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This film makes it impossible for the viewer not to enjoy!
12 September 2009
I saw the trailer for this a good six months ago at the cinema and it grabbed me straight away i was looking forward to seeing it. Unfortunately i didn't get time to actually see it so i was then waiting for the DVD release! so i've been waiting to see it for a while, it was worth the wait.

One of the things i loved about the film was the plot!. OK so comedy films don't usually feel the need for anything major i guess to an extent that's the point of them. But this film had a new and fresh story to tell. Instead of the usual problems in relationships that get picked on a hundred times a year by Hollywood this one took a new approach. It was about a friendless guy who was struggling to make friends later on in life, a situation i know for a fact a lot of people have been / are in.

It wasn't unbelievable at all it was actually quite the opposite.

The other quality i thought the film had was perfect casting they all did there jobs well and they couldn't have really picked anyone better to do it!. Segel and Rudd make for an awesome on-screen combo providing big laughs scene after scene.

But it's not all just stupid gags (although that is what the film does best) it feels pretty genuine and there are a few lessons in friendship in there, stuff that actually made me think about relationships i have with my own friends.

Overall it was one of the most enjoyable films i've seen in a while, it's just a good film in every way it could've been and much more than i expected!.

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Sept Vies (2008)
A Brilliant Little Film!
17 July 2009
I remember there being quite a bit of hype around this during it's cinematic release. However it wasn't at the top of my to see list at the time , so i sort of dismissed it for the time being only to eventually get round to renting it two nights ago.

I was really looking forward to seeing it and wasn't disappointed with it.

Will Smith has really grown as an actor over time and after winning over most people with his performance in "The Pursuit Of Happiness" i was wondering what was next for this guy. Again as in TPOH he gives a very good performance in this film as do Woody Harrelson and Rosario Dawson. Who knew that Dawson could pull off a role like this she really stood out in the film in my opinion amazing performance all round.

What the film does so well is grips you. It's never quite clear until the very end but it keeps you putting pieces together for yourself all the way through and without a doubt keeps you entertained. There's no fancy effects or camera tricks in this one it's all shot as you'd see it!. It's gritty and realistic and this plays a big part in the effect the film has on the viewer.

The story (which i won't go into don't want to spoil it for people!). Is as with most films what makes or breaks a film and this film is made by it's story it's not clear until all the pieces are put together and the full picture is made but it's an experience you will find hard to get out of your head.

It's a beautiful film that anyone who loves a good film and good performances will find very easy to appreciate.

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Not What I Was Hoping For But Still Well Worth Giving A Chance.
1 July 2009
Went to see this with quite high hopes.

Whenever it comes to comedy Jack Black has never really let down he has always been a very funny guy.

Well first off this really doesn't do a lot for Jack but rather for the first time focuses soley on the talent of Michael Cera.

Cera really steals the show in this one although to be fair it's very rarely funny. A few of the jokes/gags had me in tears but they only made up about 10 minutes of the film! Were this film does slightly redeem itself though is the fact that it's quite fun to watch as a little silly adventure movie , the comedy seems to fall at the wayside in this one.

Well worth seeing as it's enjoyable and has a few good laughs not the comedic gem we were hoping for from these two but none the less a fair comedy effort

Final Verdict: 6/10
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One Of The Best Experiences I've Had At A Cinema All Around!
21 June 2009
I had watched the original with friends before. What attracted it to us was the way the movie was being put across "to avoid fainting keep repeating it's just a movie" etc. We loved horror and anything just generally shocking it was the most fun along with comedy's you could have with friends!. Well it certainly did not let anyone one of us down it was pretty insane?! shall we say. Either way a truly great piece of horror beyond what any of us had seen at the time.

When i heard about This Re-make i was not so much excited but anxious to see how they would handle the story and the scenes that would be necessary to tell it to the best of it's ability.

I was impressed.

I knew straight away it would be reasonably mild compared to the first one it had to be , to be watchable in cinemas in order to make money. And for the most part it was. However it still kept that vital shock value the gore (the blood & guts) were handled perfectly it was like the hills have eyes re-make in the sense you saw what was happening the camera never once did one of those annoying wall shots were you see the blood splatter! when a knife went in or a bullet etc. it went in and you saw it. Well with a horror film that's half the battle straight away.

