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Sous la Seine (2024)
un requin
8 July 2024
Pretty much a rip off of the movie Jaws which is a movie about a shark called jaws. The original movie was much better in my opinion. I think the shark was a much better actor in jaws, it was definitely more relatable and it had that cheeky little quality about it. This shark was too clinical and they never really delved into its back story. Also jaws was heaps bigger. The only thing this shark had going for it was that it was really good at jumping bout of the water and doing heaps of tricks and stuff. Also most of the people it killed were idiots anyway so you can't be too angry with it for that.
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Pugwall (1989–1991)
Top notch
3 June 2024
Try he best show going around in tv at the time but don't take my word for it. No I really mean it, don't take my word for it. Even though I gave it 10 stars I haven't really ever seen an entire episode. I don't really remember anything much about the show apart from the bloke who was the title character. I know he played the guitar and he was in a band called the orange organically and through the course of the show maybe a few funny or interesting things happened. I do remember the theme song was a little bit catchy but it may have been a little bit cheesy too. You're probably better off asking my brother I think he watched it more than me.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.8 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 8
Spoilers lol
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the final episode of the season and the one where it is revealed that the husband did it. Unless someone had already let the cat out of the bag and spoiled the ending for you, it would probably come as a complete surprise that the husband did it. Of course I already knew that the husband did it so I made a few comments throughout the season suggesting that the husband did it. My wife was like "how did you pick that, you must be clever" I then doubled down and suggested he would be acquitted in court much to the annoyance of the locals (season 2) Imagine her surprise when she watches season 3 and that women is raped by the taxi drivers son like I already predicted.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.6 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 6
Boat and hair
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Still a way to go until we find out that the husband did it. There are a few red herrings and stuff but there might be a few little things that suggest that it was the husband that did it. I'm not totally v surprised to be honest because the bloke is a bit of a weird maybe a bit of a pedo to be honest. But I suppose they just tried to make him look a little bit weird as they are building up to then grand finale. Then there were a few more twist to blame other people and stuff there was some old lady with a dog who was a bit weird and her son too. She was in thst show birds of a feather. Fun fact the dog didn't die.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.5 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5
Still going strong
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another great episode working away to the bit where we shockingly discover that it was the husband that did it. Since I was already aware that the husband did it and of course I don't want to spoil things for other people so I kept quiet. Instead I started a chat with my bank because they never paid me the cash back that they advertised on several purchases which I made over the last month. It was supposed to appear within 14 days however a month later they still hadn't paid me the cash back despite the fact that I made several qualifying purchases at each of the locations that were advertised.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.4 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 4
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode. This series is really starting to hit its straps. Unfortunately I was watching a bit from the Graeme Norton show which gave away the fact that the husband did it which kind of spoiled it a little bit for me. However I didn't know the how and the why so that would still be worth the watch anyway. Also I could make a few comment's pretending that I had an idea that the husband did it and when my wife finally finds out that it was the husband that did it she will go how did you know that?? You must have a very analytical mind to know that and then the will think that I am really smart and stuff.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.2 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A very solid follow up to the first episode where they still had no idea that her husband did it.they continued their investigation into the murder that occurred during the first episode or at least shortly before the first took place. In this episode they continued to investigate the murder that her hasbund did but subsequently got acquitted for in the second season. You will never know that the husband actually did it as the writers were so careful throughout the season to never give anything away to suggest that the husband actually did it making it a complete surprise when you find out that her husband did it.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.1 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what a wonderful start to a wonderful tv show. We watched this episode first rather than all of the other episodes as it seems to be the done thing these days. Then we decided to watch all the other episodes in order, which proved to be a pretty good idea because it probably makes a lot more sense that way. So I don't really want to give too much away but there was a beach and a murder and the murder may or may not have taken place on the beach. Along the way there were a few little twist and red herrings but I don't want to give too much away. Also there were some interactions between the various characters but I don't want to give too much away. Her husband did it.
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Broadchurch (2013–2017)
1 June 2024
I be just started binge watching this show as we've gone through all the other crappy shows that my wife suggested so I thought I would suggest this instead. Originally I thought it was something different because I saw a show with Olivia Coleman in it with a priest and a rabbi and some Muslim bloke so I assumed it was broadchurch because it had a church in the name. Turns out it was a completely different show which stands to reason because this is a gritty police drama about a murder and stuff whereas the other one seemed to be a comedy of sorts. Still I probably like this one better so I will give it a go.
