DVD player and you fall sleep before 15 minutes when picture starts.
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not great,but have the hottest babes in 80s films
31 March 2006
This film tell the story of a cabaret and the Vedettes who works inside and the problems and stories who have with the clients(because apart of be Vedettes are also prostitutes) have funny moments because good comedians like Polo Ortin,Pompin,Chattanuga.Even Rebeca Silva and Grace Renat have good moments of comedy because the two are OK in her roles.the reason this film don't reach ten stars are the pathetic performance of Lalo el Mimo and the actor who made the gay part because this actors never makes you laugh.Apart of that you sure enjoy this film because the girls act good and are very good looking also have several strip tease numbers of all the actress.
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Phatty Girls 5 (2005 Video)
the best of the movie are Diana Devoe
7 March 2006
This film made in the director house(go figure),shows a few of the rising porn stars of today and the living legend Diana Devoe,in my opinion the most beautiful black porn star of today(only match by Ayana Angel)and the 2 scenes of her are the best of the movie not only for her beauty,also she are so charming and have a great sense of humor,even when she make love she not stop laughing of all,the scenes have much close up of her body,and thats good because in several movies of her,even when she was the director you feel her beauty was not approach as should be.But this movie was the exception,you can see her scenes over and over again and never be enough of her beauty,The rest of the scenes are OK,but the beauty of the other girls cant match Diana Devoe.Its importantbuy this in DVD,because the VHS don't have the second scene of Diana Devoe.
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the best of the movie are Yolanda Lievana
21 September 2005
this film is about a school teacher(Luis De Alba)who live in the poor side of Mexico city,and one day he discover a new girl next door(Yolanda Lievana)and he turn crazy about her because she is very beautiful,and then try to make that she fall in love with him,but she was a cabaret exotic dancer and she have many rich fans and she never give him a chance,she have a boyfriend who are a gambler and lost in game money of a gangster and then the girl was in danger of lost his life if she don't recovered the money in two days,sadly she never can recover the money and the gangster kill the girl and the gambler,but before that she start to accept the school teacher. for much this is one of the best films of the team Luis De Alba /Yolanda Lievana,because the good camp story and good actors specially the scene of she dance in the cabaret is terrific.
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turkey movie,the only reason to see this is Yolanda Lievana
8 April 2005
this movie is about a poor taxi driver(Almada)who have wife and two beautiful daughters(Norma Keller,and Yolanda Lievana)who works in a marketplace,but when the girls are in home starts a nightmare,because the taxi driver is a alcoholic and beat her wife,thats why the younger daughter(Keller)in search of love meet a guy who introduces her in the drug world(a good scene of Norma Keller naked)and she fall deeper and deeper in drugs.the other daughter one day take a shower and don't see the taxi driver who acts like a voyeur and see her naked(the Yolanda Lievena nude scene is the best of the movie)and rape her when she goes to her day he kill his other daughter for accident and go to jail and the other daughter(Lievana)finally live happy. much of the worst movies of the Mexican cinema are the Almada brothers movies and this movie shows why. the movie is a one star movie,but the Yolanda Lievana naked scene is a ten star movie scene.
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Don't miss Yolanda Lievana
3 March 2005
this is the story of a poor man(Luis De Alba)who have wife and kids,but he meet and fall in love with a beautiful woman(Yolanda Lievana)and he lost his mind for these woman,but results she was a witch and she made a spell to him,but the wife have a friend who also was a witch and help her to recovered him.this movie was part of a series of movies who made Luis De Alba and Yolanda Lievana as the stars and have much Success in Mexico. this film is not so funny because the story is not so good,even the cast are good in the roles but for much the best of the movie is Yolanda Lievana who looks like a goddess in this film,sadly she is not the real star of the movie,Luis De Alba was really the star,but the moments of his comedy are easy forget when Yolanda Lievana appears
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Great show with the best Mexican divas
25 February 2005
this TV show with Loco Valdez always show singers,dancers comedian acts and the best of all the Vedettes(exotic Mexican dancers)like Rossy Mendoza,Yolanda Lievana(who also co host and be a regular Vedette in almost 250 episodes),Merle Uribe,Grace Renat,Princesa Lea,Iris Cristal,Olga Breeskin,Jenny Nelson,Thelma Tixou,Rossela,Brissa,Claudia Tate,Marina Dorell(in over 120 episodes) and many others. The complete TV show cast are: Jorge Alberto Riancho,Sandra Duarte,Ursula Pratts,Elizabeth Aguilar,Kippy Casado(when Manuel Valdes cant host)the Pablo Beltran Ruiz orchestra and the K2 robots in season 2.The show is one of the best late 70s shows(July 1977 to October 1979). And the style is a studio decoration who seems a house or a lobby hotel and Loco(crazy)Valdes made jokes of practically all and use cast members to made his jokes in the late 70s this show was very strong because the jokes was for adults and the clothes of the exotic actress and dancers are very tiny. I see this show every night(even in that time i have 9 years old)so if this show exist in DVD,don't forget buy it.highly recommended.rated with a 10 qualification
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Bad film with good girls
23 February 2005
This is the story of one salesman who always have sex with several women,but one day he crash his car and meet a girl who was different to the other women,because she don't be attracted to this guy and then he try again and again to make she fall in love with her and finally did. this film really don't have a strong story and the pretty actress don't save the movie,the real only reason to see this is the girls(specially Grace Renat)because the rest of the movie are bad. and Andres Garcia is for much the worst of this movie(?)you can see this movie in fast forward(except Grace Renat) and believe me,don't miss anything.this movie was film in the worst period of Mexican films,and it shows.