Obviously you probably know this film is centred around a group of convicts who are a perfect example of a human being with no soul or heart. And this even better than the first one in my opinion is displayed amazingly. In this film you really get the feeling that these guys would do anything to any human being in the world and would not feel one bit of remorse for there actions. I would even go as far as to say out of every film i've ever watched these have to be some of the scariest people i've seen on the silver screen. It all adds to the great experience.

The "Rape" scene/scenes are also what this film is pretty famous for and i was interested to see how they would handle this films such scenes. I thought it was handled pretty well. What this film hits straight on the head is the atmosphere the music and every aspect of the film combined just build up to exploding point then it happens. It was like nothing i'd experienced in a cinema before the place was packed out with what was to be honest a perfect testing range for the film there were people of my age (18) all the way to what i would have said was about 70-ish. As the scenes built up and up the piercing sounds of the girls screams , the actions taking place on screen and everything accumulated into one terrifying experience. I looked round the once rowdy room to find everyone silent and i could just feel it someone had to walk out.

And they did.

For the first time in my life a film was that shocking that as many as 10 people walked out and couldn't come back. That is what horror is meant to do!. So at this point Last House had already scored high marks with me it had stayed as true to the original as it could have. (There was also someone crying behind us!).

This film splits the story 50/50.

The first half is horrible it is meant to shock and appaul the audience so that when the second kicks in it satisfies all!. And god does it never before has revenge felt so right. People again were re-acting to the film again in a way i'd never seen people were clapping chants "get in" , "have it" "go on" and cheering. Admitadley by the younger members of the audience but non the less a great re-action. In my eyes this film was just as perfect as this re-make could have been it had it all. And it was one of the first films i'd seen in along time that was almost more than a film it was a genuine experience.

Oh and you'd be surprised to know the acting was actually very well done i wouldn't have changed it at all t be honest again pleasantly surprised.

Only things that this film down was the fact that it's still a pointless story and if not for the shock factor couldn't possibly be even an average film!. so I'm afraid it's a 7 from me which is still good for a horror film non the less.

It's definitely one of the better horror re-makes and one everyone will have a load of fun watching what more can you ask for in this day and age!.
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Tueurs nés (1994)
Welcome To The Sick & Twisted World Of Mickey & Mallory!
11 May 2009
Been meaning to give this one a watch for a while. Thank god i got round to it!.

It has to be one of the most unique and amazing films i've seen.

First thing you notice about this film is it's not like what you've seen before.

The way it's shot you is fantastic. It's so cool and slick you would honestly not believe it was an "older" film. It could easily be pulled off as something that came out last year. It has stood the test of time better than many other films ever do.

The story is what makes this film great. It's outstanding it's so interesting and often sick?! and at the same time twisted. It's not a film of beauty in anyway it's ugly and twisted but that is what it does so well you can't help but fall in love with the film and the characters involved.

The story is pulled off that well that i actually thought it was based on a true story until i found later it wasn't. Stupid me but it is pulled off and written so well i guess it shows.

With phenomenal performances from Woody and Juliette. I don't think i've ever seen characters come to life on screen like i did in this.

It's not Juliette and Woody your seeing it's Mickey and Mallory! It's a great film that i think anyone with a good taste for films will love.

Also look out for great character acting from both Tommy Lee Jones & Robert Downey JR (Playing a Australian documentary interviewer).

And come on 7/10? what the hell is going on there. Top 250 worthy to say the least!.

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Marley & Moi (2008)
This Movie Was Way Above What I Expected , Extremely Touching Film
30 April 2009
My mum is mad about the book as are a lot of people so i've heard basically everything about this "story" and it's always sounded pretty cool. I own a chocolate Labrador so i could relate to a lot of Marleys antics i'd heard of.

At first i was a little bit put off by the lead cast and the look of the trailer. Don't get me wrong i love Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston there good at what they do. But what they normally do isn't this i straight away expected a flop!.

I was very very wrong. Thios film is anything but a flop not only Commercially (Outstanding takings at the box office , still in the UK box office!) but as a film.

The story is a great and very real story which is actually true which i think always adds to the effect the film has on you.

Jennifer and Owen pull off the lead roles perfect after watching i honestly couldn't imagine anyone else doing so well they made it there own. It's one of those films that make you almost think oh look there's John when in fact it's Owen Wilson they become there characters!.

Even better whilst it's an extremely appealing movie to all and has done so well at the box office it's a genuinely great film which doesn't happen an awful lot these days!.

The film will makes you laugh , keep you entertained and will make you cry like a little girl!. It's that powerful.

