Anya Hindmarch, the label named after the British accessories designer, has been crafting luxury handbags for decades. The label offers a wide range of designer handbags, travel gear, accessories, and bespoke creations. The brand also added a sticker shop that allows people to customize their purchases.
Our Picks Treat Yourself!I purchased a D&G back sack for day trips while traveling. This site has so much high-end variety, it was difficult to only buy one item!
Quick shippingI hesitated buying from Italist for months because I was afraid of how long it would take to arrive. When I saw a deal on Tory Burch shoes that I couldn't ignore, I took a chance. I'm glad that I did! Shipping was the same as if not faster than when I order from a US store. My shoes were beautiful and I will order again.
So Very Happy!I received my beautiful shoes when promised. I appreciated the constant contact by Italist while the shoes were in transit. DHL even called me when they were ready to deliver and needed my signature! A nice touch.
I look forward to shopping with Italist again and again and again!
Givenchy pool slidesI love my slides. Fast delivery and reasonable prices. This is my second time buying & will be back again.