Content analytics for your LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 5 months ago

Content analytics provide LinkedIn Page admins the opportunity to gauge trends in engagement among their followers by providing meaningful metrics for various components of their Page.

Important to know

Content analytics for boosted posts might be different from what is shown in Campaign Manager. Pages content analytics only includes boosted posts that appear in feed, while Campaign Manager also includes data from other ads and offsite views.

The following analytics are available for your Page posts:

  • Highlights - Shows the number of total likes, comments, and reposts for up to 365 days. It also indicates the percent of change from the previous time period, up to 365 days

  • Metrics - Shows key metrics for your organic and sponsored posts over time and can be filtered by time ranges. These metrics can be viewed in aggregate or non-aggregate form. It might take 48 hours for metrics to be reflected, except for reactions and comments which reflect in real time.

    Important to know

    Keep in mind, demographic data will be displayed as a percentage of the total number of unique visitors who view a Page article or video post.

    The following metrics are available:

    • Impressions - Shows the number of times each post is visible for at least 300 milliseconds with at least 50 percent of the post in view on a signed in member’s device screen or browser window. The total number of impressions will be displayed under the demographic data once a minimum number of unique visitors views a post.
    • Unique impressions - Shows the number of times your posts were shown to unique signed in members.
    • Clicks - Shows the number of unique clicks on your content, company name, or logo by a unique signed in member. This doesn't include interactions, such as reposts, reactions, and comments. If a member clicks on a document multiple times it will count as one click.
    • Reactions, Comments, and Reposts - Shows the number of reactions, comments, and times your content was shared by members, including Direct Sponsored Content and video posts.
    • Engagement rate - Shows the number of interactions plus the number of clicks and followers acquired, divided by the number of impressions.
  • Content engagement - Shows engagement details by individual post and can be filtered by time ranges. The following metrics are available:

    • Post title - Shows the first few words of your post if it included text. If only an image was posted, you’ll see the image's alt text or file type. All titles are hyperlinked to the post.
    • Audience - Shows whether the post was sent to all followers or a targeted audience, as well as if employees were notified.
    • Boost available - Shows eligible posts that you can boost. You’ll see Boost unavailable next to posts that are ineligible.
    • Posted by - Shows the name of the Page admin who posted the content.
    • Created - Shows the date each post was posted.
    • Impressions - Shows the number of times each post is visible for at least 300 milliseconds with at least 50 percent in view on a signed in member’s device screen or browser window.
    • Views - Shows the number of times your video post was viewed for three seconds or more or when your article was completely loaded. The total number of views will be displayed under the demographic data once a minimum number of unique visitors views a post. Views won’t be shown for a member whose associated company has less than 10 employees or if the views from a company are greater than 10 percent of the company’s size.
    • Video performance tab - Gives Page admins access to video analytics (last seven days or weekly) in the Video Analytics window. Video performance includes three different areas:
      • Lifetime watch minutes - Shows the total minutes the video has been watched (sponsored and organic distribution), including views less than three seconds. 
      • Total lifetime views - Shows the number of times the video was watched (sponsored and organic distribution) for more than three seconds. 
      • Unique lifetime views - Shows the number of unique people who watched (sponsored and organic distribution) this video for more than three seconds. 
    • Audience tab - Gives Page admins access to insights about where their viewers work, what titles they occupy, and their geographical location in the Video Analytics window.
    • Clicks - Shows the number of unique clicks on your content, company name, or logo by a unique signed in member. This doesn't include interactions, such as reposts, reactions, and comments. If a member clicks on a document multiple times it will count as one click.
    • CTR - Shows the number of clicks your post received divided by the number of impressions your post received.
    • Reactions - Shows the number of times members have applied a Like, Celebrate, Love, Insightful, or Curious in response to your post.
    • Comments - Shows the number of comments made on your post.
    • Reposts - Shows the number of times your post has been shared.
    • Boosted leads
      • Leads – Shows the number of people who have shown interest in your campaign and filled out a lead gen form. This number will vary based on your target audience, schedule, budget, and more.
      • Cost per lead – Shows the estimated amount you’ll spend per lead for your campaign. This number will vary based on your target audience, schedule, budget, and more. 
      • Contact form completion rate - The rate at which members of your targeted audience have clicked into and submitted your lead gen form. 
    • Follows - Shows the number of follow clicks on your Sponsored Content.
    • Engagement rate - Shows the number of interactions plus the number of clicks and followers acquired, divided by the number of impressions.
    • Engagements - The total number of interactions on your posts, which includes clicks, reactions, comments, and reposts. 
    • Cost per sponsored engagement - The average cost per sponsored engagement. This metric is only available for certain posts and might not be available to you at this time. 
    • eCPM (effective cost per mille) - The average cost per 1,000 impressions. This metric is only available for certain posts and might not be available to you at this time.  

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