The dog is perfect and i don't think enough attention is going the dogs way he was one of the lead roles and was obviously a perfectly trained movie dog!. He brings most of the films emotion and holds everything ion the film together.

Most importantly though this film carry's an extremely important and powerful message not only to dog owners or anyone involved with animals but to every human being in the world.

It's one of the films that in all my time of movie watching has genuinely hit me hard and made me think i think there's a chance a lot of people won't see this but for those reading this that know what i'm on about you know what i mean!.

Go and see it if you can or grab the DVD it's truly a great film and will make you think.

A high 8/10
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L'échange (2008)
Brilliant Performance From Jolie , Eastwood Has Done It Again!
19 April 2009
Every actor /actress whether there good or bad has one role there remembered for. Well this is without a doubt Angelina's. She is sensational.

The story is great and true which always makes for a much more interesting watch. It hards to believe at times something like this could have gone on and happened but it did.

Eastwood portrays the story as only he could and with all round great performances it nails it!.

One of the best things i found with the film was it was so unexpected. Ever plot twist they throw at you , you never see any of them coming. It's quick off the mark and leaves you guessing up until the last second it really has been a while before this since i was so hooked to a movie.

Do you need more reason/s to see this film? But there's more. Not only is it great to watch but it looks great. It always amazes me how they make the props/set up for these films look so 30's Los Angeles. It's completely believable and so non fake it's hard to believe what your seeing.

It's another one for me that i now relate the story to the film. When i think Johnny Cash i see Jauqin Pheonix because he was so great and believable i almost forget he's not Johhn Cash. Samefor all the actors involved in this one. I straight away think of this film.

Overall what your getting is a great film with a great (true) story and the performance of a life time. Definitely top 250 worthy and it's great to finally see it climbing up there!.

Also look out for John Malkovich in an equally great role.

My Rating : 8/10
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A Great Soundtrack , Brilliant Cast & Some Great Laughs Make This A Must See For Rock N' Roll Fans Everywhere.
19 April 2009
Well i think this film has a lot going for it i mean anyone who see's the trailer is pretty much gonna go see it. Firstly it has an all star cast that anyone especially us Brits! are gonna be very familiar with. It's based on an awesome topic that interests again a lot of us Brits and most importantly it looks damn right hilarious!.

Unforunatley recent comedy's have proved to show all the laughs they have to offer in the 3 minute trailer then leave you with nothing to see when it comes down to actually watching the film.

Well this film is definitely not one of those.

The Good Well the film is hilarious anyone who likes anything about comedy will love this which is straight away most people there are some hysterical scenes and enough laughs to keep you going right to the end.

Laughs aren't all this film has to offer its actually very appealing to any fans of the rock genre. With it's awesome soundtrack featuring great like The Kinks and The Who and it's real "stand up for rock n' roll" attitude and storyline for rock fans like myself it's a must see!.

One of the other things that is sure to keep you watching is the characters themselves (on the ship). There all very very interesting as well as wacky and just insane!. with some great actors playing them they are extremely believable too which i always think is so important in films you have to believe it!.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman that's all i need to say on that one i think we've all come to expect dynamite performances from this guy and on this one he sure as hell delivers it!.

To be honest the only negative criticism i can give this one is where were the Beatles there some moments it really needed them and it was set in there days.

Aside from that very tiny hicupp this film is one of the best comedy's i've ever seen well worth checking it out.

Final Verdict: 8/10
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Hitcher (2007)
Unlikely To Blow You Away But A Decent Horror Flick That Keeps You On The Edge!
18 April 2009
I've not seen the original of this so i don't have the ability to compare this with that and to be honest didn't know what to expect from this.

I felt the film was pretty good to be honest. It wasn't groundbreaking but definitely great fun , believable and better than a lot of horror films getting made at the moment.

What can you expect from a horror film today?! The story is very straight forward it's basically about a psychotic hitcher who hitches rides in order to find new victims. He's a psycho who simply loves to kill!. That's the bets bit there's no silly plot lines it's fun to him so he does it often.

Cool eh?.

One of the best bits of the film is definitely Sean Bean. He's very believable as "The Hitcher" and makes the film what it is to be honest although performances elsewhere are good enough for this.

The film keeps you on the edge as mentioned in the summary. It keeps you guessing and you do actually wonder were can they take this film?. Plus some surprising twists and very jumpy moments it's all good!.

And surprisingly there's some really well done car sequences/chases so there's a fair bit of action thrown in plus some decent blood n' guts for the hardcore horror fans!.

