You're juggling multiple vendor requests for schedule changes. How do you decide which tasks to prioritize?
Drowning in decisions with multiple tasks at hand? Share your strategy for prioritizing when everything seems urgent.
You're juggling multiple vendor requests for schedule changes. How do you decide which tasks to prioritize?
Drowning in decisions with multiple tasks at hand? Share your strategy for prioritizing when everything seems urgent.
Stand back, take a wide angle look at the situation and ask yourself a very simple question. What’s going to stop us from opening the doors. That soon highlights priorities. Each contractor will make their own case for priority. I describe events like gearboxes, each cog has to turn to make them work. A contractor is cog, and most of the time only sees or cares about their own rotation. A good event manager sees the whole gearbox, and understands that they must all spin so beautifully and simultaneously to deliver the event.
Utilize uma matriz de priorização, como a Matriz GUT (Gravidade, Urgência e Tendência) ou a Matriz Eisenhower (Importante/Urgente). Essas ferramentas ajudam a categorizar tarefas com base na sua importância e urgência. Reavalie os objetivos principais do evento e alinhe as tarefas de acordo com esses objetivos. Isso ajuda a focar no que realmente importa para o sucesso do evento. Utilize ferramentas de gestão de projetos para monitorar prazos e alocar recursos de forma eficiente. Isso pode ajudar a identificar gargalos e otimizar o fluxo de trabalho.
My fixes for the situation is primarily based on time since rescheduling often is time-boxed and timing becomes the most important element to be considered. 1. Start with the task that involves dependency on multiple stakeholders (this was you’ll be able to work on other things while waiting for the stakeholders to revert) 2. Next up, should be priority based 3. If there are 5 tasks on you, finish and tick off the tasks that are the fastest to finish
When it comes to prioritizing, I find it easier to sort which task must be completed in a certain timeframe, with event planning just about everything can feel urgent. You will find that certain task do need to be completed right away and others you can chip away at. If it all possible, small steps can be completed and tracked, versus doing one thing and moving on.
I’ll start by making a list of everything that needs to be done and establish priorities. If all tasks are urgent, I’ll get the easiest ones done right away and start crossing them from the list. Small successes help keep the flow and motivation and reduce stress immensely. Then I would move to the next. If I have a team, I will surely delegate, divide and conquer.
When juggling multiple vendor requests for schedule changes, prioritization can be managed effectively by following steps like: Take into account the importance of the vendors involved and any existing agreements or commitments that might influence prioritization. Keep an open line of communication with vendors and steakholders to understand their needs and constraints. This can also help in negotiation timelines. Regularly review the prioritization as new requests come in or as circumstances change.Flexibility is key in managing schedule’s effectively.
1. Dringlichkeit, 2. Auswirkungen, 3. verfügbare Ressourcen, 4. Vertragsverpflichtungen, 5. Kundenpriorität, 6. Riskobewertung
Faça tudo o que for melhor para os participantes do evento. Sempre pense no conforto e nas entregas. No major lock estamos há 32 anos nessa receita.
La matrice d'Eisenhover est toujours l'un des outils les plus efficaces pour trier les tâches. Elle permet de reprendre les bases du urgent, prioritaire, à faire soi même ou non
Sempre faça uma lista do que NÃO FAZER. A ideia da lista de afazeres é muito interessante, mas quase nunca é eficaz quando você coloca muitas tarefas ao mesmo tempo. Então, se você tiver 10 tarefas pra executar, a lista do que NÃO FAZER começa da última até a terceira, de baixo pra cima. Exemplo: FAZER: - Tarefa 1 - Tarefa 2 - Tarefa 3 SE SOBRAR TEMPO: - Tarefa 4 - Tarefa 5 - Tarefa 6 - Tarefa 7 - Tarefa 8 - Tarefa 9 - Tarefa 10
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