
15 Reviews
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Smile (V) (2022)
Pure Horror
3 December 2022
One of the best movies of 2022. The suspense is all there, Horror movie mixed with psychological thriller is a great mix. Some moments in movie soundtrack become really haunting and disturbing.

Many clever jumpscares and great main cast perfmormances create pure horror. I went to the cinema not knowing anything about the plot or what really Smile was about and I was not disappointed.

Nowadays its better not to watch trailers for the movies because it spoilers huge part of them.

My rating would be 7.5 - 8 . Grab some popcorn and drinks and go see this movie with your friends , you wont be disappointed.
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Great sports drama
7 August 2022
This movie is absolutely great. Even if you are not a fan of the basketball you are going to enjoy this movie. Adam Sandler is great. He have found himself. I am very happy for the man and that his latest movies are top quality.

Overall feeling after watching this basketball drama was positive. The story of an underdog, one against the world and all the odds. The movie teaches that only with dedication and hard work you can achieve your dreams.

Recommend this movie to everyone who enjoys a good sports drama. My rating 8.5 / 10 .
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Great Nicolas Cage movie
28 April 2022
Its hard to put this movie in the genre category. Because its a great : self-aware comedy, family drama and a 3rd act action movie.

Personally I didn't expect much from this film , but it delivered. Nick Cage is Nick Cage in this movie. And it was brilliant. The comedy parts with Pedro Pascal where just laugh out loud. Great chemistry between the two main protagonists. Wish we had more movies like this.

Of course its a great film and also its an emotional character journey of Nick and his family.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is one of the best movies I have seen this year. And you can watch it with your family and have a great time.
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The Northman (2022)
Epic Viking Drama
28 April 2022
After seeing The Northman the first thing I thought was.. How epic this movie was. The honor of your family's bloodline , revenge , love , viking mythology , breathtaking cinematography and outstanding landscapes.

All that blended together and you get 2 hours of deep dive in to the world of The Northman. Where the ruthless Vikings rule and attack innocent villages , where every man will fight until the end with a sword in the hand in order to get to Valhalla. And your family's honor that you must defend no matter what.

This movie is brutal. No spoilers. Definitely not for everybody!!! But If you like this type of movies. Than The Northman is a must watch!

My rating 8.5/10.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Ultimate feel good Show
27 January 2022
Just finished my 2nd watching of the office and I just might start watching the show all over again.

The thing that make the office so great is that after watching 9 seasons you really become friends with the main characters... And every time I am watching the Office I feel like visiting my old friends. Whenever you feel sad or depressed just turn on the Office and the charisma of Steve Carell , pranks of John Krasinski , singing of Ed Helms or randomness of Rainn Wilson will cheer you up. The characters are so relatable and the humor is just on a different level! Laughing out Loud every time I am watching the Office.

Thank you Mr Ricky Gervais , this truly is the ultimate feel good tv show.
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Back to the Matrix
24 December 2021
"That's the thing about strories, they never really end, do they?"

This quote from the movie really explains the Matrix Resurrections (2021) You see. The story of the Matrix is very complex. Free will , choice, love , simulation, the real world and etc. These are the things that made original Matrix so great. And here we are 20 years later still searching for the answer to the same questions we had back then!

I absolutely love the first movie The Matrix (1999) and the whole trilogy was a success. (Of course many people don't like the Matrix sequels ) and so there will be those who will not like this movie..

But I enjoyed it. The Original cast: Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss did a great job. They brought back to Cinema the Iconic duo of Neo and Trinity. Their Love story is in the core of the film and its the main theme. Morpheus and Agent Smith are payed by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II & Jonathan Groff. These are some of the new actors who portray the characters we already knew. They played their parts well. Also starring Neil Patrick Harris - the Analyst. Great casting choice!

Story is not mind bending like the first movie. (We really should not compare these films.) But they are very strongly connected , so the nostalgia will hit hard , and it will stick with you until the end of movie. Movie pics up the pieces of the original trilogy and brings you a new story. Resurrection. I could go further.. but spoilers)

Visually Film is great , many awesome action scenes and light humor at times. Great soundtrack from the Original movies and the White Rabbit theme was perfect for the story!

Overall Matrix:Resurrection is a good film. All Matrix fan should definitely watch it! And. Remember. Don't listen what other people say about this film. Because you can go to the Cinema and check it out for yourself!!

In the End You can always go back. Back to the Matrix.
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Ridleys Scotts Historical Epic
11 December 2021
First things first. Ridley Scott is an outstanding filmmaker. Movie "The Last Duel" is a story of historical events and the story is told from 3 different perspectives of the situation. Without any spoilers, I wanted to say that it's a brilliant movie. It tells the same story from 3 points of view , and everyones story is a True Story of the events.

The Cast is outstanding . Matt Damon , Adam Driver and the lady Jodie Comer. Made the story authentic and true. Performances are 10/10. And Ben Affleck is in this picture as well!

Besides marvelous acting, dialogues, costumes design there are really great locations. I am not an expert , but the Medieval France looked authentic.

Movie is a 2:30 hours long so .. If you are a fan of the genre , than I definitely recommend watching this film. The story will take its time , so you understand every characters personalities , motives and actions and it all will lead to the Duel. The Last Duel - Ridleys Scotts Historical Epic.
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Fun Heist Movie
28 October 2021
First of all..