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Gracepoint (2014)
1 June 2024
A remake of the English show broadchurch. But instead of being English it is America instead. Even the Scottish bloke ,who played dr who in the tv show dr who, actually had an American accent. I didn't actually watch the American one. I'm just relaying information from my wife who actually watched one or two episodes. Apart from the bloke who played dr who she didn't know anyone else. They even had the same names as the other show and if it wasn't the same names they were very similar and the story line was almost exactly the same as the English one. It even happened on a beach but in america not England.
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Broadchurch: Episode #1.3 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 3
20 May 2024
This was a good episode I reckon. We just finished a nice dinner with wine and stuff and the kids went to bed pretty easily so we had plenty of time to watch a bit of telly. When we we not to put it on for some reason the streaming service wasn't working and we didn't know if the telly was stuffed or if the internet was the problem. I turned the telly off and then on again and then I reset the router and everything seemed to be working ok so we finally got to watch it. When it came on it said episode 3 but I only remove watching one episode the night before. I must have been a bit drunk the night before.
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The Tattooist of Auschwitz: Episode #1.1 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good start
19 May 2024
We spend ages at work flicking through all the shows on the various streaming services that we have at work before finally settling on this one. No sooner had we settled on this one we had a call and had to go but when we came back we watched it again from the start. It was a pretty good start I reckon, we were going to watch the next episode at work but I had a few other things to do so I said to Mark that he could keep watching and I would probably start watching it from the start at home with my wife because I reckon that she would probably like this one too. Spoiler alert the bloke telling the story about his time in the concentration camp was one of the ones that actually survive the concentration camp.
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19 May 2024
There's a lot of decent tattoo shows going around at the moment but this one would have to be one of the best in my opinion. This one may not be as glitzy as Miami ink and LA ink. In this one the tattooist really can only do numbers and sometimes they're not that good as one time the 8 looked like a 3 whereas the other ones do flames and daggers and eagles and peoples faces etc and black ink co has a more we'll known and famous cast but the characters here are way more genuine and believable and the acting is way better than all the other ones. It's worth pointing out that this one has Charlie sheens neighbour in it. I had no idea she was from New Zealand.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
9 May 2024
We watched this on telly the other night. I think it was on Netflix or one of the other streaming ones that we have. It was pretty good with heap of action and car chases and a pretty good fight scene towards the end. There was also a really important message portrayed in the film about the patriarchy or maybe the matriarchy. Not sure which on was witch but it was definitely one of the archys. To be honest I got a bit side tracked and started looking at those videos on my phone where a massive pile driver slams down on a red hot bit of metal and they bash in into weird shapes using big metal tongs and stuff.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
2 May 2024
Wow!!!!! What an absolute cracker of a movie. It's great to see that people are moving away from all those arty farty high brow movies and back to a good old fashioned formula that works. Why waste all that time and effort on plots and story line and boring dialogue when all the fans want to see are car chases, punch ups, setting stuff on fire and blowing stuff up. Admittedly there was a little bit in the middle where there was a bit of talking and stuff but I missed that anyway as I'd had a few cocktails before the movie and had to go out for a wee. Fortunately I could still hear the movie and I didn't miss any of the good stuff. Only a few fart jokes or that gag where that bloke does a massive long wee could top this off.
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Poker Face (2022)
23 April 2024
I watched this at work, well at least the first bit. Actually I'm still wastching it as I write this review and I'm not entirely sure if I'll end up watching the whole show. I'm a little bit tired and feeling run down so I'll see. I did like the first bit thought, there was lots of witty banter and those cool retro bikes with the long seat and I loved the punch up followed by the bit when they all jumped off the cliff into the water. After that russel Crowe came on and started banging on about some boring stuff I think I'll just annoy mark for a little while and see if this movie gets any better.
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House boat
4 April 2024
Not a bad show to be honest. The episodes are pretty long so normally my wife falls asleep halfway through the episode so I either have to tell her what happened and what the interesting twist in the case was, or we rewind it to where she thought she fell asleep and we can watch it again. Even if we do that she normally falls asleep again anyway so I just tell her who the murderer was and why they did it and that way we can move on to the next episode. Often when she falls asleep her snoring is really load and I can hardly hear what is going on anyway so I just read the synopsis and tell her that happened.
