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Just Ask My Children (2001)
This movie is a "must see" for anyone who has a child or children and/or works with children and/or families, etc.
I agree that 10 is not a high enough number to rate this movie. This movie was well written, produced, and all the actors and actresses did a wonderful job. I am a fan of Virginia Madsen. The sad part is that what happened to this family happens all the time to other families and you do not hear or read about it. As I children's rights advocate, I have seen what happened to this family happen time and again. While you are watching this movie or even after you have seen it you will ask yourself, "How can this happen in the US?" Of course, I have other personal opinions that I cannot post here. This movie is a "must see" for anyone who has a child or children and/or works with children and/or families, etc. I would highly recommend this movie to be shown in college Psychology classes, law schools, especially when you are studying Family Law/Domestc Law, Criminal Law, and for medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, etc.
A Step Toward Tomorrow (1996)
Does anyone know if this movie is based on a true story? I have seen it twice and it is inspirational. It is a great example that shows what a mother wouldn't do for their child. This also includes fathers who have to play dual roles as both father and mother. I thank you if you can find out the answer to my question. I have spinal conditions, endo (it won't allow me to spell out this disease), and chronic pain due from them. I run and CO-run support groups both Online and Offline for spinal conditions, endo, chronic pain, and also eating disorders. I am here for anyone who need support. Again, I thank you and I wish everyone well.