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Umbrella Academy: End of the Beginning (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
I don't understand so much hate??
19 August 2024
To start I'm a self confessed Umbrella Academy fan and after watching this final episode I've taken the time to rewatch all 4 seasons to get a better sense of this fun show.

I've read soooo much hatred towards the 4th season and in particular this final episode now I get the slow decline in quality and in my humble opinion feel that maybe (apart from the obvious if you've already watched this episode) season 3 and season 4 storylines should have been the other way around but I'm sure most regular watchers of the Hargreaves's sibling's adventures will miss there special kind of super hero mess up's The individual characters are a complex fun set of super powered losers with great storylines especially season 2 & 1 The makers show probably the best use of music to scene in modern tv

Back to this episode Maybe this franchise deserved a better send off but I personally found it a decent attempt to land an ending

Like I said before, I think people will realise given time how great a show the Umbrella Academy was.
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Evil: How to Build a Chatbot (2024)
Season 4, Episode 9
At last signs of life
18 July 2024
This probably won't be the highest rated episode ever but for me it's finally a sign that Evil hadn't forgotten its story arch built over 3 1/2 seasons

Season 4 has been manly Scooby-Do esqe episodes looking at mysteries but only skirting around what had come before Then finally the writers have remembered that there's been a lot of time invested by regular viewers of this show , delving into some light and more often dark matters that haven't been addressed for a long while

Nice to see (if only in flash back) that the previous sins of the investigation team haven't been for nothing !

The story line itself about an evil chatbot is just a standard type for this show and nothing really special and hopefully the money saved on these similar episodes can be blown on the bigger effects needed for the grander story lines

Back on track and hopefully on the path to a grandstand finale for season 4.
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Really?? What an utter waste of time
27 January 2024
I know DC have produced some horrendous movies but this surely is the bottom of the barrel in all aspects I was a fan of the first Aquaman movie with real hopes it marked an upward curve in the abysmal DCU , unfortunately it wasn't so This episode not content with a unbelievably bad script and acting that wouldn't be out of place in a puppet show such is it's woodeness the worst part is it chooses to be a pious preaching thing that wants to cure global warming, end poverty and hunger and take superhero movies to an all time low, seriously it's hard to believe a major movie company green lighted this trash They must of been hypnotised by the bright flashing light or taken advice from 3 year old relatives

Unfortunately we live in a time where superhero movies are at a crossroads Both the MCU and DCU are treading water waiting for a blockbuster to revive them But this kind of trash will just keep pushing paying customers away sick of being cash cows for this kind of horrid CGI bilge.
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Nether one thing or the other
11 November 2023
On the last few visits to the cinema this film has been heavily pushed , in those trailers the film looked and cross between a horror & a comedy plus with Mr Cage what could go wrong??

Well sitting in the 5 guys burger bar outside my local cinema I'm scratching my head waiting for my food wondering what I've just watched It was nether a horror movie nor a comedy and cone to think of it im not really sure how you'd categorise this film?

Maybe a European style take on cancel culture?

Maybe a film showing the decline of family values with the uprisings of social media in todays modern home???

Or just maybe it's a film that doesn't know what it is and was green lighted by a studio because of the up turn in Nicholas Cages numbers over the last few films then when they woke up to the nightmare put out trailers showing the film in a unrealistic light

Basically it really doesn't know what it is which is a crying shame as with the cast at hand and a premise that could be a great film for me falls flats as the patties in my burger 🍔
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How to make a great film better
18 September 2023
Twenty odd years after its original release I managed to get tickets to watch the Fellowship of the Rings extended Directors cut at my local cinema I already own this version on DVD and Blu-ray so I already knew how good letting Peter Jackson loose to edit his first LOTR's masterpiece is but getting to see it on a big screen was truly amazing 22 years after release and the special effects really stand up to modern standards plus as we all know the source material is a stone cold classic and letting Jackson show the extra material really makes this worth the nearly 4 hours (just make sure you have enough popcorn 🍿 to last! )

If you are a fan of the theatrical cut this version will float your boat.
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22 years later and still breath taking
18 September 2023
22 years after its original release date I finally had the chance to see Peter Jackson's original lord of the rings epic on the big screen as a special run of all 3 director's cuts at our local cinema.

I've been waiting this long as the first time around I was busy being a new Dad so this chance was just a must!

Now much to the annoyance of my wife I already own all possible versions on DVD and Blue-ray and watch them at least once a year , so to say I'm a fan is putting it mildly 😀 Now getting to sit and watch them as they were made to be seen on a huge screen in comfy seats , bucket of popcorn 🍿 in hand was thrilling If you've not seen this film by now What planet are you living on?