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The best Santo movie,don't miss Rossy Mendoza
21 February 2005
This film is a comedy,not a science fiction movie like most Santo movies,but is much better because the story is about a sexy exotic dancer(Rossy Mendoza,who looks gorgeous in this film)who have a brother who was kidnapped,and ask Santo help her to find him.Also she have a friend a drifter who always help her,but this man win 3 million in race horses,but always be in trouble and meet the chief police who go with him to the cabaret to see Rossy Mendoza and there meet Santo,have several scenes of Santo Fight with bad guys and Rossy Mendoza dance numbers with bikini(the best of the movie)then results the price is fake and also the people who kidnapped Rossy s brother are the cabaret owner. but at the end everything works well. Much Santo movies try to be Batman 60s series or James Bond movies wannabe,thats why this movie is better because don't have that kind of script.Don't miss Rossy Mendoza one of the sexiest woman in Mexican films.
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Amor perdido (1951)
The only reason to see this film is Amalia Aguilar
21 January 2005
this film tells the story of a young girl who love dance(Amalia Aguilar) and have a friend,a young composer(in secret he love her) and help the girl to become a cabaret dancer(the numbers of Amalia is the best)but her meet and fall in love with a gangster(Victor Junco,the worst of the movie,believe me)but then in a tour she have an accident in her face a she use a mask,and she gone and don't say nothing to the gangster. Then one day he discovered her in a cabaret and kill her with a gun,then he realize the reason why shes gone. Bad story,the stupid Victor Junco,and bad numbers of Agustin Lara made this maybe the worst movie of the always lovely Amalia Aguilar.
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another great movie,again don't miss Amalia Aguilar
21 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of 3 young nurses,who have a strange virus who makes all the man gone wild when see this girls,but then the girls meet 3 guys who don't fall with the virus and a doctor said to the girls if she married this men,thats gonna be the cure to the virus.The 3 men have girlfriends,but this 3 woman only stay because the guys are rich,but at the end the guys choose the 3 lovely nurses: This is almost as good like LasInteresadas,but Silvia Pinal are not so good like Lilia Prado is,and don't have the same chemical with the other 2 like Lilia Prado,but Amalia Aguilar looks terrific here(for much the best of the movie)and Lila del Valle too. Have good dance numbers of the girls(but the 3 sings truly horrible) and have much fun. Very recommended.
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very funny,don't miss Amalia Aguilar
18 January 2005
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This is the story of 3 young woman,the 3 are poor,but very good looking (in special Amalia Aguilar)and very interested in money,then meet a drifter,who was really a rich man,but he want to scape of his word and he not say nothing about his money.latter meet a guy who not remember his name(Fabregas)and fall in love with him the 3 girls,but he discover the drifter is really a rich man.then he decides make a show with the girls,and then the 3 girls have envy of the other 2.but the man(Fabregas,who have recovered his mind)say to the girls he is married and then the 3 girls be in peace with the other 2. This is a very funny movie,with 3 of the most beautiful girl in 50s cinema,have much musical numbers with the 3 actress(but Amalia Aguilar is the most sexy)and these numbers are good.These was a very sexy and strong sexual scenes for his time.Very recommended
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