All in all a decent horror film worth checking out.

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Taken (I) (2008)
Fast Paced Edge Of The Seat Action - Thriller.
3 April 2009
Grab a dramatic storyline , some awesome action sequences and a determined father (played only as Liam neeson could) and you have "taken".

It really is a great movie.

The film follows Bryan ex - spy. He has moved to Los Angeles to be closer to his daughter. He has some lost time to make up for. But When his daughter(Kim) goes on a trip abroad to Paris and is kidnapped by professionals who steal young girls and force them into the sex/slave trade he takes on a new objective to get his daughter back!.

This film is straight to the point there is no messing about and it really lets you know that Bryan knows exactly what he's doing he knows what to do instantly.

Neeson is brilliant as "Bryan" in the film and to be honest really makes the film what it is. With some outstanding hand to hand combat and awesome kick ass dialogue this could well be one of neesons finest moments on the screen.

The film is very realistic and very gritty. It's not afraid to go right out and show you how real this situation is. With plenty of guts and blood it will satisfy anyone who is a fan of the action genre. And at the same time it creates the perfect blend of action to drama and will satisfy anyone who loves there films with a bit of drama. I guess you could say it's a thriller.

The settings are all spot on and really captures the gloomy rough terrains of Paris in comparison to the sunshine state! that is California. This really makes it stand out that they are not at home!.

It's like a ticking bomb throughout it puts you into the film. Every minute that goes by is a minute closer to something happening to Kim and the difference between Bryan either finding or not finding his daughter before it's too late. You really are on the edge of your seat throughout and you don't move from there until the credits role the film is so unpredictable and you don't see anything coming. It has to be one of the fastest paced action movies or movies for that natter that i have ever seen and i loved it.

It doesn't ever get boring or drag on in fact it's bad that it had to end!. It keeps it short and sweet.

Overall it has to be one of the best films i've seen in quite a while and definitely one of my favourite action movies.

A solid 9/10 from me.
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A Truly Amazing Film , Both Norton And Furlongs Finest On Screen Moments.
30 March 2009
I had been told for a few years now this was a great movie i "had" to see. To be honest i never felt in the mood for it. It just didn't jump out to me. Little did i know it was one of my all time favourites just waiting to be discovered.

The story is tremendous. It follows a Neo - Nazi Skinhead whose burning hatred towards the "black" society (started by his fathers death caused by such individuals) spirals out of control over time. He surrounds himself with fellow followers starts gaining major credit off these followers for his acts almost earning legendary status.

He trains and Carry's out small escapades attacking shops and claiming back territory round his home town.

Then one night whilst his truck is getting broken into at the peak of his hatred he kills the burglars. Sending him to prison.

Whilst he's in prison his brother gets deeper and deeper into the world of black hatred heavily influenced by old friends.

Upon leaving prison a changed man Derek seeks to drag his brother out the mindless brainwashing he found himself fall into at the same age.

This film is quite simply amazing. The acting is outstanding Norton gives the performance of a life time as does Edward Furlong. I was never a huge fan of Edward Norton before this to tell the truth i found him bland and boring but this opened my eyes to what this guy can do.

The story is handled perfectly and slowly builds up to it's shocking finale.

the settings are perfect and extremely believable.

The dialogue is handled just right as is the level of violence. It is definitely not for the faint hearted there are some pretty nasty and graphic scenes. This is not a "nice" film. But at the same time it never over does the violence going too over the top.

I loved the way it always left in the dark for a while then brought you up to speed later. It let you develop an opinion and then tested it.

The flashbacks to Dereks time in prison were a prefect example of this.

All in all this a film anyone can and will enjoy.

It Carry's a very important message. It shows that racism and hatred are both terrible things and don't get you anywhere they only come back and you and hurt you and the ones you love. It doesn't get you anywhere.

It shows we're all human beings regardless and we all capable of evil regardless of our colour or race.

The world is huge and destined to be united.

One of my favourite films definitely in my top 50.

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A Fair Bit Of Potential , None Of Which Was Acted Upon A Real Shame!.
30 March 2009
"The haunting in Connecticut" follows the story of a young man (Matt) who is fighting a losing battle with cancer. He travels regularly to receive treatment with his mother (Sara). In the end with all the travelling and the circumstances in mind it becomes necessary to the family to move closer.

Soo after a bit of time spent looking for somewhere to rent for the time being Sara runs into what seems like the perfect one.