Secondly why are you reading this and not busy watching Lotr's Fellowship of the Ring?

This movie is one of the top 10 movies of all time in my opinion Even 22 years on and on a a big screen the special effects still stands up to modern releases and of course the story line the film is adapted from is the definition of a classic novel

The only real shame is the movie is a snap shot of how films should be and not as modern Hollywood is today churning out substandard epics that deserve the love and attention spent on this movie by its makers and it's amazing cast of actors.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
A Real Surprise of a Show
24 May 2023
I didn't even know of this show till being recommended by my sister in law over dinner It's low key cast and the underplayed advertisement looked from the off set this was a show released to just disappear , as if it was another series Netflix's had made then deemed to be a mistake Well I was sure wrong in my assumptions From the first episode The Night Agent is a cleverly written thriller that keeps the tension high when needed and I think it's big strength is the low key cast Sure you've seen some of the actors in other big tv series but none are clearly the giveaway players in this twisting turning plot Great show and hopefully a few more seasons to follow and I do wish Netflix would give all shows the same push as of late they've left series of great quality on the vine to wither (here in the UK that is)
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Well Chris Pratt as Mario wasn't the end goal f the world after all!
24 May 2023
My Daughter made me watch this to show me that all the junk written prerelease was just that JUNK!

It's hard to remember an animated movie that received more hate and loathing even before it was released than The Super Mario Bros. Movie Why?

Mostly the savaging was towards Chris Pratt voicing the titular character, now I get the fact that Mr Pratt Isn't your first thought of a voice of an Italian plumber I grant you but given his previous comedic as Star lord in the fantastic guardians of the galaxy maybe he should of been given a little more respect The whole film is a wonderfully colourful spectacle that's fun and entertaining with the right amount of Nintendo nostalgia for those old enough to have played the gamete of Super Mario titles

Oh and for those in a panic The Sky didn't fall in on us and the seas didn't boil just because Chris Pratt voiced Mario!!!
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Marvel's Best Film Since Endgame?
24 May 2023
Being a massive Marvel Movie fan there days visiting your local cinema is not a guarantee you will see a great film but thankfully the Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3 is a joyful return to the kind of Superhero movie we all feel in love with during the Fist & Second phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This version of the GotG may be a little darker from the mind and pen of Director/Writer. James Gunn But I think given what has happened with his characters between volumes with other Directors and Producers taking what was essentially his own private universe and mixing them up with the MCU To great effect in the last 2 Avengers Epics , then the not so great Thor Love & Thunder, Gunn has managed to keep the continuity of what was great with his Fist and Second volumes to make the Guardians probably the most stand out title of the whole MCU Vol3 has great depth with its back story of characters without going over what previous films have covered and seamlessly introduces new characters without blinking or making a big deal , Gunn just trusts you've sat in your seat and watched the post credit Easter eggs like a good MCU fan should!

(Also a massive thanks to Gunn for using the post credit scene to full effect rather than so many of Marvels teasers that never pan out to anything!)

With this film comes the idea to me maybe Disney has made a mistake of not replacing Kevin Feige as helm of its MCU with James Gunn and let this massively talented creator go to its biggest rivals to overhaul the DCU?

Only time will tell if Gunn can weave his magic to make the darker , grittier DCU as much fun as his Guardians Volumes 12&3

This is definitely Marvel at its best when you want to go to see it on a big screen and not like much of the last few movies where you're just happy to wait to watch it on the Disney+ channel when it comes around.
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Didn't live up to expectations for me
21 May 2023
Sitting down to watch this on my streaming service I really wanted to like this film, I may not be the target audience as a 50yr old male but I genuinely love this type of fantasy film.

I did have reservations about some of the casting after watch the trailers and after finishing the film all of my concerns I felt were born out In no way shape or form should Chris Pine or Hugh Grant be anywhere near this kind of movie.

Both are extremely good actors in appropriate films especially Mr . Grant who I find has made a career in playing the same English Fop character over and over but as a fantasy character involved in magic , theft and skullduggery?

No no no no!

He maybe slightly worse than Chis Pine but not by much!

Mr Pine just looked bored from the first of his scenes right through to his last , for as great a part he plays in a giant sci fi franchise like Star Trek he bombs for me in this film

I'd imagine this is film 1 in a potential trio or more of D&D movies but I just pray the casting crew try to sideline these actors and look to younger more energetic picks to give this world a boost as it has all the potential in the world to be a gigantic blockbuster.
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Renfield (2023)
A movie that isn't of its time?
16 April 2023
In a world that is in desperate need of lightening up this film is maybe the wrong film at the wrong time?

