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We Married Margo (2000)
DVD: Definitely Very Desperate... for this movie to come out on DVD!
Okay, to be honest, i only saw the last not even ten minutes of this movie on like TBS or something, but it was so hilarious that i did some serious research (i.e. checked the TV guide channel) to find out the title of the film. I had never heard of it before, but i was feeling pretty serious about it. So after calling every local movie store with no luck, i did some more serious research on the internet to find out where the H i could buy the movie, come to find out it's not even OUT. even on VIDEO! i'm less then pleased about this, and my fingers are crossed that "We Married Margo" will hit the shelves soon, and the second it does, i will totally be on top of it. gosh.. if you ever see that it's on, absolutely watch it, and tape it for me. seriously. i'll give you a hundred bucks or something.
basically it's my favorite movie, and i haven't ever even watched it, so that should seriously say something about how awesome it is.
ugh.. i want it so bad!