Everything seems to go pretty swift but this house has major history. It was once a funeral home. And the family are about to take on a bit more than they bargained for.

Well what this film does do well is not only focus on the "horror" sides of things which 90% of crumby horror films these days do but it takes an extremely deep look into the quite tormented lives of the those in the family. The parents who are struggling to accept the slow death of there son. They are also struggling financially and the Father seems to have an even harder time dealing with this adding "alcohol issues" to it all.

It all seems fairly "real". And up until this point it's actually not a bad film. It's pretty much everything after the first 20 - 30 minutes that ruins this.

The horror side of things just feels so forced and fails in every way to bring any fear to the viewer , it doesn't even score with cheap jumps like a lot of modern horror films.

The acting was quite surprisingly a lot better then it needed to be but the horror side of it gets quite jumbled. There are a lot of great ideas in there but they just don't get pulled off that well. It's all quite original stuff that somehow comes off un-original.

The plot line was brilliant to be fair to the film it just isn't that great to watch.

One of the main reasons this film even got a four off me was because of the story (which is BASED on truth) and the potential it had to be something special.

Worst of all of this though it couldn't really manage to be enjoyable to watch and that's what movies are all about.

It's a shame!

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Collision (I) (2004)
A Masterpiece & One That Will Live On Forever
25 March 2009
I have seen this movie 3 times now and every time was like the first time again.

It really is as close to perfect as movies get.

The film is set in LA. There is no better place to set a movie it's so beautiful and simply amazing it's almost like a character in the film.

The film explores Racism , Stereotypes and the everyday difficulties faced by people not only in Los Angeles but everywhere in America and beyond.

There are so many things that i love about this film i could write pages which is what i fear i might do.

None of the actors involved are what anyone would class as even "good" actors. You've got Sandra Bullock , Brendan Fraser , Matt Dilon and rapper (lucadris) to name just a few. First thing that enters your head hopeless right?. That's exactly what i thought i was wrong.

Every actor/actress in this film stepped it up. They all break free from there "stereotypes" and provide outstanding performances. It is almost like watching a miracle a movie that maybe should never have been that good actually taking on perfection. The actors involved gave it everything. The roles that most of them have been waiting there whole career to be given they just didn't know it. Some die hard Roles they would later go on to nail. You'll never look at people like Matt Dilon for example the same again. "That idiot out of there's something about Mary right?" this guy earned a whole new level of respect from me in his Oscar worthy portrayal of an LAPD officer with an extremely racist view.

The films has some of the most powerful scenes ever used in a film. At times i watched in absolute awe at what was happening on screen and the effect really doesn't wear off over time.

The message this film carry's is what it's all about. You pick up on new stuff with every watch.

People's racial views are put to the test , things change , people realise , people lose , people win , people find peace.

But in the end we are all the same we are all human we all contradict and we all criticise.

The film shows that we all care for one another it just sometimes takes tragedy to bring us as close together as we should be.

It shows how all of this affects life in good and bad ways in LA. But as before it also says a lot about the world outside of LA.

with a perfectly used soundtrack including Bird York's "In The Deep" and a surprising appearance from the Stereophonics with "Maybe Tomorrow". , which help make what are in my opinion are two of the greatest scenes in the history of movies.

There is so much to this film that you really have to see it for yourself.

It's like i said before "Perfection" and it's a movie experience that will never leave you.

"One Of The Greatest Movies Ever Made"

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Overrated , Oscar Worthy?!
18 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Had quite high expectations of this film which is maybe the reason in my opinion it fell flat on it's face.

Quite simply i thought it was awful. I hated the story , it was mega depressing and to be honest it just lacked everything needed to keep me hooked.

Watching it i felt at times i just wanted to turn it off but in the back of my mind hoping maybe this will pick up but it never did.

The performances are actually quite good definitely above average. Heath , Thorton and Berry all shine through but Berry's performance WAS NOT Oscar worthy i genuinely didn't believe her character.

It felt over played and worst of all both pointless and a waste of time.

The sex scene was probably the most griping scene of the whole film and that's saying something.

The crappy dialogue like the painful scene with Berry's character cursing her son over his weight?! what the hell were they thinking.

Everything event in this film felt like it happened way too fast. It was quick off the mark in a bad way!. It all felt too overdone like they had crammed ideas that should have stretched over the film into the 30 minutes in the middle of it. It was all too co-incidental.