I cannot understand the hate that has been aimed at this film since it's release, it may not be to everyone's taste but it's funny in all the right ways , never taking itself seriously and has a truly classic performance from Nicholas Cage playing a role he seems to be born for .

Watching an IMDb interview on Renfield before watching and it was clear the whole cast and directors had a real good time making this over the top some times gory piece , I think it's real trouble lays in it would have been lapped up by a wider audience if it were made in the late 90's when Cage was "cool" and not the master of the "meme" but I really hope it does well enough to get a second film as cage playing Dracula is just perfect.
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Poker Face (2023– )
A Fun Scooby-Dooesque Show
9 April 2023
The worst part I found for this was trying to find the Peacock made show here in the UK 🇬🇧 But once we found the much talked about show I was delighted with the first season!

Over 11 episodes not all are of the same high standards , midway through there are a few Dud's but episode 5 "Time of the Monkey" just about bridges you through from the excellent start and the storming 3 episodes!

If you've ever enjoyed Scooby-Doo or similar fun inspired murder mystery stories this show is a must The clever folding in of opening story then how it's fits in with the central character is just so we'll time and time again plus some of the best cameo's you'll ever see This is a must watch for just flat out fun which is so lacking in todays world 🌎

Oh and please Peacock sort yourselves out and don't forget the TV viewers outside of the USA!
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"Was that it?"
23 March 2023
Being of a certain age , you grow accustomed to the hype blowing in and then back out again around the major award ceremonies so I took with a pinch of salt all the praise Everything, Everywhere, All at Once has garnered.

After sitting through the 2 odd hours all kinds of review comments came flashing back to me but to my honest surprise all I could think was "is this the worst film" ever to win the best picture Oscar?

Still several hours after finishing the film I can't see any highlights and this film was supposed have the best actors of the last 12 months?? Really????

The premise of the film is genius and has an endless amount of potential but what I took from it all was just a mixed mess of mediocrity I know it's all a matter of taste but how this movie ousted All Quiet on the Western Front from best picture at the Oscar's is just a joke.
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Not all fireworks much to it's credit
17 March 2023
Having only caught up with this film , Knock at the Cabin I read through a few miserable torrid reviews before committing to waste an hour & half of my time but I'm very pleased I did bother.

As with such a high profile director his films can be very polarising with some truly great epics with twists that no one knew where about to hit you full in the face and quite a few dud's that just seem to try to hard, but for the paying public it's somewhat of a gamble as to which you'll be getting.

In my view this film is well worth the effort to watch It's not a 100 miles an hour rollercoaster that throws you from one high to another low No this film is more about the storytelling, which I found quite captivating and some glorious editing and cinematography well worth the effort put in by the director and editors with their use of 90's technology to get an "old school" feel

If you're reading reviews to see what this film is take a balanced view it's not going to change the landscape of modern film but nor isotope as bad as some would have you believe.
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A time capsule to when life and business was hard
14 February 2023
Having never gotten around to watching There Will be Blood until some 16 years after it's release I found myself with an afternoon spare so I decided to see what this film was about considering it's mostly positive reviews and to see if there is more to the film than the Meme happy "I Drink Your Milkshake" line Well quite simply this is an absolute stone cold classic , mostly to the enigma that is Daniel Day Lewis but it's has the most wonderful cast to help him along.

In the years since it's release the cinematic world has had a dramatic shift firstly with the MCU taking over then with Covid decimating film making such as that this classic style of story driven movies simply don't get the oxygen they need .

I fully understand the kind of writing and film making aren't a straight forward thing or every man and his dog would be producing epics But the big movie companies should be striving to create this kind of masterpiece.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
This may not be the episode the gamer crowd wanted
3 February 2023
I thought before writing a balanced review I'd watch the episode "Long,Long Time" again just to see if I'd judged it fairly first time around.

In the modern world this type of episode is exactly the one that was always going to polarise The subject matter isn't going to fit with every one watching in to see a show based on a game about an apocalyptic scenario.

Fair enough But if you're taking the time to read this please please give this episode the time to watch over twice It's to good and to well made to just throw out with some of the other trash aired/streamed today I'd imagine the writers wanted to create a juxtaposed to what's happening in the other episodes before and what comes next I think it brave they felt so confident and comfortable in the show and cast they have to have made this so early in the piece Other shows take seasons and seasons to get to a point where they can drop 2 unknown characters into a world and hope the watcher sticks with the episode

Well done the makers of "The Last of Us"

And a small note Please other reviewers this may not be for you but a 1?

Like this is the very worst thing ever made?