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Equalizer 2 (2018)
3 December 2023
We watched this one at work because we saw the first one earlier and it was pretty good so we assumed this one would be good too. It took us ages to find it as the first one was streaming on Stan and this one was streaming on binge. Mark wasn't sure if this one had Denzel Washington in it or not so we checked and it turned out that he is in this one. I liked the bit at the start with the train and the bloke in a funny white hat. Then we stopped it to go back to the start so we could read the description of the movie which wasn't really that helpful nsw we decided to just watch the movie so we did.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Flower pits
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like the bit at the start where the girls were dancing in front of the boys and the girls had a tray with a glass on top and they were balancing it on there heads and they kept dancing while the boys drunk and laughed until one of the girls overbalanced and then the plate and the glass fell off of their head and everyone laughed. I then liked the next scene where they were driving in a car and then they were at home and the eggs started rattling as if there was an earth quake or something. Then the bloke drove off in his car and the bloke in the car next to him gave him the middle finger. Then I lost interest and looked at the cricket score.
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Midsommar (2019)
2 June 2023
Really great family rom com and easily the pick of the 7 or 8 movies of the same name, just as good as Midsommer murders and easily way better than a midsummer nights dream which I found extremely boring, it was mainly just talking and crap, there were a few decent sex scenes but the rest of it was too hard to follow. Anyway this movie was much better than that. There was something in it for the whole family whether it was the drug use or the extreme violence. My girls especially liked the bit where that bloke was burned alive in the barn. They couldn't wait to go to preschool the next day and tell their friends all about it.
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Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Better than the summit
24 May 2023
My wife was watching the summit on the telly and it was so bad that I winged and winged until she put this on instead. Really anything would have been better than that terrible show. I didn't really watch much of the show, I was to busy writing the previous review of the summit that I missed most of the first episode. It was funny when they made fun of the winging poms. There was a bit with the Nissan huts that was a bit interesting and there was a good bit with the football game. Probably a few good punch ups and stuff too. One of the ladies in the show had a really good set of jubblies as well.
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The Summit (I) (2023– )
Absolutely terrible and yes I really mean that.
24 May 2023
The summit is an absolute turd of a show. Normally I give everything 10 stars as a bit of an on going joke but this show is so bad that I am going to break this tradition and give it only one. I would give it a minus if I could. I'm not really sure how to fill 600 characters just saying how bad it is so I will say this. This show is so bad that it makes a lot of other really really terrible shows look good such as MAFS, big brother, all those stupid cooking shows and even the Block, which I really really hate. In fact I don't even hate Scott "Scotty" Cam anywhere near as much as I hate any of the narcissistic dicks on this show.
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Tipping Point: Text Santa Special (2015)
Season 6, Episode 10
Oh ben
17 February 2023
One of my favourite episodes this one. Ben Shepard was awesome as per usual. After a brief introduction of the four contestants we were straight into the action. The first stanza consisted of answering questions in order to gain a counter which would be put into the machine. This counter would then displace other coins and if they fell over the tipping point the contestant would add an amount to their score based on the number of counters that went over the tipping point the person with the lowest score at the end of the round was eliminated. Several other rounds were played with a slightly different format but the same principle culminating in a jackpot round where the winning contestant could win a substantial monetary prize. There were a few other twist and turns in the show but you'll have to watch for yourself.
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Insaisissables (I) (2013)
10 February 2023
I feel a bit silly because I reviewed now you see me 2 before I even reviewed now you see me one. I didn't really pay attention to the second one anyway but I think I came up with a pretty decent review but at least I was in the same room whilst it was on. The same can't be said for this movie. I was in the next room eithe doing the crossword or having lunch or maybe a cup of tea. I did notice that the movie had some really loud bits now and then although that doesn't necessarily mean it was a good movie. Jamey did say it was pretty good and it had some well known stars in it including people I know and others that I have never heard of before.
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Funny. I think
10 February 2023
I wasn't really planning on watching this but one of my workmates was watching it so I decided to sit there next to him and ask him heaps of stupid questions all throughout the movie just to annoy him. In the end I got bored with doing that and mark fell asleep anyway so I decided to do the cross word in the telegraph and maybe watch a bit of the cricket on the other telly in the next room. I think it looked a bit boring to be honest but it did seem to have some pretty good actors in it like that bloke on cheers and the other funny bloke. Also jamey saw the first one and said it was ok. If the first one is good then surely the sequel will be good too.
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