Like i said before the only thing that pushed me to give this a four was the good performances from the actors involved but that alone is not enough to save a film this bad.

All in the all there was serious potential but it didn't get used and this film didn't work.

But hey! that's just my opinion check it out for yourself you could love it.

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A perfectly Paced Thriller Pure Entertainment From Start To Finish!
13 March 2009
We own the night is fantastic.

With two powerhouse performances from Pheonix and Wahlberg and a simple yet extremely satisfying plot line it could well be one of the best films i've seen in quite a while. Before my latest viewing i had seen this film once with poor picture quality. But after giving this film the viewing it deserves wow!.

The story follows two brothers on either sides of the law one a nightclub manager , the other an NYPD officer.

The film Carry's many important lessons. It shows how family is the strongest link two people can have and how love and change can take place.

There are numerous relationships that run throughout the movie some last , others don't some become stronger some weaken and this is all portrayed best it can by the actors involved.

The film looks amazing with some really jazzy NY scenery and extremely realistic police uniforms , equipment and station. It's great because the film is actually very realistic it never overdoes it.

It's not what you might have come to expect from a film with Wahlberg in its's not action galore but i suppose it does have it's moments which will keep some action fans entertained.

There were also some brilliant scenes in here. The director really does make use of the "simple yet effective" all the way through this film and it works so well it feels so natural and not for one second forced in any way.

Recomenned for anyone looking for something that's not only great fun to watch but magnificent at the same time.

Final verdict

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Blade Runner (1982)
A Sci - Fi Epic
13 March 2009
Blade Runner.

Well what can i say "one of the greatest sci - fi movies ever made" true.

"awesome performances" true.

I could go on all day it is simply amazing and never short of breath taking.

The movie is about a company who have gone into making replicants. These are used as slaves to work off land. But when one goes "crazy" you could say and commits murder they are banned from earth. Punishment for them being there is death or "retirement"! then comes the best bit you have "Deckard" who works for the LAPD's blade runner unit. Blade Runner is the name given to those who hunt down and kill these replicants.

"Deckard" is then forced out of his retirement to eliminate six replicants on earth.

And so the adventure begins.

Ridley Scott is a genius it is almost like he looked into the future and made this movie to stand the test of time because it really does it like no other movie of it's time it doesn't feel old and worn out , it's still so fresh and new and most importantly exciting to new viewers.

Ford and Hauer on top form acting wise both giving powerful performances through out this masterpiece and only ever adding more to the viewing pleasure.

Throw in some truly iconic scenes handled , spun off and done so well it is almost like watching perfection in it's purest form.

The film is done so well. Film's need to leave good remembrance they need to hit hardest in the final moments and this film sure does just that. It has one of my favourite all time endings and i wouldn't change a second of it.

The look , the acting and everything used in this film is done amazingly it's outstanding and more so its enjoyable to no end.

Only thing is i have seen and own the "directors cut" and have read up on the ongoing talks/mentions of the various other versions and have heard this is the least impressive so i MUST get round to seeing the other versions. If this is one of the lesser versions and i loved it this much well!.

Everyone has to see this movie no doubt.

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It's been a done a million times before. But it's often hilarious!.
9 March 2009
I watched this the other night with a friend.

I bought it because it's a fairly recent release and was a great price plus i'm a fan of Owen Wilson.

First off there's no major surprises here it's run of the mill. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. OK it's stupid , un-realistic and often absurd but that's what it's all about!.

It has just enough laughs well spaced out over the film and even occasionally catches you off guard which is extremely rare with today's comedy.

Anyone who hasn't seen it should definitely check it out. It's one for all ages and anyone in general.

It's a decent comedy and cements Owen Wilson even further up the under-rated chart.
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True Romance (1993)
Memorable Scenes , A Great Plot & Enough Big Names To Run Multiple Movies!
8 March 2009
Been waiting to see this one for a while and finally did about a week ago now.

Well first off "True Romance" is simply great. It has a lot going for it in the form of a great plot , awesome performances outstanding actors and some good action scenes among many other things!.

I just loved every second of it it oozed with style. You really can tell Tarantino write this one. It has his name all over it.

Christian Slater gives easily his best performance as does Patricia Arquette.

Every scene , every line , every action is so perfect!. It's actually quite hard to explain without making someone sit and watch it.

My favourite performances were those of Gary Oldman, Slater , Arquette and Walken.

This film does not hold back it's full on when the violence is rolling and you can't help but love it!.

