
21 Reviews
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The Nest (I) (2020)
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has moved to the bottom of my list as the most worthless. The entire plot could be summed up in about 10 minutes, but it drags on forever. I didn't make it, I had to start skipping because it was just too painful to watch. Poor plot, screenplay that spends an immense amount of time showing people walking. Walking where? To the next pointless scene apparently. No likable main characters. Thankfully there was no soundtrack to speak off, that probably would have been fun like a funeral. And that ending! Wow! Sitting at the breakfast table with no resolution whatsoever. I swear this was really a French film converted to British but without the obligatory soulful staring between the characters. Jude Law made a deuce with this one.
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More plot holes than the roads in Pennsylvania
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, I'm a big Adam Driver fan. Hard to imagine what he thought when he read the screenplay. So many plot holes! First, the premise: People on another planet, 65 million years ago, look just like Americans, on a planet identical to earth! And the same atmosphere. Same gravity. What are the chances?! And they speak English!! Here's another doozy - a T-Rex has me trapped in a cave. I know! Let's chip our way out the other side instead of waiting for the giant hungry reptile to go and eat any of the other bazillion big lizards running around the planet, apparently in that particular area! Uh oh, cave in. I guess I WILL go out the front door. And T-Rex conveniently flips the crashed rocket ship pointy side up, flamey side down, after it falls off a cliff. Thank God the rocket still works perfectly! And all 5 seconds before the meteorite that destroys the atmosphere! You get the picture . . .
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Dismiss naysayers - a gem
11 June 2023
I don't agree with the naysayers on this. This is a period correct movie about a gloomy subject during a gloomy time in Britain. Britain was not a happy time in 1947 having lost men, wealth, and stature, in a Eurasian world being dominated by the Soviet forces. The movie captures that feeling. As a true story it is that much more engaging. The acting is competent if not good with little overacting. The screenplay seems very good with an appropriate amount of intrigue. Not many goofs in the sets or sequences. The main character may have been on the "too-gloomy" side (he never smiles once) and it would have better to know the back story on him. But overall a very watchable film.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Good and bad
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The bad: typical plot - rogue agent discovers bad management and gets pursued. Unrealistic shoot 'em up scenes galore. Tiresome fight scenes where the protagonist fends off dozens if not hundreds of homicidal adversaries. Torture? Never necessary in a movie graphically. So the plot was bad. The good: slick dialogue, delivered by the superb Ryan Gosling. Gosling's screen presence is first rate and impressive. Ana De Armas delivers a great support performance and is of course beautiful. Billy Bob is great, naturally. So the dialogue of these three in the screen play carries the movie. Now the REALLY BAD: Chris Evans delivers a terrible performance. When are people gonna realize this guy cannot act. He brings the movie down to almost unwatchable.
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Sandman (2022–2025)
What happened after E6?
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series started well. It was fresh and creative. Then after E6 it went down hill. Very far. The writing went to crap. Fantasy became soap opera. Who has a plot line about a convention for serial killers, where they discuss the merits? Ocular mutilation? Child abuse?! Fantastic lead protagonist. But he gets relegated In the second half. Some of the other characters are ok. The portrayal of Lucifer, presumably a major character, makes no sense. There is some truly gory violence that is implied if not shown, yet Lucifer is a cream puff that doesn't provoke any dread or malice whatsoever. I'm hoping that season 2 returns back to the original formula. Get the writers back.
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Wind River (2017)
Well done all the way round
29 June 2022
Well written, well acted, great cinematography. Realistic. A little violent but I suppose it comes with the story. Renner does a great job. Not an uplifting story in any way.
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La Défense Lincoln (2022– )
Why the praise??
27 May 2022
This looks and feels like any of the NCIS/CSI mind-numbing shows on prime time. The characters are flat, the dialogue is inane and cutesy. Plot - meh. Most of the characters are miscast, and not likeable, except the lead. His charisma carries the show. Other than him, not much here. I can't see why people are raving about this.
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Not bad, EXCEPT . . .
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad 007 film, fairly typical although it had some plot holes, and not enough clever dialogue. The EXCEPT is YOU CAN'T KILL BOND. Only morons in the corporate movie business would come up with this, probably to transition to some "PC" version of 007. Franchise over. Goodbye Dr. No.
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First rate and accurate.
23 August 2021
Having been in Cambodia for some time and speaking with survivors of the KR, I can say this movie is highly accurate and realistic. Furthermore the cinematography and use of light is superb. Congrats to Angelina Jolie for this triumph.
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Take Shelter (2011)
Forget the naysayers
27 June 2021
People looking for action, violence, guns or sex have looked for the wrong movie. This movie delves into mental illness on a personal level. It is a superb psychological thriller. Forget the people with low ratings, this an excellent movie on all sides.
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Mystères à Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Classic even better the 2nd time
11 June 2021
Rewatching it for the first time since the original. Easy to forget how fresh, interesting and engaging it was. Knowing the ending is actually making it better. Concentrating on the vast array of colorful characters and comparing it to film noir is really a blast.
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Enragé (I) (2020)
Had potential
11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually started well and had potential. The early sense of anxiety and dread quickly deteriorated to gratuitous violence and unrealistic plot. Also, Crowe who usually does a competent if not stellar job, turned into a cartoonish character. His violent ending was silly. The strong violence was a real turnoff.
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Waterworld (1995)
In Retrospect . . .
30 April 2021
I saw this movie when it came out, about 10 years, and again now. I have always been a sci-fi fan. With the benefit of retrospect, this is a very good sci-fi movie. The sets are incredible, the cinematography is superb, the acting is good, witty dialogue, decent plot with some surprises, and importantly a vision of a post apocalyptic future that isn't ridiculous. It really holds up to today's insipid sci-fi movies. This is a very entertaining sci-fi romp.
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Le Mans (1971)
Not bad . . . For 1971
19 April 2021
By today's standards this is a poor film. Only the cars are the stars. But in 1971 there was no in-car filming or go-pro, etc. Also, international travel was not so common so at that time this would have been a great semi-documentary. But only for the cars and track. Forget the acting, dialogue and plot (almost none of each). Today this is just a bit of history from a glorious time in racing.
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Godless (2017)
First Rate
24 February 2021
Engaging plot, colorful characters galore, reasonably accurate sets, rich dialogue, superb acting. You really can't ask for more.
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Radioactive (2019)
14 February 2021
Short on science and facts, long on drama and overacting. Plus the obligatory PC crap that didn't add anything to the story, detracted from it rather.
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Great film, but . . .
1 November 2020
Many positives here - the acting is superb, especially Skarsgard, Pattinson and Holland. The sets are rich and the themes of religion, faith and prayer are impactful. However, the violence is excessive and the plot is so dark it makes one feel depressed. Loved the acting but had I known the plot and violence I would have passed.
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Where to start . . .
4 October 2020
Inane predictable plot, insipid and vapid dialogue, mediocre FX, characters with little depth except Morgan Freeman's (he had more character in a coma than all the others). Silly gun use. Gratuitous and pervasive violence. Don't waste a second on this.
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Anomalisa (2015)
Ridiculously stupid
21 September 2020
Critics call it a masterpiece. Typical snobbish BS. It's completely unsatisfying.
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1917 (2019)
Fantastic movie, won't win best picture
22 January 2020
Absolutely fantastic movie. Won't win best picture because Hollywood would never let a movie of this stunning achievement win because it doesn't promote their narrative.
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A most compelling piece of crap.
17 February 2019
Positively the worst movie in years. An abomination.
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