Army of Thieves (2021) is a prequel to The Army of the Dead (2021) and its a great one.

Zack Snyder Army of the Dead wasn't quite good. I really hoped it to be but it wasn't.

That Movie tried to be Zombie , action , heist , drama flick. But it pretty much failed at every aspect.

Army of Thieves on the other hand.. Was a Heist movie. It wasn't overhyped and had one great key aspect from the Zack Snyders movie...

It had Matthias Schweighöfers character Dieter as a main protagonist. Really funny , over the top , European - safe cracker.

Army of Thieves had good potential. I didn't expect much from this movie and was surprised. Directed by the man him self Matthias Schweighöfer .It is a cliche heist film , but in a good way. It doesn't take it self too serious. Funny jokes here and there plus interesting locations with great visuals. And the safe cracking scenes were absolutely impressing.

Plus the Soundtrack was great!

Had fun watching this movie. And if you were disappointed after watching Army of the Dead then definitely watch this movie!
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Dune part I - Masterpiece
28 September 2021
Just finished watching Dune part one. Just As Denis Villeneuve said , that this movie must be watched in IMax on the big screen.

When I first heard about Villeneuves new project Dune I didn't know what it was . So I went to the Book store and bought first 3 books about Dune.

I can say that I became a fan almost instantly.

After realizing how good the 1965 Frank Herbert Dune really is , I hoped for Villeneuves movie to be as good visually and story wise as it was written in the books. And I was not disappointed.

Every actor fitted their character. They felt real. Paul Atreides / Lady Jessica / Duke Leto Atreides / Baron Vladimir Harkonnen / Gurney Halleck / Duncan Idaho / Stilgar and Chani. Every actor was casted perfectly.

Visually Dune was stunning. CGI was on the highest of levels. The experience of watching 2021 Dune in the cinema is beyond unreal.

Still have the Hans Zimmer soundtrack playing in my head. The Theme is perfect. It completely take you and puts you in to the Arrakis where you fight for the survival every second.

When the credits started rolling I understood that this movie was just too good to be called just movie.. Its an experience.. Really would have stayed and watched the part II right away) And at the same time I was so happy that They divided the first book into two parts. That helps not to rush and gives all the necessary details to the audience. So we can understand every aspect of the story.

The last thing I wanted to say.. Don't listen to the haters. We all remember what they said about Blade Runner 2049.. Films like this don't just come and go. Dune is here to stay.

Go and see it yourself) it's worth it!

Now We are waiting Mr Villeneuve for part II !

Thank you for the Dune!
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Light , meaningful movie
20 September 2021
Personally I think that movies like The Peanut Butter Falcon is a must watch for everyone.

While watching this movie I felt like I was going to an adventure with the characters.

This movie don't rush.. the slow pace of the journey filled with calm soundtrack really made me think about life , family and friends.. isn't that the most important? THAT movies make you think..

Outstanding performance by Shia LaBeouf and Zack Gottsagen. The Big brother and family theme worked well because of these two!

Also Wanted to mention, that Shia made a real comeback in this movie and I hope he will do more projects like this!!!

Everyone should watch this movie! (Especially if you are tired of modern cinema ))
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Release Directors cut
7 August 2021
(here after watching The Suicide Squad)

As David Ayer said :

"The studio cut is not my movie. Read that again," he wrote. "And my cut is not the 10 week director's cut - It's a fully mature edit by Lee Smith standing on the incredibly work by John Gilroy. It's all Steven Price's brilliant score, with not a single radio song in the whole thing. It has traditional character arcs, amazing performances, a solid 3rd Act resolution."

WB restore the original directors version. Because this movie deserves it!
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Drive (I) (2011)
No reviews can describe this film
25 July 2021
It's been 10 years since this movie came out.

Maybe you have heard many different opinions about this movie. But for me its 10/10 I can say that this movie really puts you in a passengers seat next to Ryan Gosling, and gives you the DRIVE through the night city and the day life of LA. And it won't let you go from the first second until the last one.

Phenomenal Soundtrack and colors used in this movie really tell the story.

Its a part of it.

Dialogue in this picture is outstanding.

Every line , every little interaction has meaning.

And the moments of silence.. those moments make this movie a masterpiece!

Not many movies can give you those feelings that Drive gives in every scene.. To everyone who loves cinema. "DRIVE" is a must watch!!!
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
DONT watch season 2
30 May 2021
Just two different shows 1st and 2nd season.

First season was 10 stars. Such a great story and characters. Sci-fi at its best.. AND then there is season two. Ohh man. Just dont watch it. You will waist your time and regret it.
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Movie is not trying to be something it's not.
19 March 2021
Zack Snyder's Justice League does everything that you expected in 2017 movie.

The build up , the story arcs , the masterful digital effects and a brilliant score.

Really emotional movie , with good humor and real Heroes! Only 2 things to say.. Every minute of 4 hours is worth watching & Thank you Zack!
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Utopia (I) (2013–2014)
7 years too late. Masterpiece
4 December 2020
U T O P I A. no reviews can describe this great TV show. Found it accidentally. Firstly heard about the new show Utopia (2019) and thought that I firstly should watch the original.. I was not disappointed. Plot , acting and SOUNDTRACK. everything is just outstanding , quick paced and more and more and more... do not waste time and dive in to the world of Utopia.
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