That's all i'm gonna say JUST WATCH IT!

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"So what country do you want to go to? Wyoming!"
3 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Dog Day Afternoon" tells the story of two men who attempt an armed robbery on a Brooklyn bank.

But there's so much more to it then that!. Pacino plays (Extremely well) Sonny he comes across quite cool to start with but this guy hasn't got a clue what the hell he's doing. He mucks up, he's nervous , he has no plan , he hasn't even a clue!.

Of course he's not alone along with him is his good friend who also doesn't know what to do next. Sonny describes him as the trigger guy "i bark , he bites" but is he really such a tough nut?

Well that should get you started without ruining anything.

First off Pacino's performance in this film is great it has to be up there with some of my all time favourite roles.

The story is gripping and exciting to say the least and is even further backed up by the fact that it's true. Which always make the film more satisfying!.

Every aspect of the movie is so simply amazing. Every line, every action every quote it's just simply put a great movie.

I loved the way the seriousness of the situation was so often played down as if it were a tea party!. Even a lot of the people being held "hostage" didn't take these guys serious. It threw in a lot of sneaky comedy perfectly played off and emphasised by Pacino this guy can be really funny!.

I also loved the way the situation began to pan out with Sonny becoming some what of a hero at one point and gaining almost "celebrity status" and loving it.

But this all helps take your eyes off the ball "the seriousness of the situation" and completely shocks you when consequences are met by the "robbers".

You have to see it to know what i mean so i'll leave it there.

I think most people can enjoy this movie and i think most will.

Give it a chance you never know the same thing might happen to you you might love it, definitely in my top 75-ish movies i've ever seen.

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Extremely Average Comedy
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film last night after a mate bought it to try out. I'm a pretty big fan of comedy and of anything Ben Stiller is/has been involved in for that matter.

I have to be honest i was quite disappointed by the film. It's got a terrible plot which is obviously expected from this sort of film but come on! for those of you reading this that have seen it you'll know what i mean.

Now some of the jokes were actually quite brilliant but in comparison with the jokes that feel flat on there face you are talking like a 90 - 10 ratio of bad to good jokes. That is the only reason this film didn't get lower rated is that there were 3 or 4 moments that i laughed myself to tears at.

It just isn't good to be honest it's Stillers worst easily and no one else in the film even begins to help pick it up at any point.

When there are so many great comedy's out there to be discovered i recommend anyone thinking of watching this saves there time for something brilliant.

However i could see this film being funny for the likes of any who found things like, Harold and kumar , Ali g in da house or jay and silent bob or any other crap comedy's funny for that matter.

Just about 5/10
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I'm Not There (2007)
Phenomenal Performances Make It.
21 February 2009
Just finished watching this film for the second time.

It's a pretty good film. I went into the film knowing very very little about Bob Dylan his music and his life. And i feel now i have a much better understanding of this.

The films quite slow at times and even more so it's quite boring in parts this is all that lets the film down it's extremely artistic , alternative and unlike anything you'll have seen before but in the process it's boring.

But with that in mind it's makes up for it slightly with the fact that after you've watched it feel you've seen something quite special and you feel satisfied!.

The acting was oustanding. The film almost feels more of a showcase of talent at times. With the best performances in my opinion coming from Cate Blanchett , Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. It really is some of the best acting i've ever seen Oscar worthy to say the least!.

It feels like a lesser version of the wrestler in the sense it's very slow and is more focused on the performances/roles rarther than any story development.

To tie it up it could have been a lot better with more thought. But! it was enjoyable even if boring at times and is so different it makes you almost fall in love with it! If you are a film fan like myself and like "REAL" acting i think you will appreciate this.

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Vendredi 13 (2009)
Not Bad , A Step In The Right Direction For Horror Re-Makes!
16 February 2009
I went to see Friday the 13th on valentines day :P (14th) with me being the romantic that i am.

And i must say it was surprisingly quite good. I wasn't really expecting anything from it but having seen all the other Friday the 13th movies i thought why not?!. But yeah it was decent.

It's stuck true to the original and hasn't branched away from the story etc. at all to be honest which i suppose is quite a good thing. The gore looks very good in the film , none of that camera turns away blood up the wall stuff. When it happens it happens and you see it cool eh? All the characters are played just right the actors involved can't act but it's a horror film.