Hardly not so please just relax a little and try watching a few broader subject matter shows it may surprise you that theirs more than bloody killing zombie shows in way of enjoyment.
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The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye (2010)
Season 1, Episode 1
Some plot holes but in whole a great start
11 January 2023
After 12 year and 11 seasons starting over to watch again it's clear to see in hindsight why this show caught fire around the world and went on for 5 or 6 seasons before dropping off in standards but this episode, this start well it was clear that the whole package was the right cast with the right makers.

A few teething problems with the general story telling of how the walkers act but if you look past that the early gritty sparse cast fits perfectly with the source material ( although the writers do try to correct this flaw many many years later) My only real fault with TWD was always why take British actors and put them in to a Georgia setting?

Aren't there any decent American actors left?

The class of Andrew Lincoln got him through but why put square pegs into round holes???

His draw when shouting "Kkkkaaaarrrrllll" spawned endless mimics for years

If you missed the start first time around just enjoy the flaws as the ride is well worth the effort This episode is good but it does get much much better!
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Better with age but still not the end it deserved
10 January 2023
Whilst reading through Matthew Perry's autobiography this show came flooding back from when I first watched and the thought that his character in this show had to be a high wire act of on screen acting and his private life spilling over onto the screen. In light of the recent publication it's clear Mr Perry's character was a massive slice of his own personality and his inner demons brought to life

In the years that have past Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip has kind of been the forgotten classic.of Aaron Sorkin sitting in the shadow of The West Wing then the lesser but more popular 30Rock (a pale imitation but with an obviously lower budget) This final episode isn't really what the show deserved but so often great tv shows can be to far ahead of the curve for there own good If this were on the air today in the climate of what's going on in 2023 it would be so on the money it'd most likely be the spectacular success it deserved to be but it was never to be Instead of a cliff hanger leading into a second season we got this plus the previous 3 sub standard episodes running out the clock on a show that should have been much much more.
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Biggest waste of a show in television history
31 December 2022
This show is without doubt the most underrated TV series in the history of the small screen.

Watching back after several years it's such a striking mix of dialogue , razor sharp wit & a cast that just drips with class top to bottom.

It is in my humble opinion the biggest waste in television history that this show with all its high points only made it to 22 episodes and 1 season?

I fully understand that at the time of airing the monster that became 30 Rock was starting its engines and you can only imagine the nerve that was lost by studio executives looking at the wage bill for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip let alone the production costs of making a world class show.

After the years since being axed it is testament to the class of writing that a huge part of the satire is as on point now probably more than it was in 2006.
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The Walking Dead: Faith (2022)
Season 11, Episode 22
The episode that shows the best AND the worst of this show
22 December 2022
If you're a long time fan you to will have suffered through the highs and lows of the Walking Dead to get this far I think this episode totally encapsulates what is best and what is the worst of this sometimes great sometimes not so much.

With limited air time left and the makers desperately trying to finish off all the story arcs of the original show they take time to pamper to the over bloated cast.

Take the utter nonsense of The court hearing with all its nodding non-speaking extras that in a world that is supposed to be on the brink of the abyss is just utter rubbish. Trying to make the Walking Dead's version of Perry Mason is an utter waste of the shows limited time.

What the viewer wants is the other side of this episode, the core cast struggling through to survive Cone what may It's what the show was in the beginning It's what the show is best at its what the makers should have stuck to all along

The cast should have been kept to its tight core cast With a new Big Bad every couple of seasons I fully understand the show had difficulties with its stars wanting to leave (and sometimes come back) but it has such compelling and complicated characters it could have survived without so much nonsense

With so few episodes it really is a shame for the hardcore viewer that has stuck by this show through think and thin to have the screen time frittered away on things that no one needed or wanted to see.
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Just a delight for any Neil Young fan
3 December 2022
Any Neil Young fan will truly love this ramble through what was a high water mark of 1972 & the Album that is most likely most famous in this artists career Harvest.

My long suffering wife who just doesn't get my obsession with Neil took some talking around to go and sit through this once I explained "it's a biopic made 50 years ago about an album and a string of concerts and live tv specials that he had tucked away in his back catalogue and never released till now" But if you are a fan you'll understand NOTHING this genius of a man does is straight forward, if his mews is saying go this way , that's what he does, not for fame and glory but for his art.

This all may sound pretentious but I'm guessing if you're looking at this film on here you've got a better than average chance you'll know what this man is.

The most underrated singer songwriter in the last 60 years?

Still he continues to surprise, like dropping this gem into cinemas so you can go and see it in the format it was intended to be shown. It would have been so easy to put this on a streaming service much like other older mega bands have in recent years and his fans would have sought it out but on the big screen?