It's really weird because although in parts predictable being a re-make n' all it caught me off guard a fair few times and had EVERYONE in the cinema jumping out of there seats and people even screaming! Jason is as terrifying as ever and as a Friday 13th fan it was great fun to watch i was interested to see what direction they'd take it in. At the same time anyone looking for a good horror film would really like this too.

Overall it's good fun , jumpy looks great on the big screen and is well worth checking out at least. OK so the re-make isn't as good as it should be and re-makes aren't' finally back on track but it's a step in the right direction and is definitely one of the best re-makes done of a horror film to date.

Only criticism would be i felt it relied to much on the loudness and the sound in general , way too many of the big scares wouldn't have scared without this making it slightly weak in those areas.

Give it a chance and you might enjoy.

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L'Impasse (1993)
Gripping Story , Good Perofrmances "The Whole Package"
12 February 2009
Being a big fan of Pacino and having been a reasonably big fan of DePalma's work i had high expectations for this one.

It met them and maybe went that bit further with them as well , a nice surprise!. First off the story. Well it's brilliant ,simple idea/ideas that make up one fantastic movie. The role Pacino was given in this works for him well as did his portrayal of "Tony Montana" in Scarface.

It has some decent narration which accompanies the storyline throughout the film and your gripped from the very start it throws you in at the deep end and that's what makes it the movie it is.

It's good fun to watch and Penn's performance as Carlito's lawyer is truly amazing., He plays the part like no one else could have and is an interesting watch throughout the development of the story. One of the many highlights of the movie!.

It really is a unique film it's not gonna be like a lot of other movies you've seen which gives it that fresh feel it's something new and different to the usual hum drum that is Hollywood movies.

Of course as with any movie there are things that could have made it better although not that many of them come to head at this moment. Which only further proves the brilliance of this movie.

One for fans of DePalma , Pacino or Penn and anyone who wants a break from the usual rubbish that gets passed off as "films" these days.

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Flawed But Still Enjoyable Action Movie
10 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this for just £5.99 (it's £17 in my local hmv). I wanted to this see this when it first came to cinemas as i'm an action fan and Nicolas cage is the man! First off it's no really a great movie. It's "good" though.

Nic plays his character extremely well in my opinion and definitely looks the part. There aren't really any other roles to comment on in the film to be honest Kong is a typical idiot who fails to bring any sort of comedy into the film and that's about it! I can't really work out what the directors of the film were thinking it's an action film yet were given very little action which is OK when a film is backed up by great acting but the acting was "OK" at best.

One thing that was good about the film is the idea the story! it's a very good story and to be honest you could kick the directors because there's so much potential for this film to have been amazing.

It had a lot of things it needed and just didn't use them.

For example the relationship between Joe and the mute girl had some potential and considering some of the other scenes handling didn't come off too bad.

But past all of it' flaws its still a fun and enjoyable action movie with some decent action scenes at times and some watchable story development. Take it for what it is a really fun kick ass little action movie! OK it's not great but it's not anywhere near terrible.

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An Enjoyable Watch For All!
9 February 2009
Saw this movie in my local "Odeon" cinema this past Sunday.

Now i had extremely high expectations for this one and it didn't quite live up to them. This is not to say it wasn't a good film as from my rating you can see i gave it an eight it was a brilliant film just not quite as gripping or "amazing" as a lot of other people seem to have thought.

The story is obviously the highlight it really is beautiful and the director and the actors involved all helped portray it in the best possible way they could to be honest which was not an easy task. This really was a film that could have been easily screwed up but it wasn't! Pitt and Blanchett's performances were great from Pitt playing a small wrinkly young man! to some really brilliant scenes involving the both of them together.

The film has quite a few "emotional" parts portrayed in the story and 80% of the time they work. There are other times some of the scenes i felt didn't really pack a strong enough punch and you didn't really feel any sort of emotion towards anyone involved.

I seem to have said this about a lot of films of late but it's true it ran at 3hours 10 minutes including the usual ridiculous promotion before the film gets going but like the staff promised us before entering this film it will not bore you nor does it drag on it really is a pleasure to watch. It really is the sort of film that is halfway to being a masterpiece a lot more could have been done to secure it's place in film history but to be honest it could have been a bad film and it certainly was not that.

I feel a few of the category's it has been nominated in at the Oscars it deserves to win.

Overall it's a wonderful film with a great story backed up with some outstanding performances. Go in with no expectations and it might be one of your all time favourites. I wish i had not grown such high expectations of the film as i might have enjoyed it further. However a second time round i feel is one day in order!

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