Well that's just spoiling us and I thank him so much as I do with filling my life with his music.

If you don't know Neil Young and you are looking at reviews to see if it's worth spending your hard earned money on well if you like acoustic guitar at its best if you like a good ol' boy that likes cars and checkered shirts then maybe but go on your local streaming services and listen to Harvest If you like it you may well become infected with the music , if not well he will keep entertaining us that do and not take a Pause to think why you don't That's just what he does much like this movie Film it Produce it Sit on it for 50 years Then realise it Genius!
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Esprits criminels (2005– )
Back to basics
30 November 2022
Being a massive fan of the early Gideon seasons of Criminal Minds and sadly watching the show grind itself to a halt with to heavier cast I watched the first episode with some trepidation.

To say I was delighted on how the show has cast of a few characters and gone back to a more basic approach, plus obviously being on at a later time slot in the states it gives the BAU a grittier feel.

It's early days but it reminds me of season one when we had good characters with plenty of screen time to get there story arcs over without the crime solving by numbers the last 3-4 seasons of Criminal Minds had Wheels up in 20 , profile given by 4-5 agents standing in line while the local police look on in awe and then finally go to save the last victim just in time!

Since 2005 the world of crime based FBI type shows have moved on and thankfully the writers have taken note

All they need to do is keep it simple like the first 2 episodes and it stands a good chance of being better than what came before Oh and maybe get Dr. Reed back for a few episodes he did carry the old series on his genius shoulders for some time.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Perfect example of great actors making for a great film
29 November 2022
After looking through my Blu-ray collection to find something to watch as my internet had gone down I decided on The Revenant.

Being several years since last watching this film I was most pleasantly surprised that it was as good a movie as I'd remembered after going to the cinema to see it on it's original release.

It may be just my own thoughts but I never tire of watching movies that have the simplest of things Great actors + great scripts = Great film!

DiCaprio & Hardy as simply two of todays greats In years to come people will look back at there collaborations like this and the wonderful Inception to see how fabulously they create and embody characters. As well this film has some of the most thoughtful and creative camera work using beautiful natural light to subtly enhance every scene It is a joy to watch a film such as this when all departments are functioning on all fronts.

What was looking a dull night in thankfully ended in a great movie night.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
A high point in modern television
25 November 2022
After let some time past from the end of Better Call Saul! I have wanted to rewatch just to get a real sense of what happened over the last season and judge given the space of not being overwhelmed by interviews or special features of the show So over the last 2 weeks after being off work with injury I have sat and watched and watched and watched especially this episode Now I'm a massive fan of The whole Breaking Bad world and have watched Breaking Bad over 10 times from start to finish I'm also a big fan of IMDb that loves reviews and saying how I feel about different shows and film and i cringe sometimes at the 10/10 or the 1/10 reviews that are so polarising in todays world but that being said This episode is a close to perfect as I've ever watched Ozymandias good?

I think so, I know it's the same writers same team just with a different format of film and camera but I challenge anyone to watch this magnificent piece of television and not say we are living in a truly great period of television It may be at the expense of the utter low of modern cinema but when a show like this comes along I just have to say thank you to everyone involved.

I know it contains violence I know the themes running through the whole series is littered with death and destruction that not everyone's ideal way to spend there time but if you just open your eyes and your mind to this show and this episode I honestly doubt you could find fault The single biggest shame is it's all over but thanks to a Plan & Execution you've always have streaming and Blu-ray you can relive again & again.
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Mammifères (2022)
Pretentious twaddle
25 November 2022
After seeing and hearing all the buzz surrounding this new James Corden show I was intrigued into what he would take a role in as he is a phenomenal writer himself but has chosen some real lame ducks over the last few years.

The first episode has most of the highlights shown in the trailers which is always a bad sign also unless you are blind what is the surprise twist is clear as day from this episode but apart from a brief cameo from Sir Tom Jones and a mildly fun ending episode 1 is enough to put you off the rest of the series.

My wife encouraged me to persevere and to my surprise the next 2 episodes did get better but there was a weirded undercurrent coming to the fore.

This I'm afraid is the big problem with Mammals Over the next 3 episodes it shifts from what could be a great show with a decent cast but instead goes off on a tangent that is pretentious at best , just plain twaddle at worst .

Just because the show contains an edgy French central character doesn't mean you need to try to be part Avent-gard as it just comes across as plain dumb

A show with this cast should be a joy instead you're left trying to hold on to the funny moments (and there are a few) then just grit your teeth through the plain embarrassing scenes that make no sense.
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